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31 OUR SOCIAL AND PERSONAL DEPARTMENT H The Press will be thankful for items for this department, either f by telephone, mail or in person. Telephone No. 24. IK! The Press will appreciate your subscription, send it in this week. Remember the Pie Supper on the Court House Grouds Satur- Saturday evening, One Dollar pays for a year's sub scription to the Morgan County Press. Fred Brasel camelip from Rock- wood Tuesday. M M Goad was in town Monday enroute to Harnman. S T Kimbell was in town one day the last of last week. W B Cranshawand family, Miss Lydia Duncan and Roy Schubert motored to Knoxville and back Saturday. Mrs Allen Montgomery and daughter, Ellen, of Cardiff, spent part of last week visiting her sis ter here, Mrs J B Powell. Alva Waddell accompanied by his sister Miss Stella, Libbie Stone and J B Powell made a flying trip to Pine Orchard in the 3d district Sunday. Fred Freytag who has been vis iting his graudparants - Mr and Mrs R J Frey tag. for several weeks returned to his home in Chatta nooga Saturday.' We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness shown us during the illnesss and death of our dear son and brother. Mr and Mrs N H Craig and Family. Undoubtedly the largest social gathering which has occurred in Morgan County in many years was held in Wartburg Saturday even ing last at the residence of Dr and Mrs A Byrd. Fully a hundred and fifty persons were present and a most enjoyable time was had by all. Dancing was kept up until nearlv morninsr. All went home satisfied that they had enjoyed the best time ever. ine tollowine six who were drafted are ordered to report at Wartburg on Tueday, Sept. 4th, not later than 4:00 p m. They will leave for camp at Atlanta on Wednesday, Sent 5th : lleaderson F Byrd. Ramsey Daugherty Leonard Lyons Dock A England William A Gillis John A Voils. of Our Deer Lodge Locals George Howard and family Wartburg, attended the Uowraer vuction sale Tuesday. Mr Harry Mack of Chattanooga, came up Saturday to spend his va cation with his family. Mr and Mrs Gorta are entertain ing a number of their countrymen from Cleveland, O. , at their place on the Quails road Mr ana Jurs uari ieison are quite ill with typhoid fever, and Miss Laura Wanderer is taking care of their small baby. during their illness. Did Not Claim Exemption. The following persons were ex amined by the Local Board Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday and passed and claimed no exemption: VanNoretran, Fred Wartburg Daugherty, John M Putrns Adams, Albert L Deer Lodge Wilson, Jos II Oliver Springs Baker, Sam Moore, Geo W Landrum, Chas Stonecipher J O Freels, Chas Moore. Chas R Walls, William W Hall, Lindsay Robbins, Isham D Erickson, Ernest Barry, John Morgan Brewster, Newton King. Albert Garrett. Luther N Sewell. Joe A Scandlyn, Ben II Lively, Lewis "Jestes, Andy J Gibson Frank Woods, James A Morgan, Bob Oakdale Oakdale Lancing Oliver Springs Skates Oakdale Coalfield Wartburg Petros Rugby Rose Lancing R 2 Catoosa Harriraan R 4 Petros Oliver Springs Petros Harriman R I Petros Mrs Thatcher entertained at 500 at her residence Friday afternoon in honor of Mr and Mrs Blabber of Chattanooga. At the close of the game, delicious refreshmente were served. -Those present were Mr and Mrs Blahar, of Chatta nooga who are spending the sum mer with Mrs Bates, Mr and Mrs Ritter and daughter from Annadel, Miss Marie St John from Chicago, Miss Adams and Mr and Mrs S T Kimbell. Judge jHarry Mack, who has been spending his vacation with hisfamily here, left Monday for Chattanooga, The Kimbell Land Ageney has located Dr Max De Colbert and famiy from Belgium, in Deer Lodge. The Dr is a graduate of the famous Ileidelburg Medical College, and has his Tennesseo li cense to practice here. He speaks English, French German, Italian, Polish and Russian fluently. At present he is located at the Colon ial Hotel. Contractor Long from Marion County, commenced rocking the Deer Lodge-Glades road Monday morning. Miss Laura Wanderer has sold the family home on the Lancing road to a German familv from a Cleveland, Ohio. Names as yet unknown. Auto Registrations Important Notice To the County Court Clerks: Your special attention is called to Seotion 2, Chapter 73, Public Acts 1917, (Motor Vehicle Regis- tralion Law) relative to vehicles registered after September 1st, when only one half regular fee is charged. This provision was made to take care of new cars purchased after September 1st and does not apply to cars purchased or in use prior to September 1st. Parties owning or purchasing cars prior to September 1st mustpsy full fee, and you must issue distress warrant if they fail to do so. We are informed that there are many cars now unregistered and that the ownera are waiting until September 1st to register tn order to dodge full registration fees. This is a violation of the law and must not be permitted. It is your duty to ascertain the name's of all unregistered cars and to issue distress warrants against each one and collect the fee. You are not permitted to acuept less than full tee on any car purchased prior to September 1st, and you will pleas.? require proof of date of purchase of all cars presented for registration after September 1st- No reduction is made on dealer's license. No reduction is male on County Court Clerk's fee If dealers in your county nre not reporting ail sales to you thoshinld be arrested and prosecuted as eve.y dealer or other p ison selling a nr either new or seeond hand is re quired to notify you within three daTs giving name and address of owner, make and horse power of car and tonnage of trucks. Thanking you for yon careful at tention to this matter,' I remain Yours very truly 0 N West, Chief Clerk Highwaj' Deprt of Tenn Chancery Sale of Land In obedienee to a decree of the