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'g#—-% Mf. i«*Heatili of American Women tP A Suktfect Much Discussed at Women's Clubs— The Future of a Country Depends on tha Health of Its Women. At the New York State Assembly of Mothers, a promincut, New York doctor told the 500 women present that healthy American women were to rare as to be Almost extinct. This seems to be a aweepSag state ment of the condition of Aiaerican women. Yet how a»y do yon know who are perfectly well and do not hare aome tnabie arising from a derange ment of th« female orgaoism which manifests itself in headaches, back aches, MmaiMst, that bearing-down feeling, painful or irregular menstrua tion, leocorrhcea, displacement of the sterns, ovarian trouble, indigestion or aleeplesa&eas? There is a tried and troe remedy for all these ailments. Ljdit E. Hnkham's Ve?«-table Com pound has restored more American women to health than all other retne dies in the world. It regulates, strengthens and cores disease* of the female organism as nothing else can. For thirty years it has been earing the worst forma of feiaaie com plaints. Such testimony as the following should be convincing. Mrs T. C. Willsdsen, cf Manning. Ia writes: Dear Mrs. Pink ham "1 can truly my that yon haresaved mr life and 1 eaaaofc espnus my gratltwle to vtm in words. For two yesrs 1 spent lots of money in doctoring without say twoeflt for meo atruai Irregularities and I tad givtm op all hopes of ever being well ac»ii, bot I ws* peraunded to try Lydia E. Pmkhain* Vege table Oomprxmn and three bottle# have re Stored me U perfect health. Had it not been for you I would have been in my grave to-day." Lydia Mlam'* VcftetaMt Feminine Strategy. Mrs. Savin—Mrs. Browne bus been treating ber liusbauil rather cool fur aome time. Mrs. Askitt—Y«. so I hare observed. I wonder what 1* the fans* of it? Mr*. Sayiu—* 1), it's merdr a hint that she expect# a new sealskin sscqoe ,tJMs fatw. I b.tve used Piso's Cure for Consump tion with jro results. It is sll right.— John W Ilrnry, Box 642, Fostoria, Ohio. Oct. 4. 1301. Miss Roosevelt sent a caoe of Porto Ricau wood to Bayouae, N. J., to be din posed of st a fair for the benefit of the Exempt Firemen's Association of that place. His t.'lasaiflcatioa. "I don't know whether to fill this msn*s order or not," ssid the junior partuer of the crest mail order house. "Did you look up his rating?" asked the senior partner. "Yes, and that"* what pussies me." answered the junior partner, "lie is sec ond assistant in a third-class postoffice.** ItMW'l1!) Mcgctabie h\*parMkmrtr As similatmg fteFoodandBetfuta liMitieStMBCtBffiiilDowmaf I 1 AN rS-'CHU DKl.N YORK 4 te«.- y a ia S )C» N IN & SsS&i J"K* TC Wi/ladsen MiuAAmtti• Henry Miss Mstlie Henry. VteePresideniof Danville Art Club, 429 Green tit., Daa ville, Vs., writes: Dear Mrs. Plnkhaia:—*'Ms»y yaari'wdBw lngwiib famala weukaasa,i**aauaatioa sod a broken down ivXcn mado me mora aax t~istocV.tfeuilou« rtLydiaK. Ptokhan's Vegetable Compost rvston-d a health and I an so that i want every suffering woman t«»kao w wbsl LjrdUE h»k ham's Vegetable Ciautpeniirl will dolor her" When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful men struation, weakness, leBcorrhoe*. dis placement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inftamcia tion of the ovaries, backache, bloating, (or flatulency). general debility, indi gestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with noeb svtnptonn aa dissinesa. faiotneaa, lassitude. excitability, irri tability. nenrouMteaa. aleeplesanesa, melancholy, "aU-goae™ and "want-to be-lcft-akmc" feelings, bines, and hope lesHoess, they ahouid remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Comoound at oace removes such troubles lio olbe medicine in the world has received each unqualified endorse meat. No other medicine ha* snch a