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1 i.. imnn miatt' wniiiipi -.s: 5i m-* vv mm ukwwmm NttVV* O WtfK IN A QOH. OC.NS&U PONM, Cuius* BtuiUnia in V. C?, A. ("uiifMHun Mot'ilHtf* Product I v# ft M«ot» Uwwl to the H*art#n« llody. Fully collegn young turn were In attendant!* at. tl« mtitaul convention of tli« V. M. A. wlileh adjonrned Mlichall Monday morning. Htitdewl* mill professors were present from the .slate university nt Vermillion, 'ww *be agricultural lollcge nt HroiiUin**, ir*"" the 'ougicgnHomil 'ollege Itedfleld, and the young nii1ii from Dakota leyiiii, of Mitchell, to swell 1™*" number. There were sotn* itwg W'1 1* «H band to tiddri'K* tlie meetings the persons of C, I). Hitrriy, of Cblca jio, ffcrct n ry for tbe west student de piirtnicnt, iiitcniiiti'inul committer: A. 1». Miiwiir. college secretary f»r low*: W. M. Pnrsons, Held secretary f»r the north western International committee, of Minneapolis, mill State Secretary Ken nedy. of Hrookings. Meeting:* wore held Krldnv and Saturday, and Hunilay the la.v win* pretty well taken up with meet ing* i» 'he niorniUK, afternoon and even- Saturday evening occurred the social feature of the convention. when a ban quet was teudered the visiting delegates lij- tlie men of Dakota Wesieyan, "'''''J1 w.ik hdd In the university dining hall. I)r. Thomas Nicholson ncted as toast litasler. aud "The Associated Man" wit* tlii' subject for discussion li.v tho speak ers. Prof. Perisho, of Vermillion. talked ,f hini "From the Faculty Standpoint:" II. II. Weak handled him "In Athlet ics:" A. I». Minertr spoke of him "From the Secretary's I'oint of View C. I). Hurrey inferred to him *'As Others See Him," and XV. M. Paraous talked about hint "After College." Tin' meetings were condncire of great good to the student body, and strong pledges were made by them to do fur ther and more vallaut work in their re spective colleges when they returned home. PREFERS THE POOR HOUSE. tlobuat Young Man Elect* to Stay All Hi* Life. An unusual case la reported by the an ficrinteiident of the Spink County povir farm. It is that of a robust and healthy young man who tins aaked permission to remain on the poor farm the remainder of hiti life. Iu explanation of hi* strange request he states that he prefers to remain there, -ertain of a good home during his life time, rather than run the chances of earning a living by working in the towns. This strange young man, who Is not at all litxy, jiud who cheerfully does the work required of him ou the poor farm. *II.VM he has no one to work for if he left tiit? farm and that he prefers to have a place he eau call home, even if it is a place shunned by most people and reson «d to, as a usual thiug, only by those *who through great age or other misfor tune are compelled by forw of circtim s.ti:nces to accept the bounty offered. WADING THROUGH BILLS. 3ov. lias Ye* i:irod Thus For toeil Three lov. Elrod yet ha# a number of bills .n his desk at I'ierre. I'p to tho present he has only vetoed one bill which provid ed regulations for fishing in boundary waters, which was passed iu duplicate through both houses and two senate bills providing for printing increased reports of the food and dairy commissioner, and a n i n a u o i y o a u a i a n o n i o t ,rage the estate of n ward, both on ac- For a New Court Houae. It is now practically settled that Law rence County will have a new court house this summer. The county commis sioner* have had plan drafted for a sioners have hud plans drafted for a $75, -vised for the raising of this money with out additional taxation to the people. There is an old judgment standing igainst Meade County for a sum nearly *tufficient to build the court house, an 1 this amount will bo placed in the special uuilding fond. Booth Dakota Corn. Ueports which have beeu received at tfions Falls from various parts of the state'indicate that the corn acreage for this year will be fully as large, if not larger, than the acreage devoted to this «'io| last season. In