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OUR SOCIAL AND . PERSONAL DEPARTMENT P The Press will be thankful for items for this department, either jg by telephone, mai) r in person. ' Telephone No. 2i. Mimmmma-mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Additional Local L C Long was in town Sunday night. Rev Rose will' be at Elizabeth Church Sunday to a series of meetings Messrs Turner and Davis of the Western Union were the guests of Misses Josephine Sexton and Miss Edna Morris Saturday evening. Attorney and Mrs T A Morris, Mrs S II Jestes, Miss Edna Morris and Ray Schubert motored to Sun bright Wednesday. There will he a Pie Supper at the Presbyterian Church, given by the ladies of the church next Saturday night. Nov 4. The Republican voters of Deer Lodge will be addressed Saturday evening Nov 4th by Hon S H Jes tes The meeting is called for 7 o'clock. Come out and hear the issues ably discussed. : There will be a? Teachers' Meet ing at Coalfield Nov 11 for all teachers of Morgan County, and es pecially the teachers of the first school district, State Supt. S W Sherrell, Rural School. Agt J B Brown. Pres S Gilbreath, Miss Geneva Conwayr Mrs Lena Warner ami ot hers are expected to be present Teachers should not miss this meet ing, J N Johnson, Supt, We regret to have to announce' that about three o'clock Tuesday afternoon the house of Mr Pointer Barger, who lives on the Wortburg and Petros road about nine miles from Wartburg was totally de stroyed by fire together with the contents. The fire was first "discov ered in the north-west corner of the building is thought to have caught from "the stove, and as a wind was blowing at the time the flames 'spread rapidly and in less than half an the building with its coutent was totally destroyed. Mr Barger Is a poor man and has a large family who are turned out of home with only the clothes they had on. He and his family need help and the Press hopes the peo ple of this section willome for ward and help them in their dire need, The Hallowe'en Party given by the Harmony Club was very pretty. The Hotel Zumstein was turned into a bower of "autumn leaves where "spooks" and "goblins" held sway. Each room was dimly ligh ted with jack- o-lanterns. The guests were met at the gate and escorted to the house by ghosts where all was in "creepy Btillness." A ghost presided over the fortune pumpkin where each guest learned his future fate. The usual Hallo we'en games furnished amusement. At a late hour a salad course was served in the dining room which wai beautifully decorated with au tumn leaves and white chrysantbe meums. Each table had a center piece of leaves, jack-o-lantern and "black cats." There were thirty eix 'guesta present. Those from o n of town were Messrs Quinn, Al d.ich and Williams of Lancing aiid Zumstein and Short of Catoosa, 1 NEWS FROM SUNBRIGHT Wm Bullard was in Oakdale Sat urday night. Inman Terry was at Oneida last week on business. m Dr S II Jones is putting a car of guano and lime on his farm. C if Babcock motored to Wart burg on business last Tuesday. WM Neil was at Wartburg and Lancing Saturday on business. Shade Baity of Banner Springs, was the guest of Dr Jones Friday night. Miss Myrtle Lankford attended the S. S. Convention at Shadeland, Sunday. Mrs Ruth E Sparkman and Mrs Mary H Neil motored to Deer Lodge Monday. Mr and Mrs Cullen S ummer have moved into their new residence on Bullard avenue. MrarA E Dunning returned home with Mrs Schick' to Burrville to spend a few days. Quarterly meeting was held at tho M E Church, Sunday by Dist Supt M B Martin. AP(Plumer) Brown is taking advantage of his vacation to improve his beautiful home, Mrs Bessie Arnold of Spring City, visited her mother, Mrs I J Neil here on Sunday. Mrs I J Neil was at Oakdale Sun day night visiting her daughters, Mrs Dolph Brown and Mrs Pat Mo Ketchan. ; Wm Bullard nd C B Babcock aud family and G W Babcock mo tored to Petros Sunday and visited the prison. O G Williams of Catoosa has moved Jlhis family to this place and occupies the residence recently vacated by Inman Terry. H K Jones has bought the Phil ips' interest in the drilling machine and reports that they have eightet-n wells under contract to drill this winter. - Mrs H 0 Boukard, who has been spending the summer with her par ents at Deer Lodge, departed for her home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sunday. Mrs Wm E Ellinghausen was a week end guest at the homes of Mi and Mrs August Miller and Dr and Mrs SH Jones. She departed for her home in Chicago Saturday. S II Jones arid G W Babcock at tended the the stockholder's meet ing of the Morgan County Fair As sociation. They reported that M Dor6ihied was again elected presi dent, and G W Babcock vice presi dent, T Weidemann treasurer and A C Lavender secretary with T F Hay worth asst secretary. From Deer Lodge City S T Kirabell left for Chattanooga Thursday returning Friday. Register W B Crenshaw an1 (iran Davis were Deer Lodge visi tors Saturday. Mrs Lyman, the evangel iat,-who has baen spending . some time here, left for Atlanta Ga., Sunduy. Mrs Harry Bogardt and two chil dren left Sundav to join her hun band, who is in business in Cedar Rapids. Ia. John Overstreet has moved W family over on the; Ten r:C8.