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ft i ,t k- L. T" if &• \'F.&C i A BROOKLYN BU1LIK |^MQ GIVE* WAY. KHtod-Upward* Ptfky Othrra Ar* ItJ«w4-BWo» «H a* Airi«*i MUMIHN ,»« to* (h mA|W t^ooHng af I 17' .i* «k* rw B«« .ah*** C. •"'. fc||-r' abuse* to Breeklyb, jr -1 Moftday Of the** UM w«* two M«a and HI baWiag wi tnm rttw**» ««*t* *s» la «t ib* itMfii a* Btaaklyn. Amag» t. j.*. IK by ttftfemta* fgba*|, m** mm* (MM H»a HoUad AW«», K ten gg»g w*.ft m«A killed w ot wham 0* mjrtt* ww*, til* «M wiMtowa b* toddem. i mm*' In* ilMtsUwl' f^rf-t- li'** O "l:^ a«4«i ef tba ®a««a «t4 'IMM ^•Mfc.aAMMfe bdgMk tboaa tt» (iiMw «f tfct, 4lSMM6 £C4HIB •^sfPPP* .Iwf^p* '.Wv^e %mmmm *w^^m IM II HI -ht a irMiH CR f0Vf«0 NOT OUItTY, ChriHy. fSt SmmbHT afankM r««i« w*. iawanMic at tba l» «a a Ihwwemt* '**, tfM putr. Bm mt riwiiirt -Daadhm aai waa aanatar*^paM»v vniii *t*i y»dyiar W. rMtod*. wafl %t»li attwaey ta htt Si fl itneaa. a»« I -z* 1, h**""* 6l 90QQK9$ ftN^ :gjggp^ aaM* Wbaa OH Ifoftlai^i «aotati«M «a tba fw* W OiiMWl €m TU m* *widdb **m i»!i£r *tw**«j Www' neariM* tba TII -tit* ItM Mli Urate* glfMttt- amta* »|4W TWator, «to S»»-«M«r number* of tfc* nwll*—which to «t mm *tort*"£** siytnstia Ik abaft 1, tb* .-fltatM (feat ami 0«A*»#l*a* W» *B. »«•**, mmtms* to ltd* toat tbeir five* and to that MnMr will h* *®e**d»d. beat taken from tb* «hatt. A to*«e eatog MIU In tbt rilaea, wrt it to batoty aetolble, bat net iibrty, that •f tha natoaabM wtoew wiU be rtaaasd fttffK Ti* mtttn#* Hi* «f urrifi* tow «i •battered class windows A wilf dfetant. immediately a«w the *hoek great m» bety af miners. who *w off duty wa dey rad«d to At abaft to 8«J P*rt dmii of amoke sad dust gushing from its motrth. Mothers, children ami «dto* relative* soon wer* weeping and l^t* (ng for the mm of their bwed on«i. Tba oSriala of tfca wtoe, laelodiug ««a •rat Muiftr Kck. vera ama om tba (round *ml tfe* wartt of iwcnia* the aaltt •ra directed by Mr, B«4a. TM 4a«4 wlnm aa tor rammed are *11 Italia** *ad HoM#a*Un«, wd ha*» a« r«t aot bat* MntlM, lb« com$«tty tmmlU' mrha In tWa shaft about s*rmit*-flT* i»lo»rm hut 8u» da* TTI* w* »MI« not all la ul tin amaB losa of Uf» ma be atlHbutrd t» thta fart. Tba Fatted Matta (VMI and Csk* C«j» agar, wftb priiM-ipal oScaa ia Iltubnrjr, nw l« a partof lb* Ctttai Stataa Sted H» eaaaa «f the M^orioa baa' ujmmx baan diMiriied and slac* It ia baidi* ^abaWa a** of tbaaa la tba •J** win tw maeMid a lire tba cause of tba nqdaaioa BM* i V** l*tof l» bt «ot at kHm tba On at tba ***k t*« be«^ wwa »«w»ar Mfceft t» atttWHi imm Mi' tb «ba Biwrirt** AI^J BWa* b« kMowa^ STOCK A PORTUMK. r- AffatMt Two Emptor aa af Bi| Una*— flrn. Upon warrants thargin* tbaaa with law*** «t 900J00Q tram tba Jordan at tm Man* Oo*paoy, 4amft««« atow pro a)Wirtta* *. riaabwa m* nMm, d«iiiwr #»a *aara. J«h» tba awMtMlm k#K, S4 «4d. and Cbarbw II. '9» fowMfrt tU k*H «T iw. C»r, 61 yaara «W. ., Tba WHH W» mad* ia «O»- wftb what tba p»«rs atWa aa astMaiv* «wi*lra«r l« dalwad tb* «o«iwar. liMiaia H. Carrtli. #1 at rnt, w«a araastsd a faw waaks ago i» aaaaaatfaa vitb tba sa*», IV |tfiaa«at« «w» ««a«4arad la tba •MMIM daMMUMM of tba «MN awl »ra aibgad to ba*a »a bills far goods, aataM ispMiWa paitiaa. ia aavib a ntaawr tbat tbar iwctiiwl (dMN-ba tba atMNiats «td «vid«| tba (Rwaada a«m« fbwwHMv**. FINALTIte ARb StVCIIC. Law A#al«M Atrlfctn« Only