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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
1 VK Mr. ^prn^f P»j /THE TOWN' An jo* ««*af P**®1 mmIf £4" It, jasraSr^^^T" tS®5aWS3^ March! Haroh wind*? Decks and gmm are here, Tb« I* tost drying *p. How l* &• tin* to tost that seed grain. Hie croaker* are here—slde walk croakers. Good weather, for those rent ing farms, to^move. Get ready! It may be a lew J^days yet, bat be ready, fh TAXXS DUE: The First State ?Bank baa a complete tax-list J. J. Krail, the Tyndall opti clan, will be in Wagner Much 15th, one day only. John Mohan came down from Geddes Monday morning. He Teported everything quiet at his town. y and Mrs. Geo. Drips were down from the lakb Monday. This office acknowledges a pleas ant calL Farmers have been busy this week hauling oat machinery and seed to commence the spring seeding. Mike Harney was over on the Rosebud several days the first of •the week. He and a friend Mere looking up land. Miss Louise Wepking went to St. Paul Monday morning to purchase her stock of spring and summer millinery. Mrs. Mary Elfes spent Sunday with her parents near Platte. She is teaching the Spraker school south of town. The primary school, Mrs. Dun das teacher, was moved out of the Barkl building into the Bap tist church Monday morning. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Booher died last Sat urday and was buried in the cemetery south of town Sunday. Peter St. Pierre and Peter Picotte were up from the Agency Tuesday. A brother of the lat- 1 ter, from Nebraska, accompanied them. Smith Bros., who bought out ,the Martin livery barn, have taken possession and are now in the field for a share of your patronage. Mrs. Kristen Peshek has mov I ed to town and Ray Pox will move to her farm south of town, where he will try his hand at farming this year. I have treated over 2000 cases in Bon Homme and Charles Mix counties, any one of whom I re fer to as to my ability as an opti cian. J* Krall. Albion Hitika, Chas. Ironhawk, Chas. Ree, Eli Brockway and Jos. Cordier departed for Wash ington, D. C., Monday evening. They expect to interview the Great Father while there. Dr. Prink reports the arrival of a democrat at the home of Jacob Eggers: Last Monday morning f.he i was the date and if nothing happens twenty one years from now he will be voting for William J. Bryan. While engaged in painting the new lumber shed for the Floete Lumber Company, John Peshek 'had the misfortune to fall from scaffolding to the ground be low—about twenty feet—break ing both bones in his left arm. We would advise Judge Ma whinney, Gable and others who are not in favor of President Roosevelt's anti-race suicide ideas, that they had better move off of West aTenue for there is no tailing where lightning jwfll strike when it gets to coming as tat a* it baa lately.' v *. pL Mw.m K Ws mm*mm jtowtapte m» fr Ahari# fiirHHngfl was a WiMsr IHMflMMK" I witt tm to Wagiwr March 1$, WMamd to treat mi essestoe jroer eyes, i i, KrtJL UviUbtaivu to TOW* MOB day. He reports tbe Isfc* town a# frstog n» tbe mm*, •MM. A pw»welisi#4*et Ml Pets BMwif toft Monday morning for a trip mud tti •1»ornM to the totereetof Wagner dgifi, Hi MIM AMB tffisslf innt guarantees tbsuf quality. Tomorrow (March 4th) Preet dent Roosevelt will be inaogarat ed, for a term of four years more, as president democrats say be is A special train will leave here tomorrow with fifteen cars of tot cattle and hogs for the Chicago markets. Among those who will ship are: Jacob Eggers, Prank Strohbehn, Frank Picking, Jacob Bnns^^rank Brace, L. B. Bark ley and George Hntton. Ben Young and Miss Katie Kennedy were married Wednes day at Tyndall. The yonng lady is from Yak ton, and Ben is one of our young farmers. The cou ple will commence housekeeping on the torm one mile southwest of town. At a meeting of the Business men's Association, held in the Frst State bank Tuesday