-oe Cen tral Ry, wbero. he reports work brisk, with $2.50 a day wages. Tho driver of tho mail car of V MGoad lost control of the machin. on the pike near Deer Lodge, ami veered off into the woods. Nooi seriously hurt except the purse Mr Goad, to the tune of $50 for rr pairs Mr Alfred Torrenoe, a prominc i stockman of Kansas city, Mo., an Mr John McSpadden, a banker of Jefferson City were hero lad week inspecting large tracts o( land with S T Kimbell with an idea of purchasing. ... k si Just From Rose Jas Pitman or Rugby, was here last Friday and Saturday. Clyde You tig of Oneida is visit ing relatives here this week. D C Young was visiting his broth er. L S Young, at Rugby last Sun day. Mr Will Woodman of Sunbright, was a business visitor here last Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Oxier of Nydeck, was calling at the home of Mr. Bee Tuesday. . Mr II S Young and family were visiting friends near Rugby Satur day and Sunday- Mrs Ezra Stonecipher of Illinois, and her son, Thomas, were visiting friends and relatives here last week. Most -everybody attended the District S. S. Convention at Shade- laud last Sunday. They report a good convention. Dr S H Jones of Sunbright, mo tored over to D C Young's last Thursday to see Miss Minnie Young who was quite sick. Mrs Edna Alexander, who . has been visiting her parents for the past two or three months, has re turnefto" her home at WilmOro, Ky. Rev J M Newport of Robbins, preached an interesting sermon here last Wednesday night. He is in tending to begin a two weeks meet ing Nov. 6. H L STAHE Administrator of the Estate" of Hugh Adams, Deceased, vs The Unknown heirs of Hugh Adams et als In the County Court of Morgan County, Tenness ' In this cause it duly appearing from the bill which' is sworn-to the heirs of Hugh Adams, deceased, or persons en titled to inherit his estate their names, ages or residence can. not be ascertain ed ofter due and dilligent inquiry, but allege to be non-residents of the State of Tennessee, and and are to the com plainant unknown And said heirs of the estate of said Hugh Adams, deceased, and all Jother persons in any way interested in his es state,vare hereby required to personally appear before the County Court of Mor gan County at Wartburg, Tennessee, on or before the first Monday in De cember. 1916, then and their to make fence to the bill of complaint filed aggainst them in this cause, otherwise the allegations of said bill will be taken a j confessed, and ta cause set for hearing ex parte. Witness my hand at office in Wart- fa :rg, Tennessee, this the .first day of November, 1916 S H JESTES, 16-4f Clerk D. L.QUINN Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber of ail Kinds LANCING, TENN. , t 1 M H To quit tnrf!0 onii t'Mi iiever. be inaf nolle, (till of life, neivo ftml te'-'i'. take No-To Duo, t'io won lcr wur-Unr, .tlmt malic wonk men nroii All l.(iiflbts,;.0oorll.' Curujiuaittn.. toed HooU'iut unilj sumpJp frco. AOilress RtHHlnc Uciic 'c.. -CM "r." r S'ewYe-V. (fiin (sir) IcCALL PATTERNS Cciehrntcd lot stylo, perfect fit, simplicity nn reliability nearly 40 y-. 'n':ca:'? every citynnd town in t..o Un'U-d suites iii.d Caniidii, or by mail direct. More tO'd th::it any othvr limhc, Send (or.frcc c.-.t;ilogi:c.- McCAlt'S MAGAZINE . ' t - , . . More subscrilu-ra -than nny other (ashiori? macaeinc million ft inrntli. InvuluabUy Lat est Stylos, patUrns, cinsfcinalinsr, imllmrn-, nlain scwinfr, fancy nccdlewoil, lialrdiessir;:-, itiquctte, Rood Horks, etc. On r E0 cents n year (worth d.Mtbk), includifpr a Ireo pattern. Bnbacribo today,- or eend for eamplo copy. WO3ERFUt IKBUCEMENTS toA- cnt5. I'om iI bvi-ari pn..,,iuin catalogue 4 and liew cash prize ofc- s. .Address the mccazi cx, f.3 to th v. r-i c:., nrw Ycsnr fM voiin HUNTING TRBP Be sura to b properly nuiritwl obtain the STEV ENS sail you CANNOT CO wkosG. W e make RIFLES . . , from $3.25 to $10.00 PISTOLS . . . from 2.60 to 60.00 SHOTGUNS . . from 7.60 to 85.00 Ask your l5alersnd Insist I Semt for no-paCT H'.us pn pur pnpular make. If tr.ncJ tatn'.off. If Inter. you cannot oi tai, w e sni) prtiaid, upon receipt of catalog pace. cstcd in SHOOTIKO. you httoBave It. miiieui foi'four cent, in stamp, to cever posuge. Our attractive three.color Aluminum Haneerwill bo sent anywhere for lo cenu ia stampi. J. STEVENS ASMS AND TOOL CO., '. P. O. D0X4096 Chioopee Falls, Maas., U. S. A. BENJ. BRASEL, Wartburg, Tenn ' FRED A. BRASEL Rock wood, Tenn.' . BRASEL & SON DEALERS IN v; General Merchandise. WARTBURG. TENN. ' All Kinds of Prodtice at Market Prices. v ; The Lowest Price Store in Town GIVE US A CALL. -'.'-V.- PETROS, TENN. toi oMtY .sen raiin fkmm ki wm WE ALSO CARRY A FINE LINE OF NOTIONS TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ;GIVE ME f 6fLL- ft As-i 1 - Mm S Dealer in General Merchandise COUNTRY PRODUCE, METALS, silEET MOSis, ROOTS AND HERBS UNDERTAKER AVe carry a Large Line Undertaker and Funeral Supplies. PETROS, TENN. MMK SQEOMET Dealer in Gneral Merchandise We are the oldest business establishment iu Pt-tros You know me and know that I will give give you the host of prices and goods. Also an automobile Vo any place jva want to go reasonable