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The weekly sun. (New York [N.Y.]) 1851-1869, August 17, 1861, Weekly Edition, Image 1

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I i
mm tt ' ii
8ATCRDAT, Aid. 17, .WI.
I The Battle of Bull Ron.
I We tajrlt Um description or the field, and
taw dayttWuoa of Um foroa, with which oar
TWkden sn qnlte familiar froa Staw sad quia
as Itsar resvora. W. gin Um MMa frta
ad trar r ant dtrktoiM of tlM Kport. I. Tbs
deer rip :loa of Um ad wail of OoL IiliU'l
aad of tk. ee-aatry throagh wUtt It
Iwaahl Ha war. wJe " Mf tJ" userBl
having eppaiwiiUy had a aJWatl aaaarratfoa of
that part of tha belt s. 2 The tara of tha
(nettle, aa iaa arrival of Jwnaai . 3. Tha
eiiiaat of At raaraat, whlsh ta liaa-alarly lay.
parfcet la detail, and stops marly at Um bstrin
nlac. 4. Aspect of k Had aa4 wounded.
6. Taa aalafal accooai cf Um antteedsntt of
an4 tha utterly unpnpered ooedi
Iob In which Um array u forcad to take tha
fUi or raa ba rn.a II a Bortnxi.L
Sellable Ir.fn nation wm ob (timed of aa an
da'amied ford etuut tar.e mtlM above tie
' a.r'dgt thara bama;aoc4har fiaxl (Mtwoaa It atd
tha bridge, wklc l waa defeodad. I . waa
tharafore da .a mined to tabs tna r i 1 I i is
op ami f rd, sad. f,.r oio, to got behind
tha foroaa m anting Um lowar fo n 'id tha
I. " "T'"-"rl ' ,h w'r'"'' n
r ad, aalt of tba bridge to it. d r force to
deetr. t tha railroad, at or Bear O Jnwvule,
and that biaak ap taa c mmnai Ba M bwtwaaen
theeneay'e fotoee at Menaces tkMa in
tba v.i oi 1 r.'nii. ball ra WiAcaeattr,
which had neen haul In aback by M.j t OitM
ral P.'.iT.iiaua.
now thb att ao wax iisi.atkd, A. ii JJaah
toss sucuaM ibai kbd.
The dlvkioni war ordered to rairrk At half
past two o'clock A. ML. to a to arrive a Um
groaod early la tha day, and that avoid thi
bsst which u to aa II -acted at tbi attain.
. j Taen wu Celey ta Um d at dirinoa ge .tieg oa.
i f It. e mp on tha toad an i tba other dtnsi ma
i warm. In oor.s.quence, between two and thnt
hoars bentd in. Uma epp dr tad a irro tt at.,
fnnoaa, aa n taruevl oat. Taa ... i rout
U ad lap In m Um W arr.nioo tur.ip-ke to tha
app.rf.rd w.i m ich b.nger than wa e taitai
apon. the general diraet oa of tha Atra.ro beia
oellqae to Um toad, ant wa having tha obtuse
arg'a ro oar Aid.
1 tub biost or Hint'i me Attack
On raacslag the lord at SjiLhSiih, I
found part of tha law Hog briKaU of db iTca't
dlnatua (BorbbidaS) h,l oouaad. but tbi
bmb wara ai a In patting orar, I'.oppinK to
drink. Aa at thin tun. tba ctnuda of tusi fraai
tha olracttoo ti BaafJawal adU'Aad tha tmai
diati app-oach ol a largo forca. and faarta it
m'gbt coom dowa nn tat h.Ad of th cjlaaii
bafora Um dirialoB csald all gtt orar and tui- I
taut it, ordan. wara taat baJt to tha haat nf
raglBMatA tc brtak front tha c lu aa aad coat
forward aaparAtaly at fart aa paatbla. OrJart
n I wara aant by an oflct' to tha rtatrra brU i !
of llBiNTraiMAB's dir'tioa to oomt by a
Btarar rMd ar-nat tin fitidt, arid an ald-da- '
caatp waa aaat to Briaadlar () nur .1 Tt 1
to diraet him to praai for .art), tta at- i
tarh, ba larpa bodlea of tha .imy wara
pattln la froat of hiia to attack to i diriat a
which bad cruttad orar. Tht groaad balwaan
tha at ratal aad tha road laailog frnai Sadiay'a
H print; tonth, and ovar waica Birnatda'i bri
nada tAarcbad, waa for abjat a in. It from tht '
fort talakly woodtd, whdtt on tht nnht
of tha rota for about tbt ttrna dlaianoe iha
oooBtry waa dmdad ba-waan lla.dA aad wjidt.
tVboat a atUa from tha rot 4 tba eiaitrynn
both tldta af Um rotd it oitn, and for ntarly a
mUa raruhtr larga rolliai ttal it t(Mnd Junn
tht Warraaton turnptka, which criaatwhtL
bacaaM tha fitldof bttlla tirjah tbt rallty
of a ft 1 1 watar count, a uiittary of 8tU
f Mni
kaarUy aftar tht 1181102 raglatnt orthtSrtt
brtgada raatkad thu opto apatt, aad wtlltt
othara and tht too nd origad i wtra crottlng to
tha frost aad right, tba ant ny OBMal ha rl-a,
bagisnlBa; wiUi anlliAry, and folli'tn It up
with Infantry . Tbt laaiintr krlgalt (Buo.
stdb'a) had to tut tain thla thick for a ah rt
A tuat wiihoat luppwt and did It wall. Taa
batvalloa of raguiar Infaji'r j waa laat to iu
tain It, and ahurtly aftarwArdt thaothtr orpi
of Poktbb'a brig tda, and a rtgtmtnt da aca
ad frost Hour almab'i dlvUtoo to tba i.r .
forcad tha anamy back far aaough to allow
flu tan it a aad Karsa' brigadaa, of Ttlbb'a
dlvia i.ti, to crott fr .b tkair pwltim oa tht
Warrtatoa road. Tfaatt drovt tbi right ol tht
antray, andatitood to htTt btAn co mmil.i
by BaAoaaOABO, trim thafrontut Um Said and
oat of tbt dattohtd wooIa, and down to tha
rotd, aad Ac rear It ap tba ilopaa oa tht o'.her
Aide. Whilkt tbi. waa going an, IlKrwn
aaab'a tflTittoB waa moving down Um dtid to tht
tLrttm aad ap tht road bay md.
Btyond tha Warrtatoa roal aal to tht
loft it tht roal. do. n walci oar tropt bti
Btarchid from Sadltr't Spring 1a a h U i .a a
farm hi u it it. Bihiad ttU hi'l tit aatotf
bad. Mftf In tha day. to-atof m nx'. at
ncaring htttariatplinUd. A rat tht road from
thla bill waa anoihar bill, or rttoar altratal
ridga, or tabla of lani. Tht hrtt pvrtof
tha eoatait wat for Um p awu m ..' thit bill,
with a hoott oa It. Tht lorct ant:atl htra
wat Uraarrr. almab'i d'Titloa. Wilcux aad
Bowabi.'a brigtdM oa tht right, lapporttd by
part of Poaiaa't brigadt aad tba ctrAlry un
oar PAiatatt aad I;m.ivi ' brigAdt of
IlBTAmBitaA't dlrUloo S.iaaiAa'i brig t da
of Truta'A dlvlrcs in tht ctatra an I up 1st
road, wbilat Ki t ah brigade of Tylbs'i di
rialoa was on tha laft attacking tha ba'.ttriat
oaar tbt aote brltgt. rht Bio la Iiland
battery of Bonaauia e brigade alsj participa-
tad la thla at'.Ack b ludrefion tha north of
, thatarrpihi. Iba tn.mv waa underrtol to nave
bean conuaendad by J. K. Jorbaiob. Bii KarT'e
battary which did tuch atf clire itrviat tod 1
4layd to brtllitnt t ptri, in thit conta., waa, I
tnajtUMr withUruvriB'e Battary, oa the aide 1
ol tha li .11. anl liacABM tba oijact of tbi 'pidtl I
BttenUaa of tbt toeay, who auceatdad -otr
oalowa alataklBg one of thalr raglm.nta for one i
of . ur own, and Allowing It to approach w ta-
oat Irlng ipoo II la dlaabling tho liettery. ;
aad then eiumpted to utkA it. Tbroi timet
wat be rtaoUad by diffufnt corpa La tOAJta.
tin end Crlyaa back, and tut gant tektn by
hrd, the borate bilng kl ltd. and pallad twey.
The third tlmi it wai eup,ioted by ni ell that
m tba rapalra wan On 0 for be wai driven entirely
from Um hill and to far btyond it at not to be
in eight, and all wata certain tha dty wee out
Ha bad bafore tble hiaadrivaa near a mile and I
a half, and wee biyood the Warren in roal, I
which wet tatucly n onr p3aaaeiton froat tht
.S'.oae bridge wctward, and onr esglneera
were Jut completing tht removal of the abttle
aceroae the road, to allow oar releforcement
(Kbenck a brigade and Ayer'a battary) to joia
The tea my wai avidanUy lUihaenenad and
brokarn. Bat we had been fighting aloce helf
paat tea o'clock in the taoraaig, aad It wai af
ter three o'clock In the afUrnoon. The man
, thad been ap tinea two o'clock n the morning,
and hod Bade what, to thoao anneal to m h
thingt. latrmed e long mwth before coming
Bto actloa, tboagh the longeet diitanca gone
over wat not met a then nine and e half nulea;
aad although they had three daya' prbtlaiona
Barred cat to them the dey before, many no
doabt either did not eat thorn or threw tham
way on tht march or darlu .; tha battle, end
Wwe therefore without food. Tbay had doae
rnach atrwa fighting. 8me f tbt rerimentt
which had been driven from the hill In the
I p flat two attttapti of Iba anemv to keep p n
aaaalon of it had htoomt thakeB, wart ai
taadv, end bad many men out of the rankl.
