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inin in iiu i irm inrr -n "i 4-ft. V..V .l.;.n -X'. 4-1 - The Morgan Counnty Press PUBLISHED BVERY FRIDRY MORNING AT WARTBURG, TENN. JAS. CHATERSON, Editor and Proprietor Entered at Wartburg August 3, 1916, as second class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879 SOCIETY NOTICES I. 0, 0. F. MOUNT TABOR LODGE No 25a Meets inllo 0. F. hall Svery First and Third Snturdayiu he month E, K. Dodson, Jf. G. L. H. Scott, Boey JR. O. U. A. M. Wartburg Council No 15 Jr. 0. U. A. M. Meets 1st and 3rd Saturday in each month. Visiting brethren welcome. C. L. KREIS. C. - W. W. WILSON: R, S. MASONIC LODGE Emerald Lodge No 377 meets every Saturday night on or before each full moon. T A MORRIS, W M L RIE3DEN. Secy. CAMP 680 W O W Meets 3d Fridsy night in each month. W B CRENSHAW, Consol Commauder A J ALBERTSON, Clerk LANCING SO JIETIES MASONIC Triplet Gap Lodge No 077 meets 4th Saturday of ea.-h month, EASTERN STAR Meets tho 2nd Saturday of each month. , . Misses Mona and Reba Norris of Rugby Road are visiting then1 grand parents, Mrand Mrs Rufus Joues. The School opened here with an enrollment of 93. This is tho best opening the school has had in 10 years. Having decided not to stay as long as he had planned, Mr G W Babcoek. returned from his vi-it at Somerset, Ky. Messrs Walter Unman and B Bertram 'and Misses Cusiu Goad and Annwood Bertram mule a trij to Oneida last Sunday. Mr D. A England of Louisiana, is here visiting relatives and many friends. The Southern climate has not hurt him Tor ho is locking fine. Mrs Elizabeth . a Forester of Ktioxville, Judge Win Dullard's mother, died -on August 9, and hvvus hurried in the M E church cemetery at this place on the 1 ltli. liev Bmu.-s of Ktioxville, conduct ed the ceremony. The sermon was very sympathetic and iii.ipres.sive. Mrs Forrester vv .h burn Aug. 15th ,5 PbTKOS, TENN. Y& ALSO CAiilU' a FlNii LINE OE NOTIONS TOBACCO AND CIGARS. -GIVE ME f GftLL COUNTY OFFICIALS W. Z. Stricklin, County Judge. . H. C. Bvrd Sheriff. G U Howard- Trustee. S. H. Jestes, County Court Clerk. Chas W. Summer, Circuit Court Clerk R. A. Davis, Clerk and Master. W. B. Crenshaw, Register W H. Jackson, Tax Assessor. W. D. Jones, Coroner. t N. B. Melton, County Surveyor.. E R Williams, County Superintendent The Pike Road Commission will meet 0:1 t!u 1st and 3:-! Fridays in each month. D L. QUINN Dealer in - . Rough and 'Dressed Lumber cf s'lKim's LANCING, TENN. NEW PORT IN PHILIPPINES' Improvements Made by Government Shorten Trip to Isl-.nd3 by From Three to Five Days. A new seaport recently built by the government on the east side of the Island of Luzon will shorten the voyage to the Philippines from American ports by from three to five days. Manila, the destination here tofore of all army transports and most of the commerce of the islands, lies on the west coast of Luzon, and while convenient for Spanish trade sailing eastward, it involves an un necessary trip around the coast for American ships. The new port is located at a place called Hondagua, meaning "deep water," which is also the terminus of a new railroad from Manila. The improvements made by the United States engineer have laid the founda tions for a great modern port, says Popular Mechanics, from which pas sengers can reach Manila in a few hours by the new railroad, and the improved means of transportation will open up to commerce 200 or 300 miles of coast hitherto practically isolated and thousands of acres of rich agricultural lands, producing hemp and coconuts in profusion. Tho harbor at Hondagua is deep, ex tensive and almqst landlocked by a large island lying across its mouth. MELTS IRON IN JIG TIME. Kon-LeLid Ji t lattice MAM HA II EN J . Y Y :.'iC W N In the Criminal and Law Court at Wart burg, Tennessee. In this case it appearing from the bill which is sworn to, that Honry Brown is a n n residont of the State of Tennessee, :o that tic or.iinary p o ess f law can not be served on him. He is therefore hereby leui e . appenr before tho Judge of our Criminal and Law Co ;ri to A retired nhvsieinn of Clifrv. ' De lielu tor the bounty ol Morgan at the Ark., Dr. C. P. Marrs,.has invented Cuurt 1 u lEe in tl,c l,,wn. uf Wartburg on a machine by which he has been en-! Tho Second Monday h August abled to melt cast iron in five min- j next, and make defence to the bill tiled utes with the temperature at 85 de- against him in said oart by Martha grees, and to weld cast iron and steel. Brown or otherwise the bill will be taken This can be done any day in the year when it is not cloudy and in any lati tude. Clockwork holds the sunlight in focus. The doctor's experimental ma chine has a lens only 15 inches in diameter, and a focal distance of 45 inches, and with this he melts cast iron in five minutes. The doctor says heat can be substituted for coal and other fuel in most of the industrie;? by means of this devico. n.