Newspaper Page Text
'TSJfi Jr .- v Mlflf &3£Movt| yenoftghttb be, Mi:miwii ^HPT %nNwiv^% -»«w HOWS did 'a^ ^rHr Sftlii **f» Nid the ftp»r New Era r\r *L 4ha* there was any politics in the *«tecUoo here laat week. If Bra Iftaaaie oen extract tAf oomfom being misinformed About lour election he is perfectly ats berty to do ao.—Chartse Mix apontuoa. «te. sai«t*WagaerDatat heroby ntottMi 3® Jp&f cwil interest. Son# on* i*«"d joMfyoubuyitfrom »*. For jroa will havo to you'd to rt any other UMBER CHEAP There witt be little or nd »Uy. Yon no* only by buying of beatm for Charles Mix •object to the wlU sad of the •county eomtalasiooers of Charts* JMUx county. W. J. Noble, Ptatte, a D. Mta nyfarm twin at o jr farm 4mUee »eet of Lalm Andes ou Tuesday, 81* 1905, commencing at 10 o'clofck a. «., the following bom 86 bogs 9 AskCiitLMiMia §M Eight ootoe lit Ike heyday tJMDMrfl Itj ftHteftAHl tit MtN*( to 0m AosKb (teas tk|t -Mil fc pre»m* thrtr far taiiaftbtami 0(1 *1 only a fraction flMa,'hin at uHuqr wbtofc oaatotoed steoas ai of tbe la tba MwpHU Isi fee MfAr w)l« Had swat which •how a knowledge ef —Stent cal law* of wtosb tte present asttvea are who! ly igMmat Sense* tbeee Mm arel®**"®®" tnm ton to •ad Of tte areata ww, Ainstfasai, be •UTTt. ••iwatffBta Is a baU «m earth tt to Pott*. Ran imiaiiorlors fmlii Tfs give off Mbt aar tbm. af sand sad ml over «*bfefe Maty llat«aa trod while "wait' af tbadarflL" tm thla pfaM% aa bams ot mm with tte of royal lav far royalty admit* BMMbtta nalsw y»aiMW |P*vF VMw# •Wkotisa A to. W. Bullock, i^p Wm. E. Hiflklsy bdMyfroa one tof Ma atvttaatten tbe |Mt Cyclopean piat called, bamboo Glty Dray Line Wajtner, af to^iy bas Iwuat for yoar Randay dinners. If for any reason you intend i to have a sale, see me before yon 1 engage yonr auctioneer. Sale •Bd after a I WHs half the usual price. are plentiful. Urp®. J" AS, P»yi»g*Uehorges. of 8-1? N. Frederick are the 6 mttea west of Wagner. a— .j.. maoKnw.ior araw* verdur* net ao fialSfai to rich aaatala, tte «f fovtaaa bave Mown people any hoar of bull ngbtara, tedtem (tetTeaTt and Ithe o{ IOQW of tt bat fair of ttv pretogs tie rates of Japan at ibe la tte histury of is a daagbtrr of of Tfea Shbbnss to cbildlse* tbe Msipi m^a Atm I (5- IllSWSi Amy end 11 klnrta of dmyiaq doa» loo. Tow 8. D. Go to the Depot Hotei Restau August Talberg, 12-16 Wagner, 8. D. Raal Estate Commercial State S.D. Loaf tima Tcm wa epply MkoZui tmtde. right wtiera tb* pain 1st to pel ap in collapsable tahee with aorie a«ae)uaeat tor taundactax It aava nag nam IW Hoa~* I ManKmi Mop* pain lasuatly aad cure* all stands neony of bilnd. Meedlag, Itch In* and protrad vortb of tnjpHta. Sold by *Wagae Prog Oo, mmj camp la tte wartd. I Taken up! On March 9,1005,1 can Butte tba 1 bs,y mare, weight about 750 lbs., «f bataaf %Mr bj Ln(] bay mare, weight about of J800 lb», having a halter on. Own ateradmtlk iwiistlisie gets as thick jfar can have same by calling and as a Mta leg. It Mile all T«geta In bayiag a eoafrti medidaa lor iklMrea aeverheaftNdd to bay ChajabwlalB'# Ooort« Reaiedy. Ther* la do damper tfom It ami rt~ itef ta alwara wtte to follow. It la especially trainable lor aotA, eroap and whooping eoagb. Vor aat* by XfiKatr Drot Oo. Cartlticata of Nomloatloa. I hereby certify that the fol lowing names constitute a full ana complete list of the nomina tions'for the different offices for Wagner, South 0a- Ikota. to be voted upon at the an nual town election to be held Not ose of ttij 13,000 miasm o*J^'areh 21,1905. a day, sad Trustee 1st ward, JWUggerp, tfwy an tpsad tbdfer mooey ifto mm- oceupatioo, stock buyer, rest sal sooa. Xa tte oMlopea jainbHnj donoeand business address, Wag ilaya. aot long gaaa by, drW driven g, D, uer waarlag tanaai ^irt«| Trusteefiiward, Adam Grimes occupation tewyor, residence aud business address, Wagner, S. D. Trustee 3d ward, John Sted ronsky, occupation, hardware dealer, residence and buaf address, Wagoer, 8. D. Clerk qid Treasurer, Emil MUterek, oecupation lumber dealer, residence Mid business address, Wagner, 8. D. Assessor, JtAn Schroder, oc cupatkm minister, residence and busineaa address, Wagner. 