It wai at Urta time that the enemy'i rein
Mttiaaala came to nil aid from tba railroad
traha, undefatotd to have Jul', arrival from the
valley with the reeitue of Joaairoa' army.
They tliBBB thamralvaa la tha wood I on our
light, aad towerdi the rear of oar rigb'., end
op laid a Ira of muaketry on our man, which
earned them to break aad retire do an the blll
Toil uon regtaerated Into tneordar, for
. which there wm no remedy. Kverr effort wee
made to I ally them, even beyond the reach of
. the enemy a fire, bat In vain. The battrjioa of
regular Infantry Alone at. red ap the bill oppo
I ilte to the one with tba h ua on it, Aad there
maintained Itself until oar mm could get
dowa to and acroen the Warraaton taramke,
SB the way beck to Um roaiUoa we o:cupid in
the manrihig The plain wai covered with Um
reWaatlng troop, aad thary teamed to lnf.
Bhata with whom thary came la coataet. Tha
retreat tota besaeaa a root, aid thb aoob da
gWMraUd aUll farthar to a panic.
eluding tail state of affaire was bey nd tha
tafforti of all latest Whs had attUUd ao faith
v mm
u mmmm ', .T-J2a ZSt TTt' fwavawew raWf tVBT . ' '' " ' ' ' "T'
'THE sun.
felty darfaw ha I nag apd hard dav wwk la
ramteg eraeeet the eb'ect of onr withM. aad
that nnthfcg rwa ahead ol the Be d hat to n
eogalta whet we esald no keeper ttsvaaV I
Ma the necateiry ordan lo protect than- with
drewal bagting the own to form In I n-, aad
iffer the eppe.rar ca. et least of r. : a .aati
Thav ratornad by the fixw. to th Warrenxm
rood p-etaeted, by my order, b) Oo.ooei Poa-
via t force of rag o I aim Ooee oa the rotd, aad
Um different eo'pa romlag togeJiAr la tmall
pan i a, many without -officer, insy beetuaa m
terminglad. ad all nrgeni..t;ni arae Irtla
Onlara had beam arathaok ir.hn.ai . , ,
for a brigade to eaova forward aad protect tola
retreat, and Colonel Buku'i brigadt wee
thstached for thla oarpoi', tad wai ordered u
i ge ee fer forward as tba ps.nt wkirt the road
to tba right left toe main mad
After trorldisg l tha prctecMoa of the re
treat b Poa-rae'a tad BLttwcaa'a hrura,lea 1
repaired to R.. harden, a aal foauil that the
whole f rot ordartd to be atet! osd for tha
holding of the rs. i from Itanae-ea bv Blact
t barn't f ird to ( entrrnlle on the mar oh tir.dtr
the ordert from the Dtvia on Oooimaid.r for
Cent re title. I immadla'air he'ted il. end rr
derad It o Ukt a tie let Una of Je'soii
actn atberHget'tatlhtlrlineadiwi.tartaf. acd
rahttqnraUy t aVt ,g in par n tie coamand of
I tbli part of tin array. I etuaad tech rtiipnii.
i Una of the fVrcas which hid hem added by the
y ra and r.d Mew jareey tad the Da Kt'h
r (rira.ntt, criarad ap rrtim Ranyoa'i raatrvt,
barnr. ( iB forward, at woald bwt err r. to
1 . k the erea.. The rirtgt b. k hala ia th
m m . ,k. r. I ... I . . MBMl ' ' '
.. ..urn p..--. i away
thr nghC rtrevlHt to tha raw. Tee e.t.ray
to 1 wad b- fro 'lit ford it fir a- Cu ran and
"wti to tht rotd iw- m nc blxhea ap at taa
1 crowing, c.uiad at muth damage there, f,r the
i.tU'ery could n t paei and aartral puces and
catar.tr t bai u ba abendoned
II. aaodoarn BKat erf oar mea bed go lea be
lilad (' nit ev.Ue rirga and it kaoaataqua
lot whet wa l.ii iltt of u t aadeevor to
mahn a a'and there Tas condition ofoarar
Ulleiv And It- amraaaltloa aad tat waat ef
foor- for the mat. who kai generally aMudtn
1 or hr, .... i that hal been i. aal tha
ev baf ire. A-rd iha u-tar diiTgaisiii and
arae quant dataoreliritioa nf the meie of the
erm. asAwASd to all who were near eot ugh to
l In conrultert--d, vir.it,,, and brigade com
mar l-ra and ataff to admit of to altarnetlva
knt to rati hack: tha more to ai tha poaltioa
at B ackbara'i ford was than la tht pnaeeelon
rTtoe anamy. aad he wai aire, w tarnlne: onr
let Oa teadlng the effl-erA of tht t.tff titbt
ilifTtreat cam pa tbar f mad. it thy rapjrted
to ma, that oar dicuion hid bean enticipatad
tt ibt troopi mint of taoae who bed coat !n
rr.ia t' front baing already oa tbe road to tha
rear, the piolo with which thty taaM in mil
Staet nalog aid hurrying thea elocg.
Oar killed emoantwi to ninetnen often and
four haadred ead lixty-two noBwimmittloaed
ofllc ra in I privatae, and our w u n led to lixty
four oacarrt and alne hundrAd and forty aaven
t oar obi ml lioatd r fiioeri and prtvatea. Many
of the w randed will eoon be able to Inio the
rankv and wUI leave onr total of killed and
diaabied from farther Aervke ualer one tho at
ant. axi'UVATtoB or m rAoiis or tiij dii-
Aa my poslUon may warrant, even If It do an
cot caU. lor uai izp'tia:lon of tas oaaitt, aa
ar aa tbay can ba eaen, which led to the reeolu
-erain etaiad, I trnet it may not be out o I place
1 1 rsftr la a f-w word to the iaaeliata
uiUieaeati of the battle. When I tab nlt'.l
the tie-., a- in-Ciief, In c laplutase with hit
irhel inatrucUoDi. tht pltn of oparatiooi aad
etloiate fore i raqalrad, tha Ume I wam to pro
ad to aarry It Into effect wu fixed for the HJk
i Jul., M, ii lev. Every fa llity poaaibla wai
.ivta ma by ba irl.aaral h i..r .nd aatdaof
Be adm'niitradve departae ,tt ia aeclag the
awt err prepara'ioaA Bat tha -ergtmanti,
wi. g I waa tod to waat of traaapw atiwa,
.ma ovw im sly. Many of thea did not come
arm till eight or alas davt atsr tht tiaa
II led apon, arti tornf fttnnaril toUhtut my rrvn
" - 'Arm atari tnlJmU Kama rVea rayairwr
ktt'irt ia a fcrMjrJc. Th mdlif rtimfarot
"ireVA ro tJitiwa! Pallerim, ty dravrisp off (Art
rAKfrnu wain further atari una .).! itAt cwaar
of i. ly Notwiihatandlax the harcaleAn
ilforU of the QnArtarmatter tianaral, aad
bit favoring ate la every way, tha wag
cat for aaim initlom, labttanct, c, and
tht ho raae for the tralm aad tba ar
tH'ary, did ant all arrive for more than a week
aftar tki ttmi appointed to move. 1 wai not
even prepared aa lets ai tbe lotk alUm h and
ike drtirr I th wfd mo t bfram 'treat, and it WAI
silbid I abeam not, If poaiible, delav Inagar
ba-. Taaeday. 16 h. nltima. U i-n 1 did Qtt
I rat ikt iciit ttttt dtt) iraf in r t
fnmhtiiUnrrt. But I went tor sard trui irg
to th -tr balog prccarel in Ume to fo'low me.
' n r r.-A.MA drr: 'i I. ai I ; m it fi l ;
att tier- rma. unitteti j AarA ofAer, m-tvrd
toitk :liK' tdtf and rfuorder, and mat tht catinttf
a day i dtlay tn gt'tunj the pronuinu f.nv trd,
mikmq it rv . 'win. to tn Ue os Uunday tht at
t Ml tea gtiotdd Kti'e made on 8atrd ty
I cmld not, with every atartloo, get for
WfiH wlU tta tromt 'earlier Una we did I
.hi to go to (J ntrsvUle the aaoood day,
hic woold have ttshea ia 'hare o i the 17th,
arid eathlid at to fer aa thty were onceraed,
ugo into action oa tbelftth, Inatead of tba
in but when I sent fro a K.irfu Ctart
RiBAa, Iwyoad ,ar net it ., tn urge them for
ward. I k told it wu mi aeiblt for the men
to march further. They bal only oomt from
Vimi ia, b.ia' eit milta, tun it wai not mure
nan nt aad a iaI' mllea fur. bar tn Oiatre
vilie -In all a man h of twelve aid a ball mtleei
So', the men ware foot waary, ao' tt mttrh I
WU toid, hjfthe (iiifrtrana m irchet 'it by tht tint
thty Vad keen on foot rvutd hy tht futi- tint
in th road and the alow pen wa had to mira
to iv. rid ii Mir, i lea. The man ware, more
over, unaccant mad to mar Hag, tbeir bodies
nit In condition for that kind of work, aad n it
aned to carrying evea tha load ol light march
ing ordw.
