Newspaper Page Text
SOCIETY NOTICES MASONIC. EMERALD LODGE No. 377 Meets on or before oach full moon. .. . S. Morgan, W. M. L. Residen, Secy. ' I. O. t. P. MOUNT TABOR LODGE No isi. Meets inll of 0. F. hall Svery First aud Third Saturday? SKCONb DlSTHK !T 1KTK0S Officer. John Beene, Petros. Judge. Jame.8 Langley, Clerk. . John Trail, Andy Joyner,' Charley Williams, Zack Duncan,' lie mouth E, K. rodsonrN. G. L. 11. Scott, Secy JR, 0. U. A. 51. v WXBTBUKO COUNCIL No 15 meets every two weeks on Saturday visiting ororner Invited Chas Thornton, Council H F Iioyd, pj S COUNTY OFFICIALS W. Z. Stricklin, County Judge. H. C. Byrd, Sheriff. G UIHrward Trustee. S. H. Jestes, County Court Clerk. Clwis W. Summer, Circuit Court Clerk R. A. Davis, Clerk and Master. W; B. Crenshaw, Register W H. Jackson, Tax Assessor. W. D. Jones, Coroner. N. B. Melton, County Surveyor. J. N. Johnson County Superintendent. COURT CALANDER Chancery Court Convenes on the Third Monday in May and No vember. A. H. Roberts, Chancellor. R. A. Davis, Clerk add Master. Criminal and Law Court Convenes on Second Monday in April, August and December. Xen Hicks, Judge, W. H. Buttran, Attorney Gen. C W Summers, Clerk. SECOND DISTRICT KELLY'S Officer. Sam Kelley, Wartburg, R. 1 Judge. ., Clerk. N M Fairchilds John Basler, J H Joyner, Chas Joyner v James Barger NINTH Officer. Judge. DISTRICT MHLUOSK R H Maden, Lancing, R 2. CIIANCKKY SALK OF LAND' Clerk. James Hamby, Chas McCartt, Mart Stewart, Elmer Carroll, James Diden, ' -PINE THIRD DISTRICT ORCHARD C C Blake, R'ockwood, R 3, C C Todd, Oakdale. Ed Miles, ' x J W CollettRockwood, R. J W Kittrell, " . C H Powell, Oakdale, R. Officer, Judge. Clerk TENTH DISTRICT OAKDALE Officer. WW Duncan; Oakdale. Tom Love, Harriman, R 4. R A Cross, Harriman, R 4. John Taylor, Oakdale. H 0 Ramey, Oakdale. Walter Langley, Oakdale. Judge. Clerk. ELEVENTH DISTRICT LANCING? THIRD Officer. Judge. Clerk. DISTRICT CATOOSA C A Zumstein, Catoosa. Levi Summer, j" N P Hamby, Rockwood, R W A Summer, Catoosa.; J D Brown, u" CT Alley, " Quarterly County Court Convenes thelFirst Monday in Janurry, April, July and October, with the following Justices of the Peace : 1st Dis. P. H. Adcock and J. B. Webster 2nd ' ' A. Joyner, N. L. Duncan, D. A. Tay lor 3rd '" G. W. Bingham, John Powell. 4th " Jno A. Jones, P.W. Huldcr, Bruno HPlihhort. 5th JUst. W. M. Bnllard, A. S. Griffith. 6th " h. H. Pitman, H. A. Lewullen. 7tfi " M. M. Grad, i. M. Adkins. 8th. " A. M. Bislipp-, Hous Lee. 9th " Alex Hamby, R. H. Maden. 10th, " J. M. Langley. R. A. Cross, W.S. Uampbell. Uth Dist. D. V. C. Hickman, Robt Lyons. 12t'i ' Chas Pearson, J. 1. Young. W. Z. Stricklin, Judge S.'lf. Jestes, Clerk. Election Notice. By virtue of the power and authority vested in us as Election Commissioners for Morgan County,, Tennessee. An election is hereby called, to be opened and held at the various voting precincts of Morgan'.County, Tennessee on Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1916, it being the 7th day of November, for the purpose of voting for twelve Electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, One Senator for the State of Tennessee, One Representative in Congress for the Fourth Congressional District of Tenn essee, For Governor of the State of Tennessee, one member of the Railroad Commission for the State of Tennessee, One State Senator for the Third Sena torial District of Tennessee, and one Joint Representative for the Seventh Floterial District of Tennessee, com posed of the Counties of Anderson and Morgan - The Polls will open at 9:00 a. m. and close at 4:00 p. m., aud we hereby ap point the following Officers, Judges and Clerks to held said election at the various precincts of the County as follows, FIRST DISTRICT MIDDLE CREEK Officer. . Sam Walls, Oliver Springs. J uilge.. Clerk. Alex Jackson, J. H. Simpson, John Huphes, Alex Full, Wm. Stonecipher FHNT DISTRICT C OAT.FILD j THIRD DISTRICT CRAB ORCHARD Officer. G W Alley, Oakdale. Judge. Wm Voyles, " " F M Brown, " " Albert Chapman, Clerk. "S J Carpenter, JMGoldston,; it FOURTH DISTRCT WARTBURG B F Woolum, Wartburg. T A Morris, Wartburg. George