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trt i •. i I I W?/wa/i's Dtsaasa. /firs. J. W. Lang Of all tha diseaaea known, with which women are afflicted, kidney dia NN ia the most fatal. In fact, unless aar)y and correct treatment U applied, the weary patient seldom survives. Being fully aware of this, Mrs. Pink ham. early in her career, gave exhaust ive study to the subject, and in pro ducing her great remedy for woman's Ills—Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound—was careful to see that it contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acta in har mony with the laws that govern the entire female system, and while there •re many so called remedies for kidney troubled. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound is the only one espe cially prepared for women, and thou aands have been cured of serious kidney derangements by it. Derangement* of the feminine organs quickly affect the kidneys, and when a woman has such symptoms as pain or weight in the loins, backache, bearing down pains, urine too frequent scanty or high col ored, producing scalding or burning, or deposits like brick dust in it un usual thirst, swi'llingof hands and feet, swelling under the eye* or sharp pains in the back running down the inside of her groin, she may be sure her kid neys are affected and should lose no time in combating the disease with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, the woman's remedy for wo man's ills. The following letters show how marvelously successful it is. Lvdla E. Piakhw's Vegetable O O DON'T DELAY -TAKE .• n'C BALSAM 1 It Cures Colds, Con Chi. Sore Throat, Croup, lata «d.u. Whooping Couch, Bronchitis ud Arthms. A certain core for Consumption la flrst kU|H, and a rare relief In advanced otagsa. I'M at ones. Ton will Ma the excellent effect after taking the Sr»t doee. Bold by dealers ere/Twhet% Cain boulss Metals and Meeata E E S WhTUPBOOF CLOTHING IN THE WORLD K I e n W tSRVtiP TAUloSVMTirVTO ONSAuetramiHue UTAkoeuorm .VtOWINCFULL UNCOf SARMENTS AND NATJ A. 4. TOWCR CO., BOSTON, Mass.. u.s.a. WWIAUMM{».. TOOOWTO. CTSM. SOUTHERN CONDITIONS AND POSSIBILITIES. Is so part of the United states has there been surli wonderful Commercial, ludastrlal a ltd Agrlruitural development as alonj tbe Hues the Illinois Central anj the xasoe A Mississippi Valley Hull roads In the States of Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana, within tbe past tea years. Cities and town* hare doubled their population. Splendid buslueta blocks have been ererted. Fsroi lands km more than doubled la value. Hundreds of Industries have been estab lished and as a result then Is au anprec* deuted demand for MT LAIORIRS, TTLUES WORINES ASS uncuuv URM itauTS. Parties with small capital, seeking as op portunity to purchase a fsnn borne farmer* wh« would prefer la rent for a roup!* of years before purchasing, aad day laborers la fields or factories sbosld address a postal card to Mr. J. V. i v"4''**' V i Merry. Asst. General fas- eraser Agent. Dubuque, Iowa, who will promptly nail printed nutter concerning tbe territory abore described, aad (its spe cific replies to all Inquiries, SK2M8 FARMS :-':v Kidney Troubles Lydta E. PlnKham'a Vegetable Compound to Espe cially Successful In Curing This Fatal and /firs. £. Frake Mrs. Samuel Frake, Plains, N. J., writea: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— fered for years with what the doctor called could hardly walk across the room. stop Lydia E. Hnk- 8"* any so ded'lrd to i I did not doctorbig am thank I do all my own work, have no more barkartie and all the bed symptoms have disappeared. 1 cannot praise your medicine enrnirh. and would advise all woman suffering with kidney trouble to by it. Mrs. 3. W. Lang, of OM Third Ave nue, New York, writes: Dear Mn. Pinkham:— 1 have been a great sufferer with kklney trouble. My bark ached all tbe timf and 1 was discouraged. 1 beard that Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Cooipound wont I core kidney disease, and I began to take it: and it has cured me when everything else had failed. 