We c rotted null Ran with about 18 000 men
(.fall aiae, tha fifth divlalon (Unas and If,,, n
akdiob'a brtgeda) on tht lift, At II ai kbarn'a
ford to Csntreville, anl Stiibsok'a brigAle, of
Trt.KB'a dlviilon, on tbe left of the roe 1, near
t to i. me bridge, not peTtlcipatlag In tbe mAia
aiUoa. The numhira npp lad to at beve bees
verioaaly aatlmeted. I may .'aly aa , and
avoid even tbe eppenrance of exegatatlon,
that Um enemy brought ap ill ha c ni l whi.B
wwe not kept orgeged alriawhere. Ha had
notice of oar r-omtng on tht 17th, end bid
from that time antll the ItH t bring ap what,
otver be bod. It la known that ineetiaaUng
tha f iroe to go egainat fit tn at .raa I enjtvtrd n n 'e
Aui to do aith the enemy' a orrm uader Jtnntttn,
then kept is rArcit m (At valley by Major UeetertU
ratter or these kept engaged by a oyer C'an
erni Butler, ead I know evwy eifort wai melt
by tbs QinerAl-ln-Chitf that thti should he
dona, and that evea If Joiitatoa pined Bbad
bboabo, it woald not be beceue he coald be
fullowad by i. antral PArrr.atoB, bat from
cmaaa not neceeeery for me to refer to, if I
kaaw them .11. T it waa not doss, sod tha
enemy wee ires to Btstmhle from every dl rec
ti m in nam era only limited by the am mat
of bis railroad rolling itcsk and Lit lupply af
provi lora To the to cei, th rain a, we drove
la from Fairfax (Jo art Boare. Pa fax atetka,
(lirsuatosn aad Csntrevlila, and tbeea under
BsanaaoABD at alanaarat mult be addad
those aodar JonmirwB from Wlncheitsr, aad
taoae broaghtapky Devil from Richmond
nad rthar place, at the 8 uth, to which U to
oe add.d tbe levy en mutt ordersd ly tbt
Richmond ea'hiiltlee. which wei ordersd to
aeaetiiiila at Uanawaa. Wuat all thla amounted
I I I cannot My certainly mucn more thea wt
attacktd tham with.
I tt wt at I hare taidt more, early piuh on
fitter noreeild I delay A large aad the best
part of y forcaiwere Ihrvsmonthi' volunteers,
wBOtstsm oftsrviat wai about to axpire, bat
who win Mn' f or ward ai having lory enough to
Mrve f ir the purpwe cf the expedition. On the
eve f i he battls tbs Poartb Penaiylvania reg
iaant of voluntaan end the battery nf vslun
Iter artillery of the Nee York Eighth militia
whoee term of isrvLeexsirtd, anAlated on tbrair
discharge. I wrote to tbs rajment, exprees
iag a r i last for them to remiin a Ahirt time,
end Uesxtnn Sacra ery of War. who wat ai
tbs thai oa the ground, tiled to Indues the
bsttery to remain at leait fire daya. Bat la
vain They Instated on their discharge that
night. It waa granted, and tin next morning,
when the ermy mnved ferwArd Into be' 1 these
troops moved to tba rear to the sound of tat
enema 'a c axons.
In tht next few daye day by may I tho'dd
Awe toet ten lArreuurtJ of the beet armed drilled
efiicered owe) Bat taasid troope is (At ermy. Ia
other words, a vary day which addad to the
lUWXgth of Um tueoiy atOe AJ weaker .
I - con- o-lr . I dre-lre tol-r, la raferetK,
to Iks svsati of tbs Mat alt , that the gsser., 1
order for the battls to which 1 rsf -end waa
with t ight modiAcetlone. literal v enfor nad
to: tha- the corpa were brought over Bell Ren
ia the aasem r sn.pr.wl, and pat Into actios si
hsfiars errsrgsd, and that, ap to la e in the ef
tersoos, every annvaBMat tardsrsd waa osrry
n wsefuliy to Um object ws ksd pro
posed hef re atarrfsg-tjiet e sett 1st: to tas
railroad leading fn.m hfanvaa to the vallsy
sf VugistB acd goisg aa it far eaeagh ts
breah ap ead lea troy the commas eUaa aad
mtwviewe hatwesn the forest aider BtABaa
OABD ead tfste n r!tw J.iirrTtB. AmicrvU
trr hare femnktatey era fVji k rwri eneasr,
trr, it , etytkini totnmr h- .-.-.Id kam
..rrirneoo) tvn-tefnl, even ag tinet tkt odUvHk
m A r,y . fmt.mteeU
I t-nw the honor tc he vary rwrrtrrtfally,
r n . I. i. I ar.
lRWIR M roff ' I,
n.-adiar O ctal Coc.mandlcg.
Uieetljjg of the Demooratio State
Central Committee.
A Ibtiny. Ami. H. Ths Dssiocntic 8'eto
i 'ani i.i U maitlee met et the H.I . .n Booee
td.y. A Urge nsmssr of prose 'aea,t Dtao
crati rroa eli pattt o' tbe atete wtra prtai,
givlrg ths masting the a- pure c. of a On
teatiua. Albany Ah? . Tke iamo.r.tic .Slate Oeo
tr 1 CB. null Im- aa .L SI Ik. I i ..... - II .... A
dsy. iber waa a fall a.Uodaai t Ths in
eton of the CnrmllUe .as private, hal a large
it -' rf in It.r. wire gsthsni os'itls,
swel iag the scUoa of tbs C mmittee witk In-tar-it.
On Botloa of Bavriwrji Worm, msmbar
'r m tht city .4 Hts Vork, th. folio eiBg raeo
iu ton wea '. '
K fired That the Con rait tee he- a heard
with .rofeand rart sf Um ''-a h of tir
aa ociuta rikaod Wm D Kee.ai.t of Nss
T t-k a hose asav viriaw dsrotioa to naaa
r rat c i rm. i lea, and anselfish , -lit -t I nt rea
der Ma diosia. s 'stn sad p gr.an grlvf ts his
oumt'oai filaoda sad t ItBBJ 1 1 ths itt's and
ReeMved. That tbe ah t a be Ibtlnttl In ths
mti.it- pa bl abed, and e copy presented otha
tataily 1 1 the deceeeed
Tha following ii mine nice Uon from the Re
I pualicen SUis C astral Comal tea wea pro
I netted :
To th- ). strvriili- State C mmtt'ee I
QxATLBMaB At s irsrtlagcf tha K.pah.
I lice a rites Omentl's. held st Alb. it. Ang.
th. Wfit, tbe foils sing rseoluti. ne wsresdopt
ed : Hers folio sa a opy of i h rsaolatki t of
tbt Kapab lcin Committee slrsair cibilahsd.
Ptiraaant to the fongslsg r-anlatisni the
u'.darakBed ware appointed aa each commit .
tea, Aid do h.relif cordbuVy invite the Deano
cra'i. Htete Committse to join with Be la da--j
ignatl-1: a Uma and plast for the boiling of
tbs at eta cjevcnUnns of tbs two par, las, whtre
, by thi people of the stats rsprassntsd la each
I oonvsnuoa, amy deiarmlne fur themieJree
npoa Hat prtprlety of l.ymg aslds all minor
i m.a In i he one effort to i reatrre ths govern
ment, end t restore the federal cotaUtatlso.
and laws In all ths states.
Ths Committee srs now in attart tar.ee, ai d
I re-p .1 .fully await your nieonat.
I CotnMitfoe Gbo Or dtk a, B. Dbai-bb,
DeMaa Braoso, Wai. a Dabt, 8. P. Ai.
i. aw.
After en in rr i.P, ' views, the Oom
'.I'lM a I'ptsi taa following reeponsa to Um
ttsr o' Ui Bepihiicsa Bah C mmlttse :
tiama The rsso uUona ooaaanicated to
ua be y na hers been d u I . cor aidsred by oar
Co ami t a, who bars dhracUd at t reply
nrei - Kots can ba more prnoaaaly
impr.M d thsa we ere with a anise of
tha duty of fatrsgolng Bartizan vtewe aad
i urpo.a i a the present erIUcal condltloa sf
nar unhAj ty eons'ry. Ths Oeeaociatlc party
bat ba every ci-Ua of public deaawr rta.ii to
ths magnitude ol tbe occailoa and devoted
its energies and sacrifices to Um cill of pa
triot in a. It will not be lass tras to thi 4a
Uta of clti.aathip bow whan the perili whloh
msntci m, eqtal, If thary ao not ex "red thorn
which aarroaadtri ai la Um wat of Indsasa
fence, and ia the straggle for the foraaUon
j of the OoniUtaUon ts lbs spirit in which it
hen alrssdy rsspondsd. Ws pant to ths han
dndi of tnnuaaode of oar brethren, who took
j ap arms fur Um Union, aad ts ths alacrity
with which tbey. in common with tbe whole
people, have t (fared to bear tbe burden of tax
tlnn for tba defenw of tbe ooantry.
Y tu auggest, sa aa additional mode, appa
ttnt y. of naiUoE' tbt psoplt, s An farsacs cf
the D.mocretic sad Bepablicen CmventioBA,
w.th a view tn a J dat nominaUon of ths Baa.
didetss for itsts reficas. That it would ba well
st this time to fill ths leading public offices,
et peel ally ia tbe Felsral Oovrrnmsnt, to which
thtcoidact of public slTaira baloog wlih man
wli.ee parity of cbsree'e' sad capacity f - ad
ii nlitretive lebori srs so s I kmwn a- to
command the oonfidsn. a of ths psopis. ii most
tree, and It Is alii probeble thf Ir thla exam
ample were itt In tbscoadact of Ptdersl ornott
It would bt folio ssd by tha psools in ths ss
i Isctioa of thalr etate offlewi Bat we woald
be felu to fke party which we nprsesnt if we
conaidared an. propositi m of ani n with for
mar pollticA' npp inenta ex apt on the basil of
principle It la of llitls importey-ce whet
mea or what party occupy paoiio p tntionAOf
honor snd smolamsnt, bat it ia of th" at mart
momsnt that citiznni of com won princMei
ahould onl e at this time la luoptrt of the gov
ernaint sul in utdlca'loa of tbt ConaUta
tion aad lV.lun.