record of cures of female trenUles. Refnse to bay any other medicine, for yon need the best. A light heart, a cheerful countenance, and all the charms of grace and beauty are dependent upon proper action of the bodily organs. You cannot look well unless yon feel well. Mra. Pinkbam invites all slek women to write her for advice tier advice and medicine have restored thousands to health. Address, Lynn. Mass. M.try and Isabella MeCill, of Che* ter. Pa., were affectionate sisters. The/ died within a few days of each other, aud it was learned that the will of each rave her entire property to the other. Their property will be distributed as if they had died intestate. of -...- W**™ if'H 1 1 Wkort Often FA Other Side of ft. She (at the depot.)—It raujtt be awfully try in* on those poor foreigners who com* to thi* country and Ami themselves ftrsnjrem in a otrangv land. Hp—(Hi. thry sTv wH to It. baviujc been bo-n and raised in foreign land*, you know. She—Why. of wiarse, I never thought of that. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take loastlre Brim Quints* TaWets. AR Inutila* ret and lb* owner It tt l*iiM hi care. E. W Urove's slcastara is oa aaati Ikik. He. tt Mrs. WtnsioWs Soorerss tnm tntkimt. —ft—* U* n—. |Ww ID»W,«i«IMMIN. i" Mill CUMias Ski tt'aaa't Natural. Artist—So you arc not aatisfled with my portrait of your wife, eh? What's wrong WeddeHy—It Isn't lifelike. Too much repose about the month. CASTORIfl S*or Infimta sad Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTQRIA if# x. 1HHTRL -j fBS. V AX OKSm fecuptiea had Um graat eaeresa. The Mb tkt lingered to the deserted mm to icfvMh themselves with coavcrvsthm after the fatiguing making at the evening. Then ware foor of them, the host and i* pretty, quiet Ultie Mrs. Mitchell Mrs. Van On'i 1* her. Pawl Jar The men bad wd the privilege of smoking to antidote the awful Ma they had bees eating, and the woomw -relaxed" in accordant* with the lat and meat appro red theory of rest. -How do yon manage to gieet ew individual with ao mach psmmal ssrtl sfasm that ho is oanrtamd that his ab sence w««M have spoiled yonr pkMWiJ Aad how can yoa appear as aereao aa your conftdeace ia auida ootid not poosibly ho ahnssdr Mrs. Mitchell had aritsi. "Oh, I r*o By am ^ad to and. aa for the serenity. 1 i e possible pttpr.ritka hefo* sd, than, whew 1 tave camM Charisa made ante that ha will not appear in smoking jacket and a straw hat. and tore taken my piece to intht guests, i leave everything to I wash my hands of the *ImAs matter. It is do fcxtgMt my reception. Of I aometimes wonder if the orchestra can bo heard above the din or if are getting anjthta* to eat. hot oniy is a tangn'4, tmperasaal sort mt way." "Yra, the wife of Tsrqalnius Wapsri was rot amm* "serene* when aha driving her chariot wheels ov«* her fath er's lemaina as she rode in trtoaph ward the Ksquitine hill to meet her hno bs ad" "That's a marital privilege. Yon mnstn't mind Charles. lie only trying to get even fur being forced lo the virtue of et*ilintM for a fesr hours." And Mrs. Van Qrm Her smile always welcomed him, and souiehow among the coterie of her ad mirers there waa always But the mora she favored sincere interest, the moro he looked into her beautiful face and aaw the soul mode pure by sorrow shining from her eyes, the mora he withdrew, aa from one too fair and good for him. He knew her his tory. They had been friends from child hood. He knew that, mercifully released by death from the bonda of a marriage which had beta a tragedy to her. she could not again asanm* the risk of oath ties. He felt that die could never agate trust her pence and happiness to another after they bad one* been wrecked. What that he should hope she would ever regard him In the light of one am tor a faithful friend? lie forced him self to wesr the armor of mtemca and formality. To-night