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The Morgan I Published Every Thursday Evening at Wartburg Tennessee J AS. CHATRRtON, A Republican Paper Devoted to the In- terest af Morgan County. 2 Entered at Wartburg August 3. 1916, of congress ot Marcn 3, 1079 I Letters To Santa Dear Sauta: I'm alitte girl, just nine years old. I attend the Wartburg High School, Mias Ramsey is my teacher. I want a big doll, a nice sewing set, and some apples, oranges, candy and nnts for Christmas. I want you to bring my teacher lots ot nice things; and don't forget to visit my Sunday School teacher, Mrs Strick- lin. Of course you wont' forget my pappa and mama. m Mary Emily Ott, Wartbdrg. Tenn. Dear Santa. Will you please bring me a great big doll and two little baby dolls, a cariage for my dolls and you can bring me lots of candy, oranges and apples and lots of bananas fori do love them so. Don't forget, Mr Santa, to bring lots of play things to my little baby sister. Cecil Ray, and please dont forget brother Benton, he wants lots of things lots more than I do cause he's a boy. Please don't forget Miss Newberry, my teacher, and please remember my papa and mama for they are good to me. Agnes Crenshaw, Wartburg, Tenn Dear Santa: I want a big doll and a doll bed, and a story book of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, and a book that has the story of the three bears, and candy, or anges and nuts. Good bye Santa. Anna Mae Love, Wartburg, Tenn Dear Santa: I am T years old and go to school ev ery day. I am in the first grade. I want you to bring me a doll buggy and brown set of dishes. Some furniture for my two big dolls. Your little girl. Rema Schubert, Wartburg Tenn Dear Santa: Please bring me a doll and some can dy, apples and oranges, and I bope you will bring me a bow of blue ribbon v Roxie Bicknell, Stowers, Tenn Dear Santa: Pleace bring me a drawing book and a doll with a white dress on From EvaLevan, Wartburg, Tenn Dear Santa Claua. Will you please bring me a doll and lots of pretty dresses for it, a story book, pair of skates and box of candy, some apples and a new dress for my self. I am a good girl Geneva Byrd, Wartburg, lenn Tfca letter I) laaieate ceaier af irea preeuctiea; the circlet hew cMraiv ereaoctiea; C laaicates caster af eaka are auttlea.. 3 Salt aaa caaatic aaaa. T Phaapaata rack:. Oaaerva t vast qmHi af aaaapbata rack ia Taaaaaaaa, ikrvi k tka aaaaa Uaa aa aaa aaara. Military Unpreparedness The Wax Collar ha Axed the mili tary safety line far the Unite States aa anew by the nap. sayla. -Aa a rral military principle, supply depot, arsenal or manu facturlnc plant of any considerable lie supported by war department appropriations fer military purposes, should be established or maintained east of the Appalachian mountains, west of the Cascade or Sierra Nevada mountains, nor within 200 miles of our Canadian or Mexican borders, and steps should he taken gradually to do away with any depots and manufac turing plants already established In Violation of this military principle." It ta a startnsv fact that practically County Press it EDITOR AND MANAGKR. Subscription Rates $1.00 per year, 60c & for Six Months In advano. as second class matter under the act My Dear Santa. Will You please bring me a doll and and some oranges1 and nuts. I would also like to have some apples and candy and some toys. Be sure send them as pappa says he is to hard run to get me anything, so if you fail me I will not get anything. Your little girl. Rub y Ott, Wartburg Tenn Dear Mr Sauta Claus Please bring me a pink Scarf, one orange an apple and some nuts and candy. Yours truly, Bessie Bicknell, Stowers, Tenn Dear Santa Please bring me a doll and seme dres ses for it, some candy, apples, and a story book, an orange and lots of every good thing. I am a good little girl. Bonnie Brown, Wartburg, Tenn Dear Santa, I am writing to tell you what I want you to bring me for Christmas. I want a doll, a doll trunk, a set of dishes, and a story book. I expect you to be pres ent at the Christmas tree at the Pres byterian Church. Goodby till then. Zella Ott, Wartburg, Tenn Dear Santa. Please bring me a doll and a Teddy Bear, and candy, apples and oranges. Ruby Bicknell, Stowers, Tenn Dear