even ing, the committee on by-laws and constitution reported and after the passage of a few minor amendments it was passed and adopted. About twenty-five handed in their names and the membership fee after the meet ing adjourned. A committee consisting of J. V. Janda, M. Gable and Wm. Joseph was ap pointed to solicit members. The sentiment as expressed by those present was unanimous to go after some good things for Wag ner, and land them this summer if possible. Backache ia never known to those person*^ who take an occasional, doee of I'lneules. The nlw of the reeln obtained from the Fine tree lia* !ont been mnrnlwd If tbe treat ment of dlaeaaea of the bladder and Kidneys. One dose of PIneolec will sire relief, and one bottle will cure. Sold by Wagner irog Co. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Evans have concluded the purchase of the furniture and fixtures of the Waverly hotel of S. B. Thompson and took possession Monday. Mr. Thompson and family expect to go east for a short time and later in the year may move to Califor nia to make their home. He has conducted a fine hotel since he has been in business there and has always had a good trade. Mr. and Mrs. Evans haya been conducting a boarding house near the corn palace and by the removal will simply enlarge on their business E. A. Pry, of Lake Andes, was in the city over night and returned home Tues day Mr. Pry stated to friends that he expected to start his daily paper, the Star, about March 1. He leased one of the basement rooms of Hie Mitchell for his office, and expects to get his outfit here the middle of next week. A portion of it will be shipped from Niobrara, Neb., and a portion from Luke Andes. At first Mr, Fry stated that he would use the Associated Press dispatches, but hd has given up the proposition now.-—Mitchell Capital. El«cti«a~!totfc«7 Notice is hereby given that tbe annual town election of the town of Wagner wilf be held at the office of Grimes & Absber, on the 21st day of March, 1905. Polls will be open from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m., for the purpose of electing three members of the board of trustees, one clerk, one treas urer, one assessor, one street commissioner, one marshal, and two justices of the peace. 3-8 A. C. Cochran, G. Niedermeier, Pres. Ctork .^\r ,* #, iMBi It la di •cult locate a cough or free jrtwr wtf (ran th»dl*ro«Bfort» of a Thro cook We, the committee appointed by the Quarterly Conference of the M. E. church at Wagner have decided to take immediate steps toward procuring a suitable loca tion for the erection of a church building. We desire to purchase tots and anyone having such for sale please see committee. You IHiy tt#or **rv»c#. and unJee fNvlI any price you may b«a*k«d to You May Forfi Bstyos wfll»ottorfei«fce«ssttty Tbe be* Is utA Last week's issue of the Wag ner Leader contained a resume of the so called count? seat scrap, VUlgVJV |VI WSmMm ... tMtarpwa*»»#»l*MML Thlw»11«*»'-f or bill, which was published to full in the columns of this paper of tost week. It lays the blame directly to Joseph Lied say, an at torney at Geddes, and Jasper Newton, a member of the legis lature from this county, and after charging them personally with being all but honest, proceeds to hold them up before the republi cans of the east end of the county in a way that would lead one to believe that the bill was to be blamed entirely upon the re publican party. After a careful canvass of those who were directly interested in it, we are of the opinion that if ther* was any politics in it, it should be charged to the democrats for we find tbat States Attorney Harry James and County Commissioner James Campbell were at Pierre in the interest of the bill. Both are democratic office holders. As another reason we refer to the is sue of the Geddes Record of this week (March 2nd) published by Johnson Bros., in which they copy the bill and