Newspaper Page Text
THE WEEKLY SUN ... BATCBDAx'. AUG. 17, l.',i. i TM fotrt be bit em ttar ; betlT U tkotUi eott Bilrastwt of Hot, Haw Hat as mkowU Urn a Ao.rfce Val of wn, rmOifiMMU to pupa rr-lo c.iuldt make forrm.i itlhmni. md Irutd ,i m- '; e "" (ioiTI f attavicaj owr liWw." Frehea at sew. Turn loelhern raewbv built Ihilr exssejet attrauaad ptld tbalr boerilogi b'gb, a pew tb )liHI , peaeaBt itare which th.y a'tribu'e Ik farmer and greasy inwcba MHftfinMB" "bey tmmiumt aeanrod this da, '" " hlfertorllyof w hat la r til .1 'Viir- " ; p"' live by loboror by trtvle. Mid whou tkey at tradltlooelly tonal cued to rrrrerd u may to "beck don" at Ik firtt i how or flgbt, or at fertbsart, at tbe Tint plrt cf thair own claret. Tbey think tba present tba nitit Urn to try the eoniiereile temper of tl nrrfhern people, and eroordingly their northern rcajifederate wh hav h M ail lha yur or. theilirt ud on 'h ara'rh In wn; Barter, ara now errand It g hi fWrveVt aa ruetl I If tba vara tba panpla Unluckily for Ik I ' mot : ..tic party, tbay bar adroit 1 axatriaad to lalaa tha rein of toat orget iiatlrn in noma M tti '-' and ara end"evitng to Mat upon It a pn!-ey of eom pfOBla with tr. itoia ar.d amrandar t rabala, which If tba loathing ard aeoro of arary min la ita ratal. I W tbiafc tha;- baa bat'.ar n ' auooeed too wall Tbiy ara not likaly In rim above tkl tolerant erantempt la which tbey now Ufa actoag but weahould regr.' it If thoy were, for f'i remit ir-iM be toe-ile.d tho iri! uv Mo lit Sn fee Tbay wil certilalv not b tolerated ib rrao and iirectir 01 geni r alio hire. Tba tad lan tlifra-tl.m oflwo eecis-lon Ptv.i within a few tlJS, Ki;aa wam Irg tf tla c Bra of tklnfll In tha tu tor, If thii game of pillt!-el feuon U to k ployed too far. At praxa', ita orgim Id New Yoik ara ra'e In tbalr impitecoe. No ea, aa pr una, would lerloo-Iy '. iaUffaranca with lbm, audar MMM clrtum ataarw Wa kLow too ytxV ha Imp irtanca o' kaaalra; tba catu of tka country on lha atiady way of caaatltatad astbority, to a I w a pub ic dlllorhaaca, or Uko an txtramt ofBc'a' fxarta, for tba aaka of ailanoii u tfakarl If da aalaad and data tad praaa. Hit I at than tram bt If tbay at any fruit af tbalr labara. Jaat a tiny RTcw dHjatou-, thair oara darg'r will rw. Tka laadtra hara rrry cau'.loaafy put forll thair fa!r in tbalr call of a I'oarantion, and 11 ttay tsceaad in gatting a 'Jonvantion thay aan aaa, wa bopa tkiy will ba aiually eautb'Oa not to aat tktm forth a htii'a breadth fn'thar. a. war party with just a n uint a, orep noiita 111 katka tary ulmott lh patrio to pu.plao' tba Nor'.h can atand, if it knp itaalf rarptct n .y aaa.! and niobtratlr. aha kit taa af atTalra. Tba allant and aacrailta polirr Into which tha aalBUiy admlnlstralioi of Iba liovarnnvant ha faUan alaaa tha rarart at Bail Run, baa a daprataia Itnlancy, af.r tha abuKdaact f big and ahilaratiog talk with whlc'. Ua ! atloa war ccrfaapondan'i kap. up tha spirit f tkarr toantryman during- tha Ant half of Ik a maiaiii But tha paopla will o n grow aotaalaaiail to tha chang. and will gradually r' v v-ta maaning, od buii i a far mora t .'fbai railanca than b fvrt, as tha p'n aad ' ' ' aparaUcoi af laadtra whs hara tooMtbing to kitty la ttoaaaahr. Wki'a tka papara ara frattlaa; aid fuming arr aptaraat Uaflclaooy, tharala abandtnoa ofprltata atidaica for c lata aad Iroatworlby ebaarrari. that maoh mora it doing than tba I ilili wtU ba glad to bau of. or than tba gaari will lt tham haar of to.i mm. Tim) arid now b takaa to do tba work wall, but it I alt dot rapidly. Wi k FuuMur in tha Wat and UtClbllaw u tha Kaat, and a caaapataat Ataiatant lacratary doing tha walk of tkt Stay Dapartnvtnt, w ara aafarad that a month or two haaca will thaw tha power aad rtgar if tha Uov.rimant in a abapa to rawtrd tba paUtact of thot who will to tail. Oaadl tympUmi of incrtarlrg S.-miias aid aaaaranc ara aa n la tha arrett of aw- Mmlatar I'Ani aura at Vfatkirgton yaatatday, and in tka tathtaclng gtatp cf tha liovarmuaut apo" Ita atal pilionart Ahjngh wacaaaot ate tba karat that would rotnlt from a civil an war to a writ el laVai miui. Tka ruajbar (f lioopi new In tha Said and tafidly rtn z'ag, iccraaati wih g-aat rapid tty, and thair nambaia att ittadfaatly ktp' , treat paVlla (rabak) km altdg. Krtah atrln gtacy naatMan addad to lha military ragula tlaaaealbU point, at tha iaa'. of war, within tka waak jttt baoa. Mlmprotad armt, alas, importaut .ivi ioi bat a bats mada, and arlUbiaa-ily appllad, which bid fair U af fact tltvtl agchanaa la warfara. All public IaVaetiptlou or axhibltioo of tha waapont It ataaloBtly dltacaragad. May wa haar from than on tbt right alda I Now ii tha tint to ba pa'.lmU firm and ra aolu'.t aad kiep arlgUant ayt and a rtady haad OTtt politic al trtltor while onr able (taatrali (tl wth tba fi, hUng on. I Tin Hen. WL W. Kto, a prsmlnmt Bnakitridgit politician ia Coonicticit, i kauy ttanping that ', adv-.-.i'tnn 'ptac praptlt'o'.," and tha expediency cf letiii . tha South go, Tha tel'-Mcur to'aratiii 1 ourOffTirumo' ii manifai. la tha Immunity whbli ttii geatlaman rj- y while thin inal( loavily tealtiiiag the id af traaeon. Dur ing tba Uubarnatciial and i'rtaidential alec tloii of litCO, hi rtp atadry dtclartd that ia tha araat (I oltun'un any tro,pa from hi ttatt that aaoald march to put down In u raclioa In tka elawa atatea, oca l only do ao over hi aad toty. Why ba no', tht gentleman la Ua. h promlat, and laaaaaed tht nam bar of trai'or agalnat whom th ..Jliat. toluntaara of CottecUcat have to conttad? ITaa L-iaUvlll Cauratr girt a Uat af tht ' ' acaaaalul aandldaU in tba recant Kentucky elect Won a far a aaoei te'ned. Twelve Union attt twa Boataain High a hVnat- rj art elected, aod thirty Ollttj and nine Houthtra R'ght Bapreeeutatirei. I Treason ia Fortress Monroe. I A StSQULAR DISCOVERY. A letttr from For tree I Monroe to a gentle tea la tkij el'y relate a vary ajngnltr dla covery. a follow : "We have maAe an important dlrcoary, and hope thia will biiag aboa. a changa. A fn tkua ago a party of my coaapeny want out ktlhntg at lull Urtak, (near Fortrta Moa roe,) aad there dlaoovared, to thair grett tur prlat, a you may Judge, an electric te'egrapb wire, aaa oa iatCKtlno Dund it to cmoert wha fort with Fox 11, M. wa rt it U taid tht enemy I eulrencl . 