Heidel, Wartburg. James Stephens, Wartburg J B Powell, Wartburg. . R D Scott, Wartburg. - Officer. Judge. Clerk FIFTH DISTRCT SUN-BRIGHT Officer. - Judge. a Clerk. Rufus Jones, Sunbright. William Bullard, Sunbright. F D Hull, Skates. James Sexton, Sunbright. John R Davis, Sunbright. W W Walker, Sunbright. SIXTH DISTRICT-VILLE -BURR- Officer. Judge. a a Clerk. John Owen, Burrville. H A Lewallen, Burville. T C Galloway, Burrville. Clark Cromwell, Burrville. W O Peters, Burrville. George Schick, Burrville. SIHTH DISTRICT GLADES A J Lank ford, Glades. Officer. Judge. it-Clerk. Wm Henry Stowers. H H Pitman, Glades. Tom Innis, Glades. Sam Dixon, Glades. James Cromwell, Glades. SEVENTH DISTRICT BUCK-LICK Officer. Judge. Clerk. Munroe Branstrutter Deer Lodge. E M Bledsee, Deer Lodge. T S Adkins, Deer Lodge. A M Branstrutter, Deer Lodge. J M Adkins, Deer Lodge. John W Jones, Deer Lodge. SEVENTH DISTRICT DEER LODGE John Ward, Deer Lodge. A C Lavender, Deer Lodge. J T Adams, Deer Lodge. M Derscheid, Deer Lodge. "E M Adkins, Deer Lodge. M M Goad, Deer Lodge. Officer. Judge. Clerk. James Cromwell, Lancing. Alfred Carter, Lancing. A D Williams, Lancing. John Toney, Lancjng. W H Jones, Lancing. Charles Gun ter, Lancing. Officer. Judge. t Clerk. cer. Ci Henry Pai. CoaInVii. W. II. Jak., P. H. Adv.-vk, C. J. But'cr, J. P. Wd.-Ur, " EIGHTH DISTRICT FRANK FORT Officer. A M Bi-hop, Laneir.g. Judge. Huso Potter. Lar-cirp. " Jc, Lancirjr. ' James H-iwn, Lir.c'ng. Clerk. W.'Hc Fiaho;., I f. " Chss S Davi., l a:Ki.-. ELEVENTH DISTRICT ANNADEL Officer. Judge, it i Clerk. W J Dawn, Annadel. W C Daniel, Annadel. H T Jack, Lancing. A JjMcCoy, Lancing, R. 2. John Lynch, Annadel. Chas Clark, Annadel. TWELFTH DISTRICT-RUGBY Officer. Judge. Clerk. W W Mathews, Glen Mary. Chas Pearson, Rugby. . N II Kellogg, Rugby. M F Albertson, Rose. Will Walton, Rugby. J D Young Rose. - This October, 16 1916. CHARLES II. DAVIS, Chairman. C. A. QUINN, - Secretary. I. J. ITUMAN Election Com'rs for Morgan County TO CONSUM PTI VES And All Afflicted With Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Grippe or any Lung or Throat trouble. 7 After sufFerini! for years with a sever throat trouble which ran into Consumption, Rev. E. A. Wilson was cured by following plain rules of health and using Dr. Churchill's prescription. Wishing to help all sufferers he wrote, for free distribu tion, a f uil description of his trouble and the simple means he used to cure himself. WILSON'S. REMEDY .( Dr. Churchill's bres- crifilion ) has been doing its wonderful good work for over 40 years. It has been tried and proven, and is a household remedy in many, many homes to which it has brought health and happiness. If vou are suffering from any Lund or Throat trouble whatever, do not fail to give this invaluable remedy a trial, bend tor Mr. Wilson a history of his own remarkable case which will be sent FREE, together with a $1.00 package of the remedy, to all who write (or it. Aadresa: Wilson Kemcdy Co., Wcstwood, N.J., U.S.A. In obedience to u doeroo of the Chancery Court at W'sirtbiirpr.niacli' in the case of Mrs P 0 Bnb'eock, Vs. M II "Monroe et ux, I will on Wednesday, Nov 15, ipi6, nt noon in front of the Court house door in Wartburg, sell to the highest and bust bidder, the . following describ ed tract of Limit to-wit: "Keginning at a double Sptinish oak, N. W. Cor of Peters and Hu man one thousand acre tract; thence S. on said lino 47 poles to a gum in a drain,' the N. K. cor- ner or tli6 ivi. .uavinson v acre tract, which now belongs to Wm. Wood: thence with" rhis "line 70 deg. 125 poles to n double whit oiik, N. W. corner of said 50 acn tract; thonce N. 130 deg. VV. SO poles to a stake, hnd on the S. i .entry No. 19 belonging to Georp IJabeock ;-. thence 15. on said Jli 22 poles-and 10 links to Spanish ) ik and post oak b. Li. corner oi . -. -t . I -KT entry xno. iy; tnence xs. r nu lling on said line and-passing the N. E. corner of said entry No. 19 to the Jamestown road 220. poles to m iron stake driven in the ground ; hence 7 deg. 12 min S. 1924 poles to thebeginning, axcluding about I .V acres adversely