-ccedeu v.-iti e.- for confessed and parte. It is further ordered that this notice he published in the Morgan County Press a newspaper published hi Morgan county for four consecutive weeks This the 10th day of July, 1917. CHAS W. SUMMER Circuit Court Clerk. I I HUMAN1, Alty. 26-41 FORGOT HIMSELF m H b ! 1 1 FORCE OF HABIT. "I was sure the old man yonder was going to be run down by the speeding automobile. He certainly is agile 'for a man of his age." "I know him; he's a millionaire who got his agility from dodging taxes." Non-ftasidont Notie.o S T KIMBELL W R HOWAED THE REASON. "A hand reader of futures never has dull times." "Is that true?" "Sure. Are not his all palmy days?" In the Criminal and L iw La:rt i W: gan O -..:. T.r, ... -a.. ATTACHMENT NOTICE The plaintiff, S T Kimbe'l, having 1 tained from Kruno Schubert, a Jtjsticc the Peace, an rrigina! attachment r;i;-. able to the December .vn, :qk of 1. Crimina! and law C-.iriof Morgan C!' i ty, lei;iie&--ee, a-,':-l!iit trie estate of R Ho.vard um,i:i tiff that deicnd.nn to him and was ; rai.u i v.'-'.s j.;"'1 iv in i'--i. s:i:.I de!' LIKE A WOMAN. "Why are 3rou buying so much tar soap ?" "It's for my fiance; he's enlisted in the navy." HOW SHE FINALLY GOT IT. "She married for monev." "Well?" "She had to sue for divorce be fore she got it." HIS FAVORITES. Our Sunbright Locals Mrs Dunning i visiting friends in Burrville. Au infant of Mr a id Mrs Alma Litton died last Saturdav. Mr Rufus Jone-' is attending Wartburg this wjjlf. Mr au 1 Mrs I) Hull of Skates were visitors in Town Tuesday. Miss Ollie IIuti-h.'sn of Oak dale, was vlsitin ' hnmo folk? here Sunday. Sheriff Byrd and Mr Jame Dun can were in town, t ne day last week on business. Miss Eva 13 irchette of RoVoins, is visitinc i:er lister. Mrs Inrann Terry this vj. k. Mrs C I Rjs .iiiJ children of Somerset, Ky., ire t';e guosts of Mr andMrs Wru Ned. Frank Fulton is very i.w wtth heart trouble ;it his gnuitlmotht r's home, Mrs I J Neil. Mr Martin and Miss Eluise Wil liams of Wartbarr wera the guests of Miss Lena Johnson un li', Mr aiid Mrs R E West, Danville, Ivy., were gutt of her pfireots, Mr and Mrs Rur, J-ccis, S;:nJay. tl.J2. 7ice ! 1 ! I'. I... r.: i, OHIO .c'-c:i, KY. If - r.Vr IND. f; ' " -' - - : -Ar!Cr.., TZKn. :-MJ YH I VEST to, v a V. .v! C -leans "He has a cold weather garden." "What kind might that be?" "JSTothing in it but wintergreeD and ice plants." NATURAL EFFECT. Hubby Did you have many call- ers while I was away, dear ? ! "Miss Oklgirl gave me such a Wifey Every time I tried to sharp look." bluff! I er that is to say, not "What other kind could she give many. ' with that hatchet face?" state and levied ut'( order fur pubih by the Clerk, Njw, ihoro.'o ore'er, this y.:iK said defendant, r he for ittachni'.-nt !uvt-i bt n'l'int's property and uioii liavin i)een :r.- JIo '. re; tne G-uit i i 11- .' 1 1 ; 1 1 next raf-;; e P.uU ..nnnnal ; 1 ! nivn; s?t;it o it is fell e said u i:i li die Morg:m County pnbiishtd in VV-mburg T',.is Ju.y 11, I. )!,-. .--( .; Ci VV :kjj-V n A i 1 g 1 i Said ';:.t f : t: e K s icwpva;- Law ' en Mi.r : mt v t .nil v $1.00 Will pay forn year's siib c:ip"; to the Morgan County IV 4 - VV $h'&t? &tsJs Go Where A retreat from the monotony of every day business cares away from the crowds where you can stretch out and take things easy. f'K ei ''Jvl i - 1 " Thre are many of these quiet shady haunts to be found at it; n u t i Al r'M-j Ashsvilh Chattanooga Niagara Falfa ThcusGJzd Islands Atlantic Seasliors New England Canada Chautaufjzsa Michigan and Great Lakes Resorts LGWZOnD TRIP TICKETS OH SALE DAILY CcvJ wetxrning v.iHl October 3 lit. Each location hs ';'ctinct na'-ral attractions for recreation in additicn i th-3 pooler c-ea air psrsAmcs. We shall be pleased to arTy; the diinRs cf yovi trip. Ccrra-t3rr.-r!".' i:(Z,"' ic-,i er address J. R. MAX'TN, DNIf.'n T-avrtr A;eat, 817 Kr!:?t fcc:t, Clt.atut.a, Teaa. rf t i t .:-.' . 1 V X ifWA X vl-j.S jirxi' i ip m; 1 r S r X tw;,-.,.'j..,'.f.'.,-jfcTwIA. i ...... . . - .a.... d - .