4 ta atinug Hamburg," WWur aa NavmL Ika Int dataahiaant of tor jeara recraltt Beat ta Haw V rk alnci tba recent ragalatlou Of tka War OtpartBtan, tttlv t in ihl city on Saiarday, and wait Immediate y traDtfarred to OeWatTUaTa 1 alaad. '1 hey ciou from l'ulladtl kia. aad will ba drilled at once (or regimental eagajtaa. Tba Hoard A Engineer, which bM bain at arttioe la th Chief I talnHV. rooau, at tie Brooktan Havy Ytd, aajoaroad oa Satarday, aaa rfw, and Mat oa to tkt Brry Department 8 Bit of tba geBtlaatt wko were eatmiaed and paaaatkylt lrawartlit wwak. owMiaawd It ilttJeg. aad dtrlrg that tH taken have almott revohjl Bit d orpBt awalatara, aa ragarde nnaabere and rank. IB MSOlkereware 171 Kagleeerajn th 71f wkoaa were CbktfX iTwer. Ftra'. Ale eta l St war Second Aaaattawt.. aad H we -a Third Aeaietaa'a Wa aavmld not wrnder II tbart tot dowAeethaaa oeaabart ligrvatnnttat pay Tae prlt eckocrar FaUoa made bar tp perreotT th yard taaterdty. Ska la oaa of the five waaaell wbcae namee we puilehrd aome day aim a aa kariag in on aaptared uff Florida by th a team gaa bnat Setb C irollaa. lbt National Onard wet pat la commit I n na Katuidty lt, and will go ta aaa toder. T trbor nar A I tin U ukag an board tit rifled irwaa, aad a larg quantity of (tore aad pro vialOBt for Fottreee Minroe. The FreaW ra! tka Ohefapeake flotilla, lork a Bin Inch aball no boaid at WahingtoB an Taaedav. tad wot down th Potome an'n. Hit WaeblngtB Btcfala abopx have earreeded In rifling i targe M loer.d Dehlgraa gat Tbey wa'gn ei 1.1W.A ptoad, and ara for K rt Kllaworta, A emttla. Foar lit poondan and foar rifle cinaoa ara too the araaaaant f tha chart rid eeaeal Yiarg Hcver, oow in the It raton dry dork VVtat a wart bant tklp wtnli of irh a rettera aaay aiam eayttet krui to ami popl. n chartered veaaela Cirnb I'ga atd Fa a)0 tleo ptpkring for a.rv ce at i ' , where the Horae'or Ic new navy hil -ft gBtboat will ba laanched ia i 4b "ayt. Th A'.llitai.l Se tly of theflavr ta t"'""' aroand th at ip vet ' of Hi ,t i , aa be did among troat cf New York. Tbetbria o'neitared eo'.Vi A. O. Teltr, ('oipt, -o ard Mary, oavi arnwi,ii C'ro. at laat. Tbay wr ehartt1 r. . to go tL ere, and It la r t a mng tn k. '.-yara haf torn MtU can ba got ou. uf ibim. IJaad fer aVaaarikatta. WlenCcI WiiMiih, iiMm Itagliaant rechid Harrtrturg, aramor p arilt that th rebrla had attacked Wtahlng on. Tie Clonal iaataaily or'rdthttrglBerof tb 1 c an tye to ant oo all ttiaa and path ahead but b.. eld that Ma tngin waa defective, aad crajd only make B mil ta h ur. QA Wnatraa thm celled for a ranad of maJiiakt. and flwa men ttippnd fiom tba rank, azaatiaed tha em- Iaa, dec) arid bar alt right, and walkid her alocg at thn rale if M mllea an haar, to be In time fcr tha iv.piad flgbt. TkUltoroe asglnear wu tUced andar arrett THE LATEST NEWS. TKi.KOKArn to run n. r. sirs. Foreign InteUigeno. Throe Days Later From Europe. ARRIVAL OF TBM XQVA SCOTIAXt 0 Tilt: UOOBWOOil K AtlB. AN AMKB1CAN BOSSB wins. IO. - Twa) fiesta oa lha Amtrteaa l.eaa . LOUD ELGIN GO VERSO ti Of IS nit. 1RAHCK ASDTUK POPS. COMIKfiPOXItBSCK BKTITKKS FRASCB A SD BSOI. A n OXAMMRICAX A ttfA IRH. f'arihtr rmnt, Aut. IS. Tb crw ttetm tbrp Nora Seotlaa, from Liverpool the let, via Londonderry 3J, paiaed tkl point en rout to Qaabic, tkl tftemooB. fiht hat l'.t paaaaa gera aad 011C 00 m rMl. 1 he tcrtw itaamahip Natth Briton arrivtd at Liverprol fiom QaebK, oa th msrning of th lit ir at . Th atom hip I'. 1 Laboro from Net Vi k ar rived oat oa the 'id. BtetBvMp Anglo Sazon. from Quekac Sat arday morning, wni patd vfT tb Weat ooaat of At ilicoata by tb Nora ScMlao. Tba 'amahlp V.tna eel uj from Liverpool for Baw Ynrk oa th let nlL, with ah .u. )1'MI i nO in acr e. I.trel Brl tht Tha American hot Staika won th Oood wood cup; Wizard ran accord, aad Otiooiit (America) thild. Tla fwaiSa, In ihacitw artiel, aaaa-t that It will In daageroof 'or Kjgl.nt to bar aay thirg to do with th American loan. Tie procaadlagt in parliament on th Slat ulU wa'o aairr.p.irtant. Tb Ii: use of Cotnjnona liotlly puaad the bexkrapt bill ti am ceded by tb flcn of Lords Th Tim's aar ounces that Lord Fiom has bam pptintad rucaator to Lord QeMtlaM, a Ooveiaor (Itaaral of India, and atye the f pc int meet he lorg been contemplated. The waat liar was rery flue. neUlaxi I he Motiiltw . ' itald that a new treaty of commerce belwren England and Ualglam wtl aboat to be ragollatid. Btturst'. Tb I'i n corrwp-ni'ent cf the Tinui lay It waa currently believed that a loiuttoa of the UomiB ejaett Ion wt nar at band. Botwitk ataodlog tha weak deoial of tka itatestnt that '.be I'opa'a K v eminent bad tup died arm to tha ir.earitetionit at BblUi, It E aihrmad that auch waa really the caaa, and thl feel ba dttermintd In Kii(ror to pratpwe tho oln tien no longer The uiatl n xpectrd is tla evacuation of tha Uimai territory by the Kreccb, and Ita occapatloa by bt fialltn I n o p. Tk Cherboorg Journal ria'aa that It wu cnntimplated to e talillih a Itrattgic rail my tloBg tba Fii't h easti Tb 11 iuii.' wa Inac'.lve bat Arm, rentes clotlrg Cor. Ttie. Iialv. A Naolai dJapatcb yi that aiviral laparior Frsanrk (Ti obi ia th terrlc of the 1'op and ptUat frum BVm had been rrtel. Tba news bv th tmir F.tna and Bavaria for New Ycrk w aa followi law The Britla'j Uovrnmoat li jut now ia In timate c srrw pmdeice with the Franc k Cabin t in crdir that m iter, action may t obatrvad toward America by see aad land, aa a rail col Hut I now expected. A perfect under ataodirp ia likaly to be arrived at- Kamora cf probable compromise in Ameri ca ate acaln gaining etreegth in England. Sobi of tb London inarnal wtr aseculat I in on the fata of th American loan In La don The lltralil tily aiticla etrongly dla:ouate narce ntgctla'lng at aut h titxoa, aid adltorl aliy txpreaawt aat'tfactlon tbat captloaao etd Irave'hdlty toward K-glasd atd ban a band coed ia enteric. Mr. Okisoat ktd if th govtrnaant had received infrrmation of gcodi contra aad of wir bairg taken to America by the Kaoga rco, aid that a loao for tht fideral govarn mmt had bieo cpeaed la London. Lend I'ai tizju ioB bad no infomatlon on either poirt. lb Dok cf Buckingham u dial. Th King cf Sweden la exp clal is Farl. It ia alto repcrted that tb King of I'.usaia will viatt Taila, Tt a Uonxt wu Arm Thru par cant. K sates ill. Hoc. Itailin pollt't s s animporUrt. Tba naianal lotB wis proving tucct.ful. It wu mora thin bid far by tht hatkura, bnt aomt wai rtta'vad for th public. It ia rrpoiUd that Narji.aos bt I araurad the Pope tha. he wi uld defend Bomt aad th I'apacy at aay oat. thirwt tome d's'urbemce In om Porta- ftUMprovinoit. Beit forceeneatt of mili ary ad been tent. line Oeauasrelas, (By Tt 't 'rtph to l.vndmderry ) ..'" ', An. J. Correal. Tka ealei of tk Wek re. h ti'.l.fOO baler, th maikat dol ing Arm, hat uncharged aid i;ult. Th total lock in port ia eatiaa'ad at 1.020.000 balu, ofwtirh 738 0X0 balu are American. TaVAoa Rxr oar. klucke star advlcu ara favorable, aad quotallort hava an upward ten dency. Braaditsffs iju'et asd ttudy ; wheat hu advanced Sd par caatal. acoe ly on lower qaell tlu. PiovUicni iatctiv. Lovdim Motar Mabkrt.