1 have recotnmendM it to lota of people aad they all praise it very highly. Mr*. Pinkham'a Standing In vi tat ion. Women suffering from kidney trouble, or any form of female weak ness are invited to promptly communi cate with Mrs Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass. Out of the great volume of ex perience which she has to draw from, it is more than likely she has the very knowledge that will help your ease. Iler advice ia free aad always help i ful. i Wsoan's Bnedy for WMMB'S IDS. The Masculine View. She—A married couple should pull to Cether like a team of burses. He—They probably would If like a t(hini of burses thi'y !iad but one tongue between them. DttataMS Canaot II* CaMI uv local applications. as they cannot roach tha diseased portion of the ear. There Is only oas way to cure Deafness, ami thai Is by i-ouitltu tioual remedies. Deafness to caused by an In flamed condition of UM raueous lining o( the Kiistncblao Tube. Wlieu tills tube get*, inflamed ou have a rumbling sound or lraiierfect bear ing, and when It Is entirely dosed IMuu Is the result, and unless the inflammation can he taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever, nine case* out of tea are caused by atarrh. which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surtaees. We will aire One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that canno1 be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Haul lor eifw eulars, frse. P. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. a Bold by DragglsU. r«. Hall's Psmlly fills sie the best. When Greek Meete Greek" Soon after Congressman Robert G. Cousins' advent at Washington be was invited to a function of very stately formality. Everything was new to him then, even to the eveuing dress just from the furnisher's. As be left the hotel to enter a wait ing carriage he was spied by Thomas It. Reed, who took him all in at a glance. "Hello, Bob," drawled the irre pressible Reed "what alls you V "I feel like an asa in a lion's skin," •aid Mr. Cousins. "You look as though yon bad a boa in your bonnet." "Wal," said Mr. Cousins, who ala has a peculiarly resonant drawl, "it Isn't a i .eaidential bee." And for once Mr. Reed was at loss for a reply.—Harper's Weekly. Mrs. WlasleWs Soonu— Ovaee fer tJUMn B^a&asrMirar-ci: battle. Wherein 'Jhsy Differ. A workman his job is apt to throw up, If the wages he get* he dislikes But a clock is quite different, because It continues to work r,a it strikes. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Ym Thi KM Han Always Bwgtt Bears tha I of EXCURSIONS TOTMB FREE BRANT LANDS OF WESTEM Cum WOt W!N«tMi40Mtf •sll Wf. ihai »a41»w4 sw t»w 1M WMa MJeUrsMasti,- »'«-s. 'Z V ryiOU kmw I l»r» jm flirty, Y/ I# DISILLUSIONMENT OP THE DOCTOR mttk «t ym t* mr r«* d^fi't Mi«v« %0, S wMfi forgive ym, and 1 wso'i W T** me—nnt for a very low thu«. T«s am not nearfy aa tAm a#—a» fm aaai to be." "Will jroa listen to tmmm. VmmV -So, I won't' That te, am ahrajra reasonable. It ta fan who are nw soniilH*, and altogether bsfiM!" "Aad all this beeanae I praaaad f«m to marry me at once, and "And yon saWl I could not Iota jroa, or that if 1 really loved yoa, 1 waold agree to it" "So yoa woo id." "That la jaat the same aa saying that 1 don't love yon." "It doesn't look aa If yoa did. doee itr "Harry," Mid tbe girt earnestly, -1 am going to be reasonable, aa yoa say you are. I have said I loved yoa, aad woald marry yoa. Bat w* mast watt an til Aunt Mary gives us leave "Given aa leave. Indeed!" "For the.very good reason that we can't afford to get married wtttuat help from her." "1 don't aee that at all." tried young man. "My practice la net taiga yet bat every day my father's old pa tlenta sre coming back to me, and leav lng that odious cad, Malooey "I'd like to know who yoa call aa odioua cad. young man?" broke in a sharp, thin voice, aad a tail lady, wear ing a "front," a set of false teeth and a piaca-nex came suddenly round the corner of tbe laurel hedge. Young Harry lawrence stood speechless, for be knew that Mlas Ma tilda Prendergast professed a great es teem (and possibly cherished a yet warmer feeling! for tha plausible, red- That evening, Mr. Denyer, tbe aolle ltor, sat in his dining room, cetohrat lng lils recovery from a fit of gout which he owed—the recovery, not tha •rat—to the skillful prescriptions of Michael Maloney, M. R. C. 8., and otb er initials, who now sat opposite to him. "A doctor should be a married man, I feel that," said I'r. Maloney, with a sentimental air. "Tbe iadtes don't altogether like an unmarried man. And there's only one objection to Miss Pren dergast, and that la that I can't find out anything definite