Afirra vau-a ItalUa feteaatlM. tta«N! to Md«v t« ascapa tba «wm) tl»« of tba law tba raH««* a«ttaNr»« tliwiwbwt Italy b**» «a«a«vd li l» af Mtwal and »un«Mted of hIh and mdam, wbkb la barisf tba t#m* badly «-riiplla« traf te, pn^Alag fnM tadi«»atla» en tba aMt of tba VMc. Tba mwlt ia tba tuMMta of aaoa •a! tbdaya af atfeara. Tralfc* baa la anaaa^uaaea abaot (M par «wt at ttea wbw tba teartot aaa. •aa l« at Its boiglit aad tba to tabr tba af tba* tta« bartad to ma laiiiirffa aad tba aaait PMaatant fataitary aboat tba thaa of ieatti U» i« tb* rklaity af tba eartaia aoawa tmm tba rallntada, aad tbe rapaal af tba law MwacHWac aarata ^uaiab' mwt tor twmI# «a|4oy«t wba a»»f *a la attikaa. MOT #4UL JONlS* BOOt Vaa4 Oamn rws4 to Parta Csattls- ratbu Tba jwwMaalaary siaaUnatioo whk4i Amtmmmt* Fortr* ia naUaa tor tba at Joba Faal tota, tba aarai ban of tba wrwhrtloaarjr war. N»*utly diacfcNMd a laad cefla. Tfca aaaw pUta an tba eam waa amdk «MW4ad, bat tba ia»wl»tiaa baa iaaM* baaa daaipbarad. abovtac tbat waa tba eatta of as 8a# Hahaiar ballad May ft. 17W). tw® *aa« r**r ^f^aai^iam**rritn" nlTI aot be At tba fariBfi Tba aaareb ««tJao*s. The a»d Itig et tbla toad vtriBa baa tiM adraatafo utrusft* Wt*U*m IQVSV' IPPWi^Wlp* VWPMT: U's^M^teaaatta »«M HaHww aaa* «f tba tmmmy, 40*4 at llaaa^ Mawday. aod «T JIKAaaAaMflatt yPBwH WPWH^^WWpl Mt At *4 bt TO ANSWCM, •T tba VmUm* Matoa. OataiaBd, Q.i SaUUag and tboiwughljr ia^*^A^aa^1t!f ^Mlalek1^ 4WM tba aatborttiaa «f tba t'^tad Utates aa nMi lit llafera* RHAUM in the baaluwytr* mn, i. V, Dawtaf. bar attarwar, at Irat gfbbawly mfaani Mi allow Mra. Chad wick to ba ewara, tlatwb tba aoait per etaatorUy ordered ber ta riaa aad take tbe aatb. It waa oaly after a caafereoee tbat aba taaOy took tbe wkaaaa ataad. Kreo isfaaad to I atatewwat of bar being tbat ia New 1f ob- Kirby. MraairaM daaghtar af Maiats|l J. B. Kltir, aceMmteU* shot aad fctUad tlataaaa Morgaa, bar awaatbeart. ana lay. Tim w«» playing waa was aDMoaed to ba aatwaa Moafaa'a 1& Mora BkKtlaa PeaaA Ala,: Tba reawirra at waft in tbe Virginia mlae Maaday racor aaai tba badiaa of two mate rkttaa at iaat Muoday'a #aaat«r, wbkb nakaa tba wunbar nwM a» ta tbfa UMI lejared la Miwa. IteAbwm, 1. T.: A af gaa to jampla arfae No. 2, of tba' titwat WaaBwa t*oal aad Cw Q*Nw*y 4W mm, brbuaa wi» A fMNl etrike of af BiM«b Colaia 0H i^gpl^ af tba aigbt Marcb, tMbtog a «««r at tba pria- Hrw O*H«M» *««n ^0 »'W v IVaMstf «T Aaaibarn 9NM»I* AM i ilftMiMk mm. V**anM»t «M t«»» abam«d a not a: tb* Mwaautry at sana *t tk* •VWTBM* PMT%A«*A, WTORE RFVOLATIOOARY axitata» «i« a^ctdatlBC r»»»«s tbat tbe tit will an Marcb 4 iwae a waai{«a Tidlac fur a gaawal ditWon »t bad to pro na. land*. A a*w aUotaMBt bai V** t'ja dnaia of tba Moiiiiks tw dm waaci patkta, aud acronliuc to (iriTata H^ioHa tba .atoriea bavo apread like wUdSr« «ti4 urt Implicitly belicretl. la the govern m«at of Tatea a large proprietor weot to bb entMts bu% weok aad fonad tbe peaentMt* at wtrt aieurariag off aad stak ing tb«ir abam. la respoaaw to bis d« BMMtda (or aa «pinnatlou tbey' told him of tba etHBlng maalfeato. Refwin* to listen to bis declaration tbai tb« report was abattrd tbay Would at once say: "Wa hara beard tbo Uttle father baa di 4ded,** Wbaa tba proprfator aakad wbat would bwwow of bin, they replied: "Ob, ««a will leara y»ti tba huilJiags aad forty acres." Once