-Coaaol eloaad oo Fridty at i . lor moaty. Tha return ofthe Btbk of gigland akoai an Uicrtae In luHicn of l . . "i, let. Atutii'A frr i a. The latest atlu ware Irle tiiarit, !6 t '.; IIHnolj OenUal soars e, bi, a 'A til. f War Movement., icc. Important frora Waskfnfton. ooNktriiket ArrotKanSawraj. Akaaaa lleln ta he latehad A freer. European Offioers Tolnnteerlng' AlinltbT OF EI MHIHTHR PA ULENMH. BX IS LOCKBD UP. IMS SIBB Ava COM rut J HO MB. THEIR CA Mr BROKE VP. THE rvovu: OF BAMUOB AB9TJSBB. SeoessiOD Paper Destroyed. Frae r..hh.alwe lint lit uviLori an rrtatn. n'oaAeaelrst A . It The darigB of III new etivekitiaa na esrldeaily euperii r to thoae id tha , id ia-aaej and ate now ia the head of Pnetmaetere for aal. Setae of ahem ill carry f.iiy, tm v-t(iir, twenty aid twelve cnl worth if maJ ia alter, the le-gar dennmlna'ioa bail aalso ed in tba Camtnda of Itnrwa C m I raj i, s. The nee p eutge atampa will ha ready lot an'riisi'ion lowaroa the clou of thl wuk. Tim rasinr I' ' OIBoe rrder prnsrMlng agaiatt the trsu it. , , cf envelcpsta wi b eaarrilius i acarctabsQa (Better pnnto-t or written on tbm, la iut'n ird to Cuver auch cans u that tf ajaaeacia'e ta quick doctor, woirh was broag t to tb attention of th Deputruon', he having selected that m da to iniecently ad vertls hljbnrisaav Tba ordsr doaa not, a many aoldl ra acil otberi tuples, crivar.t lha paaarge tbtouvh the a.aU if antelopaa with patriotic ard llriin dtviost tr datigua, tun. i 1 as ABfi gall. There wet e aboat alxtf ti'dart fur (uppiy lag ib- Fiaat i nil. 1 1 iiarinvxit with I cka and kete, aome of thea exhibiting rath five or eta ciaVesit kinds. An entire cbsrge of Item I duigned cwirg in part to many of the okl & ' t "r i hipg n o a aeaioo M I h disk y tile t. B thi subj. ( tbo oonsmi(ioora have made their upo't, but ika FoatenaeUr (leoaral bu Bet vet n ad Ilia Uicialoa i s lis ai rourrvRsrv Tha fullowtng rimed Ucnrala htvt jut bran ppotli(t: To (ilaignw. J. H S. PaJtinetAB of lslwir; toSayir. Pof. C. O. ( iaid of Peer aa van utj ti M-si. t, Hsai'is fji ruiBain if Wneoi'iii . to llcnr K .rg.W. B. i : o' N w .t-rs-r m MaraoitM FaxuBiifiK Wn raaaiAa. of Mini ., to LondeDdtrry , Tiioma Mr 'use, of New V. r to D.m.rara, Iiiioiiobb D. Rhwakiw o' Kentucky, to Nan Juan del Bar, Wanna P Foeran of Cirineoticu', to h e si. Bnam B SraitaT, cf Vrrauati to St. C'ttbanne. lire 'si iw Liai.axr, of Ma'aaclaat'.tt: and 10 1'aria, J una ll,i.i.otv, of Baw Ymk. VILTTABT OaV.KIUi. Tkt otdar if Col. Da via, dated AUx.ndiie, having la view ikl aavare paaiahtaant of troopi ah commit oatteget aad depredations troan 1 Aiexejec rta, ia tot oaly timely bat mt the earns el co i mar datl ib of every lov r tl Justice and th Union in thii vicinity. col. LAitara axorarxarr. Cel. LATRoa of the Btw York Horee Artil lery, m imped at Camp Low, New York, tr rlvid her thia morning, aad will liai a again thla afternoon, having received from the War Departmeat an order For the iiamidlatemaiter irg in of hi regiment Bel ' in -r irealri in the higbett terms of tha facilltlu foralahad by Mr. Lbhlbt, chlaf e'eik of tb War Depart ment, uvd of tba prompt noaa cf Mejor Ueneral M ab, Major Ueintral 8aarroao,A' Jetant ieoeral 1 noatAt, Bad tba Secretary aad aaeiit act Mecretarv if War, la the tranaactloa of hie Ltutaari CoL Lairo had tog t call on tb Secretuy of Stat. AlVtBTTKM TO ! tOMB Arm. OoL I . ATtoa la eotmttad with Ike daty. ia ooonaetkn with the Qatrttrtxaattr at (lew York, of c -electing aaa rornwrding te their riipective regiments here aad tire where, thou whoee time of furlough hu aaplral, aad alio there who are abeen' froca other cauaee. i'er aora especially Interwtasl la tbi - matter aaa obtain jiformatioB of ('apt. Oairrta at tb Western IIntl. Bew York, or of Col. LATNOIt, at Elm Park, Mitten Ialtxd. TUB AnafiBAL DBIOAl aroar. Tbt allege d emi cfficlal aniouocanaenl is thsBlcbmocd ptpera that Admiral Dobtoai Inltndi to take fait fleet ir-to Caarlutoa l ardlwacf Lmroua' blickad, It ot no prtctical agalflcaace, even tf the statement ia true for th war vuaelt cf any nation with which wa are at ptiea. have a right to acter oBrpoiti aotwithttsnding tbt blockade, which la only intended to operate against coma tree with th dltlcyeltata. crrBau fbobt luBorvAa omrRRi. A nnmrer of tb mott dUtlgaiihd armv cflicera of Kur. j a, ptttli ularly In Kughind and France, lave tendered their strvicea to the United 8 etu, bat It It not known that any of them wi'l b eptd. Oa of then, ia hit Utter iyt, ht regur.. tht coot rat u batwten civIllzeiioB and barbaiiam, and bit tote Ltr tb former cor, troll hit ac'.lont. A FAIta liar. -nr. There I good ailko iiy for lay isg that there I no trath ia a recently reported ooBvsraatlon ttwen Lord Ltcb and Scr'ry Sawaao. Ia the matter of trading a tpicikl uatntr to Brglata with an ucut of tie Ball Uua bit tit. Whatever I. i d Ltobb may have traoi milted on tbat aubjici wai thioagh the i rdl aary i hansel. A Bitter of r Miiutrr rAtrLKBBB. The anutia? Ciiaaiaa J Paoi.kbbb, ex Mlnlatar to i'r.n-, wa affartad today by t detachment cf tht Proroti Uaerd, who, fer that purpose, repaired to hit hotel. He wu ccaveyid to the jail, under ordare from tha militaty anthoiltlet, through the War Depart ment. He ia not permitted to hold corrtspsnd ecce or coBveitaticn w th any of hit frltadt, it pre tent. At to tha tpeciflid ckar aa under L. 1-U I - I. U -I J Ik f. II. ft.ll. W WeWM , mv, ,a, mo hi uuuu b concerned, mere mat 'era of apsculatlon, bat somthlDg