We behave wa stt.r tht tsn'lwrsnti of
all Democrats, when we lit that they
srs rssdy to nails In p -Ittical a a
with tverv citlzea who looki to the p'ei
etvttiae of the UontUtatlon aad the ptr
petuatton of Um Union at ths grss' sad to os
arrived at aod who et'iasts ell mtAturet,
I wbsthw of war or peace, only si tbey cjnduca
I to the', end; who are opposed to say wtr, anl
tqaaliy toaaypsact which Is based apin the
1 laes of Um tspsrsMoa cf thMe itetet Whi s
1 thsy hold that Um WAr cm snly ba safely
' pr.taacu sd by s mure rtgortrroti cornmsnd In
ilia h. Id, and sflidsncy la Um nsvel block.
d, tbev regard it aa ths duty of Um
r"ederal Ciivsrnmsnt to bold oat twmi
' pes: i sad locommodstioa to tha dir- .ivend
etatri, laiuringtbea of all fieirrigbta under
tie Constitution; that at our no lticel aya
'am wai fonndid in compromisi', acd hat
been to i-errrritnil.d, It cen novir be d ihoa
orebleinany adminietra iOB tn teek to is.
etore tt bv the nmt meiai- Abivs sll thsy
repel tht las that tbero axlttl between the
t eo tecdota of tae Union, lack an InconpeU
illity of inatitut loot si to gtvs rlss to en "ir
raonisibls conflict, bstwssn tham. wh.cb csn
only ttraUate In the tubJagaUet of oas or Um
"thrr R-pel I Tg t lis doct rii s Uuat any Itsts
can rii'h- fu'lv atcedefr m th. Union, they hold
next Ini'ieyence that eggrerwivs f anttlclam and
Sctloosl polioy wll'cb bee SO larval v con rlbn -ad
ts the prisaBt danger of the eouatry.
They propose to invite to a aaioa with them
clUtsss of whtt vir party, who beUevlag la
Una. vlswa, will set with them to atcura an
honest admlniamtion In f.daral and ststs at
tatra, a rigid a slatsaaaea of tin conatitaUoo,
sconomylntbs public etpead turea, bmsaty
la ths sward of contract a Ja.Ucs to Um
soldier In the field, aad to Um taxpayer at
borne Um rigid Mwguaxd of tht public credit,
sod ths sxpolilon of corrupt man from public
offics. Ai snob a anion mutt necer eerily
prtrg from tbs people, ioAtead of being dic
tated tn hem, we are inalrucud by carCota
tnittaa to aay that. In thalr call for the usual
Htmocratlc Stats ConvenU n, that wi 1 iavlts
sll good eitlxaos who srs willing ts ca
opsrsts with l moara'a to thss ondi to
come together at Um primary maeiiige.
and units ia sslsctlng rnpreeentati vea to
aacb a Cms n'ioa to aoaViate cialldalea
for tbe lupport of ths slictors cf the state,
up-iii this platform of nnloa and patrao is n.
We h evt tbs honor to be, Ac,
Vary Bsspastfaily Tours,
D Rit'HMOBD, Chi. arm tn,
Pktbb Caoobb Sicrstary.
The Hew Revenue Bill.
Tease sa Uesssae . Tata aad aTaaaai.
Ths following la aa abstract tf lbs bill
Agreed OB by tht commlttseaof nqaawaaca of
tha two boaiae of Cagreea for sustaining tha
Ovrainaent and tha public cr dlt by ea Is
eresss of tariff direst UxAtlon and ths collet, -'
k sf loli rati daUet.
FireM tha nw aogar, 1 seat! par poaad, sad
wt otsysd aoATar BUtjasrad, ji mtl p,mHa.
os MBasel asasra 4 cen'a per 008811: aad oa
enaored aagera edslterated. aod oa eager eta
dies, 6 mm per poand. Ol all tats 15 eaats
p prjBBd; aim lode, 1 rsau pw poand, rebelled
Bravado. I oeo la per poaad. On crude brim- I
iioss, 0 per ton; la roils On par tor. on rotTae, '
ol ail kiss a 4 cants per poaad; on oocoa; cas'e
psrp-ttind; oa MN laevaa, thaUa t osnts psr '
pow '. ca C.TOt n tnn'tfln ad H cents pw 1
i tin. i oa cbneolate ' ceatt par poaad; oa i
caaata, IUcsbIs war poaad, oa caaala bu.lt, II
mm aw rtAad; on clan. moo. M aant I par
pound, aa dove.. 8 ceaU pw poaad; oa cay
enne p ppw. oeau per point, on caresaBS I
r r .. r,. n. I a .u.,. .. I . .
r rr--' ra--. - er'a p. mrai; ot rename,
rawu par poaeO; oa argol. osntt per pooxd,
,a cream tartar, 6 ran par pnsnd; on Ur
teric scia end tarter emetic, end R t hall, aal'a
W otnte Br poard; on dstss, 2 wnta i-r pound;
on figi f raau pw pnaod; oa gtrigttr root, 1
' iota isr p uat'i oa ginger, irand. II oentl
per p and; on licorice puce and 'tics, 5 cents
isr pound, on lie a. La root, leant pw txnd,
n n . a a. a BBtmega, ii etate par fund, oa
tall of all kimta. not nlharwiea provtCtd for, I
senta per pot.nd ; on pa. p r, li csr.te par poona j
o ; .i-ni-, i, cents pr poind, i n pluraa. .'i
cen u. isr p and . , n p'ans'. 5 oente per piard;
c ral i a, fi Btltl p-r p tond on aamsoafac-
tirM RuwlA tep, . in per u( cm M mills
and otter amp., t '.S per t..B i on lied in p tn
.w atea II M eL f as -.a. I. .tTTT. -!..
- ' . '- K"' ' v i. -uiua ; in IHir az 7.1
P: I'tr p bi dt on eh IB luad dry or ground
a ail. aad ret l.c, $-.' j;, p aouaos; rn
sit, m aacka, IH c.it- par 10 panda; aod in
Iralh, 1 csntt per 100 pound! ; oat km a n.
cot psr ooartd oa biowhons's of a . , I aant
per poand ; on aal a tie, bj cant per ponnd ; oa
-au Ue a s. 1 -nt per poand ; or chloriae r
I ret 30 cen'a ptr 100 vnn tt ; un iiltpttit,
i-raCe. I cent per potum ; relintd, or perusJty
reliced, is.ite par poind; ro t-p.n'in. 10
cat la p.r galbn . on oil i f cljvea, i0 cents 'per
poan.' cm brand;. 1 It per gailnn ; on apt.
nte die, iiled In a gr-ii or ither rja'.-uah .i,
en a ar KaU a ; ra .on c tnsl, and othsr're
linooi rub-rat need for tbe same parpost si
gam copal. Id r mta par pound.
far I Jo ths lapnrutton of tbe a-.lcla
hereli eftar Bamaal, tbs f illowing da las srs Im
posed : Oa sr. o root. '."O par cntua ad val ;
'n gir gar, power ved or pi Jtlad. ;0 pw otnt riri
Hfi ot liass, Isacna, urangss. baraaaA aad
plsuiaina, zO nw earn rum rtd fat. oa Psrovisa
a'k U pr eentum -i.r al : M quinine, SO pw
contum ,vl mil -Auaa, of whtiersr mat. rial,
1" per cesium adr.ili on gnnprnrl-r, .10 par
caatam rid r-sr ' intca'aart end doami 80 tsr
caetam nd Bali in hldoA, 10 par otnt' ad iti(.
H sola snd bend learner, M per cent n f . n
India rubbw.Bananafsctur.d, 10 pav.cent ad t al
on I edit ratibw boom ard ehoee I ) par c n nd
t ai, on iviry inanafoctursd and on vsaeMble
Iv.v 10 peroentnm ad ted l on win of ail
kinds, .'.0 per cent ad rat : on rtlk in t e rvvt,
rot mors adtsoeed in the minahciiira ttsn
tingles, bsm ar I tin an or orgenr.lna '!! par
oeot n.i .i.' in all alike valaad at not ovsr I
pw sars yard, .10 pw csot n I nd . ontllAllkt
velna i st ovar 1 1 psr tqtmri yard, 40 pw cant
nd tal; oa aU ailh velvet., vslaAd at fl ptr
square yard, .16 fetoeatadr.il; vs'aed at
ovw 0- p.r aqu ire yard. 10 per seat atf raf on
fiuat alike SO pa osnt .id nar!,' on tUk ribboae,
Gel - .n, braids, fringes, laces Ussals butt ma,
uttou aloLka, trimmings, and oa silk twist,
tout composed of mohair and silk, sewing silk
is ths gum or purified, snd all other msnafao
tarst of silk or of whloh silk iball be tha oom
poasat mstsrial if chief veins, not otherwise
provided for, 40 pw oaat ad raj.