tba peaasatry become poassaaed of the idea tbat tba «ap«ror has willed a division of tand it will be exceedingly (Uffltnlt to a baaa their laiuda #»d aura rtaa treoblaa oa a lai«a scale are feaml. Tba Mcmjika ar« likely to tara on tba proprietor*, aa tbay did aevcta! years a*o in the provinces of Bare toff and Poltera, wbea aaareb* reigned for mime time. Among the reaerriets agitatara are spreading tbe story tbat tba war is orer. A ease to tfted which occurred a i»rt uigbt sgn at fUaalaa. wbere 200 reserr ista wba had baaa railed in fatly toM tba oOcer tbay did aot intern! to serve. "The war is orer," MI hi tbe leader. "We know yon simply want to mak« money oat of a pout r»vt for feediog as. Wa will aot aarra," aad they marebad off. DAMAGE 0ONC BY ICS. •caaa»er Big Kanawha ta tank Oa* lot* Myerlile. Hr Mayxrille, Ky. A b'-f-y iva gonca ia tba Ohio Hirer waa di*! lj»d Kriday it taraooa ia a rise t* i ti„- Kaaawba Hir er. CowMeraMa I'IIUHH:.- CCCC BRAT waa doaa by tba ice. 'ioe steamer «i# Ksoawha wn* torn from it* mooring* aad carried d»wu with tbe tea. Aa she panned tbe ferry boat lawraac* aba tore tbe outer guards off tba ferryboat. A qaarter of a ndle farther dowa the 1«* tore a large Mi* ia tbe bull of ibe Big Kaaawba, wbea •be sank, aad tbe ice wrrebed bar. (.%pt. Williamson aad tba ww of tUe at aa uer bad Marrow iweapea, aereral of toe men bring rowpelkd to jump oa mor in# ice In order to reaab tbe shore. The strainer Tacoam was abo dura a*ad, bat eaa be repaired. ION AT flOMC. Waabiagton'e Btrthday Coaimemo rated by Ainerioaaa. Rone: Kverai baadred Americans gathered Wodaaada* at tba American eatbaaay bare ta caiabiata Waabiugtou'a birthday. Among thoaa ptoaaat were Gaa. Lsd«» Warn*a, Mr. and Ma. W. K. Vaadertdlt, Mra. Lerl I'. Maiton, Mr. and Mra, Craig Bldiile, of ItUadel phla, aad & A. Bowen, brother of tbe Ataerteaa miaiater ta VaaezoffL Ambassador Meyer w» j^^Pmalrted apoa bring tbe IrK Amerfeaa diptowatic n piaailatlre to be at Home coaaocatlre anaiireniaiiaa ton's Wrth. for Ave Waablng- of OOU 80BICSKI HONORED. Ooa(ratatatoey Reeeptioo la Held tw Chicago. Col. Jobs SoMeekl, great of Joba Hobtoaki, tba last king of Poiaad, waa tba gaaat of baaor Wed aaaday at a eougrstuiatory reception held In WUiard bail Tba affair marked tbe fiftieth aaalver aary af Ool. AobieakTe arriral in Amer ica. Several apeakar* praised Um efforts the Iaat forty year* for the temper* and tbe guest of tba da* told of hto exile from Poland with bis soother altar bis father bad bean eaacatad by tbe Kasaiaos. .p,: PAUL JONES' BOOY. •ellmd Reaaisa Hara Baaa *#W4 ta OM Farts Gra«*r*rd. raria: A lead coBiu which la belie*, ad. tbe body of John t*aol Jonea, wii ba apeaad ia tba prraenea of Ambas sador Porter for tdcatllcitha. The cop. per nata* plate oa tbe rofflu baa been re but Il ia so time wont aa ta bo The coffin wsa found sixtaea feet below a grata abed at No. 14 line tirange aitx A foreign Protest snt fonaerly in tbat quarter. canrtery Paalabiaa tba Ya«abk Washington: Couanl Oenaral llanna Friday telexraphed tba stote department float Monterey tbat tbe Mexican govern ment in ftt&tobifi* tba Yaqal ladlaaa wbo recently amtdered promioeut Americana ia Saaora and that atom tbaa twenty Taenia bare bee* killed aad more tbaa S90 Indiana bare boon taken prisoaers. OM Here tiaa«iei«d. Xew Tork: WilMam Mctiea, a*dd to ba