has been laid boat hi bnviag a oommiutoa ai a Brii d'r (lanaral la the C jb federate army. A formal axemlBatioo int th CAM will, however, econ tak place. Shortly after hi irreat, h remarked fat he wu not awre if btvirg done eiything to Justify thoee procee iLngs and bat for tbem hi woala beve bad hit account r ettlai today at tha State Departnn nt, which ha bad vblted the day af er hi arrival in Washlngtoa f, i ttiat purpu, uwell ta to call ot S-crattry Ha s hi, in aecordarca with tkt courtesy governing mlaltteri i .turning from abroad AHOt'T run ATBBBB. Commcdore OoLDtn ibo of the I'umer l a i -n, c immuo'catu to tht Navy Departnwnl tome Interiatlng facte conoarnkg the complete dittiuction by tire of thl privateer tckojtner Ycrk, off the Cape Ilatterei Lighthouse. The "tber privateer captured proved to In, he aaya, the rchooner tieo. C. Baker, taken by the Uoiled State! ichcooircf S.uth Cerollna, rn the coaat of Texas, and bcuad to Btw Y'oik, recapture by tha piratical rchooner Yoik, Ti miles corthaut of Cap Hatter aa. He hu i 'la cad e nrt.'.a crew oa board aid bsroogb'. ber to poll Hat pirate crew, foar In t umber, are in iioci ra board tbt Onion. Ht had bearded the Baker th ,'av liefor. Hk wai, he aald, commauded by Mr. Abhott, It i a prlx crew of n man, from the atea aor Stuth Carolica and that they are now nriton ert to tht rebels. oub I HIT. S i far, about 70 v trails bawt beat purcha-aJ, and 110 i ' ar Lered, or a larger number of ahlpi than previooily compeared the bow. Thy are generally oil ghi ajaaght, lutei. led rathtr of a cobs. then for ait purpoaet, mu lh attta tion having been pild to tw.itatli la th it lection. hum' ma or rtnuc mu i.isi, , There seema to be lo dcubt that Mr. WrD, of Nw York, will be i-ppolatd Commit. tloner of Public Building!, tho Saute having neglected to act on hit tominalloa for that (Sice. Ai-tOTHBB CAVA LB I 11 BO I Ml KM I. Horn. Jouk V. FtRietwoBTH hu received authority from tha War department to raiu t regiment of eavalry, and hu just procured all tht nece-a ry orders fca arois and f quipaenti. The Uovernawnt la to fun i o tht horur, Tht' voaa I to ba at St. Cbarlia, oa Fjx river. Oewaphl tteB of Teleenrei-h Uaa. CAicrvOft Aw. tt The I. and M, Telegraph Company' lines, oriUMctlng Keokuk, Mon troee, end Fort MaJaa ia Iowa, dlreot with Chicago end (be ffahlt art of ta pit ltd to la . . Vvsmb Uaaal U. rrjai rorjAva cowitn irotnt Alii m I ii, Amu tt.wwfka Fire Zottvw ttratk their tints atd tf I fat flaw York thus aflarnaw, where tkey will be rBaWaeled pre aat t y to a r oneaiaetloa of th reglauwA. ABBSST OF All At.CAtOKD II r A pcmlnarit rial SMI of White Htan Poiat Birred itrnxr waa altaat at today OT oar piekwtt, aboat ( mil t from Alaxeadria. He U eJbArgid with being t sp , Baal aclitg u rebel maatangwr. Be is et preaee-t r. r fined lo the jail, awaltitg ordrri from Wuuagtoa. A VIAIT TO M'JUIT VBBBOB. A party of oBoera, while oat teoat'nt todoy, vfalteC Moont Verno-. Tkary war also three mllea eretfa of there. Tbay report that no rebel Irorpi hive been lata In that vicinity ft r two weak. Ml'Sr IS Secession Paper Destroyed. Banoor, Me. Attn. II At 1 o'rlxk tkl afleraooo th Bangor Vmocrrif, a tvceeeloB eheet, wu " cleaned oat' by a large number of people. Dating in alarm of flr a crowd en tered iba once, cleared it of evtry thing it poaMteed aad buratd tb contents In the treat. Mr. Sarar tht tcitor of tha paper, eeotped athtrtt ert. A mtn named Joifn who made II me d'mona'ra'if ns Ib opp-iitlm to tht adtot tte moli, wu badly aaed, bnt wu finally riaia end pat ia jell. Prau loiir Bjaeree . A u mil's er view of nmns. Ferlrtf Jfisiror, Am, 11 Oxi Bnllmnre, Ana 12 ) -Pioeor LaMoobtaib male two aoianful terarnsiona vesttdy, having attained aa altltds cf three iliouiand fut. lie f sand the tnctmpmtnt of the Confeterttt trotpsu bt tboat tbrte rrlas beytBi Nswmsrket fir edge. Tb ere were no tracu of tf. rebels near Hamp ton. A c n'ids able f rcs it alto tociiaiad thia tide of thaJtmii Elver, roae iltkt iiu above Nr.wpott Nswi. Tin tio rtaaon m -un-ted at .s wall's Po nt towiud (rid Polat k think at fBly Itrgs field pteoss. There are Pirbapa a tLcuuoJ Coufidera'.u at .iswall' oinL Fiata Hut, Boob, Md .'."'. n-ut laf, 12. The flew Fort I' h Voraii'ier K-giiaeot I now coamandad by MsJ' r Irfi ut, C'. Ci sat still btag under arret!, aad L eot. Od. Sawiau h vi g obtE d s , h of a even e, on orx mut of aick Ltbt hut JAjr news re, bed at , w Luui tbat a f eci or upwsrJe of 100 cars ry wa t lAstreltcville, Lobicsu where they wire praising and oppressing tha Ulon In. I. n'. Hants A derachaient from different c im ps U a, amoaaLlng to 1C0 men, under com maid of Car tin KentBirr of Co. B, i-coa- rn'ed by Cap'. BTevns,of Co. F.tnd 8 irgeon Cuti' u croud too river a', ihe Ko k Ktiiy. at uie o'clock on Tbaradey miming, aaa retched Lotreteviilt tlwiat daylight, eucer ttltiUig tka rebtli ktd left they retrace 1 their roo'e two milea toward tht tlvrr, In bopu tkt rebel would folio e thim attooo as they leira. id Cept Kbjhiidt's neii.i. There the union ii en formed ea embaeh, where thsy laid cocceiltd. until ' P. M. whan u-ertnl ling the rete.s hid not returned they contlioed oo their way. Whin about thru miles from the river tbey were ovarttktn by t boy with the information that about 30 of Stoabt rebel ctvl y ba 1 t occupied th town, tired and worn ont, aim at iboelt'tand bangiy. The brave telle w v. ithahOBt tt onre vo ted unai 1m oily to rtlnin and atttrk the rebel. Starting at doable quick time thty gained tight of tht towo, and under the eovtr of a corn he'd gained eight of the cavalry about 30 rotadlataot. Butleg for a faw mtauten tbay heard tha rebel cip'ala give order to dlamonat, aad believing they had bee deceiv ed atdware boot to ke charged upon. Cent. Ken am , barfed apoa the town at doubl qalck, firing two voUayt u tbey ran. The ere my, after firing e few karmleaa thota, made their aay, roaetaleil by boo ear, oat of the o I' its rida of the tows, bat aot antll tkey had one Liea'e ait killed and l mm w. undid Ietrge kte at Tetaalllew, N. v. Fertitburj, K, )',, Am. VI. The Cascade Mills, ti get her with a large amount of gra'n. owned by J A. Objduib, t Vttsaillta, Haw Yoik, wu toiaMy atitroyed by fife oa Tour. -day light. Tht total lorn it thirtaea thoiaand dollar. Insured on th mill, mxahinwv tad stock- In tbt .T.tut North American. Hart ford and Charter Oak Companiea nine thou sand dollar. Deestnrrrre rare IVIareA C. H . Axel. It. A fire lilt night ilertro. e 1 the PoatOrli, I n Ism Ilotll, rd a large numb-r of olh.r buildings on Hunter and Otorge itreeta. Lou u time led et from f7i.CO0 to slOO.CtO. Th vii. et o la Aaataia. Mr. J. Loth b c-r Mun.xi. the eminir.l hit -torian, whote defeact of the Union la the Loo doo 7i'. haa been to oniverully riad, hu keen nominated t tha mission to Austria. It ii Bbmabkabui that aicoe the orgaal a tloo of the Government there hu never beea . b'H bcrn in th Presidential mention t any I -i- e-.t of the ratted Statu. military Kows. Voi.totbbb Daror.