about her posi tion." "The aunt do you mean, or tha nieceV" "Oh, the aunt, to be sure. I'm aware the money belongs to her. She's a« much as Mid so in my hearing many a time." "Humph "But I'd think It safer, as a prodent man, to have a few partlculara. I'd like to know, for one thing, whether the money belongs to her, to do aa aha likes with, or whether abe has only a life Interest in it" Lawyer Denyer was occasionally aa deaf as a poet lie choae to be deaf now. "You and I have dona one another many a good turn," Mid the doctor. edging his chair a little nearer, "and 1 hope we ahull live to do each other many more. Now, I should ba eter nally obliged if yoa would tell me in strict confidence—mind. In the very strictest confidence—bow much Miss Prendergast possesses in her own right with absolute control." "Are you aware. Dr. Maloney," Mid tha lawyer, speaking very slowly, "that yoa are insulting me in a very groM manner The late Stephen Pre ode r gist was my client sir, and you calm ly propose that I should Biake hia af fairs known to yoa, a perfect stranger! And you have the audacity to do this "Hang you, sir!" roared the hot headed Irlahman, Singing out of the bouse. At hia next attack, which happened not long after, Mr. benyer, of course, called in another medk-al man. but whether It WM that Dr. Maloney knew the patient's constitution and habits better, or that he was in possession of a drug of singular efficacy, the fact remained that the lawyer did not re wive anything like this Hue relief from the now doctor's remedies aa be bad been accustomed to obtain from those supplied by the Irishman. The lawyer had fully made op his ailnd that under so clrcomataacea would ba ever speak to I)r. Maloney again but pain ta a wonderful stimu lant and In one of bis worst parox ystaa ba aeat a masMge to htm, bog gtag him to come aad do what be could ta relieve him. I»r. Maloney promptly attended the aomtnooa, but on eaterlag the sick ream ba advanced to tbe bedside aad Mid with a frown: "When 1 waa last, Mr. IVnyer, yea all but kk a* a«t of tbe bouse." "Man, bow eaa yoa rduember aach. things at a time like this? 1 withdraw all I said. But I am la tormeut, 1 teli you! Will you give me some of Ibat Bed trine I bad from you last time?" "I save no doubt 1 "I be able to fir* yoa relief, at all said the doctor amoothly, "and I suppoae 1 nay take it that you will oblige aw la that little matter 1 spoke otV Tbe lawyer at him f« mo Wat or two la eaevs, thoo iting t» a long blue eavsiope that lay aa a table BMitoy. be said: "Open that Per haps raa mar rather fro* what yoa tutor," D^ay^r, aad srttJwat IMMN tar ayffasjd ft ft fnMB Si lea PfondsrysM* wm. ft *m mt agM s» MfiB# iHfftOftff I# |f It, Hat It «raa tha wfB Itasff tttt tereetad tta daelar. He haattly IM Mm eye aror *, fooad that to Ma aarprlas Miea dergsst wsa harfag nearl? al aMmey to Mdal dntfttoa, aad Dora thy was to reretve aa aaaoliy of a died and twenty ptiuads a year. "Tbe wlfl*s not signed,' »attore ta Unttf, "aad tf wna sew will can be aiala any day. Far that matter, the day ska ia nwirrtsd it la ao moHi waate paper.' He qoletly repta«d the «fS aad let tor 1a the envelope, aad patient Tha latdli.tnrs ba Mat la were aa effertaal as they had al«t| proved, and In leas thaa week Law yer Deayer, as tha roantty ad him, wm u well ei 8omc moutha pasaed aad aot a waak weat by wtthoat Harry Lawtaswa pressing hia sweetheart to throw pre dence ta tha arlads aad marry of hand. lmrtng that period, also, the tions paid to tha aunt by U* profes sional rival became rather marked, hot everybody thought tha Idea of a match between them too rf V thy of eerioaa consl-:-» to ba wor 1 J- llarry at teat became ao tapn aato that UoUy yielded: only aha that, aa abe coald not bopa to «t! ni her auat's consent, the g» moat be as prlrate aa riiwii a trarid liermit. To thla. of taarsa, the }«nf iuau readily aasentod. haired Irish man, who had stolen anju his father's patients while professing] winter's morning when lolly slipfied to keep tha practice together for bbM while be finished hia course at Uuy'a. It was a quarter to eight on a cold oat of ber room and paaaed at tta of ber aunt's bedroom, with tha tlou of slipping ta aad bidding bar a silent adieu. To her surprise tbe Yet tha bed had heaa slept tat, there was nothing that suggeatad that anything unusual or dhiastroas had oc curred. Dally