tba last white earritor of tbe Caster manaane. was ewarlcted of maaalaagbter la da first degree Kriday nUrht and waa IMMMMM tor sfntaace. He waa aecaaad of fatall* atabbiiNr Fraak MitebeH, bia lid Oaao a* a Veaag Attorney. Chicago: LtaUe C. Fuller, 23 years of Kt, aaaistaat attorney at tbe depart' meat af jaatfce at Waattagtaa. waa VH da* dacterad inaaae. Be waa mat boata ta mg Rapids. Micb. fftra at Mot »prt*it«. ARB. Sot Springs. Art: Fire Friday aight ta tbe baainan quarter ciaaod a teas af f7MW Tin priaripat aaffema are awa Mandel, dry gaoda, aad tba ladiaaa Clah.t20.0iA. Fieo ta Maw tw* Aeylasa. Kew York: A «ia wttiA atlrted tbiaa Tberc wer» 1JOO cbiMeea ia Cba. at tbe ttea. w»a# af dm waa t^aiwL IN^oa StaMtar^tiit. Top*—. IDmts Hi K*m*t bawst wfft Oaatlaa bia aatt tba oaly Mil mala- tbe Tito In as tka tiPiH tba Standard OU UOUSK. In tbe bonne Monday tbe temperance committee reported the mtloon license bill farorably, the bill to prohibit treating In bar rooms withoot recommendation. The amendment reported ou tbe twine plant hill waa oppoaed by Thoraoa and Olson, of Moody, who declared it to be an attempt to force the shirt factory pro rMons of tbe Mil to the front and allow the twine plant to lag, with several of) the members of the committee support log the report, which finally went over. On motion of Ueteroon the 25th of February waa fixed aa the tote date for introduction of bills. The only new bill was by Hebal, to re dace the penalty on delinquent taxea to one-half of 1 iter cent a month. llouae biUa passed Monday were: To require a population of 250 before a towa i-au be incorporated tbe irrigation code providing for apportionment of Income from school landa: cutting off pn pils at atata normal model schools from provisions placing waters on highways nnder coutrol of road overseen anthorii Ing coonty and state eqnalixation boarda to go behind the returns to search out preperty and to employ tax ferrate n* quiring atate to In future secure absolute title to landa before bnlldlng thereoa. Ttk' bill to allow wholesale druggists to sell liquor without a license wf| lost as an emergency meaaure. and passed with tbat proviwlon stricken out. Tba house waa crowded at the opening of the house session Tuesday with UMH who expected a fight on tbe primary elec tion Mil on final action in the house, but In tbia they were disappointed. The clerk droned through the bill aad at the finish no one attempted to secure tbe floor, and the roll cull began, It waa passed by the home, but seenred only 43 votes. The opponents of the appropriation committee amendment t« the twine ptnnt bill won out and the #30.*K for machin ery waa placed back in the bill. Among a untnber of aew WUi present ed Tueeday were tbe*: By the drainage committee, for a drainage code. Dy the Judiciary committee, Increas ing tba Jurisdiction of a justice of the peace to Renault case*. Tba house bills passed Tuesday were tbeaa By tbe way* and means committee, providing for a, 2-mill deficiency levy for The atite primary law. By Wilson, providing for cowpnlsory destruction of prairie doga by owners af landa. lncreiaing taxes of insurance compa alee to 8 per eetot of premium receipts. Appropriating $3,000 for an artesian well at the Redfield asylum. Allowing cities to acquire property by condemnation for sewer purposes. ftenate bills parsed were: To limit liability of banks oa forced paper and increasing to five years the time of practice before admission to the bar in the state. Tba only session of the legislature Wednesday was a joint meeting of both bonaea for the celebration of Washing ton's birthday. Addresses were made by Senators Payne and Branaon and Representatives Carroll and Hoimaa. A Busical program was presented. Aa the time for cloeurc on new bills ia sear the last ran is being rushed in and among a number of house bills presented Thursday tbe principal ones were three by tba educational committee to regulate football, providing sunpenaion for any player wbo injures anther by Satre, flying tbe aalary of the clerk of the su preme court at *1,800 year by Parm le*. granting liens for labor and repair work on an artesian well rig, and by Omdabl, to repeal laws allowing seediug of parta of the highway to grass or the use of tbe same for tree planting. Tba bills for final action in tbe house Thursday did not Mart out well, the first being to prevent Mrd dogs from running at large, which, after several efforts to dispose of it, finally went back to tin committee. The next law waa the law to allow a li quor license vote when once secured to •tand nntil aet aside by a subsequent rot*. Holman asked for delay, but on motion of Brown, of Sanborn, it waa ta ble by 43 to 38. The next bill to go down waa to pro hibit treating in saloons. This failed by a rote of 37 to 34. Tbe twine plant bill waa pa Med with out oppoaitinn, hot not until an attempt bad been made to have tbe provisions for tbe shirt and overall factory stricken out. Tbe state agent bill was tabled and tbat for the 2 mills deficiency tax passed, •i was tbe general drainage code. Tba principal senate bill presented Thursday was to amend tbe prtaent oil law to allow Kauaas oils to come into tbe state at gravity test of 42, instead oT tbe present teat of 46. Among other seaite bills were tboae to provide an annual appropriation of $500 for tb* state equal!nation bORrdt and by lMBoa, requiring firitwayi ia dims. Principal among tbe aeoate bills passed were thoaa to establish farmers' insti tutes: ta tax iegacieo aad Inheritances: to anthoriae cities to issue bonds ia settle awnt of judgments: appropriating nsoney far prfatiag reporta of atata officers. Ia tba home Friday Panuley, of tbe committee «n immigration, secured tbe adoptioa of a resolution which la affect Instruct a tbe boose appropriation com •aittee to insert an item of 1790 in tba genrral bill for the purpose of issnlng aa official map of the atata, showing the re aonreea of tb* *at* in a coadeaaid form aa tba same. Tb* two r*poita oa tb* wolf bounty bill «|*w*4 that boasty ^ae«tka ba* art feat of argument from many 'tuurU-s pant aearioaa oa*r tbe fare*. lm lite bounty people woa after a 4t» i* which a number af mat fcei« a part. i n i O s a e n e i:' .-i i"ootntion for a con to. prohibit tb* -.-.-j.MI:. of r*P*oad AHMM i tba ealeadar dimtsd t'! i Kaw YarluJai^aifeamHtom Frida* a» M^btt* it wn aooo beyond tbe coatroi of tbe ait mat* ire brtoade of tbe issU, Yaa usdel Kit:-«aI giv t«Ol by «'c aw!