she was mors charm ing, more sincere, am impossible, than of nothing, to St. Valentine's day, which came on the morrow. have either lapsed or been relegated lo 1 the nursery. The world is growing old. Cory don once hung brunches of blossom ing hawthorne ever PhyUb* doer, fttal- rouad the May pole, DignUkd ladies and gentlemen, married aa well as single, chona their valentines, and were loyal to them, too. for the whole year. And think of the valentines of our grandmothers: They were not only worka of art. bat represented hours of pstteot. loving toil. Now how Is it? Mere boMes. who abonld know nothing whatever of the tittle god with tha bow, have uoorped to themselves all these pretty rites of love. Who over gets a real valentine nowadays? No body There was sBtan for a moment after Mrs. Van Orm's rather energetic tirade, Mrs. Mitebstt spoke, with a little ir o^emborramaxnt: "I am a living refutation of year state meat. for i. even I, have received a e*! estioe. a rent mm. after 1 yond little girlhood, though that waa a many yeatu ago. And the world has linly sgsd a great deal since." she added sadly. "It cum from my whom I did ant town-then—be cause 1 hadn't stnss enough. OMa rare ly do have sense enough to appreciate caul, aasdnfiwd worth. Thay want a Ht Be poasp sad rfw -tanee with it. He was a gentlemen i I "Marina a minx. 1 r'i restive, hot it isn't fact. Too -it n words, that yon :—itotur a sdntt may ho." oaid Van One. with ume of caa- "la that a to hara tea yaa ahaat the •It nrntieasl haar- 1 .. af lo«a ad daea ijfrl gW aeeado- -Yes, I sflfert«-d an air of impudent languor. Her briber Mid nothing, fie watch ed his pretty sister with an indulgent air, wondering gwvrly where she, whom be remembered as an nnsnphistioatsd tie country girl, had scqntoed her sir of perfect ease and self-pusasmlun, lie aeif was not yet 'ladjoMsd.'* Years ago he bad left his ijuiet villagr home, and since that time had taught by aevere experleocso the vslne and rsspnmdhfllty «f tife. He had livod aeriomty. and the Butt** and frivolity, the kham and ttMie**ne*«. of the *«rld poxsM him. It he^ed no and bow could it interest or a grown-up people Perhaps he could adopt it, as Jesane bad dime—she took to it as naturally aa a dock to water—bot he was too tail to bend gracefully over a lady's hand, his feet were too big and rimuay for dancing and his mind too alow and grave for so ciety persiflage. Even the authors dio.-nsaed srere al most unknown to him, and his familiar companions—Ilerrkk and Shakspear* and Unli and others—we** aenrcely ad* mitted to the charmed cirde. !I« was hopelessly old-faabioned, distanced, lie waa painfully conscious of all this to night. for of lat* to this "looker on to Venice" the general tgtectaelo had be gun to form Receptions and dinner* were beginning to mean Mrs. Mitchell to him. She was very kind. In her pres ence he was never reminded of bin awk wardness or his ignorance of social ob servances. It VP. *'V iathe rented the siBy wile ion a a voice ao v9ei« with feeling that it made Mr. Van Orm grin under his Pan! arris intently *t ft imty and Wksitr I just lsughsd over It to dw Her fa«* waa pale to ia a hatf Its revenges, ami oow—-aow 1 er get Oat anmo hag and know that in way of tMa roaiiy troe to me than thing else the good fortune of Jmrrit i^rang up, "Marian He Ceding soak and otterty fool- tt ish. "My dlstlagehhed hwthsr, After ho lad tone Van Orm tamed to hte wife. "Jeonas, the aaa'a la tor*.