Santa. Please send me a great big doll and some candy, and a few oranges and a few apples, Please dont forget me. Edna Newberry. Wartburg, Tenn Dear Santa Olaus. Please bring me a doll, some candy, apples and oranges and a littla set of dishes, Yours truly. Dorotha Bicknell, Stowers, Tenn Dear Santa Please bring me a drawing book and a pencil. I am really and truly good. Majoria Levan, Wartburg. Tenn: Dear Mr Santa Please bring me a little wagon, ball, French harp, wheelbarrow, horn and box of candy. Mr Santa you can bring me lots of good things.. I go to school. Haggard Byrd, Wartburg, Tenn Dear Santa. Will you bring me a little wagon, candy, orange and apple, and a little set of tools. I am yours truly Eddy Bicknell, Stowers, Tern L Leaa Z Zinc E Barytas F - Fluarsaar C Pyrites M MaafuM B Bauxita D Sulaaar of the United States all the rovcrnment military stations are at .present located outside these safety lines. The g;overnment plant for extracting- nitrogen from the air at Muscle Shoals will he located well within the satmy xone. Here the $20,000,000 appropriated by Congress may develop 600.000 hone power from wtM- Mva. bow balnr wasted, to he used la extracting nitrogen from the air for runpowder and remitter, tbu country then will not have to rely up on nitrates lmoorted from Chile. In cidental to this power plant, the only obstacle will be removed to navigation rat milaa in tha Tfnnmsee river, open. In up region of vast undeveloped Mystery Dangers Adventure All move in rapid succession through the sew serial about to be featured in this paper. The Destroying Angel By Loult Joamph Vance It's a strange tale but it's very much alive. You want to be sure to read it, for it's the best story wo have had in a long time. GwwtOl Louis Joseph Vance Has written many splendid stories, as everyone who has read "The Brass Bowl," "The Black Bag," or "The Bandbox" is ready to testify. We take pleasure in an nouncing as our next serial a new story by this authorf probably the best story he has ever written. Watch for and read The Destroying Angel You may fool with love cr poli tics, with dynamite or drink, with amateur photography or anything you think will bring you in doll-r of our Dads. Hut you had better et our editor pfepare your little ads. ' RELIABLE Guaranteed under the Food and Drug act of June 80th, VDM. bcrlal No. COS, by H. E. Bocklen & Co. ALCOHOL ire CENT. Mmi FOftinXD CHLOROFORM rt rLOIDOOWTE :0 MO 01 MM WUMUI li J? 5 It 1 1 5 PirtVAMLU umr fHE MORGAN Known, ii jjafflMlttrfl II Ml H - wrtiwtw dTT, I I I 1 N ' , stoat EBB-CATION You teach your children all sorts of things: reading writing, arithetic, science and literature. Why don't you teach them the most important thing ef all? thrift ' Thrift has to he learned. It , hardly ever comes by nature. Encourage saving. Let the boys and girls have their own capital, their own saving bank account, and keep adding to it. They will love it if you show them how. THE CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST GO. WARTBURG, TENN INTEREST PAID ON ALL TIMK DEPOSITS 1 our Account Will Be Safe In . YOUR HOME HANK Get the Savings habit. It means a relief from many of life's worries rr. r-rs ' -'xv " f v c umbe jyyyoL WAKTJtUKG, TENN. GRAN-DAVIS, Proprietor. New House-Well. Furnished-Terms Rasonable. On the Cumberland Plateau, "The Switzen land of America." One of the best Sum-, mer Resorts in the United States; Car Service to muet all trains that stop at Lansing. My Ford Qara will also make trips to other points in this and adjoining counties. Call for the Daviscar. Davidson-East g'ROCKWOOD, TENN. DISTRIBUTORS FOR FORD CARS IN Morgan, Scott, Fentress, Cumberland and Roane Counties. GRAN DAVIS Local Agent. DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY. THE SOLDIER QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS NEW DISCOVERY JUST AS QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS OF COUGHS and COLDS And all Diseases of THROAT AND LUNGS QUICKEST AND SUREST WHOOPING COUGH Art LI . BRONCHIAL ft EiYI Price 50c and $1.00 SOLO AND GUARANTEED BY COUNTY PRESS $1.00 a Year in Advance . & Molyneux Ch I I 1 I ! it a ill I w E DY mom ISFrfiBIXy reeottreo. Ituf f..T? Ci Is Jf.HUAK Hi. A .. . I aal aaaa.