- r»- .. li- :I..! ir i .ii-tnartiaf tb* -ai-••» i-» snpport i» iii» railiot4 rate* tion, auA tbia waa nr4 as a apodal order toe nest Momta* commltte* at tb* whole. other bona* Mb Friday «cra: By WIWIIPW mmmBmmmmmmmmmmem i» N IAMW, and b* tb* rtato «(RBt eontoHfea retpilring railroad* ta put In aid*traeUi oa r*q«Mt whan atatioua an mora than fourte*n mllea apart. Tba bona* paawd a»nat* bfito 'allowing coamUdtttod sciiool districts to Increnae the limit of nchool bouda to 93,000 pro viding a penalty for the failure of physi cians to register their certiflcatea, and requiring tb* registration of motor ve hicles. The harmony which has always existed In the Black Illlm corner of the house wai badly shattered In the Mil to amend the law panned early in the aesalon to allow Iteadwood to go out hunting for water in the streams of the hills. The amendment was pnssed. The bill to !icenne the practice of oph thnltny started nnotber fight. The bill waa finally killed. The principal new houae bills Friday were to license legislative lobbyists and fixing the. anlnries of register* of deeds and couuty iiuditnrs on a valuation boats. The bouse pained n resolution indorsing tbe action of tbe president on tb* rat* bill, and several minor measures. A resolution was adopted for morning senioni of the houae. beginning Monday. SENATE. In the senate Friday tbe bill to creit* a northeastern hospital for the insane at Watertown was tbe only matter which called out debate. Johnson asked for rn ante ml meet to prohibit tb* erection of buildings at the new location nntil tb* Yankton institution had reached aa at tendance oi 1,000, which was added to the bill before it passed. Other senate bills paaMed Friday were: Empowering county commissioners to ap propriate cash for county fairs require lug tbe faculty at the agricultural college to make aa annual exhibit at tbe state fair allowing road taxes to be paid in caah authoririug the employment of as sistant Mate's attorneys in certain case* and providing for farmers' institutes. Tbe senate bills Friday were: By Frieberg, to fix fees of insurance companies, ami a joint resolution by Ca* •Ul indorsing the position of President Iioosevelt ou the railroad rate question. In tbe senate the principal new bills were to provide for the appointment of a special state's attorney to attend ibe grand jury when the regular attorney is incapacitated, and to pevent the sale of stocks of goods in order to defraud cred itors. The senate passed tbe house bill pro viding for determining adverse claims to real estate, and senate Mil* to regulate fees of sheriffs, a new fee bill to allow board* of equalisation to place cm tax list property which has escaped the as sessor fixing rates of tuition in schools and providing for tbe teaching of effects of tobacco on the human system in pub lic schools. Ill the senate Tuesday, among tbe new bills were By Koepsel, allowing the county treas urers to offer for sale tax judgments se cured by the county at scavenger tax sales. By the state affair* committee, gen eral gam« law. ft en,it bills passed Tuesday were: To change the nasue of the liedfield asylum to "home for feeble minded." An emergency appropriation for Yank o n a s y u House bills passed by the senate Tucs day were: To provide for court costs in case* brought by the state Inad department providing penalty for false statements as ^WVVi* 1 to physical condition for the purpose of :ld Ltliau Allen farm known as securing public aid. and tne cattle dip ping bill which carries an appropriation of $10,000 for carrying it into effect. The