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K L-i M£ #lr^. Y ff" 4 rt v^y.pSr^fK ji* i lf i\ *. k *v. P^«"L iI i."' fcii»«'j!j •it*,' V*i.r t./, e &§ irs^t iu-- A j* -1 ii#f% Sr/ fgk £S*f it.c- S 4 fk'. °& £. T7* K ,, .. u •, i_ V* 4 g* i*" ^kuSfc^Jfc r"fpH9^p Ts I.V K I 'J f'"!|" ^f'- fr OOwft K/&- jk' U*»»P «»wit» kr I fj' \4T» *•"?. :-'T v &.u.>. igfpte^ li $ *W" li" *. t. ... k* 1 sS*S tied |f: ««4 IP flNSP: .JpAJrl* mmK99 S^pE® f^e knk .f"* jp*ww»Hii*«3it The ftefephott" •$. v" & k treat has '4 tftointeml gmmtnmmt b- A '"A. T-" "LM iS'fe&jU The -MpKtra*^ *•««•«»flam been'-wtOed *p." **1h»«feNsi trostwhieh isae- wftt else Tbeae afe out t±' the pftwfcy* i)M i 1)." i -Jfti' IWWBW/ HI -trj'-t MMMtmbijr hi IL' teo»id«iJMr»bai to ImpoMa tut flro deAur« b««4 lor teefte- 4-ativ»deftKr»ft Ibr» of the l»x to- mwmtnrnriw WHU wsapft tbotax. At UhmI those with their mar- i frioiHiK on th« «o»t of •alWi wf fe wSl U«vi" tptrnM MtoWaM ilfrjf' 'MiWlhlf niMli 'IMI tfci 1~ "fSt-^T iml«»nw HWWJ' n«C«i»4«tr- tkto, «Ml hi hm -y' ^jTb» FbMpith -_.V v i v—m, Qm+vtm&*g<aomtk ^'in'Ss^ •''}?, I jM^P to the C- V- 'Utift Stend«rd Oil ti & «bo«HI be^i« it •nyt^Hnt cfto to S i t. {_tVi ooogrtm foffood I y. v. flknreto«7 8l»«r t!» Wo« PfE-»' y«t r^,:.f- ?, 7 u V i -'f »•-'*. J* 4 U i J. ^•'f*''fr'\'.,:* 'i.'4f:.I im*»AX ifc fmhou qattfrM*. *mm* vmtmm- Mk' BLSk JAX£* AfMV *w w tV tew «rtttk*J vn*Hn»f'11itJltatlw MT IWIim tiMA^ ^Nsnrtbb^ la hi* own The Stend*rd CHI Com pt»yi* »b«at blgr game a* fVMlioai Nu» hunted. Ttet Stttdard OB Company 0 Iw»t©iii «tligfti cou}(tion. It '•T\- ^ks' v»slt* i~\!*r'"~ Tt«y »hcMW he *r Ss 4*y»«i7 )wt« Trrnmnrj r*: enrrer *up* a &f i* iatrodnoed «p iesn W\ to give tibe in oon- «B»vii^««y«, «r» th«»oReoord eo ptntiiMt tenia banter*.* bad. bsotiog,b*them. miy 1 folef|riai: ^'k'*.' ar'\ if K fnraved rgaitui g*m+ left for botii hi*iRmeaod hi*fMt8D«€t«er«iL«wWsLbee I* that the pea mightier &> Irtter irWi "haro •#^s' tT"fdetaer^t rtKMl4 Isr ttw nk fefL"^ faamwHi before It I* mi $#0*1^1 s*3«ry I*»7,S00,«K) „yeer fti»d yet there i*ee*roely *eewoely. one who wOolA Uke hi* Job therei Utite mw*&' Jj. ¥. ilKDSAT 3nr«Av g» |IAI UABLK BKOfiLi mkas, WHAT*, 1^* 'I AKI aajjHrmwi 8ftk» J.<p></p>CKA1»S«STAT1£ bf ton ftucm AXD Mm KBICH. DMtnBAKCK. s«. Uet ye—riuwpexy «oaaawiUkBM pakota soimr waomsb. tatCMDlM 111 ttw iaaMa* inMIr iwV" i kMMffTM^ciMcka- *•»»••*^yfc'y.Sfr-w MMlf OtVlMftM C. J. BMW Notice of rMetkm tor Di*triba i»*o«»*r«**rtewi to e* e» «mit» ttsrluSmmmtl, IW MM* 8«*»»to» o A. Blatk. Mritas« H«fW" ic^i»M*a»nb«4f«at Um u%d*eM*et kiaot tBtlUfUlio wtnm KxKw l»"twrmtiT gt~rr 1*^*' R, *»*. n ammu *«*. mi ton m» n4 »»w«*to* ?,» MritwttMi tta» IMM «MMlst«4t»y a*lB»i he- «Mm amN«b''Ytme«»iMH«w* »r«t«. tlIHboi*. dot «jrdd««. McMNb vb!» iWth PsHNift. «V. ft W®- hmu #y«i*«w»rt jHtt A. yoer»U, U W.