Chan cery Court at Wartburg, made in the case of Margaret Jackson vs W H Jack son, Adm., I will, on ' , Saturday ? September 29, 1917 at noon in front of the Court Rouse door in Wartburg, sell to the highest and best bidder the following described tract of land, to wit: Lying and being in the State of Tenn, essee, First civil district of Morgan Co, Beginning on the North east corner of M J Jackson's land; thence due east 19 poles to a stake; thence due south 20 poles to a stake; thence due west 1 pole to a stake in M J Jackson's line; thence with said M J Jackson's line N. 24 deg, west 13 1-2 poles to a stake; thence North 66 West 7 poles to the beginuing, containing one acre more or less. . Said sale will be on a credit of four and eight months, and in bar of redemp tion. Notes drawing Interest from the day of sale, with good personal secur ity, will be requirdd of the pnrchaser; and a lein on the property sold as furth er security. This Aug 22, 1917. R A DAVIS 6-4t - Clerk and Master i r :r.:;- s.z& Keepin gMcCaffi U'.L'fXa!! Patterns tVCI's Magazioawill li. !; you dress styl h'.Ay at a moderate ci-icaso by keeping you posted on the i..;."t fashions in c! ,.cs ai;d bats. 60 I'ow Kr.sbion Designs i.i eacli issue. Also vnlur'olo information on i U borne and per s.i.iul matters. Only a year, including a f:co pattern. Sub K'rilio today or send i'ji' i'roo sample copy. ali mii .' rur.Ute you to make in your own .V ::! , v. i, .1 y-.m own hands, clothing for yoursiMl r. lid rlii.iirca which will be perfect In Mylii f". rvico none liipher than 15 cents. St ntl iwr tVco Pattern Catalogue. We Will Give Y 'U Fine Presents for petting sub scriptions ".nr.-ir yoi:r friunds. Send for free Premium ( i!i!"r-,i:o mid ( nh Prize Offer. THE McCALL GOO, 2:9 to 243 West 37th Si.. NEW YORK I : V J Magazine i M-CALL'S MAGAZIh: I nw cam a cwt ptv trm t KcC Non-Resident Notice J L SCOTT et al ) vs y JOS WLANGLEYetal ) In the Chancery Court at Wartburg, Tennessee. In this cause it appearing from the ' bill which is s worn to, that Jos W Langley is a uon-resident of the state he is therefore hereby required io ap pear on or before the First Monday in Ootober next, before the Clerk and Master of said court, at his office In Wartbnrg, and make defence to the bill filed against him ia said court by John W, Scott et al or otherwise the bill will be taken for confessed. " It is further ordered that this notice be published for four consecutive weeks in the Morgan County Press, This August 20, 1917 R. A. DAVIS 6-4t Clerk and. Master Non-Resident Notice No 1626 TEMPY McCARTT vs D M McCARTT- In the Chaacery Court at Wartburt, Tenn. In this cause it appearing from the bill which is sworn to that D M Mc- cartt, one of the defendants is a non resident of the State, he is therfore hereby required to eppear on or before the First Monday in October next, before the Clerk and Master of sa'd court, at his office in Wartburg. and make defence to the bill filed against him, or otherwise the bill will be taken for confessed. It is further ordered that this notice be published for four consecutive weeks in the Morgan County Press. This August 20, 19 17. R A DAVIS, 6-4t lerk and Master Go to Brasel 8C Son for your Canners UEN'ER our conn- try Calls, friends, sons and sires should yield up their treas ures, nor own a sense be yond (he public safety. Brooks. Non-Resident Notice W G MOAKISON I vs No i6n LEONARD HILLISetal In the Chancery Court at Warthurg, Tenn. In this cause it appearing from the bill which is sworn to, that the defendant Leonard Hillis is a non-resident of the State of Tennessee, he is therefore here by required to appear on or before the First Monday in October next and make defense to the bill filed against him in said court by G W Morri son, or otherwise the bill will be taken as confessed. It is further ordered that this notice be published for four consecutive weeks in the Morgan Co Press. This August 25th,- 1917 ' R A DAVIS 7-4t Clerk and Matter. Send ms the price of a year's subscription, $1.00 Will pay for a year's subscription to the Morgan County Press. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors Lincoln Adams, one of the lucky boys to be drafted, vUited Lanc cing to see what about it on Mon day. S T Kimbell paid a long deferred visit to Wartburg last Friday, con ferring with attorneys Morris and Stricklin. Several ladies met at the sc'iool house Thursday and formed a "Mothers Club." Further particu lars will be given next week. In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern district of Tennessee, in Bankruptsy. In the matser of John Henderson Hawkins in Bankruptcy. To the creditors of said John Hender son Hawkins of Oakdale in the County of Morgan and district aforesaid, a bank rupt. Notice is hereby given that on August 22 A D 1917, the said John Henderson Hawkins was duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his credi tors will be held at the United States Court-room in Knoxville, Tenn., on Sep tember 6, A D 1917 at 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time said creditors may attend, prove their elaims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. W J DONALDSON 7-4t Referee in Bankruptcy Knoxville, Tenn., August 27, 1917. KIMBELL LAND AGENCY ONLY LICENSED SELLER OF DIRT IN THE COUNTY See Us If You Want to Sell Your Land. Nothing too Large Not hi 112: loo Small S. T. KIMBELL, DEER LODGE, TEllfl REMEMBER THE DATES . OF THK . MGRGAII GOUflTY GENTENIAL FAIR To be held at DEER LODUE TENNESSEE SEPTEMBER 18, 19. 20 AND 21, 1917 An exceptional opportunity for citizens to demonstrate patriotism, pre paredness and loyalty to our country by getting busy in preparing your exhibits early. A Connty Institution tbat should be supported by every citizen in the county. A C LAVENDER, Secretary. M DORSCIIEID, President