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THE COURIER. WHAT THEY DESIRE. You must tlx it all up nice and send It to me. Well I must close Good by. dear old Santa oiaus. MAUD F. Dear Santa Clause: I wish you would bring me a doi: dressed In silk I guess I will not write no more, so Rood by, MAY B. Ul il t. . . . , . . . ,. w" """ . ui v.iruu- """ lm-,uil" " " rcprescneu 10 ie, mo mas a pair of skates number S-2 a pair appealing faith or these petitions will bo stocking and a Ink tablet there Is rewarded in some measure. onIy one th,m? more n bicycle. Now Mnvnr P.!,,-. lo f M !, , sa b' Santa Claw. WALTER JC. j... .. ,,.,. t tlIU lllu kuw j, Santa Plniwr These are some of the letters that Santa Clnus received from Htrpol sheimer's mail bag. If Santa Claus is -j ...... . .... w.(i.-. incase ctciiii UJIII old man to accumulate ncd distribute is a drum, boox of tools for Walter rtnrfc- agood one, and I hope that some of ln Horse for Charles and a Doll for JIM D. these letters which otherwise may not . receive any answer will remind the ben evolent of the child hearts that aro filled with the unspeakable, becauso mysterious, joys of Christmas, and that they will help Mayor Graham in his plan for the children. Editor Courier. Good-bye Santa Claus, BERT H. BEATRICE. Neb., Dec 13. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little glri six years o.d and I would love you if you send me a little boy dollle. Your little friend. ETHEL. M. MNCOLN, Neb.. Dee. 13. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write and tell you what I wanttd for Christmas. gun. story book, sword, stocking ful of candy, pair shoes, toy watch and a knife. Don't fori me. CONRAD A. LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 12. Dear San ta Claus: I wish you would please being me a nice doll buggy for Marie. Marie is my doll and she would like a nice buggy with a parasol on it. My name is Maggie. LINCOLN, Nub.. Dec. 11. Dear Santa Claus: Give me a nigger doll. LEWIS HUMPHREY. 2014 S Street. LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. 13. Dear Santa Claus: I would like for you to "bring me a ring a "bottle of perfume and a story book a do'.l a brick from Santa Claus" chimney. 2 slllk Handkerchiefs a pair of kid mittens and I guess" that Is all and I want a lot of candy and nuts and obliged, your little Mend. ANNA K. LINCOLN, Neb. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a doll. book, chair, tablt, dishes, broom, desk, writing board and candy, peanuts, pop corn and every thing else. So good-by. Ans. soon. Yours truly. M. HUNTLEY. Neb.. Dec. 14. Dear Santa Claus: I have one of the sweetest little brothers that ever was. He is ntarly two years old. and just begin ning to ta'Ik. I would like a little pres ent for him If you please. His name Is "Willie Aaron. I would like a pair of side combs. From one of your children. OLIVE SEICK. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 14. Dear Santa Claus: I wold like a doll and some can dy and nuts and if you can bring me a bed and a trunk and one more think and that 'Is a little chair. And that Is all this Christmas and you can next Christ mas (bring me more Dear Santa Claus. You are a fat man but you are good do you It you bring good gorls and boys nice thinks and bad oys and bad girls nothing but a switch but I am a good girl and bring me these thinks. To Dear Santa Clause. DORRIS L. LINCOLN. 'Neb.. Dec. 14. Dear San ta Claus: If you ptease send some candy and some blue ribbon or a lace collar. MARY SEICK. LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 14, 1896. Dear St. Claus: I am a little boy eight years old, my name Is Fred, I like to go -to school and I try to be a good boy. Please 'bring me a pretty horse and cart with a little man in it and some nice paints and a street car and a watch and a little village if you still have them pltase bring them and put them in my stocking and also some apples nuts and candy bring Minie something nice and mama and papa but don't bring Lenie anything she is to cross bring cloud a box of wipers, that is all and so long good by. Dec. 14, '96. Deer Santie Claws: Will you please send me a cigarett and a dlmt novel. I am a good boy I go in when curfuw blow3. ROBIE L. Dec 14, 1896. Dear Mr. Santy Clas: Kease send me a little iron stove for I am 8 years old and My Name is DOL LIE K. Lincoln. Neb. Dear Santa Claus: I want a drum. I want a gun. I want a sled. I want a whip. I want a game. T want a gun. Lincoln. Neb. CLIFFORD P. Dear Santa Claus: I want a doll with that will shut a silk dress little eyes Dear santa C.aus: I want a big doll and a doll carriage and u tablet. BEULA ROULANDS. O O O O O O these are kisses. My Dear Santa Clause: Please send me a set of dishes. Good by. DOROTHY C. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 11. 1S96. Dear Santa Clause: Tiring me a dolly and if you cant bring me a dolly bring me something elce and I will thank you in my letter. Thank you If you bring me something. STELLA C. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec 14. 1S96. Dear "Old Santa Claus": I thought I woud write to you as you told me to. But I do not know what I'd want. I think 1 would like a pair of mittens or a pair of shoes "please." which I need. Yours truly, HOTMA H. LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. 