primary election bill was finally disposed of by the senate Thursday on Its being sent up by the house. On tbe an nouncement of its receipt the presiding officer of the senate declared that as it bad been passed upon once at the pres ent session it could not again be consid ered except under suspension of the rules. It was expected that tb* friends of the measure would make a fight on this ruling, but the only move was on tbe part of CasslII, who asked If such move would require a two-thirds vote, and received an affirmative assurance. The bill was then returned to the house with notification of its fate, and the incident Is ended for this session. The strongest lobby of tbe session has gathered the past two days, either for or against the biU, in anticipation of a fight on tbe matter on the floor of the senate. The house appropriation committee Thursday returned several bills with a favorable report aud the wolf bounty bill, with a divided report, the majority report favorable and the minority against it, signed by Carley, Foster, Craig aad Madison. Tbe senate appropriations committee Friday reported the capitol building bill without recommendation, and it will be up Monday for final action. Principal among the senate bills pre sented Friday were those by CasslII, to allow a wife to take advantage of exemp tions when her husband has failed to take advantage of the right, aud by Cook, requiring foreign corporations doing business in tbe state to pay a license fee. Tbe principal senate bills passed Fri day were to provide state aid for high schools and creating a state library coni nii*siou. The senate made laws by pissing bouse bills compelling mutual Insurance companies to give tbe non-negotiable note required under tb* law providing for di vision *f cost of township line fire guards, and increasing tbe term of compulsory at tendance at school to sixteen week* in one year. Tb* senate session 8atarday night end ed iu a wrangle a* an aftermath of the primary election bill. In the report of the senile committee Senator* Cissill and Shober were reported to bar* ap peared nn tbe primary petition twice. They presented a resolution of personal privilege in which tbe rules committee of tbe renste was attacked aud demanded an opp nittttty of explaining why their names J«1 so appear on tbe petition, Tbe report of tb* committee aa tba cap-- buit i u i HI waa received and an att M.jt t» in -u to provide that no rnqre cenhi made until tbe total of 9l."O.OUO hi -ren realised from tbe sal* of landa. On motion of IMHoa it wa* made a "facial «eder tor Monday. Princi i *»--,- tbe »ew lenat* bitls Friday t!i ta licew** bock* shop* iiml to t:':w one railroad to ns» the unased rigni (at way of aay other Tbe aeaito made rs Friday by ing houae bills n iag tb* penalty for robbery, allowing boards to employ tax ferrets, making caaftctiaa tor patty iMtoBy a tb* graat ptoal •8m*, tog 9 bqw 98m* aad prohiirftiug at a bquor Ueeoae aaar Francis E, Leupp. the new Cora •loner of Indian Affair*, ia n welt knowa nowsjwper tnan. Many year*. ago bo liernm*- wt MAXCIB E. Litrr. York, where Elisha Nye Pierce, one of the be*t known horticulturists in the f'niieA Htates, is dead at Waltham, Miss. •I—"-C* Robert Watchorn, commissioner of im migration, wa* once n miner and workedi several year* in Ohio and Pennsylvania- Prof. Rutherford, who