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3 IS CHID CROSS, GREA FFVFSsH I UIUIIIUII 1 is I IHT.EREST III SCHOOL SILLS Look, Mother! If tongue coated, give "California Syrup of Figs" Children love this "fruit laxative," and nothing else cleanses the . tender stomach, liver and bowels bo nicely. A rhUd clmnlir will nnf ntnn nlntrlno to empty the bowels, and the result Is APPORTIONMENT OF FUNDS they become tightly clogged with MEASURES NOW PENDING ON THIRD AND FINAL READING IN LEGISLATURE. waste, lives gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your little one becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat stomach-ache or diarrhea. Listen, Mother ! Bee if tongue is coated, then give a teaspoonf ul of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the constipated waste, sour i)ilo and - undigested food passes out of the sys tem, and you have a well child again. Millions of mothers give "California Syrup of Figs" because It Is perfectly harmless ; children love It, and it nev- er fails to act on the stomach, liver V and bowels. Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. For Moving a Stove. Flatbush I see legs have been in vented for stoves which contain cas ters, so mounted that pressure on lev ers projects them and enables the stoves to be nun I easily. Bensonhurst--l still contend, how ever, that to move a stove quickly nothing can beat kerosene oil. ........ W...........ll .""" j LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS Bills By Representative Miller and Senators Bingham and Fleming University and Normal Lonools. Nashville. Two bills of general In terest throughout the state on account of the).r scope are those Introduced by Representative H. T. V. Miller of Dick son and Senators Bingham and Flem ing, relating to the educational insti tutions of the state and the estab lishment and maintenance of county schools. They are now pending final reading in the general assembly. Mr. Miller's bill amends certain sec- 'tions of- the general "Mcational bill and providing for. a new end what ia claimed to be more equitable appor tionment of the general school fund. The bill offered by Senators Bing ham and Fleming provides for the amount of funds . to go annually -id the University of Tennessee, the three state normal schools and the Tennes see Polytechnic institute, besides mak ing other provisions regarding curric ulum, etc. FARMER PVOflr8 INQUIRY. Testifies Before Committed Invest! gating Death of Insane Patients. Dr. VV. Scott Farmer, superintend' ent uZ the Middle Tennessee Hospital for the Insane, was the principal wit ness before the investigating commit' tee of the board of control. Dr. Farmer told of the testimony concerning the charge that attendants were responsible .for the death of 01 lie. C. Estes having been referred to him when he took charge of the hos pital, and said that after he had read the testimony he discharged . two of the guards, Albert .Thomas and J. L. Lorance both of whom were charged with being responsible for the death have perfected an organization. TENNESSEE Interesting Events From all Parts of the State , The postoffice tit Itogana has been re-established. The revival at Thompson station is drawing carge crowds. The beekeepers of Bradley county How to loosen a tender corn or callus so it lifts out . without pain. A.......... ..........i Let folks step on your feet hereafter' wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, Instantly re lieves soreness, and soon the entire orn, root and all, lifts "lght out. This drug dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small bottle of freezone for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. Grain Is Said To Be Damaged. Reports reaching the department of agriculture irom the wheat growing sections of the state indicate that much damage has been done the grow ing grain. -Commissioner Bryson has sent out inquiries to all correspond ents in wheat growing counties in the state, asking for an estimate of the damage. From parts of Middle Tennessee re ports have It that the crop has been killed down to the roots, while in oth er parts it is not believed the roots have suffered. The weather since last December has been one freeze after another in practically all parts of the state. While it all along has been feared there would be some injury, the reports now coming in show that the damage is widespread. Some of the earliest sown wheat is reported to be in fairly good condition and with a milder turn will yet make a good crop In some sections report has it that some of the discouraged farmers are preparing to plant corn where they had planted wheat a few monts ago. Couldn't Blame Dog. She I wonder why that little dog tried to bite me? He He heard me say you, were a witch and he thought you were a sandwich. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It Signature of CAf7U6Mi In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Their Place. "Has a theatrical angel "wings, pa?" "No, son, but his money has." There are more than 2,500 Red Cross dogs in the war fields doing work for the wounded. Praise Board of Control. The state board of control was high ly complimented by practically every witness appearing before the "legisla tive investigation committee. Promi nent business men who have had deal ings with the. board in the past test! fied that they believed the board to be run in a careful and painstaking manner and that many thousands of dollars were saved the state yearly by this system of purchasing. Dr. Olin W: West, state superintend ent of rural sanitation, was before the board and testified to the great im provements made by the board in san itation matters, and Dr. Harold S. Hul- bert testified relative to his findings while investigating state and county institutions of a penal nature with special stress on the state institutions which he said he thought were being properly handled. Send 10c to Dt. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, for large trial packs ee of Anuria for kidneys cures backache. Adv. Nothing New. He Dearest, do you feel cold sit ting out here with an admirer? She Not at all) I'm used to it Modern Rating. . Bess Weak minded ? Belle Oh, simply nuts; worth half million and thinks he has money I CUTICURA IS SO SOOTHING To Itching, Burning Skins It Not Only Soothes, but Heal Trial Free. Treatment: Bathe the affected sur face with Cutlcura Soap and hot wa ter, dry gently and apply Cutlcura Ointment. Repeat morning and night. This method affords immediate relief, and points to speedy healment They are ideal for every-day toilet uses. Free sample each by mail with Book, Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. I Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Looking to the Future. -Will this coat shrink r "Oh, yea, ma'am; but they'll, be wearing them snugger next year V Denies His Candidacy. Correcting a report appearing In state papers that he had announced as a candidate for re-election to the court of civil appeals. Judge W. F. Wilson In a letter says: , "Permit me to say that I have not yet announced for re-election to said position, nor to any other judicial posi tion. The legislature is in session and it may change the whole constitution of our judicial system, and a bill is pending before the legislature to call a constitutional convention. And if one is called it may rearrange our whole judicial system. I deem It advisable to await future developments before I announce my candidacy for re-election to a judical position." of the patient, Estes. Dr. Farmer stated that the board of control had taken up the matter of Estes' death as soon as it had been referred to them, or at least the evi dence was taken shortly after Estes' death, and members of the board had informed him that they had turned the matter over to Attorney-General Anderson of Davidson county for in vestigation. As for the other charge, Dr. Farmer said it came from some of the mem bers of the family of a Mr. Thomas who was an inmate of the hospital for about 21 days and died of traumatic pneumonia, and that he had two brok en ribs. Both Thomas and Estes died of this same trouble. After an inves tigation of what little he had before him in regard to the Thomas matter, he was forced to drop this complaint, as the body had been interred for some time and but little evidence was obtainable. Asked why the matter haa been kept quiet, Dr. Farmer said he was not in charge when the two patients died, and could not say. He did not know what the policy of the former administration had been, but he de clared he wanted everything investi gated at any time, and welcomed pub licity. Dr. Farmer said it was impossible to get the class of attendants he should have on a salary of $25 a month, and until the state paid more money he could not get the class of attendants such an institution should have. Search is being made for 17-year-old Roscoe Wilson, son of W. F. Wilson, of Covington, who has been missing one week. Troops Expected In Short Time. Adjt.-Gen. Charles B. Rogan of the national guard of Tennessee sent a telegram to Lieut.-Col. W. A.' Simp son; who is connected with the adjutant-general's office in the depart ment of the east, recommending Mem phis as the demobilization point for the East Tennessee infantry. Gen. Rogan went to Memphis to arrange for the arrival of the regiment when it returns from the border and for storage ofequipment of the ambulance corps and field hospital which have returned. Gen. Rogan expects the First Ten nessee to arrive in Memphis in about three weeks. The muster out will re quire another three weeks. The adju tant-general also recommended the Third Tennessee infantry be demob ilized at Knoxville and urged that the two regiments be sent home two weeks apart in order thathis department will not have to attempt the demob llization of two regiments in two dif ferent cities at the same time. Forninst Draining Reelfoot. A committee headed by Senator Al len of DeKalb county. Representatives Smith of Knox, Griffin of Lake, Sena tor Caldwell and Representative Brat ton of Obion, State Game Warden Houser and a number of citizens of Obion county have made a protest against the proposed drainage of the lake, or any part of It. They declare that the lake should be preserved as a game and fish pond. Protest Meeting at Alamo. The teachers of Crockett county met here with an attendance of 60 per cent. or about 50 teachers present. Reports from all in attendance showed much improvement in the various schools throughout the county. A report of the county demonstration work was made by Mrs. Delia Robertson, who at present has charge of this work here. Much enthusiasm is being manifested in her work. Prof. Smith of the West Tennessee state normal school discuss ed "History, or Its Value as a Charac ter Buyder." He also made a report of conditions at the normal. Resolutions were unanimously adopt ed by the teachers against the cutting of educational appropriations by the legislature, and favoring an increase of appropriations. The work of the state educational institutions wa3 highly endorsed In the resolutions. A large party of Saginaw, Mich., capitalists were entertained by the Knoxville board of commerce and real estate board. The $65,000 coupon bonds of Henry county, authorized to meet the coun ty's outsanding indebtednes were sold to the Paris banks. Special Cosmissioner E. Doak at Nashville has postponed the sale of the Tennesee Central railroad until the first of Marc'.i. Two hundred and thirty-two loads of tobacco were delivered to the vari ous tobacco warehouses in Dresden one day last week. A large feed barn belonging to Lemon Wallace, near Goodbars, was struck by lightning and nine cows were instantly killed. The Morrison board of mayor and aldermen, at a recent meeting, In creased the corporation tax rate from fifteen cents to one dollar. The city police of Dyersburg cap tured a wagon load of liquor which was being transferred from the Missis sippi river in an automobile to Dyers burg. Dr. Edward P. Childs, at present a member of the faculty of Wisconsin university, Madison, has accepted the presidency of Cumberland university at Lebanon. A two days' session of he Tennes see Philological association, over which President Charles E. Little of Peabody college of Nashville,- preside ed, was - held at Maryville. The Brandon Training school haa held its preliminary declamationCon- test in order to select representatives for Vanderbilt and the University of Tennessee. Ten young men partic ipated. Chris Uhlian, a well-known farmer of near Nashville, is. under indictment, charged with the murder of V. Ander- son. whom he fatally injured in an en counter in a local poolroom a few weeks ago. Express agents in Coffee county are daily shipping many packages of liq uor back to the dealers. The cause given is that the recipients are try ing to get more than the allotted four quarts before March 1. An unknown negro was taken from a freight train at Dyer by Deputy Sheriff W. T. Pentecost, and a re volver and four quarts of whisky were found in his possession. After these were taken from his he escaped from the. officer. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Girls! Try Thlsl Makes Hair Thicks . Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching Scalp. Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderlne you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderlne immediately dou bles the benuty of your hair. No dif ference how "dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amaz ing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a lit tie Danderine. Adv. Not Complaining to Him. As a train stopped at a little Ohio station the passengers heard the plain tive bawling of a calf, which was being wheeled along th platform in a crate. "There's someone complaining, con ductor," said u traveler, looking for a bit of fun. "Not to me," answered the mild old ticket-taker. "Never heard a passen ger's complaint with that much sense." Judge. "Best Sellers" Only. Father I'd like to get a good young girl's book like Clerk Sorry, sir, but they don't print books for good young girls any more. Stanford Chaparral. Pretty Low. Johnny What's Bill's social stand ing? Top lie begins to wobble on the fourth beer. Chaparral. If your eyes smart or feel scalded, Ro man Eye Balsam applied upon going to bed Is Just the thing to relieve them. Adv. Practiced Expert. "What have you done with your son who used to win all the sprinting matches at college?" "I got a job for him as a bank run ner." Only One "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVB jjKUiwu uuiHtJNU. ixjok ior signature 01 a. yy. GUOVfl. Cures a Cold In One Say. 26c. Court of Appeals Court Suits. The last of the damage suits growing out of the Binghamton wreck were re viewed before the court of civil ap peals. They were the Memphis street railway company and the Illinois Cen tral railroad company vs. Annie Col bert and husband, and the Illinois Cen tral railroad company and the Mem phis street railway company vs. O. C. PIttman, administrator. Captures Escaped Convict. Frank NeviL a negro convict whe escaped from the state prison, wa U-aptured at Dresden. He was imme dlately returned to the penitentiary, and his privileges as a -trusty" taken from him. Nevil Is nerving a term of from one to five years for attempted robbery, and his escape will probably lengthen his stay at the prison. Despite the pouring rain a large crowd of men and women gathered in the school auditorium at McMinnville to. hear an address on suffrage by the national organizer, Miss Josephine Miller of Little Rock, who has just returned from nursing in France. The members of the Clarksville school board met and opened beds on the erection of high school buildings m the site of the building burned in December. All bids failed to come within the $25,000 limit specified in the advertisement and consequently no contract was let. After hovering between life and death in an unconscious state for 24 hours, Billy Downing, aged 89 yearS, the veteran horse trainer, well known to everybody in this section, died of a fractured skull and Internal injuries received in a fall from the hay loft of Lanier's livery stable. President Wilson has nominated Mrs. Sallie A. Hammer as postmaster at McMinnville to succeed her hus band. A. R. Hammer, who died a short time ago. The county court, in special session at Chattanoga, voted to Issue $7S4,000 in bonds under the authority of an en abling act passed by the present gen eral assembly. Rev. S. A. At wood, pastor of the Bap tist church at Brownsville, has accept ed the call to the Dyersburg Baptist church and will take charge of the pul pit here March 1. No Mystery. "Smithers never lights his cigar; just keeps it in his mouth and chews the end. I've often wondered why." "You wouldn't If you'd ever smoked one of them." (Hen's Foot-Ease for the Troops. Many war zone hospitals have ordered Allen's Foot-Base, the antiseptic powder, for use among the troops. Shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the foot-bath, Allen's Foot-Ease (fives rest and comfort, and makes walking delight. Sold everywhere 25c. Try it today. Adv. He'd Go Out, Too. "When I began my piano lesson the piano' lamp went out. What do you say to that?" asked the sweet young thing. "I would say that it showed human Intelligence," replied the menn man. ALWAYS RECOMMENDS THIS KIDNEY MEDICINE TO HIS PATRONS My first suggestion to my customers in need of a kidney or liver medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because I believe it is a splendid preparation and those who have used it are satisfied with results ob tained and speak very highly of it. Swamp Root has kept up its high standing for more than twenty years in this trade and its value is universally acknowledged. Very truly yours, JOHN G. FRATZ, Pharmacist, S. W. Cor. Barr & Baymilier Sts., Nov. 4, 1916. Cincinnati, Ohio. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For Yon Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co BiDghamton. N. Y., for a sample size bot tle. It will convince anyone. Yon will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sals at all drag stores. Adv. A thrifty housewife says there isnt much venisoa in market, but there Is plenty of dar meat Don't worry over a mistake that can be corrected, but go to work and cor rect 1L South China suffers from a trade ds press I on.