-One company of the Bmptre ootrii wai iaepecteil yuterday Fcur corapeaiu of the Britith V.duntura will be irspactad tomorrow, (Weitnuday). Pbomotkh Uao. W. Mobbli. formtrly Dlvialan Insprctor an Gen. Sttsi-i nan a lUtf, lad ptostcutor of Col. Gokcobab lo there, cant trial whir'i all cur readers will rtmtm. her, hu been piomot ed lo the poet of Brlg-edier-Genertl. Hoi soa CotBiv Abtiixbuxt. The Hndton County Anilloiv corue, uadtr Mejor Bbxa mbb. 1 now lull end tbt man were aworn into the 1'. S. ser v1. a yesterdey. Thay will leave for tb lest .-f war thl we.k. RinivBBTs ib rr Fobmiiios There aro now In prooeu of I irmttlon, In and aboat ibis oltv no has thin forty voluntmr legiaieoti. Gf toaru Baabtri of these will hav to fail, and tba men In them will ee tranaf r -nl to o'.bert potoardof more rltility. It It all not an uxcomnon thing for man to prtcurt volnnteeii and tail tham to aom of tb reglB)!nt9, racelvlag from to So pir hied. bbtn Kbgimxw. The ooth Rigimtnt, In quarter i at Baw Dirp, 8. L, received a lo. of tenU yetierdey (mm the Q lertermuter'a D part menu Tov m no rapidly progrwiing toward completion ot their organ aaa tl on, end u soon ii potsibl will leave fcr Cm teat of war. i) o abtbb m A s r rtt'i Or i ic a,- Caabttni. kj tp ucka end haversacks ara low eeprlhtd from tke l lertermiater a oOici tatttld of thl Cf m mitaary'a u formerly. ADDBaai bt Mbaobibb Th Second Iriah Kiginwnt- on thoarstd t'roag ccompnid l y invited guilts, will visit David's iaiand to morrow, and an tudrw will be made by Th m. Ftvin i MaaoHBB, Ksij l tsi "i x Cava lbt. Act log Ciptain A. W. A os s Ii now engaged in racrui Ing for tbi regiBMnt another eimneny, mekuig nine raised ia thli state. Kacraitlng cthcea bav been opened In tha lit v Ht 1 Perk, at llel' Ho el, corner of Bo wiry and Bayard a'rwat, and alto at Elm Park. Tub Bboobltb Pkalabx Tha First Be clntent L. I. Volonteet, formally known u to B.o. klyn l'aaltnx, are now ready for acti ve ear vice, hiving bien furnlshtd with armt and all ill necuaary equipments. Tbey are oow awtitlng th pay doe tl em. which they intiat apoa having before tbey kaave, and will no doubt receive it with their marching order, lbey art at present quartered it Fort Schuy ler. FlBST RrotMi'iT Orbii te Rifixa The Chaplain cf thli onunuid having aadartaken to collect library for tht tut of oar men now locatid at Camp Niimtlh, Booth llrothar Iiltad. datirii to eollcit luch contrtbutloni and donations of bccki u th patriotic may leal dlipcawd to give. Packages Buy be lint tc Chaplain CoHiniT, Oregon Rluva, at the kutfqaarten of the regiment, No. 13 Cortlandt atrial. Pbeibhtatiob to tbb Abdkbiob Zooavbb. At elagtiit a' and i f colon will be praatnted tbi alien of n at Bikar'a ltland, to the And er ic n Zcuavt nglmiBt U. S. V., by Major Gea tral IEohbat Abdbbiob, througk Dr. 8. W. CBAWroe D, of tbt United Staid Stall, OBe if lh hercu of Sumter. C I ml J. LAr ayattb Bikib, commending the Zobavu, will re elve the colon oa betelf of the ragi meat. We are credibly infermid that thl regt mei t ia really gotag to the war, at aom ra mie time. Pat or Pbivatb A tome of th ree-wlt-Irg cfrlrws exnlhit t oo entire e belief vn the maxim that .-thw omd Jutiflu the means in making the vrdanhua raawwtan 1, n , wkVk tbey weiikaew wil aot ka Iklfllled it ta well to attt thot privakea ratal re but thirtaea dollar per month, not tfVtws, aai the boaaty given at the and of th war la $100. POSTSCRIPT. Flfht la Mi as "raw Im, if 'i., Aug. Vi. A m saunter from Sfruigfl.lri to Cal Wt uaa arrived it Kolla at 1 o'clock Sunday tfieracoe, Be report that th advance guard of Geo. LrOB met ihl ad TBtotgaard of th. enemy on Toaraday, and BnieglgriaMS emeeet, which letulted I driv ing the leneU Into the woode. The Iom . n letter aide, if tny , e aot si . ed Gaa LTOS wa trying to draw the rebels lato battle. FrariUin, Mo . Aut. 12 From Mr., tha meaner gar from Springfield to Col, W r . we learn the I lb-wing additioaal new fiom that ptint, AcoorOIng to informettoa reeeived flow far mo deiartar iad couU, tha for.tei ' the enemy number ab ra J I . AX h h v,r ,,,, nuth ids hers bun raaartasi to by Gioere' crw to drew their cavalry into an engine neat ba. wiitnat eurciM. Ont, Moirn- MlhTw Ktntu registnt wu i Iit eery celling lUataace. JffiurnCt- tui ti ktej. Moibb wl'h deisMO.iir.i . ike I ruh Brlgede, errivel from BVyrcae trie IV .dig biingtag ia 11 prlwari CBiturer In - r - -r Tee coen if le aetrmlrg with gueTillai, wb i IpaiBI to le smtioufened by tbe newi re ceiveo rrraa the tOBtbweai c' tbe advance cf tin l i. iii'lie. roi nlowrLow' uotnuj wtiici atr laaiaau. LtHitrOh, Aut. 1J A passenger from K'cb biM. who pee ed ihrouga Rorxvillt Friday, resorn that Gen. Z n UOOffl a a, of tht Ten oaaii" iNtahh bad Inopreued Part on Unowi LOB't K" lull- H'hpi Thl Klrhrn rd ft'nsisi"' of the R'.h uyt, the Conlsdstete C ng res, on Toeaday, WAI cooeldeiiag a bill for the public defence. It anrion erad an Ul-liired d vian-n of rp-aioo. lb Cleveland, Taoa., Banner cf the O.b, ia; a tbat XiiwABne, who deolirad that he would aweer to aupport the Confederate Coa il'atior, wAielteted from B idley county to the li. in-., by IDS majority, end toet the n'ne men. ben In lower tut leaaeaaa ere Union bop. lha Atbat Msmlnar coaaty) P'l atj Hi up rted that uverel oompanlea ta thai coaaty beve been organized to nit the ecuoi of TrraiiaM Ixcwalag a BMmber of the Coo Isdereery, ard bou tht rasaora art wi-hoat f.