13. 1S9S. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write you a letter, and tell you what I wanted for Christmas, as I know where your headquarters are. AVtll I want a set of dishes, a sled, stocking full of candy, story book, colored crayons, dress for my doM and a pair of rubbers. Well I will close my letter, now don't fool me. and not give me these things, from DORA A. LINCOLN, Neb., Dec 15, 1S96. Dear Santa Claus: Please sennd me a mouth organ and some games any one of the four. "The Night Before Christmas." "Snaps," "Authors," or "Football." Yours truly, CHARLES H. LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. 13. 1896. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl seven years old and have a sister five years old. I saw the letter box and thought I would write you a letter. Please bring me a doll and my slsttr a doll buggy because she has a doll. I live at Dudley street and my name is Jennie. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec 12. 1896. Dear Santa: I will write you a few lines as I am glad Christmas Is coming. I want a nice doll and a large box of candy and many other things. I hope you will come to my house and bring me some pres ents. I am going to look for you and will hang up my stocking for you to fill. I am going to have a Christmas tree on Christmas. I want candy, nuts, and all kinds of mixed nuts. I want some nice paper dolls. I am coming up to see you tonight. I think it will be a great delight to have you come to my Christmas tree. I expect you have lots of letters to read but don't neglect mine Well Santa I guess I will close so, good bye. EVA C. LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. 10. Dear Santa: As it is very near Christmas I thought I would tell you what I would like to have for my Christmas presents. I would like to have the world and a fence around it but as I can not have it I will not ask for It. I would like a nice new dress, as it does me more good htan plenty things. A doll & a set of dishes. That is all. Good-bye. Santa Claus. MARIE MORGAN. 131 So Twelfth st. room. 5. Santa Claus please bring me 1 dol ly's wig. 2 New dresses for it. 1 New bonnet for it. 1 Blak Board. 1 smll sil ver dollcarrlage. 1 stocking full of can dy. 1 New lamp shade for mamma. 1 pair of gloves for papa. LILLIAN R. Lincoln. Neb. Dear Sauta Claus: Please bring me a trunk for my doll clothes and a story book. If I am not here I wllll be at 6228 Monktield ave., Chicago. Yours truly. FLOSSIE ALLEN. ROCA. Neb.. Dec. 12. Dear Santa Claus: I like to have a peir of mitts and a peir of over shoes number 4 that Is about all for this time. JOHNNIE MEYER. Louie like to have a peir of mitts and a peir of overshoes number 3'. that is about all for this time. LOUIE MEYER. Marry like to have a peir of mttts and a peir of over shoes number 3',i that is Baiby like to have a ruber doll baby. AMOS MEYER. LINCOLN, Neb. Dear Santa Claus: My name 1s Bert Hlllman. I am a little boy about 6 years old. This Christmas I wish you would please bring me a bi cycle and a watch. If you can not afford to bring me these, please bring a bounce ball or something a Mttle boy would like. LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. 13. 1S96. Dear Santa Claus: I wouldllkea pair of skates If you have money enough to get me a pair and I would also iike some candy and nuts If you have money enough to get them with. Well I think that is enough. Good bye old Santa Claus. MARLIE C. Dear Santa Claus: I live on Q street and I guess I will write you a .'etter. I want a sled, a doll, all kinds of games, and two or three story boiks. no. I'll say I want a hole library of lmoks. I want some pajiers doll and all the fu.nlture that I need to furnish inv house with. I want a bycl and a pair of skatts and I want snow and cold weath er. I guess I have ilnlshcd my letter now so good-bye. I must close Dear Santa Claus. From a little girl that wishes to be your friend. HAZEL E. LINCOLN. Neb., Dee. 13. 1S96. Dear Santa Claus: Send me a wash tub and a doll that will open her eyes, nnd a bucket full of candy and toys. I will close as my letter Is getting long. Don't forget me. Good-bye. MARIES L. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec 14. 1896. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write you a few lines to tell you what I would like to have for Christmas a story tall books, some paints, a tablet, dolls, and other things. My address is 624 B st. I will close my few lines know. Your girl, and side coomes. 'MARTHA Z. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 12. 1896. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write a few lines to you as you have said that we could wrltt a few lines to you. I will write and ask you If you will send me a good sice of a trunk. My number Is MARIE J. And then you will be very much a bilge if you will send up a trunk. SARATOGA, Neb.. Dear Santa Claus: I want a pair of seakes. I want a doll, one that opens and shuts Its eyes. I want a pair of shoes. I want a new dress. I want a story book. I want a piano. When you go away I want you to cram my stocking with goodies, the top clear dow nto the toe. With love ALTA J down to the toe. With love. ALTA JONES. Dear Santa Claus: I want a gun. I want a drum. I want a s.ed. I want a whip. I want a pop gun. I want a game,. Lincoln. Neb. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec 12. 1S96. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write a few lines to you. As you have said that we you if you will send a dolly that will open and shut Its eyes, that has som hair on her head SINE J. Dear Santa Claus: I want a story book and a glorious big drum and I want a sled, and I want a gun. I want a pair of shoes. I want a suit of clothes. I want a train and I want a boy doll. I want a pair of rubber boots. HOMER J. a do'.! in It & a little table & send her all these please for she will be a good girl & never scratch me any more or tight. Please bring them on Christmas evu dear santa Claus & don't forget the ap ples, nuts & candles, so good-bye. Your loving little HARRY Jt. LINCOI.N. Neb.. Tuesday. December 15. 1S96. Dear Santa Claus: I would like to have a doll dresser, wash stand and bureau. And would you be so kind and give me a little black board and some chalk nnd a onboard, a table and chairs and a rocking chair, and be so kind and give me a tub. board and boil er and ringer, and a doll buggy and a doll bed and cradle and a horn and u few story books. Your friends. SALLY and MAY A. BULPI.O-SALINB BATnl!TAIM COR I AND M LINCOLN, NBB Open at all Hours Day and Nifty All fonaa of bath. TURKISH. RUSSIAN AND ROMAN With special atteatiea to tha an catioa of natural salt water bataa Several times etronger tbaa sea water. Special department tor surgical aaaaa and diseases peculiar to women. Baaaaatias. Skin. Moot aat Mire Bte eaaee, LWer and Kldaer Tluala a4 farfa Ailmaota are traatad aaacaai rally. SaabatblaaurbaaaJaTd at all aaaeaaa fa oar larga salt awlamta yoaJ, SSslU feat, M W faat daep. heatad to aaifam taiaetafw el Wm OffTMW 0R8- M. H. AND J. I . EVERETT Menacing Favsiciana. Third publication December 19. SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of Bale, issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judi cial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Union Central Life Insurance Company is plaintiff, ahd Thomas Sewell et. al. defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 5th day of January, A. D. 1897, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne braska. offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to lhe southeast quarter of section wit: MISTER SAINT CLAUS I AM ONLY thirty-five (35). the southwest quarter of FIVE YERS OLD I WANT THAT BIG BATROL WAGON. HENRY W. FROM US CHILDREN. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 12. 1896. Dear Santa Claus: we are a poor family there are 6 children of us papa has gone away and he wont spend Christmas with us and if you don't give us something we will not have nothing my name is Jesse and I want a 'pair of skates No. 10 1-2 and a sled and a hare gun. Henry wants a pare of skates No. 10 and a drum and a soard. Alma wants a dress and a doll and a baby buggy. Charley wants a pop gun and a little byckle and awriding whip. Eddie wants a horn and a wagon and a big marble. Bryan wants a rubber rattler box. Mamma wants a new dress an da pair of shoes No. 4. And we would all like some candy and nuts. Bryan would like a baby buggy he Is only two months old and wou'd enjoy It very much. Good-bye. LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec 15.. 1896. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a big doll & buggie some nuts & candy & some skates. Yours truly. MARY F. I wish you a merry Christmas. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dear Santa Claus section thirty six (36). all in township eleven (11). north ranee five (5), east of the 6th P. M., in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 4th dav of December, A. D. 1896. JOHN J. TROMPEN, Jan 2 Sheriff. 1100 DOLLARS KEVAKDtlOO The readers of this paper will be pleasedto learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to he medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatement. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby My name is Harry & I have been a good destroying the foundation of the disea slippers and golden hair like your's my about all for this time. Don wants a patro., our ad- north side avonu. from brother dress is Don and Jessie M. To Sante Clause. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec 13. 1896. Dear Santa Claus: I wish you would -please being me a doll and drt3s it In satin. MARRY MEYER. girl. I never cry when sister curls my halr. I like to get washed. I will always be good & mind my mamma & sister please send me a pretty doll with real yellow curly hair & pretty slippers with huck!ei on & a babv busrcie with a Edwin like to have a -peir of shoes little parasol on & a little doll in It a set One Hundred Dollars for any case that number 13 and a watch. of ch!na d,3hes bhle flowers on & a ttle Ior "V"" EDWIN MEYER. t ab!e. " rails to cure- Send for list of Testi- Elmer and Herman like to havt some & for my little sister Violet & pretty mnals. Sf lihT' b' C " U" dolls some tm dlshes so she can't break Address, P.J. Cheset t Co., Toledo ELMER MEYER. HERMAN MEYER. .em & a nttie buggy wlth a parasol & Q-iO. Sold by druggists 75 cents. se, and giving the patient strenetn by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that thev offer IM W