*" He aaaouaml it as a laddsa and Aayfai (k* Man. He is hit hard, and, Jove, I v Mm lock: Marisa to a woman w wbiaiog, and. what lo saying i e o e i s w o y o e U i wh«** 1 con do the tdsso yoa. uy drm,* act urith a cltor twesrteaco. Yas." he added, with rmwooj cwnrtiptimi—"yes, he cettalaly is la lew." His wife looked at him with pftjriag smile. began to ^oak, «h«Mk* Why deprive s of «h» of thioking he hod aMdo a of suaMtbing Which Ao bad L-:-i perwived? Mm ooly said, "lio yoa feat* ly thiak so?" in aa iewmMable tone aa she began her atamteoao juoraey towsrd bar chamber. Bot Piri Harris had fto thoagbt of re tiring. He paeod his r«©m. Hi bis pest, curving the rtoel which bad mode him rough aa ished. then thanking Ood that deaa life if aat a Whea dawned -bo left the the house aad etiwde up and streets, auutbetaatising the ««f the tnriats became they ted wot al ready opened their A plethoric tie with obeioasiy «. i 'Md I. osrly to bod and ear^r to rtaa netiono, imvlly ap peared, aad was aoatly stortlad Into apo» plexy by the sudden tainuK* of a tall, distinguished indhg man ia oeaidag dresn, who daraaaadod bis fossa, "sll of them," with a regular wwaoy or yaar-Hfe air. with hia parrhaoa, Pa«l atrada tha alee py ftth he ^WNBOtw^^Cod ht ban, to take the fragrant acarfal at u~~ to Mn llkriaU aad tsfi bot ho mm* aea ber immediately. Bo wooM await her ia the Mbtary. With eyes round with astoal-* ent. the little maid fled as ffom the sne. Mm waked the lady aad gave bar the roans aad the ansae age. "Aad he's terri ble in earnest," ah* veotured to "He's got awfat news far yo«, I l*s«l walked the Soar Ufcs i eomtuaror while ha ucaltsd, bat the r---aat ha heard the soft, spproaching -stepa a awfal fear aeiaed bin aad thraat t» take his life cutrlght, bat ha ree oiBteiy faced hie task. Marian," ho demanded stsraly, "t am a dell feOov aad Mt good at Tad a#e ohat yoa meant by yo of kaea aof'-ado. His wife -.,4f a«- KKandMUL seesaa to a»e that fer aa taaopid mil Mar who ran "chase the late over the plate and lying ageat caa Mad. with a eh appear a tride ioppy.** •^Charles, be «W! What I* It ftwlf Ms sister asked la tones of syaapsthy. "•Oh. nothing" he naau-otod waattty. "1 thmk 1 had better get to bod. 1 am aat yet used to your unholy bourn." IS MMMI tkslm date af Jaaaanr m, 1 •artasaa rorstesd ftiHawlat -My wNb baa k a aa*se«r ftrem a "-ma o^-iaam Hni paa« t» itf Her ease baMed s- •I dr s«os tag e was S sag *gb tij.: wt ...r.«lfo| pjr _i. l_t w o a n e ~la Joae, -i 1 wsate to poo nfeas* tar case. vioad a- we I'srooa sad *i. *. which a* bars la M| i. y fwroi i fa mt aight. I aw tha hoy who sent yoa valentine- Yoa are aaw, as yoa then, aad aiwayt have beaa, tha the werM to w. Tell a»f ond ha aeiaad ber haad. "Did yoa Mrs. MitdteB had a fceaa tt. aad the aM« ^. of Im nearly overcame ber. Hbe hid ia hto arm. "Pid, to marmar, "fffl yoa never gado ad? Daa't yoa ae«f Yoa would aos oaa, aad story—oa parpuae.' e e e As Mr. Yaa Orm waa ahaat to taka i aaat at the bnnakfs in the appMfMMW of his Ho paused, still itaad with aa air ahttriaaa to afl that aw baa tt yoa ouraaif the Aad yaa, Mariea. frtend of that ptadty Mmim yoar etatobiie pallid cheek F* fhariea, daa't awho elf Hdico loas aad cmhatraMtag,** pi- km wife. My daar. a waa a haaae is his ^rtla If theta ia agiythlag a|y or hMha «r going oa the**. It is his rig hia ft." Aad he waved katfo "Daa't .get oratorical,** laagftsd Mrs. Miuhed, gnrwteg awre rosy, "ft lag only—-l'sal aad I hare to each ha« .. ... ^nrA, fi n I, ««st. Mr»o«lr^r4 0nm»Hr J^BB| Kitty .9 ^3wrg aU »aht, Ca w»Mi .tftadar gin* r«ch qp jv t» Oa ap»rtafct»jfcj, i aA... t.a V. could be laid. Never Without Pe-ra-na the Horn For, Catarrhal Diseases. y. ».,*?• MCf own i Of MUM I-. el twenty^ .«- yaat» -aa gyaar.Mf A Mt JBMb (r*aia^Mk0 0^ ^y^dMMMRhk' dated Iwaif 1. Mr. W. L. DOUGLAS *3 JS & *3 Convictioo FoDows Ml ^7* wa MB, now yu UIMV wMt ran art «tttn| & w SOLD BY EVERYWHERE •awfwwe Z. J8 SHOES LHLJ1222J1*immmSrn,m mt* urn** »if« M*f i af rtsttotoB ttctitTiaiu w^.Ntteus,i«Mitro«f 8aM|«MrilNwahg«^lMiiMUjMk, paopla who lull (ihwhI •paalr oot Could Mgr wii—* «T mo lali Ime pmewdhwi eflfaee lion Coffee, fall of tf tliay had Ml I Pnity, of h» 'Taw-wattiteetnets Millioa —wd to (Ms, Ah