argue for its merits. We are not arguing for the merits of the bill, but do ob ject to having Its responsibility unloaded upon the republican party, but rather upon the indi viduals who are responsible for it regardless of party affiliation. FtwbhowowII «M ulw jr°» more the bowel*. Nets'* lAsattre Hooey M*1 Tar acta on the bowel# and drive* all cold oat of the xyirtem. lt« »ooUln« effect and strvngtbeolnK lofltMmce upoolbe throat and i«m». for Ctaap. Wh« i Oougte, Colds, and all L** and fcroi. »J affectiona, no remedyl» eval left" Untlw HoMTtirf Tar. Sold ., w Drug Co. A Prolty Piece of Bsstoess." The farce as above named was presented Wednesday evening by home talent to a very appre ciative audience. It was not very long, but lack of quantity was made up by very high quality. Just before the farce, the audi ence listened to some very enjoy able music by tbe Mikota Harp Orchestra, two quartettes and two solos by Wagner twlent. After the program the floor was immediately cleared tor a dance, and from then on until the wee small hours of the morning. Those who love to dance thro ughly enjoyed themselves with that pastime. A neat sum was realised, which goes to tbe bene fit of the Catholic society. "V53? & mi rus SALt Om ortvoaoad Mthe WartMeUvwy Sw*. Q. W. AtOm. Mirk eaady "tm BUY BECAUSE IT Remember tbat ww sdi tbe best at tbe lowest possible prices, and tfeal 1 ha**MtxMfertaat pit* (grmhtlBaai«l»rMA Nf* Ootac March latwewUl mStf— aByooeof»orti»aU«giit»" V*al e*». s-s a- Bakery InMh and l»t all hoar* at tb t-W Bnt Ktock ofcaadteelmfcaaty Bhkery. THOSS OATS caw VASUn** vnf •aatcMUUas«M. am at tbe WagMtr D"igOo. Snnday dinners thirty five cents, at tbe Depot Hotel Reatau rant 6-24 riiinlri anil litr firr CMiim QWMl *T*. (H, Mil Freeh freltM ihe Baker*. MET rmkindMltii Meat Market, ilh 3-$ always r- n price |'i tor J. C*. XmilB. Geo. W. Bullock, o 9 3 CO a o z II at ac»- •al CO*. m*wadiy Bm. Ask tor Armour Whito Rose flour there is none better, tf We bake ow own hw.i, at tbe Oate aty Bakvrr. l-W Go to tbe Depot Hotel Restau rant tor yonr Sunday dinnera. Oy»Mra«Ww«daayM.yleaiOateCltv err. CMh paid for frert i -Safcetr* l* Everything yoa eat wUi taH« cood and do good It jw» UOm KM* l»jrapepBla Tablet# Seti »a«—r UragOo. »m» If you are not using Armoor flour yon ought to be. tf PeatiMfe mmmI dally at the Wwy. SMtMriM on RmI EMail Iwm si tbe CosmerclSI State Buk. W«wr, S. D. W«, fl Pwe, CasWer, Mmbw pm thrwepoMd* for a ustrwr at Um OaMO Jiatarjr. 1-B wm* teral# lr» JaoobSova. Call a«d awaawirte at Sew Era »8 s. .57 3 cr jj w 00 *T| o 3 0 o 1 O $ s *"S fieo. J. J. Mawhinney, ,, W. Absber, 3 3 3 S1 3 •J? Si w JS W. Bollock. W *3- -3 ST* y /V V:. Hardware. Farm Implements, Bu^giM and wagons. Windmill# avid Pumps. Harness. Paints and Oils# ,^r ever equipped to meet yoor demands tor aaythtog to ©sr ttoe. GITS «a a «aH and II wHI not take ns long to oooviace yoo. yj STBDRONSKY BROTHERS •f—T—THTWIBTWffll »——HP8 :4 RELIABLE fc'. 5'. rv. w mm At RELIABLE Prices and Quail# We wlaii to fttiona UM pablio (tot we still •uppljr ot Geld Weather Ooods, ao«isWI»go(J Dsck Ceats. 0» sweets. 5«lts MM, Btys amI CUM* 4 !'s We do not taodlAuy eestem Sweat Stoop aooda, no* advertiee «a sell at half prtoe or at eost, but guarantee that we Uu lead in eelllng ffoods in Wa«ner at the lowest possible prtoee. fit AffiD UAMIHE WHAT WS SAVS. Yews fer Bnilsm, Rovaart Brothers. The Distinpisfiing QUEAL UdM In the world for both, h*w tetter, nc. Ma by Wagaer i.tnm A'i v' on. Plal» aewta* In y«Mir ownbo*' eaay wortu Utiiil J* cent staup CM p»rlScalar«, I&CO BROWM Manager NOW Sf K- 'ts,' -J SlASjil! I*53l llr Mirk if Dealers ner, 5. D. to* the time to talk, wben you can get your winter millinery at exceptionally low prices, quality consMfred. Not only to bats, but also to •Ribbons,F"fancv^RJObs. Xabies "Sbirt KOafots, etc My line of goods lM are cordially invited to call. LOUISE WEPKINQ. I K"