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Died of Premature Old Age! How many times we hear of com paratively young persons passing away when they should have lived to be 70 or 80 years of age. This fatal work Is usually attributed to the kldneys,as, when the kidneys degenerate, It causes auto-lntoxlcatlon. The more Injuri ous the poisons' passing thru the kid neys the quicker will those noble or gans be degenerated, and the sooner they decay. It Is thus the wisest policy, to pre vent premature old age and promote long life, to lighten the work of the kidneys. This can be done by drlnk ng plenty of pure water all day long, and occasionally taking Anuric, double strength, before meals. This can be obtained at almost any drug store. You will find Anuric more potent than lithia for It dissolves uric acid as water does sugar. We&Ic Nervous-Women, Here Is Advice for You Louisville, Ky. "1 wish -to express . mv eratltude for what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion has done for me. I was all run down, weak, nerv ous, and could not sleep nor eat. I began ' taking tha Favorite Prescrip tion' nnd the 'Pleas ant Pellets, and after taking three bottles of the 'Prescription I was able to do all my housework never fel'. better in my life." MRS. F. LAYTON, R. 2, Box 28, Berry Blvd. Prepared from nature's roots and herbs, it contains no alcohol or nar cotic, nor any harmful ingredient. Medicine dealers everywhere have it in tablet or liquid form. REAL AMERICANS IN SENATE UCLA I 1-ucr eunr THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPfc S3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 a8rw81n n ' a- i : XAT I rtnnolaa -nfflrailllimms. save money oy ncanug " , , shoes. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and the wearer projected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail ptiiai'lSre the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. 'Tphe quality of W. L. Douglas, product is guaranteed by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a well-equipped tactory at Brockton, mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and minoi-viei'nn of eroerienced men. all workine with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money can buy. Ask your shoe dealer for W. Douglas shoes. If lie can not supply you -with the hind you want, take no other make. Write for interesting booklet explaining how to get shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price. oy return man, postage iron. LOOK FOR W. L. Dougla. lALr name and the retail price ' present W.L. Douglas Shoe Co tamped on the bottom. 185 spark St., Brockton, Mass. inilllLlllMiillUli'Tlrw. WiMsukt,tutesU Boys' Shoe Rest In the World $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00 INFLUENZA Catarrhal Fever Pink Eye, Shipping Fever. Epizootlo And all diseases of the horse affecting his throat speedily cured; colts and horses In same stable kept from having them by using Spohn's Distemper Compound, 3 to 6 doses often cure; one bottle guaranteed to cure one case, bate for brood mares, baby colts, stallions, all ages and con ditions. Most skillful scientific compound. 50c and 51 per bottle; $5 and $10 a dozen. Any druggist or deliv ered by manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL, CO., GoHhen, Ind. Salt sprinkled over carpets before sweeping preserves the color and keeps away moths. PUZZLE m GET A LOT Here are 9 squares. Can you put a figure (no two alike) in each square so aa to make a total or 15 by adding them up and down and crossways f As an advertisement we will deed a lot 26 x 10U ft. at Atlantic City, Md.. which has one of the finest beaches in the world, to any one (white race) solving this puzzle. Small fee for deed and ex penses. Send your solution, with 4o in postage, for copy of prospectus to THE ATLANTIC REALTY CO. 206 N. Calvert St. Baltimore, Md. Relieves and Remedies CONSTIPATION II Take a tiptake a Ts&P li PATENTS Watson Coleman, patent lawyer, v usuiuiuu, i ii Rates reasonable. Highest references. Bestserrlcea. Lay not burdens on any but thyself. - LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS j How to loosen a tender corn or callus so It lifts out without pain. Let folks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a size smaller If you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small bottle of freezone for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. " The ball Is the oldest toy. Carter's little Liver Fills For Constipation The Great Vegetable Eemedy (CARTErtsf ' r Jiver Puts Yon Right Over Night GenuuM bear signs tore Small PIU Small Do Small Price - ' dually Indicate the absence of Iron in Colorless or rale r aces the wood, p . i on pnis condition which will be greatly helped by Carter Sironrms BREATHE FREELY. Are yonr Nostrils CLOGGED? IINATjr gives reua. rimua thru noetnla. No equal for CATARRH. I'.