some quarters it was feared that the poor «-oru crops of the past few year* might have discoiir aged many of the farmers, but such doea uot appear to be the ens*. Taken to Bismarck. Alexander I*arrou, who has been in •he Browu County jail at Aberdeen since Dec. 22, l'.KM, as a sn«|xcted horse thief, and whose identity as an escaped imitate of the North Dakbota peniten-* tiary at Bismarck was learned through n hit Of clever detective work, has been takeu hack to North Dakota miplcte his aentenee. Cat tit Tw« by a 8i«r. A Belle F^mrthe speei.ii says: Tho body' of iainea Petree, a well ksown sawmill nan of this vMtUty. has been broogbt km asd has been «s-«»t t« Ala bama for intermeut. The man was rat iu t4» by a fa vol Hug saw in his mi]) ««ar Sawtoaca, Ma at Hit* Uc*m*. a W. C. liialltaa, «f |mm, Lywnn Qtwtr. waa itmtaj and Card ISO f«r .prartMng modicine wit boot a lieenaa from the state medical board. Ha paid lie tea. •*&, $ & flKMAtt tm§a IAMO »•.«#»* If Mm Md at N»ra Plea# lk« tj»md Will ffafd, Vh* etau* i t*mf4 its* •l w»r% Mi Mew 1»f it* dm wifnU *m »vpr»l*mtuiut i«wt« mtiNb will Iw '/fit-nit fur MttUt tiii* tlM sales hptfhit'mg rim Nth itf la VuUm I'uHMt »nd tk0 fHftk I* titan4»*rt Cnuuir. I.Mt W*f4 tk« up liralsMrwHt* wtm fctMlo N Cnion, tin colli, Turner, Ynnkiim and M'xxty Ilea, mikI lbs vsluatUms *p eron for ihs Isiwl* In that irrtlM, I he rain In l'uloii Cimuty Mug at $SV. an Lincoln at to H'i a«-re. Turner from $H0 f),*• \*r acre, Vsnfc lii at |25 to 145 mm acre, and to Moody t'oilttly from $20) to Mil MM aetw, Tfc«m prices are the minimum at wMefe fit* limits can be sold, aud if tliey are tvrf taken at that price the state will hold them with lit* knowledge that they wil not grow li s* In valuation. STATE FAIR 0ATE9. Doard of Agrlealtar* There Kepfcmtme 11 to IS Sept, 11 to IS. inclusive, was fixed MM the date for the Sotith I lakota state fat, at a meeting of the state bord of agri culture held at the Sherman House If Aberdeen on Monday. Forrester II Smith, of (1 rotou, George H. Whiting, ol Yankton, Moitltca. of l'Vnlkton H. S. FMchcr, of U'.itcrtown, and Joht II. King and (leorge K. Mi-Eathrwo, of Iltiroii, rerc present at the meeting and much euthiiHiasm ami confidence is a suc cessful fair next fall was ex preyed. XV. IK llugan, of Frederick, was ap pointed superintendent of the speed de partuient, and President Forrester Smith, Secretary Jeo. E. McKathm and ('. Moulton were appointed a eon mittee to visit Minnesota state gronndi to secure ideas regarding the preparatiot of the grounds at Huron. PROTECTING THE BOYS. Minora Not Permitted to ttowl or Plajr Pool la Menan. Otic of tlie most stringent auti-bowlint and auti-pool ordinances iu the state ha liecu adopteil by the town council ol Mcnno, Hutchinson County. The ordi uance prohibits boys under 16 years ol age from entering any pool or bowling alley unless accompanied by their |m rnets, and all persons between 18 and 21 years of age must have a written permit from their parent* before they ean In dulge in pool playing and bowling. The#« permits must be filed with the t»wi clerk. Bo.vs tniiler 21 years of age are pro hibited by ordinance from aetting U| pins iu bowling alleys, even though the} may have a tier mi from their parents DESTRUCTIVE PRAIRIE FIRE. Farmers Torn Oat and Do Battle with tbe Plsmes. A prairie Are originating in tbe acfi deutnl bit ruing of a atrawstack on i sheep ranch caused tbe most devtructiv* lire Beadle Couuty has suffered for sev ernl years. The lire started north oi Hitchcock and burned over a consider able area of country, only being est in guished when it struck tbe railroat tracks of the Northwestern ruad. A number of citixeus of Hitchcock drove hastily to tbe aceue of the fire and !iel|)ed the fanners fight the flames. It is estimated that 31*1 tons of hay wen destroyed, but wo loss of live stock oi buildings is re|Mirted. ^Cathedral at Sinai Falls Tin' ('.instruction of a magnificant ca thedriil. to cost in the neighborhood «l S'JtlO.lKO. is