See. 3. Oa aU goods imported la foreign
veaasit from bsvimd ths Otpt of (1 aod Hope,
ant tnUUtd ts exemption by reciprocal dsUa,
10 per cent ad ral it imp teed la addition to
the other daUss Imported by this ec'
' I Providai for a drawback for expor
'sUotis ia ell Imports goods tilt bars ptld
du'taa sabjsct to adwlBsUoa of 10 pw cent, by
col lac ' nr.. i
Bee. tea aSnorli on rtrlpbosrd or la warahouM
at tha Urns of tbs pssaags of this set are sub
ject to the dntias prsvioosly In force. Pro
vided sll goods la b mi- sd wsrshoass fur horns
soarnmpU.m mast ho withdnwn, and ths da
Uw tbsrsoa paid within three mon'ns sftsr the
Ume of entry, sad goodi deatgned for exports
Uon moat as withdrawn wiUiin three yesn.
.lee ft, Modifies ths provisions oi ths
for dtsr tariff respecting liquors, glass, acnes,
heelings, end other srtlclss.
Sec. 7. Bspsala sii laws imonsiiUn with
this set, aad raiaioa tbs provisions of former
laws for ths oollscUouof duties, end impatl
Uon aad remission of lines
See 0. Adinottazof .' I ot uno Is Uvlsd
on the Mvaral it." . ai d terriiorlei, apporUor.
ed In Uia following mancer :
MelBS I " Ml I i I sea f - ' l
New llruupehlre . 1 4 tjliliseAs I lat ent
V.rmirnt ill "f.-.ejlaeiuri .'. l.'T
ttesaerliuaaMa . -1 1 r si , Kaoeee 7ITI3
Koodeltlaud lir,.'jil3 Arksaet. .i; in)
Oosneowcni n lit Mlch gas bol TSS
New Yeik t.oni.tm Florida TTstl
New I isay Ann l.lt r tae tit loo
I'eO e ;.i.le. .. I .il. r i I .era. IV H-.
Halt war. 14 iMI Wleooaaiu hiicss
HarylaaJ Alii S13 lOelltxrlt atMSU
VireloU ... atinaoa la 1 i 1
N.u I'a.oline. . tld till Oregot to lto
Hnuih OamUaa.. laa-STrl New Mi also. .., ii-iti.
Oen.gie -I in; I ah 80.911
Alsbeois tjt .1 I Weaeti.e-t. J TBI
mealaelppi 113 oM Ne ireeke 1 3TI
f. unit oa Bret s- ; N oj.de t.f.ii
tldo l.KT (inv'i. o'oiidj li.'.'oe
Kauaucky 7K, i -nr. lai-rte 311'
Teaianaea l b i'- ' im'ni 4 1ST
See. 9. For tha more convenient collection
of thla tam the Secretary of tbe Treaiory is
empittored to divido ths a'-s'ai aad tarrltorla
reApect'vely.lnto diatricte and tpp'.mt carl lac ton
for tbs aams. who shell ro.de in laid diitrictl
1 he si a mi Ami twrltorias may slso as ersctad
Into one district collect! ri not 1 1 bs a; point -sd
Ull after tho second Tu'iday in Feiiuiry,
Sectitmi 10, 11 snd 12 prorldi n Uia stcs:a
t i in of i be pruvitioui of this ao I and ,;i re tae
oVtcretary of tksTrsssary lull poser.
See. I.I. The airnct tsx to bs laid on the
value of sll land! and lotl nf grounds with
their dwelling houaoA and taproveiaents at
a money valnatioa of tbsia, on tbe ilrit of
Atril, U61.
Pioperty belnr gun: to ths Cnltsil Btstw to
let exempt, sa also propwty Apscully sxemptsd
from tax i- ion by Ate a la we at Uw 'ins of tbe
piastge of this set. Prnpsrty not worth ovur
Oo I I, bo on ring lo individuals, t ) hi exempt
fmn. taxattta.
rfoo, 1 1 Aaswrora to make written retumi of
Uia value cf taxable property lu their rrwfptc
tlve dlairicts, and toconform. lofarst pracliea
bis. to ths Itwi of tbs isvwsi Atatsi.
An I . it -sj aires aeaeis jra to make liAta of
piopAny shea lbs ownsri luersof aegisct to do
See. 18. Persons asking rradueent re'arne to
bt aned, on cimvtotlon. not ovsr OoOO sad pay
coats f prosscuUoB tbs ssaassori la tach ciaea
lo make ths rsturai on a correct bislss.
Auoin AerurJrrsB owwaas.
.1 17. Aiaswor'i notions Left It tbs rial
denote i f ahseatea oirnsn to bs valid.
Sec Id. AuthotUei coUecton to enter ths
bota-a snd landi of pwions rtfutlBgnr ctc'sct
lag to asks rttarsa, and ibis the vs ueof said
prone rty.
.'tec l'J Lands aad dwelling hnuan luthla to
taxeiioA owned by acta residents, mar, atass
id iha failure of returaa, ba anterad upon and
vs usd by eaaassniA.
Sec '! - Koeble -rwaen of lots snd honiw,
reelding ouUtde nf the dhtricti In which their
property is attuaUd. to m.ks rstorri of isid
pr'paity to tbs tiwsaori of thi dlairicti in
shich thty rtelds, which lilts theteld iiaea
iter shall transmit to tba awsssoi of the dis
trict lo which tbs property la located, licatvlag
one dollar In peymest for luch tracers lottos.
S'rc. .'1 -After tha receipt of all Hat", ths as
atrtxrr ihsll Arrasgs in alphaleetlcsl onlsr. on
tao gsnaral lieu, the naaea of all psrsons liable
to taxaUon uncw tttij act, together with taa
value if tha property for which iucb persona
an liab s, and tbs amount of he ditset tas ta
which racb parlies are Asbli under tba stats
Uai. The m:oo4 iitt to aablblt ths iiaa of
n. i r-aidett owawt if pToptrty and the aaw
t ent op i be si me. Tuew f. mil- bi msds
wiialnfOrajiaftw I'm data fixsd fir ths ra
turps 0 lilts fiom indltidnsli. nndw s p ntl
ty 1 1 0M0, exor; when prtvr .i'etl by a ckneas.
Sec. it ami t3. After ths cm --ieti.i of tax
usts, anUeti aball be gives saabusg par tbi to
axtaitaa asiu lit a for ii dsyi after pab'iasUon
of BaatABs, aad to wake potissi of sppaela raw
ptctlrg trie re In vtlaatlon. Ataeao .n tt ieadda
by law aod right tOABBtarUy. AU appatists ba
eSAAa Id wrlUag. Awawn wat 0,01111 Uja
vaJnotk n and sawn -t uv. .,r, m or add rhtrtto,
hat nrat crease It trithnat s so ;lee of u daye n
1 writtag ta i wsert
See. 14 1 1 M, laclu-dva, orgaatis Be ard I of
Itaaaiin tn tht Mversl eta tea, to bs appoiatal
by tba fte- letary of tha I reaaery, te rssnatj aU ,
tax hits, snd saaiga te etjaaiiw sad etate dtr
trieti tach valaation lists ss they may not ban
ft miahnd which shall, la all casta, os dsetasd
cornet, for lbs psopsr qaota of tbaW taa.
Raid Boardt to have powsr to eqtal as aad Ad
just ths relative velsatioa la conntiaa.
ArriiBntrsaBBi or vers rag.
A" - t Tbs B terd of Aasaeaori witaia 00
days after their aptntaant shall Bel fret to
dlstr et assaason tas apportionment of taxea
wittin thalr dWUiat, son thsy. oa receipt of
sams, ah ail apportion to holder of tea. bl. pro
party taa e mount of tsx tcwrding to re'ee
Uoe. Said Awaessors to rarntah asld ltali to
colWdsrt wi bin SAdiyi aftat thalr receipt,
ur ar s BBBalty of I '-si
r Araajrr or noixscToaa Ajrn atataaoaa.
Si. i 30 and 31, giva asaaAaon 0 ' psr dsy
while BAklog arrat gsaernts aad g vtng
IcatrBrt.ona lo awiatant aaseaaori, snd 03
par dey while hear ng appeaia aod nvi
lang valaAtloai, snd II i.r evert band
' rid a - i a la tea I. ate. aaatetant aww
rort to gat per diy and fl for tas
nscrea . f evwr huodrsd texs Ue par a na 'n ho
Iitt. bat prior pal i aha'l nut rscelva over $2 .00
I rear an mm o- tasla en'e ovsr 1 :' Mam
brwaot tbe R -ard nf At artaora to recede 03
par dey sad 10 csnti pw mils for Wirsling
. expenses.
Stelvmi llz to 1 1, Inclusivs, provide thtt
1 srtasson aad c lli -or- -lull giva bonds for ths
I patfiwmea e of the.r dury. sud Blake all ae
i itsamanls a lien for two yaar if - th y thai'
I besoms dus na eer y pert rf sll nal ea'etac
notwi hilA' dirg part may beve been divided
pr kl - " fed. Cnll'Otcrs mar sop int dspatiee
ab. srs is-pooaibla lu tha United Mtaiae aad
Ii dividaals aa ths can may ba.
ihb oou.ximoB pr thb tab
I Sec. .So Af tr lafldent pabllcitloa of the
I lime Sled plsce w taws tha tax lists srs psysb e,
tha oruiactora Buy apply ones at ths dwellings
j wlthta bis diitrk', as., a 1 Infra ' ) days after the
rrc-iptnr ths nqililti -a from ths Secrstsry
nf tba Treasury , a ,d thea, la can of non-payment
within "ii it thacoilert.tr aay dlAtrcn
and tail the alTerts of defa. ' irs, after
10 i'sv aotloa of iUi; tha Ntit to take placs
eithin I niil.e of oefeul'er's -a., denes. Toola,
farming Impieminfa, neoers.rr baaats of harde. i
a-nt wra'ing apparel en .ximat froa aeiaure.
ffi boat 80 riroi Hi When iha n.nere can
' not be foaad. pr party may be eold for mn
I payment of lo-. TN. Ice f eaie matt he
' p st.,1 In Un different pt.ir.ee el le..t 111 la i
I prsvlroa to wit, sad tc.tu "i per wat addi.