- I . r i : . . 1 1 nmnra III your urunijisi wm v. mVvj you we will tend a box postpaid on receipt of $U SAMPLE FREK. nm rnNviNrFD at our expense. Dcucwtn Write for Apmcr Terms. THENAiUPCO. ... 403 Law Building Baltimore MA naz-up 111 If Il . HAIR BALSAM A toilet prfmnXkm of mrrll Help to rwltwto tfaadnS. ForR-toHa Cotor nd Bimvtj toGray r Fmd Hair Several Members of Upper House of Congress Can Trace Ancestry Back to Red Men. The original Americans of them all, the only ones whose forefathers never were immigrants, within the modern meaning of the term, - the Indians, have their representatives in congress. Not all are full-blooded, perhaps, but a number of congressmen can trace their ancestry back to the red men and all are proud of It. One such has been Senator Moses E. Clapp of Minnesota, who has just been succeeded by Frank B. Kellogg, who won a reputation as the trust buster of the department of justice. Mr. Clapp was one of the best-known senators in congress, having entered that body in 15)01. He was one of three senators serving In the upper house of congress who have Indian blood in their veins. Senator Charles Curtis of Kansas Is a Kaw Indian and his descent Is readily shown by his coal black hair and swarthy complexion. As a boy Curtis was a jockey and later drove a cab in Topeka. One of his custom ers was A. II. Case, a prominent law yer of that city, who noticed the studi ous habits of young Curtis and fre quently saw him reading by his cab lights while waiting for a fare. Case became interested in the young fel low and took him Into his office to study law. Curtis accepted the op portunity, qualified for the bar and became a well-known member of the profession. In politics he was very successful and his ability Is recog nized among his colleagues In the sen ate. Senator Robert L. Owen of Okla homa also is of Indian origin. His mother was a Cherokee and Owen was educated at Washington and Lee university in Virginia. After gradu ating in law he went to Muskogee to begin practice and there became rec ognized as a leader of the bar. Owen has represented his tribe frequently in litigation and at one time he made an argument before the United States Supreme court which won for him the praise of the chief Justice. Owen concluded his argument with a pero ration on the Indian which not only did much to win the case for him, but which the chief Justice afterward said was one of the most effective argu ments ever made before the court. Talked Like a Foreigner. President Wilson has a foreigner in his cabinet. Or at least some Bostonlan thought so when he met Secretary of War Ba ker in that city of erudition last fall. "I was in Boston last fall, and had five speeches to make in one day," said Secretary Baker, in telling of his accu sation. "I thought that I might get some inspiration from the statues of the old Pilgrim fathers, so I wandered about there gazing at the celebrated ptoneers. "I asked a stranger for a match, and this request seemed to establish friend ly relations between us. For soon after ward, he queried : 'Do you think that the ItedSox or Thlllics will win? "Not being conversant with what he was speaking of, I later learned that the Red Sox were baseball players I replied that I didn't know anything about It, and, therefore, could not ven ture a prediction that would be at all trustworthy. "He eyed me a bit and then re marked : 'Oh, yes, I see you're a for elsrner.' " CINCINNATI MARKETS. Flour, Hay and Grain. Flour Winter patents $11.5012. winter fancy $1111.60, winter family $10.50 11, winter extras $9.50(5)10, low grade $99.50, hard patent $11.50 12, hard fancy $10.7511.25. Corn No. 3 white $1.54, No. 3 yel low $1.4S1.49, No. 3 mixed $1.48 1.49, white ear $1,550)1.57, mixed ear $1.531.55, yellow ear $1.5501.57. Hay No. 1 timothy $202U.50, No. 2 $1919.50, No. 1 clover mixed $19 19.50, No. 2 $18.5019. Oats No. 2 white 73c, standard white 72VoC, No. 3 white 7172e, No. 2 mixed 7272c, No. 3 mixed 7172c. Wheat No. 2 red $2.632.65, No. 3 red $2.582.62, No. 4 red $2.402.50. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Butter Whole milk creamery ex tras 49c, centralized creamery extras 46c, firsts 44c, seconds 42c. Eggs Prime firtts 33c, firsts 32c, ordinary firsts 32c, seconds 31c. Live Poultry Broilers, k lb an(1 under, 4345c; fryers, IV2 lb, 30c; fowls, 5 lbs and over, 23c; under 5 lbs, 23c; roosters, 17c. Live Stock. Cattle Shippers $911.50, butcher eteers, extra $10.5011, good to choice $1010.50, common to fair $79.50; heifers, extra $10.25 10.50, good to choice $9.5010.25, common to fair $7 9.25; cows, extra $8.50 9.25, good to choice $7.50 8.50, common to fair $5.757.25; canners $5 6. Calves Extra $12.50 12.75, fair to good $1112.50, common and large $6 10. Hogs Selected heavy shippers $16.10, good to choice packers and butchers $15.9516. mixed packers $15.7515.90. stags $8012.50. common to choice heavy fat sows $915.2o, light shippers $1414.75, pigs (110 lbi and le?8) JSC 12. He's telling her that nothing he received from home brought more joy, longer-lasting Pleasure, greater relief from thirst and fatigue, than i mm THE FLAVOR LASTS She slipped a stick in every letter and mailed him a box now and then. Naturally he loves her, she loves him, and they both love WRIGLEY'S. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL Three of a kind Keep them in jnind E4 B , res T?f That's All. "What do you think the biggest fac tor in making a genius?" "Midnight oil." FRECKLES ow Is the Time to (iet Riil of These Igly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othlne double strength Is guaranteed to remove these homeiy spots. Simply get an "ounce of othlne double strength lrom your druggist, and apply a little of it nlglit and illuming and you should soon see that even the worst rookies have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear, complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength olhine. as this is sold under guarantee of money back If It fails to remove freckles. Adv. Paw Knows Everything. Willie 1'uw, why is a wife called the hotter half? I..nv localise she's the whole tiling. my son. THE BEST MACARONI TWO LARCE PACKAGES MADE ROM THE HIGHEST GRADE DURUM WHEAT COCKS IN 12 MINUTES. COOK BOOK FREE SKIKHER MFG. CO. OMAHA. U.S.A. Ia.re5r MccM-oni ftvclorif 117 ff")' Nature contributes t!ie substances. Spring provides the opportunity. V right s Indian Vegetable PiUs present Natures gifts to aid Nature's work, thus produc ing the ideal Spring- tnodicir.o. They are tonic as well a3 laxative. Adv. His Desire. "That livokon-rtown widowor wants to Ret marrioil again." "I suppose that naturally he wants to be re-paired." aenrop Bourbon Poultry Remedy dawn m ehleli'8 wlndplpo 1nMn A few drop in th ririnkini? water and other Chick dmfi. One.fcl'C nfAn At druffsfBti. or ly mail pitymd. ,! ...1.1 n..nlt-rv book at'nt free. Bourbon Remedy Co., Box 30. Lexington, Kj Frost Proof Cabbage Plants f.o. b. here; postpaid 36c per 1U0. BiUifutlva ru.ranie fiVVBHT POTATO PLANTS Immediate shlpojent Nancy Hall and Torto Kleo, 1.000 w 8,000 at . UU: 10 UUO up at 11.60. f. o. b. here. Tomato plants at II KiiK and Pepper plants at II W per 1.000. " Poitpuid 40c per 100. I. F. J4SIBON, SI KUULMt. 8 . Western Canada Farmers require 50,000 American farm labourers at once. Urgent demand sent out for farm help by the Government of Canada. Good Wages Steady Employment Low Railway Fares Pleasant Surroundings Comfortable Homes No Compulsory Military Service Farm hands from the United States are absolutely guar anteed against conscription. This advertisement is to se cure farm help to replace Canadian farmers who have en listed for the war. A splendid opportunity for the young man to investi gate Western Canada's agricultural offerings, and to do so at but little expense. CJ Only Thoso Accustomed to Farming Need Apply For particulars as to railway rates and districts requiring labour, or any other information regarding Western Canada apply to W. S. NETHERY, Boom 82, Interorban SUu Dldg., Columbus, O. Canadian GorettuMBt A grot W. N. U, CINCINNATI, NO. 16-1917.