<p></p>AMMri)C]rn»»«Mt«K akUi*. tfee coontj eoHrt, OwiM^ltoiailMeawwcewtnrtopww tta* n«««hwtoU»U»«*ww«r»*««« fo. tMWluM^e tnd Mtfw8r -W4 m»Ww. It b»*c rhc«aiiii1*inW^Aw torn u or Mbcr bioxl wUl «i*o n- ttef. Bu !ijpW»*ner»in«3»itm Drue «&S£A&lSSBB9S9E8E8S9^ th»- Co CQFER .V •. W r.. Prop. City Barber 5hop. One eoar^n^rtho'Twrnsr WAOMBR. SO. OAK "fc&grtiM SWING MACtUNB. **AJtlNO. MKW & 'A-V f v v. ... SdhoolLMui*. g|VT« SiWI* SS* 3 ot Urek, A. D„ IMfik ockxsk *. m„ »t Mm mn www «t «*»«,»» ttw rtiuwrt «w» «w nw^^-«rt» xm«*r°t chwh* Mto.hw tk» MMMMMi «f IWV.« tkrnhm V* rfckh phMwwnrpwrwbimw^ .«•*•»• ibM at »M Ar tbne N«t|MtwHr »tll dUtTibott^l to »»cli m*~ E.C. Of UMf W rattablc,M§ hoMal. UckgndtM*. S v v e Moncv mrkONG£ST CUARANTZX. *. r? .BxMft Jwnlw •nlWHMt Mapalrcr^ All workfuwrK&teedmtisfMtory. i Jewelery and Watches Wttll WM, HtNZMAN. W»|i»r, South Pikoiit, A jmmm V* ••t* '^, ll f- ®S' hsi Wt LA'.- t' W7C5NER DRUG,CO --r v We desire to open a new set of books and hope all who are in debted to as will pe,y all old ac counts before they ask us to open uew oue*. Wagner Drug Co. If for any reaeon you intend to have a sale, see me before you engage yonr auctioneer. Sale bills half the usual price. August Talberg, s 12-18 Wagner, S. D. Armour floor is the best, every sack warranted. tf Hie next regular examination tor state and grade oertiflcates will be held in Platte on Friday and Saturday, March 24th and SSth.|Olivia Herron, 4, & v Popular Place In Where you may get anything you want in the line of FANCY LAMPS, FINE HAVILAND CHINA, JEWELRY, SIL VERWARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS, ETC. At very reasonable prices. We also are giving a big dis count on some fine GAME BOARDS, which we had left over from the holiday trade. only Pure Drugs in the preparation of prescriptions, which are carefully put up by a competent Pharmacist. Fine line of Musical Instruments. We handle only the standard goods. Books, Magazines, Periodicals. The latest and best. You will not miss it if you buy goods of us, as we always strive to please our patrons, both in quality of goods and price. Our goods are all carefully selected and can not fail to please. *We handle everything kept in a first-class drug store. Wagner Drug Company E HALL. Reg Phar, Manager. County Supt Jv. E HALL. Keg Knar, manager. WZ&MZVM OONTABCTOB AND BUILDEB i cheerfelly WAONBR. 5. D. J- A.F.Heligas Tinker & Hinklej l-jr Extra netoct ^rMmS ewto v»H u Uw Gate City Bakery. EE'S LAXATIVE H0HEY*1TAR The Original Laxative Cough Syrup ud the Genuine Honey aad Tar. An im provement over all Cough, Lung Dray Line A&T and all kinds of draying dona on abort noUoe. Towr pe^vonaff*[0 la reegw-ctfully aollcitad. /r£t Wagner, S. D.i and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste cad •cod alike for vouor and old. Freoared hv Pioeule Medicine Co.. ChicafO. U.S. Xk jEMH4 BY TB& WAGNER DRUG COMPANY. I if I -'J- i '..r. 'W*J t: 4 k •iv |S v, ft 'f i 'J it I' ":*r i&is