-ucdtUoa, lithe county hu a decided mi Joilty It r the Son-hera C -n-tltation. Paitica N s i- n.r ib la aal I to be t vary good copy of the great Natim net, whoa he itroog ly lateablii ia eppaeranc. Hen (hoi. In cliBed, to ba corpateni, and has hesvy bleak hair, over e rether baaly formal forehead. Hi fc is flipoltonic, bat it hu ait the flr of eenl, and lack bt unci' r-leu'c basely. He hu en preened biaualf mush plia'el with hi Amerioeu vie t aad dec load g ilog tc Kkomond lest It should Imply an indirect re cognition cf the (tout her a Confederacy. CITY NEWS. Wi : o asd Or: uses or tbtb Kim. am car tkb CITh. Tke festival far tba benefit of tka Widow and Orphan of th killed of the 09th regime at, will not come off for a oopla of wtk. I . will be under th management of the Convention of Irith societi, the atory of o futlval for th same purpose, gotten ap by thtimitritf the i. '-th, being a milt. Aid iob Tata Nbsht or mi 7?rn.-A trend musical festival, tke prooeedt of which wilt be devoted to tbt benefit of tka famllUa of the m' I in of tb 79k legiutnt wh were killed at Bull Ban, omea off tomorrow, ( Wedcevdey) at Jonn' Wood. Tbt program me la a nry am active ore. Meat i or tub Dxtabto. grand rtqal tm mill for tbe bran men of tht 69th rtgi mint wko ware killed at Ball Baa, will bo oeltbreted tomorrow, i rVednsidi) at nine o'clock, A M , In Bt. Bildgat'a Church, corntr cf Avenue B and Eighth street. Father Moott bt will tffieiat. Kioovxinri, Mr. Gaxauar, of tbe 7V-6'rer- who has bun very 111 of brain fever, ia, war hippy to alata, now rapidly recovering. Thb flaw Stami-bii Lstfloi-bs. Th bw mpd env idopea Jut iafoed are vety din .r ent from thew formerly in me, bat altheagh rather n -ire handsome eem more nelly coun terfeited, end haw a one gnat objictloo, tht ordinary letter eize I transparent, 0 aeu. h lo that writing laahte it may b reed elmott u u'Jy ii tliroagh irlttt. The ocvilopu are of reveiAl a7 i, end bur tkite, tea, twelve, twenty, twenty-fonr and forty coat (tamp. Covtbiiidtiob ' r Ami i a The Artist ef thia city hava donated $100 from their patri otic fund to tbe Army Cimmittu of tba Ycung Men'i Chriatlan Aiioclation, for tb Utnelt of aick and wounce l loldiiri lb lie- x NtroiJtoB dlT.'i with th flaw York T.-ht C ub today, ud in faw day will viait Niagara, and go from thence to flew fouadlaxd on bit way home. TltAITOB Jot'BBAua. The list of ''Peace" newipeperi ia the free ststea, Is stated by th 'neVy A'c; , a good authority oa tht aabjtct, u He i hit, however, 1 laoorrut, evrl ptpirt being included, which are devoted to tte Utioo. The number t-u ii decrusing t lacerelon abut bavhtg been dutroyed yuter dty, by the popl of Btrgor, Maine. CnAttnBBor Commbbcb. Voir or Bbcbb Anns Cm air A!TD Hutru. V.sterday aTtetVp neon th Secreteriei of tke Tieaiary ltd In terior paid an Informal villi to thtChiniber of Commerce. Mr. Dii-itHTBS OoDtui took the chair, and welccmtd the tlaMogaithed gtntlamea to th" Chamber in faw appropriate ranuika. Mr. Chair le'tnied lor th kind aunir la which b had been reotlved. His taklon to thii city wu not political on. He hit tone here to IKertain wha barlba Government ooald rely on being isppcrUl by th meicbtntt end banking Ins I'utiouln tkii c ilia. If they coold, th iaanclil department of the Adalnurtrttloa would be lacciufBl, tad the whole admieiatre'lon would be auccaasful In etUbllablng the authority of the Amaricta Union. Mr, Secretary Smith, of the Interior Do paiinont, oa being introduced, remaiked that bti muling with the narchanti of Ntw York on thii ooctikn wu purely accidental. He did not come to represent the Admin iitr tti on i 111 colleague (M-. Oh aim did. In thl ad mlclitrtt'on of tht Interior Departmeat be bad very little to do with th financial part uf the Gtminment, ttiil he wu aa adrUer aad coal sailor uf tba Administration, which re pre set la tbe people, end which bad no intemu but In commoa with tke peop'e. There existed no doubt of tbe ultimate lapprtation of tb rebellion, if th people came forward to lea tain the Government In every poper way. Ht wai aware that the tubltc mind had been de pressed by tbe lite diei I'.er In Virginia, teat the eiiuttr wur nly a 'tmporary one, and wlU undoubtedly be followed by freak evldeacH of lucoua, tuoh aa will not fill to eltobUih Ihe uprenracy of tha government, and uusa the American baaner to wave triumphantly in all tbt aiatir. (Cheer ) TI members of the Chamber were thB ln rivldaelly latroducedtothe riecretarler, who received aaturancu of vigorouliupport to tke Gov uaa eul on all, A Piratb ne vwa C aaa i bar r -Twetaoo- er Mary aad Ad. line of Deal's Iiliat Matland, arrrv.'l tt thai port ywAa relay. Her upeakt report l that while atjik mi In Taagta Sound, wleiepeeke Bay. waiting wind, ke waa wpokan by I pengy of abottB0 tana, and hailing from Dial's Irlard tt cap'ln of which icqnind where the renal was from and where boned, after which he called bli men eA feck to the number of aboat 40, armed with mu-keti, and then left. Thar ia no doaht bat they would bore captured th Mary asd Adeline, oaly that both vtl lilt helled frim the rime p'ace. Tke M Bad A. being owaed there. (Dul l- IiVanA ) AbrtBt three boar afterward, a mec-of-war c tree In and siood ap the liaad la tht dlreo Uob of tbe privateer. Soon afterward a the sap tain heard beevry Bring la the direct!. wi af tkt reels la, aad be rappoud the ptiagy malt have i.een captured. Hi' i ii-'i- BABBOtT! vrhikei hiviag died, ha bu aeot oa for ore whale, end la the meantime bu r bttlrtj another greet rarioiity, a live hipopotemu, the aame animal which for eoate time bach ha trotted an. h an Inler (Btla '-ihe bub af tie universe," Boston. It ee a great clamay, rough ikinned, bog fojied, aiall eared and rote- yo leiat with eno m ui laws aad ohreki whch, to au a comatcn ex preeelcsn, "are . h-sky enough for two aeta of teeth." Aid. n f eo , u he opens hi . aps-i e mearh fog a me of tbt turnips which ara gi ee h m by t-le keeper, be ippeari to be t applied . fh two ss of teeth. Hi hu tattb pt'.Jut Ing cataard at th lidu atd In front, teeth turned inward end teeth iway down hi tbroa. HI keeper lajt bt It very intelligent tat ;.' strt en den tend Kag'.iah, ao hi talks Gmk to Inns. A very potlte lengatgt for ui.'i a In t. I i ,ii 11 OF TUB Am 'iimiisjr SADfllB lies ii - Till German (Tnlt d Glee C'u oe hid e frend fee'iral it Jooae' W"0 I yee'.er.'ey ted last evening, the prcceedi if wlii.h wil' b de voted t the benefit i-f Ihl families of G.rmia volanteir. Early yesterday morning tke to ditlu, to tbe number of eb ut fcrartita .formed a pn-e-s oi ot the Mitropolltaa Boonu, on Bia'erit, aad marched up to the feitlvel gn no 'a. Onr 0rmaa citixeai kav contrib uted lrgly ti the volooteer fircse for th de fence if the ilil ou. tod never, far many years L. . I, .in an pr. i eeti-n containing the fame namber of locietiee u thee represented yeet urday. ppard with 19 f. v mem ben of each. Thou who were left are almost all of tbem de tained by familiu, which! Braos? Uatkfullj aaya, ara "thingi qolt puzzling," la inch times ai the. Bo the mtn wr largely in tb n.lrorily at the feitival, bat tht day ptreid happily. Music, da-clag, and t sail lo tkt ibuntone, tiled ap the time, ud when, In the evening, the rein came ox, thofutlritiia wire continued in Mr. Some' apeclout hotel, antll quite lit. ClTt M. riai ii r.