lias been award ed the ltumford ined:tl by tlie ISntiijlv iUiyal Society, is a New SCealander. Admiral Damn von Spann, of tbw Austrian navy, the fifth member or the commission Inveatlgatlng the con duct of the Baltic fleet in the Dogger bank firing epl aode. la regarded as the most distin guished naval offi cer In the empire nm! is virtually at Ihe head of Its naval department. Hi* selection was due to the unanl- William J. Van Patten of Burlingtoi N't., bas turned over to the Vermont, Thomas A. Edison says the first rec svd taken on the phonograph was "Mary had a tittle lamb." General Clpriano Castro, who baa compelled the Supreme Court of Vene zuela to confirm a decree confiscating the property of the- GENERAL CASTRO. however, he actually has become a dictator, and will have no man in his cabinet wbo disagrees with him In any particular. He li but five feet two Inches tall, end la arrogant, self willed arid cruel. He Is further de scribed as shrewd and cunning, but not diplomatic, nervous, Irritable and excitable. Harry Boulton wbo died in Cleveland* recently, hired John D. Rockefeller as a carpenter when be once was foreman it* a railroad shop. jA The equestrian statue of Gen. George B. McClellan at Washington will stand In Connecticut avenue in front of the British embassy. Gen. Trepoff, whose excesses quelling disturbance* at Moscow twen ty-five years ago caused him to be called "the Mos cow butcher," has been using bis old methods in putting down tbe uprising in tbe 8t Peters burg district of which he was hur riedly made Gov ernor General aft er tbe massacre of Jan. 22. Ha is said to be for tbe banging of Gorky, tbe novelist. other prominent publicists arrested their part la the uprising. Gov. Herriek of OU* say* b* twic* refaaed tb* ambassadorship to Italy. Ha know* nothing of Italian and to jaa tM »learn. ,»| Dr. Obadiah B^ardns, sheriff aff Moomoath county, Jr j., admits tbat tba profits of hi* in 1904 were 91&0OQL •y- Jam** dent of tb* Pittsburg, ticket govrament -TS -II- 1" mm •-H Identified with Iba work of upraising the Indiana and ac quired Information, that la exceedingly valuable, lie la to ga riled aa being one of the beat pouted men in tba country on tbia subject. Ha la native of Xew B» was born Jan. 1*49. He la a gradu ate of Williams College, where be re ceived the degree of A. M. and of tb* law department of Columbia Unlvera Ity, where he received tbe degree of LI,. B. He la the editor of the Na tional Civil Service Peform League, and In 18D2 90 wa* made a member of tbe United States Board of Indian Commissioners. Mr. Leopp la tbe au thor of several books dealing witbi civil service and political economic* and a life of the President. & A AI)M' vos srAt tnotis actlou of the other four member* of the commission, who were empow ered to choose n fifth man. The ad miral was a great favorite of the late Admiral Tegethoflf, who was the fatti er of the Austrian navy and won the victory at Lissa over a comparatively superior Italian fleet. A. Sons of the Revolution thlt par# of tb*- Wjj "Indian- Itock.' American Asphalt Company, bas been President of Vene ezuela since 1900, when he ousted Ig naclo a n a e from tbat position. Castro is 48 yean old, and prior to 1890 occuoied ml- I nor public offices, w Since assuming tbe Presidency, 9 .ft--.. 4 vj ID OfcX, TB£FO#r. aaytoaate toss War,