would bare stayed la In vestigate, but she board the Impatient footsteps of ber lover oa the gravel outside, aad she hastened to Join tea. •Oh. she will he all right" aald Harry. "We'll aea about bar after ward. 1 hope to goodneos, though, abe hasn't gone to tbe church to try ta Map our wedding." On the way they net ao one, bat the low atone building waa lighted up. and in the church porch they mat Mian MatlUla Prendergast with Dr. Malonay by her side. The four stared at one another far aorne seconds In sikHice. Than the eld er lady, with a pretty shyness, advanc ed bar withered cheek to bar niece, aeyiug: "Kiss me. my daar, aad wish ma Joy. We have Jaat been flurried.** Jaat then aa argent meosage arrived from tbe vicar, who was both cold and hungry, sod the Junior pair proceeded into tbe church aad walked up to tbe altar. In less than a month both eaopiea had returned from their respective honeymoons, aad thaa Lawyer Denyer had tha Mtlsfactlon of tiring a beab shell which bad tbe effect of destroy lng Dr. Maloney'a matrimonial boppl MM forever. Miss Prendergast, be Mid, derived ber property frotn a will of her father made many years before, when abe. then a giddy young thing of romantic teodenclea, waa In danger of aiaklng an extremely undesirable match. It provided that bis dsughter should in herit his property, subject to tbe pro vision that If abe shoald at any time marry without tbe consent of certain trustees tbe property should go to the children of bis brother Stephen, of whom only Dorothy now survived. As tha trustees were all long si ace dead It bad aot occurred to tha elderly bride that she ran any riak of losing her moaey by marrying without legal advice. Bat fteob trustees bad been appointed, aad their consent. It sssaHd, wua absolutely nece- --y. tf the condi tions on which the perty WM beld by Miss Prendergast were to ba ful filled As matters stood, she had noth ing beyond aay allowance, her niece might be dlapoaad to*4Bak|rto bar. Dr. Malonejr #as beside biaiaelf with rage, aoarmed with hia wife on the ground that abe bad swindled hba. aad with Mr. Denyer oa the ground that be bad coaened him. and threetaosd all manner of legal proceedings. "1 allowed you to deceive yourself, my good sir," Mid tbe lawyer blandly, "wben you insisted on poking your ROM into matters yoa bad ao business to pry Into. I shall be delighted ta ac cept serrtee of any number of write yoar attorney may ba eooogh to apply for. 1 may toll i ana thing, however, aad that la that I will asa that «rh*t*rer earns Mrs. Lawtvaca'a trustees amy pay to jmt wife by ber directiotta shall ba paid Is such a way that yoa aha'n't have the flugetlag of a pettay of tbe money." To Dr. .' la disgust Ma wife app N tb getneats suggested by Mr. Denyer tosecura «h.« end, aad baft** feng mmaticM pair thought It beat to i Kot long a dD viahv laid Mapreetteo, *aa jrht ^..w*h tha medium of a ttUu i by i-iy id drr iid tmm the neighbor er v-!tara.—dlmae Monthly. If a girt fa pastty If arar has to pay atfact car bn f-i ,1s. 'tf iii'imit S«R«ACVMI. sarsMs 1 ire ta catarrhal (few wet escape. t,' ^k^^is ^lyssssssss s^E ^_ taken. It •se the iyina sgslast tarrh. IV fettswlag. of Oewa "fUcsatly I task a hmg drive la tbe aesMry, aad beta* to* thiaty ds4 1 Maght a had eah} wWsb settled en av MMS. aad shkb I esaM aet seem to shake eC. I had bMfd a (Ml sf rPeraM far eelAs aad aetaarh and bsaght a battle to try. I sa 1 did. Ctr It ken light speed. eaty took abeat two hsstlss. aad I usaillsf Ms saeaey and Uailons «mtel f«nfy for CWlfairy baa atend% iaaaansd tta UONCOiftEsM SOLD BY GBOCSBS EVtlVWHE WOOUW* KMC* ca. TWsds, W. L. DOUGLAS S SHOES jjfefs^Sg' rtrrtM rmtr antra *r mwt ntct. im Mai t^H"— CVl'dJ*» W.L.OOUCLAS, ItffOCKTOM. MAnACMOSSTT* Thla Pretty^ Oirl Saved From Catarrh of the Lungs By Pe-ru-na aat haea «»w to fca HHHw Usrtisc. liaeat. "Tea haee a flna Head la aM^ and 1 aet eaty advtee Its Fads Are Stnbborn is noarnasA popular aacc«M qpeaka lor itoalf. It is a o# LION OOFFEB aarrivaa !p'# :TJ ft -ta In se ama? beasM Is tbat tf- i islnlaa ae aateede af aag Ma*. fV Ma ia ps»fe*«ti Ismlsas n Ma ba •tad mm hwglh e* tone wH lag a drag hah*, fitaiit doss issMseaty i nslai. lt .Is Ian tte Pa DBS TU Z. W f- Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year, CANDY CATHARTIC BEST FOR THE BOWELS M- r* O' .% a* i, rr n w a K .*'« i a u a. ,9m. it-if BEGCS'BLOOD POfUFIEE