- Diittht for thl weekend ing Aagutl l'-'th, (last , increeie from las', wuk, HU ; from same week lut year, 1 1 ; arete dia u(, 1C7 ; chronic, 181 ; external cease a, Ac, 47. Adults, 239 j children, 469 ; Baalll, 2C5 ; females., 3.13 ; colored pa moo I, 10. ffarwe, lataiata, Aeohtaaatt, aVe. St i idb with Poiiob. Coronir J a k is held an Inqaeft yuterday open tbe body of Purur W.mi , Ike Individual who wu found dud an Satarday afternoon, In ont of tke rooms of tb Boating bath at tbe B alary. A pott mi riant examination l to wed that death WU uaaed by ectae eorroetve poet of, take mtertelly, ud th Jury believing that ae eaaied bad purpotely taken it. render "1 a ver dict of auiiide." D i wind wa a native of Prairie, .) yean of age, aad resided at Ko. BtsS Kigktk are. lie wu formerly wulthr, bat of Ut yun ku been eddicted to gamb ling. Foowo Daowinroj. Idwabjo U. Maajmro, a boy, 9 e ail of age, waa found yesterday drowned et tka foot of Corlear atreet, and bit bedy wu taken to tht reddeooe of nil pa rent, No. KO Madison s'reet, whan- an to que it wu bald upon it. Dacusad had been mlaalr g since Sltnrday night, aad ii luppoead to kav accidentally fallen overboard. The body of Patuok Kbabbbt, a aatlve cf Ireland, t years if age, wu found yuter day la the dock, foot of Montgomery treat, tnd C'wonar .U' hM.iR held an inqtutt upon it. Deceased lived at Ao. 303 Froat street, and hid bom mining it nee Sttardav night. He U tuppoeed to hav fallen overboard. Kiixaii bt a Fall. Coroner Ji leu held en icqact yuWrdey, at No. 121 I est Ink -treet, upon th body of Jiuib Bbrbsiab, a native of Ira'aod, 10 yun cf age, who died from tht tnT.cti of au accidental fall back war da down a flight of etalra, received at hit rial donee on Satarday nigh. A verdict of accl dmtal duth wai rendered. DaCWBlU WIIILB Hat Hit',. A 1 ' a m Sckc- iixbt, a German, 44 ve.n of age, wu drowned while bathlag at the foot of I ut 17th atreet. A icqnut wu held ywUrr'ay anon the body at th let residence of deceaiid, No 187 Lut 12th itrnt. FssUoe leieliiaeeiee, ahve, Fioarc aid Sbbiooo StABiiiBn ArraAT. A fight took place early yttrdy morning in tb drinking raloon of Jung San a, Bo. 946" Watir tt . between a party ot Spaniards aid others. Kniru ware draaa and ficely used on both tidu, aid a man named June Will iam wu dangercuily tbtd la th tbdnmea by An, orntK Banco, t Spaniard. Tbe knife entered tbe bowels of Williama, aad soma of them protruded through the aperinr. Baboo alao attempted to Itab sever.i other, but h k oeeded only la rl'ghtlv woatding Gbo. Johb bob. whom he cat in the bries. He then rta eway but wu pursued by officer Caain, of the i'h FnclacL end arretted. Jaitlci Oa uoihb, he'ore whom he wu taken leaked him np, and bald JoBRiaN aad ioom otheu is wit nuiu. Wiujami wai conveyed to the N. T. HiiplUL where It la thought be cannot racov er. A Yoobo Dbii-ibado. Jamej Copbthrt, b ltd 12 yean cf age, wai pawing through the Bowery yuterday, wlua tiothar boy, about th urn eg, named V. imirbr 8hli.iv an, it sp ied, ap to nlm and tawtttad him oi ha v ing, whilgo, whipped him. Ht followed up hi iccnutlcn by drawing a knife end stabbing J a siBt In the arm, after wi-ich be Did aad u ctpad. J a mr wa taken to tha hoepitel, where Uie wound wu dremed, and ke wu than rnt to hi home in tba Bowery. PaxoBiooa AlBABLT BT A I'ur sin ab. Fbajtb Ci Abdbbiob, a physlclaD, wu arrwa ed yisterdty, charged with ttabbiag CiiAJ. Mo GiBBui ia tht tide aad back with a kntft. Th partli live at No. 92 Thorn peon itreet, ad got Into a flgbt together on Sunday nlgkL Abdbbsob waa held by Julie CiontOLLT to mwir. BROOKLYN. TsTB liALTTMOBB POMOI C 011 MTUIOBRB Tbk PeiaoBBia bot FoRtaicoMiiia Ab At- TAl'HMKBT UBDBD AO AIXBT COL. BoBCB. Tbt cau cf tht Btltimor Police Commiaalon n cam up before Judge GAaaiaoa, yester ey morning. On Friday but. it will he re coilectid. Judge GAaaiaoa. of the County Court of Kinge Coanty, held that the return made to the writ of habeas nirpus was latum -dent, and at the reiiaeit of coontel the cau wu pcitiontd to give in opportunity of aa urtataing if the military aatbori lea would peimlt e return to be mode that would tuhni . ally conform to tbe atetate in all bat lha e (Mtial pertlcular the prokMta ot th defend ants In the Court u wu suggested by tht Jcdge.. Meesra. A B. Wood, J oaa C. Vab Loob, Fx Governor Bab rib, of Penn , A. 8 Sol i .iv as ard J. W. Moeaa, appear.d lor tka Cowmliiioniri ; Stbwibt aal WoonroaD, Alt latent D. 8. 1 1 strict Attoruia aad I i.ut. Lat U. 8. A., repietented the Governmeat and Col. Bcbkb, tki cutocUan of the piteoaera at Fort Biewiltca, h Mr Jeor- lekad If Lbt rataTB to Bat Dletrlct Atttoraey iernw aebj the r.l urn 1 beea Bwide hi the font ettrected wy Ltutei Oaawaral B' tt, wko wu celiac U tk seer BB tbe Press dent of the UiHedSutu. Col ItmtRB had beea duseeated by Oaa Bf rrr, , , Ing for the P reside nt of th Halted Sletee H to obey th writ of Aooeai corimt if it v ppkVAfor on heh.lf ,f tbi prunnen at LetyeAte. The (lovernnaeant took the p IS the' thai eoane wu aiaaiwiy la th pr I condition of tk eountry. It wu known - H then ware men at tk North ( c New Y I and Brorktyn) wko were In eorreaprstda I witk the iaaargaat of th South, giving tt I in'.