held by M. Da- K'-idson, and 5 acres to J. S. Grreer, find one acre to the Board of rru's tecs of Mt. Vernon Church,, con raining about acres. Said decree appointed Commis- soners to go upon said land above (escribed and set apart a home stead of the value of $1,000.00, and after this was done, said do ree instructed me to s-.ll that por tion of the land Jelt, arter tne homestead was set apart, but it ap pearing from the report of said Commissioners, that the whola ot aid-tract of land was set apart by them as a homestead, I will firt sell the whole of said land subject to the homestead rights of defendants,;md if it fails to bring enough to pay the. costs, attorney fees and various judg ments I will then offer and sell all of the above' described land free from the homestead rights of de defendants. Said sale will be for cash in hand. : LEGAL JNOilCE. : NON-RESIDENCE NOTICE' JAMES ADA'! J ) . ' V8 " - " 'No. 1533. EMILY AD . VIS. ) . . In the Chancery Court at Wartburg: In this cause it appearing, from .the Sheriff's return that EmilyAdams the defendant, is a non-resident of the State, she ia therefore hereby, required to ap pear on or before the 2nd Monday in November, 1916, before the Clerk and Master of said Cdurt, and make defence to the bill filed against her in said Court, by James Adams, or otherwise the bill will bo taken for confessed. It is further ordered that this notice be publiched four consecutive weeks in the Morgan County Press, Dated October 12, 1916. It. A. DAVIS, 1 l-4t . i ' Clerk and Master YOUR ysgse HUfTIG TRIP Be suf to b properly enulpped obtain the STEV ENS and you cannot ho wrong, W uiaka ETFLES . . from $2.25 to $150.00 PISTOLS . . . from 2.50 to 60.00 SHOTGUNS. . from 7.60 to S5.00 Ask your dealer nnl insist on our popular make. 1 n (rated caCt . I f Inters vou cannot obtain, v e shio direct, carriage charges prepaid upon receipt of caiajo; price, Send for wo-papc II Ins erted in Shooting, you oufiitto h?.ve It, Ma:lsd for four cents in stamps to cover postage. Our attractive three-color Aluminum Hanger will be sent a nv where for xo cents In stamps. J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO., P. O. Eox 4096 Chlcopee Falls, Maso., U. S. A.' vmm wmiinnn iiiiniliin 1 iiimb This October 11. 1916. E. A. DAVIS 13-4 . Clerk and Master . Get The Morgan County. Press, $1.00 a year, your family needs it. If you are in need oL stationery send your order to the Morgan County Press and get the best. If you have anyting to sell ad vertise it in the Morgan County Press and you will get quick re turns. M-CALL'S MAGAZINE LadilSs! ave Roney and Keep in - : Style by Reading McCafl's Magazine and Using McCall Patterns McCall'e Magsiinswlll help you dress styl . Ishly at a woderatB expenso by keeping yoif posted on ilia latest fashions in dollies aud bats. 50 Js'owEasblon Pestens in each issue. Also valuable) information on all home and per sonal matters. Only 60c a year, including a free pattern. Sub scribe today or send for free sample copy. ftleCall Pattern will enable you to make in your own homo, with yourown hands, clothing for yourself and children which will be perfect in stylo and (It. Price none higher than 15 cents. Scud for free Tatteru Catalogue. Wo Will Give You Fine Presents for getting sub scriptions among your friends. Send for free Premium Catalogue and Cash Prize Ofl'er. THE McCAU. COMPANY, 239 to 249 Wesl 37li St.. NEW YORK mtamkatt m com a tew V i 5J Guaran'iecd um'.er tie Food and Vrxigs act ct June Kill, 10 JS. Herial Ko. r03, by XfE. Bucklen & Co. IfHlS AtCOKOL ITER CENT. iuinius rupirttD ciiLoaoronn us tlio onset. aOOTH(SMUC iWktOUKtt. CHICAGO. ILL. i Co- &LCvt DEFENDERS OF OUR COUmR I jm soldier V s. JQl I QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS 1 1UST AS QUICK TO ' TO' - . REPEL ATTACKS 'OF fPfw COUGHSandCOLDS M UilA Ft it v 11 inis u tM til u v -., i fiij II And all Diseases of THROAT AND -LUNGS x QUICKEST AND SUREST WHOOPING COUCBH AND A M I! I A I E5Cn Vtt. W II V Bl I Sa Ufa. hm . Price 50c and $1.00 iSS2SKS2sSS2SSE5SISaa SOLO AND GUARANTEED BY MORGAN COUNTY PRES - $L00 a Year in Advance f