being planneii by icixliuc Cuthoiics of Sioux Fulls diocese. It ii the intention to erect the building to Sioux Falls. If the euterprise is success ful the cathedral will, when completed lie one of the finest structures of tht ki!,d ,h« northweat. futut of defective title. r«n.Bm»iin™ O. Itniley, the legal representative! •.,, i of .he old Moux Falls Water Oilnpany. Prospects are bright for the holding 91 in Pierre attempting to 'he camp meeting* of With the I re. uethwlists of South Dakota aud the Sev secure a veto of tlie two laws passed for the purpose of clearing up the water •works tangle in that cit.v. enth Day Adventist* of the state at Wsiiaocket during the coming summer. The gatherings will le attended by bun droits of iiersous and promise to be an usually successful. Kvans Property beiasd. The Hot Springs syndicate, compose*) of Kmil Ilargens, U. A. Turner, F. S Lamberson and (ieorge Hitler, has fiual ly closed the deal for leasing tbe Evau* Hotel property, together with tlw plunge bath, Mlnnekahta bath and Hot Mprings Hotel, and will open the ketd iu April. War Between Flab. According to the stories told by old fishermen along the Missouri lUver iu Houth Dakota, a war of extermination is being waged between carp and catfish. The fishermen declare that the carp are masters of tbe situation and that catfish are rapidly disappearing from the wa ters of the river. i Black Hills Trolley Llae. The plan to const rurt an electric Mac between Spearfish, Belle Fourche, Dead wood and Lead baa been brought to life again. A mass meeting of the business men of Hpearlsh has been held and reso lution* were drafted which iu all prob ability will mean the conimejceuien* ol work this summer. Tattle'a Examination Tbe preliminary examination of Ly man Tut tie was held at KIk Point Mon day forenoon at tbe residence. Mrs. Tat tle still being unable to leave Mrs. Tttttb* swore that Mr. Tattle To Onranlse Creanifn The business men of Ontdn and farm- h.nm "full," and threw a lighted lawp *r» living In that vHn!t.» -.vili a i H, weetlng for the purpo-c of "I'-MiiUinn 11|,, a stock company with liie je of i-s-' tahlishiug a creairerj nt that plm-c, Nearly IOO Yeara Old Hntidred* of cows are nvnr.I by th«. Mrs. .Mary Itlakely is deidi at Miller, farmers in that twinedUtle vMnlty uiwl i agc«l 118. She i»w»Uy provad np on there la little quesiiou that the plant quarter section of land after jtmiV will be a ftnauclal su.-c**» rt..m the start.. mMtoct. her. She waa frightfully hitnied. Tilt- W NK bmiixl orer to the grand jar PramlaMt Settler Otad. K i k i a a o N o w a y TownsWp, an. ti.« mm promiuett tier* of IJacolu County, died Mti fnm. drapap, agrd years. A awl four aooa, one at whom hi a neat Lutheraa mlBister, surrive aottft Are U faadsd. The dty authoritiea of Wa hare coacloded the war* of refaadlag out standing bands tm tW anmant of b. 000. Tk» aid boats draw par cast la teral. while the wfaadiag boada draw bat ft par eaat. rv MPS WMViCTOBT RMfMi Art 1kU*tc4 tS-D«ff to ISrcst ftrtik ct MflUca* RETBEAT IS A KOCT. HuiUnS BHMmm PIf to EBCtft i TitiimmuA IsttU at Matdw tfca 1 laat at tko Ww-Waagfctir aw Mdaa la tht C1«M la Rotlaaated a* 100000 Pafaalad Oaasral Wappllaa af Food aad tlaitug Or4«r to U(kt*s Msrifas if Isttsst. AM ttw rwtslt of tba daaklag mmm menta and dopenta ftgMJss of tba Jiptaaw dniiag a eoattoaaoa alsfe«am days' atroczle, tbe Eaadana, KaropaUtio. bare tea drlraa their ttavagif iati h«d "ttiao forced to taka at -1ai back ward atap toward* Harfela, vUd la tba point Marahal Oyatac la aimiag tor. Tba Japueaa hava won aaotbar great Tktnry. The root of tbe Boaalaaa Irregular battle, a eooilirt of tbe thn to cot their wa tbroagb to Tiding. Field Mandul Oyaoui baa once provad himself ona of tba gnalM mutm of offaoaive atrmtegy data Xa poleon. Tba aarfooa am of Knropatkln'a defeat waa received by tbe Caar at Taarakoe Selo Mm nooa on Wi day. GenenK Knropatkla mwnd that tbe Japaseae bad maaaod an force to tbe nortbwaat ot llokdan, a* caaaltatlng bla im mediata