-rrreliiei is the condl i-.n of 'Blags here. I movemarti of tor erray. At. Tbtt wu oa VB lath ceewa. tnd counsel coe tended tba' rh tea were ia Jeil u iwltooerl af war and If I 1 Court .nim. k to InUrrera with thraa. M rr agii'rate ouul usterfera aad order e priest taken on th battle bald to ka broagbt bei ita hlat. Ike Dtita-lct Att wnev read from tkt opin efB of Attorney Gene al Batbs, wko took V groand, tktt when tbe life of the ne lor -SB threeteaed the P.eiirlin', u t olvfl mtglit the guerdien of tbe Cota itutivn and tiae le baa a right to Bfotoat tke Gevaraataat by W suaesnait a of the writ. Tba caie or Lorn I rt HoBDire wee referred to la which It -eraoed that Juiige Tabrt trsk ape tion fane of iha Praeldeat eiercleitr the oo who i is 'iers ,-U'm-d for him I I. Boi ' i eld th. l'ir'' A toner teok th pcantlei a7 wsawetedly his iiri rri fi Ills flour jr g-tissaiaoB uld b'" AM; wa clear 1 hee pariba wrre eoittld . p- rilegee of the on- bay item ended, ead wu bla daty to grant it. II had the ri I and it wu made hit rtati, to Inquire if wA pert lea . ra bald by aay prcciu of any co of tbe I rule.' Sia aa, The Dvtilc' A ornery liked, If Ike itrng. bow aotag on i Virginia wai oa Loog I e I whether be w r id mtrrrwre with the m lite i-rliiers i ( ths Gorenmaat Ib tk cau of p oner of wr . Ooenael for pilioneara tkosght there wai I I analoty be twin tie ceeee. He contend d th tkia wu not time for argentest oa tha nan I of tbe sue. He aekad that th tkoart 1 oberjed, end when tba prleonera were la roe th-y would eodieaor to ibov the Court tb- , thssr were no, leer el ly detained. The Dbtrict At orney ealtudrirted aevere npon thou wh - came to tkl aid of rebels t 1 traitors Ht I thtt thl Governs woald j protect irraV f. . m traitcra Bor he. South, a'd tbtt more a-rtitt woald re ma a I an I amor g other be h peej Se-etor Beanci t i iiKiR, bo claimed to be e g od Oo on me wraaK bs one. TV re wire men bar a- Blot ebont the eBterikli if tb Osb-tnuiinn. ki they woald Bu It ve-y heart dut.eeed wiit out a wird. The Government, M-. Sans rontendad, would pro-act I'self. and wualil, b latima'ed, do to, by abBllar meaw bare an plojtri. Mr. Wood denied thit tke priaonari win traitor. Ha challenged or oof of the fut eai reminded Ihe Court that the cue of that men wu before Ua Grand Jar of BaitUaort oad no b'U wu frond After rn me oonaoltetion Mr. Wood askef that en etteohorent lie leaned Mr Sam ii IntlmtUd that it oooll aot be iirvel. I . Jo ge Gabbiaob a eld it waa liii doty ta ta y haul bit powei. If th power of the count e tnd the elate were Ir audi deal, and d.ffieolttes' ab uld ail, hi coold not b held acoesutebW i fir it. Af .r aom further remarks tha Cs qrt grant ed an ttcho9nt ageinat Ooi. Boa a, aad undtr tl Mat aac'lon of th atetntu a preoep wu grioted directing him to produce the pri ao nei In Court. Attrmitbo Bsiothe A young womer named K.LirA Lbobabd wai found la the hall way corner of Willow Place and Atlantic atreet, cn Sunday Bight, laborilg under tb effects of poison. Sua wa removed to th ( tty Ilrsrpi'el. Dste jnintmsot in lore afTslrv a it taid to have bun the cana. JERSEY CITY. RxAioBXTi. Firat Lieut. A. O. bVabb tali tor of tbe luittm Co Downer al, hu rttlgaed. hi cceawxiaiion la Company I. let Regiment, N. J. V . aad ha received aa appointment la Mejor Moon'! ataff. Unit. Wm H HABJUIOB, of Capt. CrBw MiLLBB't company In tke aamt rev "ment, ' alao ruipned from tk regiment. Rim-MBSBiROTHBiBrAMrLiBa. Tha mem beis of Companv I. lit Regiment N. J. Yoioa teen. (Netlotel Guard. Uobokeo) Mot home '.'") for thair ftmUlu from their two moaute py- Boroiabt. About 11 o'clock on Sunday night, tho office of Johb Ahdbbw, real ertete agent, at No. II SxehiBg Place Jersey Citv, wu borglulooaly entered, bat th thief WU dlfttarbed br some ptrtoa coming down itetlra, and left wlthcut booty. HOBOKEN. Arbeit or AB Kigai-bti Frl"B. A dupap ate character, caned Mix I RarwOLDt, Waa Urea ted a faw day line oo a warrant Issued by Jo at ice Port of Hobak-n end eomu llted to tb coanty Jail, oa tb hergof c immirtiag an outrtgec oj tutalt aad battery oo Mre. Htahiob and family at W tenia too vlllege. It hat a1 not traraplred tbat the accueed la thl aame perion arruted abiat Svs yeerteinew oa a charge of having oommlt'ed a open co'ored aervut girl living In 41 r GateeoBrw femtlr at Wtthaaken Hill. 11 .for. the daw of trial Rbtholdi ipccoeded in "hhag baa rcape from Jail, disguised in female attire, aid bu bun ab eot from thl part of tho count y antll within a few day peat. Mr. Gbboobt bu takaa steps for hie trial on that ckarg at thF I term cf court. Tub HuroeoB Coobtt Abtiluwt. The volunteer In Mtjor Hixabtbb's batteryof S pleoes Had Km Co. Artillery, wore sworn Into tke United States service at Odd Fallow' Hill, Bobokia. Tbty namber 126 meet, aad will probably leave for tke aut of war dating the prtieat wuk. I'earthnr Itiwi, XsmAral tTspreM Fbbiiki- I I mw raryrooBAraia bau nkv. twb umbt ne rat woti.o, MO, KT BHUAJAT, NIW YtrBK. war rxu:ae rot nerve se. rtala nacaatratl a. rail ibae, ha Baa French frkenae. aa ua Utvauaa OU Pertrtlti na OabiaM or Parlor elae, iv-uril-B H fndl.lDk Pbototrenh. M U le raj haltturta. In Ine eaere 8 80 la 11 n DIOnillOIIFII kktwi z1 ifrrUl h7 TlUU' CABD PHG-rOOBAPHS. ThaibajaaliruluaeetTy popular aawhaBBwe make aaJMB ba BW haeleam. D1STIHGU 1MHKD PARSONS. rbetotTapba ot dkUadutahed InOlvuluale fer eel. ALBUMS FOB CARDS. A splendid a waat mailt of alb una. suitable for the -Curie da FttwM." Alao heaues eud eeeee fer iidole Mie lAeturea. TBBDmWK a CO fnl Broedwer. BBAjroaaTi-H'i Pill, lllll ABB lllll. BEV'KN BOX-ka FOB oatl IXHXAB. At 4 Booth Bioobd Strbrt, Wn-iAAJtaewaxewsl Ltobb' ktAaavrra Irteov Pi Ths e rUrtnsJ set r -julne a-1iri, wnj lsiewaaiUi rack Btw, aal ate BreeAwer. -mjXJBjBlBT. Bteclelte will he rwr wired al Ika AtewAwOae llal'.eor ore. lemhia and tllautic sta, ikla for tor l a hint Betlnie- t L I. Voluntsei. fel ADA M.H, est IVm Peli,t. c inieiaudw. Oapt, LOUltltBaCK. Kaat. A act officer. til ml niaatqaauriesre, t'e K, 111 01 Baal .tt.H. g. T.OVI II. Old w sv, A isoetltlth, 1-11. - oi ihla enetnaeed ere herabr crdeeed to meat et aaa Araunn , this Tuaedet eiuraeee, et S e'eioek. tec OIjIeVTttAD ' ' srM' Oeptela BH. AlliaaiiB. Jeweer Yam aleeae ate laiw I vtluuti era tad ethers wlekleg te wire their eeeBWhrvv In a drat rlaae eompaav. wau-d do well te cell e BjB reciidtlea detat, BOnirarr et, Jereev citr. IdaaA Lt0WB,truritii emeer. aultVlwl