I Ii tBsl value of raid taxiA .ball fie ajld; ead In
cnttk when p.-opwty ia dot dirlalii'e, the whole
-bar. Its a dd, and 'he lurptnA dspoilted In the
Trrarary nf tbs ttnltsd Ststsa, subjac'. to the
i order of ths o soar a nf laid property. Own in
I or their pairs mty radeim property advertised
for tela, anil may alto ladssa property within
two yean aftar being eold. on payment of M
Btr cant, pw itinam ba addition to porchaM
Sect .10 aad 89 provide for tha collection of
unpaid taaaa lu state, snd for ngiatntlon of
sales of dittnlcsd property, and their rsdamp
Uon oa payment of oar 'sin fees.
aVrt. 40 sad 46, Inclaiivs, telate to rwporti
of sul lac tors, aad enact pooalUM for ex tor
tlon and improper conduct, and provide f.-r
aadlUng teooaati.
Sect In and I. provide for tbs asearnptloa.
by Itstss, of tbs collection of lb. r ree, live
Cdas t f taxettoa, aad allows 15 par oeot.
uotlon tbearsfrom for a span tee of colleettta.
Pwsoni making false returns under thla act,
era fined f MO and liable to tbe paaiahottnt of
parjorv oa convi Ii n
see 48 Dstrts das by tsx collector! tJ ba a
lien an thalr real eeta'e
Sea. i- - Kruhlee tha 1 'resident to apt-lint a
Cnraainioser of Taxea with A i Alary or fi'dXK)
pet tnsum, who shall ha charged with prtpar
'ng tha forms aad aupwintsndlog ths collsc Jon
or ti ls tsx.
Strtiont 30 and 31 provide for vaeaaclss In
rdBcM of collsc tori.
Sec. H Individ oalA, sompsnlsa, corporsts
and Ii c rporata bod let havir g prnflu or in
enmss at snd ovsr 0MOO par annum, for tbs
year preeedlng A r I 1, lNili, derived f.om
alorian, Mock divl lends, and tredai and pro
fawions, shall pay I per oeot. each year.
Wages pel.-, for labor, and charges Incident to
tbe same, not Including pirionsl and hoaaa
1" Id expsasti, shall us uedut el from net In
come, Perttmt no a rssldsat ahail pay 6 pw
cent par annum.
Sec 13 Aath irizia Um Praaidint to tppoint
obi principal coll., for in tach ststs and tsrri
Uiry, whoss ailsriw shall awouat to $1 oOO
per annum each, and these shall Appoint start
lAnts At AAleries not exetallng t'-'-'OO each,
who shall ragnlate the oulJrctlon t f tsxes In
said i tatae ; ths Bacntsry of tbs Treaeary to
eppolnl depoailorias lo each atate foraafe keep
iLg of taxea
tlec 34. Tsxsa nnpmsd undsr ths vsriosi i-o-Uodi
of this set to bs das sad p tysl.it on June
30 lhli'i impel 1 tsxst tn bear interest st U psr
oent Property of pirsona negiecUsg to pay
to be dlitralned end mid, UM officer mta ins,
sale to giv a valid tills tbsnto.
i ax as tn iiBiLMOfi ata raa.
Sec. 5S. Btatss sad twritortM la ralteUlos
ball lo. bii bj a. I to the provisions of thla sot
when the anlcority of Uia t'ulted States th ill
beve tarn micna therein, snd r, psr cant, in
terest ahsll bs levied u-rni aad lease shell bs
pa d acLorvjlng to tbs ptovli Ions of thit act.
CandftlsB sf lbs Firs avspariaeaf.
The report of Pira Department sffaln for
lKIM. being tbe ttral ennnnl npnrt of V,tf
Enginsw Dr.i im, npraeeati the dspsrtmnnt
I to os ia s mon 11 wrliblng con iitioa than ever
. 1 1 dole. Conini.lnl is msds of tbs radio i o ui of
tbs siiprc prist ioa lor tha department In the
Tax Ireyy, by tba IsagialatBTs; expendituree
have Uiarefora to bi greatly canallsl The
vant of -a) oiiera'ion sith the Csief Knritteir
Ii' ths Cominoi f -in. ill, la ths granting of
flaw apparel ue to fire cia par lea is all) con
plained of math unncctB ary work belnfrtteted
to be the result. Ilia deaer aant coadate a'
the pro ent tlaie of the f.lioaing force: K iur
tsen ei.gtiuwn 2 ri membenof ert.-i.. com
penies, 1 1 IM main eara ot boss fiOfaptalst, and
. mam bin nfhroh sd ladder com ptnlei rnak
lap; a total of 1 040 man, hetBgadscrsa'.aof In'
from ths numbsr atstsd ba tbs lss'. nptrt.
'i'bsss sis divided Into 31 orpine companies,
bote companies and It book snd laddtr com
panlw. Theie ere 16 anginas ia good or aril
Uon. and 17 ordlnirv : II boss carriages In
good condition, snd oi dinar y ; 11 h sk aad
lA-ider tracks. And 73 bras tsnd'n and crabs.
Ittsra heat lattn rsoalvti 116'J for firstnen'i
Inltlstloo oartlficAtaa. There are 12 itsamflrs
anglnsa In Um deparuaeat, and 1 mora have
Irraes author I -.e.1 to lie built. Tbe rsptnit ra
commands that ao in re paUtlont for clesm firs
anglnM In grentaad. Attention II cal'ttd to Um
arm city of lln aydran'a In tbs apiw portion of
the dty. and it II itrsoamsadsd that all an
gi nes end ail boas ran I ages hares 1 as built
ahtll bi of tbs same ilze sad at vie : akto, thti
ell anglrss as provided with the aac weary anc
tli n pumps to teks water trom tha rivers, tusre.
ly rsmedyioK tbt dittUul'y expatiancsl from
the bunting of water pipn.
k'sassalaealT Cwmglatoaa,
An army cnriwjpomlsnt tbtowi ths whoie
blame rat acting the iniatBcilEcy and Irraga
lirlty tf lulalsti' rsthyns whsrs It properly hs
long a on tba ucomncteocy or negllgsaaa of
tLe tuartaro- aitas Thole told I ar I who g utn
bla al the Oovenimtnt oa tbt toort of avvue)
uad fo.il, will find en examlnati.n llavt Uia
fault list a littls aaartr h as. snd that their
owb tfflcara ua thi partial really napooaihia
for their inconvaniencs acd luft'erlBBT- Oo
vantaent wovldat aaply tif every requisite
tb.ii p. ard la leady. oa tbe hutant, ta la.ue tbs
artlclse dsmsa'sd on a p'opw rtqaliitlon from
Ure quwtermaitir of tat regiaunii; aad It
'-is not ttaad ua tacbniulltlw. It is not
particular at to ths turnir g of a phraaa. or the
formal avilablc wordlr g of a aantaoce In then.
rrqabiUoai. Ar.y raqulsltlua to neirly .xact
in Its wet dir g as to express clearly its mean
leg, snd m far identify tha -1 rawer of tht l i et
as to reasotsbly itccrt tbs D ptrtasct aga nal
ft and and forgery, will iioaive .ttautioo, and
coaunaad taa goodi
tnoce wlU have been paid off. Tbe saount of
300,CeO has bwR fUllribaVsd UBVBjrtl Vhsot.
. 3
I Whs BaeraaiatiLB .' I. if.
V tlvr o mill.
.bare Ua rtatsawsa beauty la ths asslsrly sad
wr.ti.ewit ef the tot 'e wta posea, wktsh wa attdoa
Bad. 1 aTSBBW M mtta aa4 ttnsy WfSsslft
Th.ra'aa aaael fat away wis aaaa-a, we ve told,
Wbtrai-ksy ktow amiw MrSBBaj w Nma i
Watt Ikt pan waaert waaSev , ,aure W
Asg II Is it l nana a asMlme
T e Bks lead at' rvsr O id. Its lbs hows W Iha mtm
Wheve agweor i By as Bar aawrwejly rail
Whin Iks way . waary ttii.tr rearhae hie (.al
Oa lbs eeeeiee a aoueaelae W 11).
Oi r gall taa aet ene to tksA bauHful atvt,
I Hul .WT Vartoss kae a trold -I IW biles.
Aid cm- snals by ahs gals from Iw ard an a en
ran d
VTt.e ww Mat Is bsiiaitt sf Bala.
Aao we wu elite aj Sees 'saasd ' Ml k-dy rspnss,
whaei esn ewlttAa were ... with lewpeeAlos aad
Aad ti n Break frste the ttds of las river Ikal
rroe. tas ivltf iaaa aaeaeiaha of I '.fa.
tl ih a seet Barer tad ttas bins lata nf sight,
rOit wa think ethers Ire -eav wed hen I rrr.
At d the Ity aa.-. aBLllea from kl. pal are of 1 fit
f it s. rsM us b t a., r. ot our U rd.
Wa ar- -.evedag ksiaswet-tl, Ihiu oheserea sad
I .
Toe king Ism wVsra p eeears nitrhaogtitgiy binom.