retreat. •II revorta tadleato that tba Japa» aae were ntterly reckleaa of TM* LI FIELD MA USUAL OYAMA. THE NAI*OLEOX OF TO-DAT. making attack after attack, aapaetaltr on tba canter and weatward, agalnat machine gtma and Infantry Ufa which literally mowed down tba advancing cotomna, making human life ao cbeap tbat tba aurrlrora could baatiaa tbaai aelraa behind piled of oorpeea- After this action General Knropat fcla'a depoaltlon may be racarded aa earttJa. War Mlalator Bakbaraff la picked aa bla probable aueeaaaor. A atroas faction of tba army, tbeae U|b la lnflnence a boat 8M Emperor, oppoaed Geoaral Karopatkla from tbe flrat and though hi* earty dafaato were coadooed beoatuw It waa realised tbat General Koropatkta waa doiag all Oat mu coo Id wltb tba tnola at bla com mand. It la BOW felt tbat after twice having bad tba opportnalty to dwr what be coshl de wltb a powarfol army and having failed to accompllab victory either time bia raasoval la ad •laabie. Tbe Buaalan loaaea are aaormoRa ta killed and wonadad. Kaalbara laat 10.00U meti In four daya trying to check Oka'a advance. Banday be laat XOOO la Kogl'a flrat onalaught. Monday be lost 5.000 to ft.000 mot*. Taeaday af t«tmoon and Bight be teat T.000 mora. Gaaaral B«nne«Ucjiaipra corpa bad neariy SO.OOO man wb«B be waat lato battle, la tbe eighteen daya' 8bUac he taat a foartb of bla nan. Tbe mlgbty roar of tbe battle tlw lacaaaaot tboadaca fm X500 ewept orer Mukdea fraa north aad aaaCh. wwplatily «ndwM by a battle IMt Raaalana beiag eloaaly paraaad ftwi tba raar tad bard pn •rary boar aOdad to tba al ftotcba«r MIL" opitKfal lon»«4 bla atoraa for daya, baadrada of toaa ctotklag aad feailaf THE -t£LLt»W DKMUN' WIT1I THE 1UITOXBT bed&ntac of the root At tbat baw Kaalbara. axbaoatad after (Mr day* and aigbta ot eoattaaooa battK w* aim dgbtl^ wttb «k» deapmtto* daapair at CAfln, wia fcllea waat af Mukda* railway atatloa. wbOe Xa«I waa estendlBg bte Dm attB fartbar aortbward toward Tta Paaa. Uabvtaa proved too bald a Mt for EnMut ta eracb. Tba baaaaa af tba Tfib|t are wuatittoi wltb tkM watte a ad tba riliagea are A M*. blgb day raa^arta. coararttec ma lato fortifteaUoaa baperrtoaa to rit* bulleta. Bach boaao bad to be takea alngly by band to band eMfeak •gala aad agate tba Raaylaaa ad vmacad ta tbe attack. Uadar tba eyaa awntaat ai aorATxm. af Oaawal wb« arltb bla tooved aboat wbata tta batt af waa ttkskaat aad wbe aaoawd la a ebamod Ofe. tbe rtflaa »«f •ad adTaarad tba Tba Sgbt ftrw Jatwiwaa auadUac •'dart l» tba arm] anil ta tbe tbe gmss Tba de- taatot*. KUMurAncurn wmmam mtAiMK?urr»M AX wpsbht r- ^rVjT^HijO^ in a« ••ip aaiag traarbia, I Tbel le WiiiwaMaattadaadto-l tba agg «lre kxtica of Gaaaral Ear apatJkla'a a aral Liaoritrh., of tba left wteg. tbe tank of Kan Urtpoaberg bad ttt Mae left at did. Ho dlvMaM to tbe for i bla adraaro Trfdbi'aa la «L yte»"« irtatj—Atttr leMa aa If at I Imr Mr. Cafct sett •t its wtibtfnvw Mi 1 Oppeatta l^itrbabtoa waa af aa i Tba ftMtoa to tba fttwa «f la aa i Hmaflt-BwllaM Tbe atory of tbe bania of ia tbe racord of tba prwataat «i w blatoay of war. la ao oU bat la tboi* a raeaat wi mmm bet foe at* nwt Ma prsrttloaL Tba Hfflt eateadod ataag a of eighty attt Darlag i—tay at tlw «aya tba aaow waa ao -. jdtog tbat tbe gaaaaaa algb» ad tfetir artfltarr «*ir by tba aaar at the j^jTSSmS 3m •ai to ttaf i left to in for Aibl la PwHtob la malltoad, oa tbe aaat caaat af AfMaa. Tbat Aaaia dlamttoa. Iitawal T*m la aaart btag tar tbe laet. aad wamia It «nM daatray It A ayeady vtaaa la UHI I bare la I baaa to yat to tb« Baltic feet aad tbe SbaldM, tba caar Ma adad teat tM wblcb Raaaia taaaa aad aiaba paaee aa ataOabla, tm "*to a rtagtag ap af tm tba ala- W^adi**!^ mm. «IMM la «to Hiitlaillia btweia A* a IMSJPCHE ion» A imm rani w. *m. pafealai laKbaai wS^altoM1tt ^wTiSTimSeSfte o top af tito baaA. aad II rotan af a mrnHtm i at «ba baaa af tfto ML Uaai la aanferi aft Hba awawltbgrtbi aaaafawaa rIS fddtr i ^oawiita tbat jawiaaai tboSwiS adiiaad aw lottyDr.' li tta «aH of a 9K i-