Aid our golds la Ike (Lory anal sklaes lltro' lbs
from lbs everrissn mtmslslre af life
lhe AVparSas l -ll-ar
The train of M.so.i.Cm avra, sf Metllfa Fal
17. WW attsckid fry lortv I id l am tilt aids of
Hsit Lake. Tba Indiaas Aril pr.tfainl pease
a: I Itaaggsd for sa ox, which waa given theta.
After ihiry bsd tatsa It they attacked the trail..
Its fight wss kept np oa til nlatht, wbsa ths
. . mtialUno tf ths tfaia ktslag exbaastsd sad
'woaaan wrarded, wttaUse train waa a ...
d taed aad tha mea aade the r aacape The
Indiana got fiftt-i na t aaa and 0 wagoia. Ikls
ifstrrsde'tna waaoi.mmlitad wiltuo tha rtnar
of the M.acalern Apaches, and waa ant. ub 1;
ormtlt'id by Ule.a
A chief if the Me.-cttsro Auah a noeof tboa
who t'gmd the I tta treaty. Wnf his under
e'an. bag of tbs treaty waa that It did not pro
libit him 'r m ste.li-g a! aay ptdrlt west of
tbs Sea Angst i Spring. Pro a lavartl a. ur
ess ws in inionned that tas In 1 i.e. have the
aBBaandentaadlrajof ths tr e'v, that tbey
I svs roll right to p.uadaT ia Us ttio Uraudr
Tba Indus a who committed Um lets masaa
! crs si fitsln a Peak -ap rt In Bonnra ba aix
tatacf tbslr noaher waa kii.nl ia tha fight.
nrrevataa Jaa'i list A way "
Tbs Persona piper My 1 1 Cart sin r - wm
lata are ttoasUng that we can t ge' ont of Rait
T nt ansae that the t ' lif.oet A e fon-as have OS
urn muted, and don t lotend ws .hall leave
the ooantry. Ouch will be rather aetoalihed
when ww tell I hem that we don't want to leave
that wa don't Inland to leave that wa can
neither be riaxad nor drlvsn oat of ths aina
try and we an Jest where, of sll other nieces,
ws desire to be, at horns. Tbs difference
bstwtsn aa and some of oar citizens, whs
are uttering these " load swelling wordi, is
ws s and by oar prlrudplse, sod dare to dsfsnd
them, while 'hey, through a truckling spun
of CO sard MA, froat bate mar canary motives,
snd from a most dlagraneful anxiety to bs with
tbs party in powsr in taa atate, hypocritically
rarer read to be what they are not, aad cry oat
Air "ii ' which, la their vary hearts, thary des
pise, loathe sad oondsaan. Ood deliver as from
such sde g-lihanlrit of submission to tyraa
ny snd its toola f
A - CBBttrahaaar Pita was Bfestasg
A large numbsr of " eoBUebaada'' who ware
amt Irom PortraM Monroe ts repair the road
to Hampton, assembled la ths camp oa Baa
day ati.rnron, near tha Seminary, aad de
pt.tad s ooloreid man from among tham t ask
" piralaairta to alng and pray" froa Provost
Marat al BuaiaioaT. A ttsn i bslag given,
Umt oommaecid tha masting, and conunasd
It for reversl hoar A, with a seal and fsrvor
oat hearty. A portioa of ths swvtos waa
vary peculiar. To bear Um poor uraataraa
pray, In thetir brokaa way, for tlrsir mea tar
" ds ola rniaa. an' mlaata, an' da yoaag
aim! aad mlasaeii " until ths tatra streamed
dawn thsir chaaka. wen really atfecting, and
tbe scant waa well worth an artist . Tha dag
lag was In a great mea ears uMmporaaaoeia.
Tbs melody was alwayi a canted, sad
lbs lias waa marked by the tlmalienecua
atom pin; of hundreds of fast. Tha effect wss
e Lev .1 one, bat so ureet Aid evident waa tbe
alt oertty and simplicity of thi woriblppera tint
rooaa could bat look oa with rwtpict. Ons
of ths number coald raid . He wss la oraclo
am nog tham, and while bs read In a broken
atylefroa the Pealrae, at eve- y panaa a han
o rsd voioM utttred a fervent ' A man " H me
philanthropic tacitly or Individual should .sad
a mittlooaiy there.
A air. ittii.pl irfeearaaa.
Uov. Parrut. of liiwi'tippl, in bit Ills mea
aagw to ths Laglsistors, r. . itmorols tile oa pa
dioacy of eot.fl ceUng io ths ass of tas Kite,
all propwty of aim. enemies, aiao tbe debtl of
nortbwn mercbenta, r qalricg the am si n to
ba rigiitered and paid la five annual Instat
mante Into the state tnarary. A loen of the
cotton cropa to tbs tiovernmeot Is rttoota
ment sd: alto u tax of oni-foortbof not per t eat,
on lard and avt. Ue tuggatata, also, a tax
of threat-tenths i f in a par cent, na all annoy
'owned by any inhabitant of the itata," or
controlled by au'li inhabitant.
A 1t.il nana NereeelWetM.
A travelw on ths Northern Central Railroad
fmm Boltlinors to C. t keysvills, who coBvemd
with two Union men from M-ir Isod.isya that
tiny wwa la favor cf vifbroua ataiuna
sgaiait the Biitiairt trsltirs. Thsy wan
aesr asigbborssf Mr. Mkkri mam, bow oat oa
bail, rstpecUsg whoss arrest the lecoaaloolste
bits Ismtntsd io dolef oily. Tbeas gaatlseasa
statsd the' no mors ovsrbsaring, Intolerant
and hitler secsrsaoiilat lives then Joiib Maanr
iisb, and that his neixhlron would rrjstus io
' rer that ha had hnsn hatged ai a traitor, as
he ih li.) dsarvsa to Its. lis not only psrson
tlly aupt rlntssded tbi barmng of the railroad
'i iilges. t ut ha hid bean active In miimei af
. IBS State all th -a wltoa he conalderad as
- p.s sol to Mcatalon. During the reign ol ter.
rn ha wrote a nrtlca to a number, and ot
oi r fr llow Uai i lot dkad from an tllnaea
i-euatd i.lsly, as tby say, by sndteaeat
bmupbt i n by Mkbhtmab i threati end par
ti cut Ion.
Jaa ilarrwra af Battls.
A hosaa a ear Ball Kan, tbe abode of an
Sgad widow lady, namad Mrs. J. Bkbbt, was
riddlad with cannon aid musket akot. Tha
hissing ba.la ptatd tbrcugb roof aad walla.
tIB ths dwslllog waa a wreck. It bva lad
aUrry. 9bs wsi bed rid don, and. aa aba -ay ba
the norrsid din, the Baiasilts of death woaoded
bar tbass Uaea. She was a meek C iriitlan
lady, and tha Provldsacs issmi mytterioai
that astla hsr dying bed tht thsalre sf luch
setntjef wa'fsre.
Ww. " Uaatrakud'' tkaealUai
The losponst of tha govwaaent to Uen. Bor
ma's latter respecting the aagtosi awaking re
fuge bt Portrait him roe is aadwitood to bs
ilia Iters M that indicated bv Oea. Buruaa,
in bit letter to tba awastary: of War: That sll
WS to be upnorted ; tha B da b jjtel to La pat
towrrk and woman, children, tht lick aad
aged racilva food a Bal ptotscUon. Ilsgrcw
liable to bs praaeti Into the rabe' sarvb a wtd
bs ra zed, and brought within nar llnia, ths
nrat as any o hsr proptr.y likaly to be amo
to our datianint.
War IttyODi.
A CaiaBKItfOBOBBT of the hfemphia irw
aayl Jrrr. Davis remains at Ml man I to Mt
tle a iiiiiaacwitandlag about rank watch ha.
arutan bstwsse Us nasi gsosrak JoaasToa
and Bbauauvoabb.
A Suoobstiob rstm A aarcBi.iOAa. Tha
Clncta'sU t'caratrroi' thlnki the lust thing
the t'.saiiiai til the I ailed Blstss coald do at
ha preseat Ume, would ba to order Blafon
fj.aumoa to Pannstlvanla, lor tba bar ell ol
oil health, sad call Boa. Joixra Hour, ot
Keotucky, into tha War Oipartaatt.
Batzoaa cr ConrBAnaaii. (1 ioda valued I
et tha eesount of KUt 00 wars sslaad la Terra
llaate, ltd , oa Pridiy. The poods were c r.
trahaad, sad consisted of sw rda revjltsra,'
sad a Cc arid wats tjiawal'i aalforin..
1A0-t JWw-- ' j
Tux Maw. Our Lovwjtrv, rf I'ffaoia,
ncelved asthori-y ta ra'ee sa aiaatry twssV
Mr. Ururrri BrBaaw BM hsaa aawstartesi
Coniul at tjailao, Para. " "
Soswn or Ctrrwoti. Tas aa tae (Hi.) far
says tbs heevy rannsat diaar at Bal Baa am
cktUncUy i..H ta-, by .lay dtlaaV,
the day of the battle -e 1 hrt l not if t laaa
five mill a la a direct Use.
Btbil Iti run Cabwow Ooswvwn Wraa t
i nw ,t to , of tas Troy N.ii Work, bars
terra r-witract fir m.kng at -el ilaet ibis
t ae work Ii being proewaatad witboot ssaaa
tloa Aatnaa raa list of Aibabt ai rrvtasa
wbsts Ib i a regi.lar ssrvisa, la that w Clsb
sbob H. Ooawiro Brphaw of Boa. KaesiBaj
f'oaniso, to be Pira'. Lisa tenant (a taa 100k
Tita CctBraDDaaATB ( 'rirBttw Lo ab laaa
a utaera ad view, r.port ths fuLowtsg lataasriw.
i .n. ak-n . f the r ned-tate loan: Mn Blab.
snmi Wftioar, re littls Rrrk Art, taa. atjaa.
aortbed ths liberal saraat cf aftO Itass sfssa
on to iksCaafadiraU ioa a; 1 1 fTalllB (VatOtr.
Ark., ha inaswinad (1,000 balta aad tas piaav
tars keve pledged theatssiva to asks Baas
0 0; Phillips Coaaty, a, k , cffWs w.aoti
i-aj.e. aim liar aetxrripl.ona ere bain SaUy
mede la LosiaMna Mismsaippi aad A -Lnta
rha H mptiu Banka havs takaa U 0 0 af
'ha l. au to tht C efrrere e Sea taa, 'aai I
To too to M.mpbie far war parpian, assfi
ft' 1 00 ts Mlsausipva, for ths au sf the eaaaa
It four th
A mn .-. CVsawrry-rt of yrang aaa
baa keen orgss'ted et Iferiftard, Ci. t Baal
I r.mnlly with ail teal tort anal sgaats st
"peace ooavtaiUeaa."
Taa Pooa or Raw Oatataaa ere laaTaraw
ver.it, end much dlicmtaat press Is. Owe
.ring lataly plscardi wara f uad peeAaafi
.hroaga iha city, facscrlbad Abbawam Laa
. 'in, ash PijoaTT an Rat. ierw. Oaria
AMI :.. ami
In thb Latb Bat ft. a at Bt M aaa. a eo'Ster
Atound whom tht cbbboo ihot wMwrtyiag aaaT.
tirn.erly thkk on leWrg oea a ilka sad bearw
itself in s bank rear htm. eprang lo tat haw
it ksd sooosed oat reset king. ' ahsot straw
ma caa'i hit twice la ths teas pesos." AVt
ths lustsnt antythrr shot Wrack st a fow lent
ditisaes, slmost eovsrtrg ths fell nw wfth aaaatl
spd grsvsi Raargirg from what had aa nemr
y becoms his gravs. he -.ntlnaad taa at
flefsheo aantaoce '.bat yoa can ooae as pnaj
natr it that tba Ont hole It um afialalw -
bfl iiokt n a 1 00n Raiibis in. aaptad ata
milts wan of Uharli ttor, Mo. Mill a as Bal
partlaa ia that vicinity eaurderwd a whole laav
II v, huaband, wife sad I bras chlldrsa, oa law
' th rf Augost. Thty show ao roarer svta ta
.bill' ran, Aid an particularly cruel to teer
mina. A Pisa Zorr a v a IsgtaloBsly sBplahsa bla paaw
nrra la Hew Turk, by uvtog IhsA hs "hal
bsen order id to t afreet at UliaatBBl aad osvar
get the word to hart,''
T br Patbbsos Oo-nrasaTAia, case of law
oldeet rxilltlary nrgulaatiotB In the WBta baa
teodaed lu ta vices to Um trVrerwcr of ateav
Hts r a oa Pi Am abd Ccibs Iks Wsra SB
ths United .Nfa'ee Asg an fire pnaltad, akA
Iboss on Um colas art i s poinUd. the Ssbbbb
of lbs la followed ths Bagllak, aBa? taaaW
the French a atom. Ib fingBai ha It I aai
linguage, fas ttsr hss six potaia- C ' -a(a vJa-
rv II. Ilstd, Prsrrs snd I lill. e-War
. is five ptlntsd. .
HBOflllanaaxn Tta as a
Mta up Wobx In ths Missouri Merts
Convent Ioa, na Pridsy last, Mr. fit B w lat
oiftrwc tht snssxod resolatioa:
mendced. That thirty akaatea hi Mas
tnougb lor any maa that has nothing ts aay.
A Kama Bbtobti "How, g alias bb. "aaat
Sii BBiDAB to bit guaata, as the ladiss laxtt tas
room, "1st oa understand aa. h ether, aire wm
to drink like aien or beastat" Somswhat hk
dignant, ths a u tats axelslmsd, ''LABS aaa, af
c urie." ' Than, " ha nplled, "warn ajotag la
rat i -II v drank, for brutes never drink BMBB
thsn thsy want,"
Two ari.xnT.ri' ipbi IMBNB ol American Ea
gles were recenil v csptarsd near Ilk t'a Peak,
by a ctti.eni of llil. o s Tbslr captor dasagss
aeidlng them to WathiagtoB AA a gift ta BBS
Pain, x NAi iii xai.t la ft led in WaAaUaurtaa.
On Monday bs viattsd tbs aUvy Tsrd, aad
aaaieceivad with a natioasl rslata. Ia iha
evening be dlaed with news tor Bbwabw. Taw
Prince makaA so itcret of tha aympathiaa of
tba Kmperor Narttbaoa aad tha Preach Oo
varnmenf, which hs dsclsrsi an on ths alats of
Um Union, ard ia fsvur of ths attar saffaa
alon of treat, n.
iiwi.it A Biovameat was msds last wash, hi
ths Henete by Mr Camas, ti rtatora tha aal
Ins of ten milt a tqasrai f ths Dis'-rat, 00twaw
sally fixed bv tha roaudan of the govtnassst
asd surrejeJ under tbs psrsaeal atiwcrhaa at
fieri. W AsaiBOTcitt. Tha qntaU. n will bs tab' a
ap next retains. Twenty yeera ago that part
of tbe District lilrg rath f the Potomac waa
ceded to Virginia. This portioa embraces tha
lliitgb.li which loauaand Waataington.
A Pas ten PsTaoa or tub Tsar aaaaBt
Mapamb oa Fat, died recently la Fraaaoa.
Mia la aald to bavt prcaUaid her haahaaal, aa
Ii it death bed to retain hie inllrs racing aa
tabllahment tlU abt had woa ths Derby. Up
to withm a abort tiaa btora her own daaaa
the lady waa oat lo hw padilocas at t SWBBak
evii a morning, leaiDp that tha waats of hoc
fsvwltss wtra prspwly atlaadtO to.
Ab I i i .ib ui i Fab. The ! argwt harm t uV '
lii.ois Is that of la '.ao Fob a, woo itiidiB aaaT
ll.oomlcgtoa, McLsten Coaaty. The total
-umber ol sent tci-upled and owasd by Btat is
IrO BOO BPS farm of -7,0XI acres .Is MM ts
is w- rt h (filii pi r sere, snd thraa pasture fields
miii.ii. g. iiaperlivaly, 000, 3 W0, aad
l Oi 0 acfii Uia gntt irop la corn, all of
wbttblis contuinsa st bras sad ia l hue skis
o insikrt ab. ui ;tt ' .) worth of cattle par joar
.New W.i. lilt steak oa bond tf hot tas,
ru'es. h ga anil 1st cattle Is laid to bs worrth
j I bOO txo.
I sii' -ss Outbaob. A Fraaeh lady, at
till s . ng, po reply to an advart at matt for a Wt
ilBtl n as tea. hor, waa waited upon a few date )
ii . ., l y aperaonwho repreeented blnkialf aataw
sgsnt of s wislthy gintlsmsn residing t a Hat
distent. Tbs lady accompanied ths fl madid ,
igtnt '.rr steamboat, sod froa Umbos bstsbb
loasCalJs to tha residence!, aa ha aaat, of his
print ipal. Bat oa tha way tha w retch cat-
raged hw per ion hi s thichst, kept hsr thaws I
sll night, and at Burning robbed hw of bar f
wateh and mrnsy. The sllle'o is sow lajatl.
Tub " KouarTu' of Joly was aaaahtweat
rather domatsie La Iha Mat I a valley. 1 Balis
gar i wwe Irs a, one lor each cf ths t jufeder- I
eta lam, and one for Arizona.
world which contain from 100,000 to 'zTO.OwO
InhAbitanU tweaty-thraa fiom M0.000 tot
.t'ti is and iwslve which oontsin ahora
A VS a in-IS ct la on tbe tepi. et Ba Tattl
which Axcltsa much g a.i,i Tha nteWui ar
I'ns'.yt-rian cl.rgjB.an, an ctlMrlaa
vara, i ut a widower of only s nw t', .
sb ut tn aarry a maiden of at least half B star
to v , I spa wi b .o id chezma aaottslBaw ta
a.'.rO 0t Oa Takinj all tha QTcnaM IBIII MB
i nalcersUon cos la temptad to Apply to thai
can tbe whole ph'aaa about " Water naaatv
cg la Um Isp of Spring. Bottom TroemUer.
A Vaatr Poihob " Pibbk " Mr. B. CL '
fi ab.., of Ueiibury, ConnacUcit, last waak
louud one of hit Iambi dead sad badly
i ui. T ' aacrttlti tba caase . f it death, hs
sp'ioglid stiycht Ins on tba body aad baft Uia
M devoured by Um murderer. Ths t-ssrt ear
bs villb d bis bail snd found a baM-hiilil
eagle, which manured sat an feat and fosr Ira- ,
i chss as :.t It wiogi from tip to Up. Ua ssBBa
visited tba i pot. sad fbsad s large wttasss i
aad apon Us third vlsl, two dssef crows awfi
BBOOND o'cOtT llFB OtABH. Col J M.
Wabu of the 31 tb rssdABesA.B. .T..a.W
(fjood rawfrzaat, Ufo 6AAWA ) M bsjw
In town, about to iwoTB t his n-rtaasat to t
up thaU loai at the t .Ua of Ball Baa.

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