8. D. 8^e«t Oommiaaioner, Win. BtnkJey, oocupatlton draytaan, resktonooaM busliMM addrosa, Wsgn«r,a0. of'tfe* Peaee,A0 Ooch- addroas, 8, D. of the Psaoe, L. M. lawyer, raai- WAHWO w WftHHOOOt lift JUtmMl M«ki IBMa Iwi flw XmbI* Am Biktui Ovr laWtact. Ktv. Dr. N«w«n DtlUJ* n*«aohtaK tm oUt« morotof ta Ply n^atb Church. BrooKljm, dtciarad that th« taonda of tba raca vara aat kaap In* paca wttb Its lntoBactuaUty, and that tb* nation wool*tt» wall to fhr» 9 l»lf wiaaooi for aoaio advanc* la ato.'wl Utaracy. "fba saatbod oC taattac wbatlMr a nation la waxlag or waninf la man hood la a almpla BMtbod. God aaya that a nation pllaa up tha clouda of a coming atom. Not ahnply la It a •i«n af b^lMdaal, acdaalaatlcal. and •uitional daca^r Pur a poopla t» atnpha alia tblnga and forgot man, bat al* vbaa tba aebttetahlp of tba mind and !nt«U«ct la far ahead of tba morate of tbe baart and conadaeca. "W« know mach a boat eocaina, mor but whan a drngglat tana us that ba aaUa $M0 worth of co ld morphtna to women OTOty wa «nM trada off half our af aatura for obadtonea to tka law* oC natnra. In tttt Outfit ataod np and horiad at Bngland'a aooaootlr aooffad at him. H# •aid that thajr wara making man Into indoatrial maebliiaai that thay had for tba aaaatitty af atrangtb. Oo to Ik^tol today, ap ln thoaa ooantlaa whara Oartyla daUrarad bia wantn» yaara ico Mftmd waa larolrad la s war. «ka opaaad aallaOac in Btnatagbaan aad •da. Oaljr o«a mas aaoagb aad broad aoooch to maat the mOttaiy laqubammta. Tba wlxita ot Bbgiaad aia faob- Hnfi. Thay bare irtdto Meod cor pBKhi laatnd a va& appolntad of Invaatlfatton. Tbajr rstarnad tba verdict that Bngland In maklnf ootton had deaUojod tba men. Thna rland was daatroyta# haraalf. In natlwi where four generatlona agt It waa regarded aa a dlagrace for an Kn gllahman or Scotchman to bag for taaad. now 4,000,000 oat of 88^000.000 Ktand In boa for public charity to the la three generations more, since tba poor reproduce rapidly, you will hare what haa happened In ire land. and Bngiaiura 000,000 panper* will become 18,000,000. "There waa a day whan one college man oat of every five went into the Christian minlatry. In this age ouly one out af every 280 think of It la this church you daren't a single boy la oea of yonr famlltaa who Is purau In# a coarse for tba Christian minis tty" of Maelc. Many people thluk muaic on ship, board can be found only on ffrtnyrr and ezcnrakm boats of the better kind. They never think of a piano or. board of sailing craft Yet it is a fact that nearly all tte K«gn«*i The Qeorge WwrMagtmi ITalvefaity It bas bean deeded to dianga tte mama of tba Oolu abian Unireralty at Washington, D. to tte George Washington University aa a memorial |o oar first Prvsldant A new build ing to coat 200,000 will be erected at onea on gwand wuit of tho state, war aad navy building by women who ba prevailed upon the trnsteea to take ictlon. Further effort will ba to bave Congress reimburse ai*d appropriate to tte university ua amount of money equal to the value of a tract of land In tte same neigh, borbood which was left by Waahing ton for tbe establMbment af aach a university, bat which tea teen pre empted by Congress for otter pur- die Caused States. Accoaling to tb» ceastis tba number of negroes in ttt Unitsd Stotoa, waU, Alaaka aad i*orto Bieo to MbV 831. Datwsan 11 aad 1« par eent baas sotue degree of white blaod. Mm# than TT par of ttem Mve to iter eoantry. agataat over #T par east of ttei'wbitoa About SO pm asnt e£ taa iwwtins to oantteantol are ia tba tontba at tbam an Is flansgia. f* Woeriv, '1 f* Woeriv, '1 fi. W, WilllanMKxi. p|i^ Otwa. McFitrland fi. W, WilllanMKxi. p|i^ Otwa. McFitrland V. I'ma. Wm, M, Pmim, Wm, M, Pmim, Mi Tjau »OTpVv* a^P Wa make a specialty of UaitedStates &> Ger man and American sailing craft carry pianos and often a great number of other musical instruments. That boat Ik a rarity which has no woman pas senger. Usually ate is tte captain's wife or daughter, and aha baa eomfart sble quartern of her own, Invariably containing a piano. Tramp steamers which go all over tte world in t'us way cany tba ftr orlte airs of all a tiona and bring thu world of harmony together Into closer sympathy. Thns tt Is that tte women of Orinoco, P«* nambneo and other remote southern ports gat tbe popalnr airs of London, BerUn and New York quite as quickly ta some of our piwtacial cltlea. Oftes a gam la brought to New York for the first time by a sailing ship, a captain will invite some of fate shorn friends to take luncheon on board bis ship, and then the wife or daughter will play something that abe has picked up at some distant port It surprises her to learn that tte air Is new on this side. Sometimes the sailor* them selves organise a giee club cm board, and tbe selections gtvaa are world wide. yy /RX\ Oldest talk oi lit HaaentdM m/sas Write luaruei ii th« Bra bait CenptDlet /|V1\ Interest Ptidoi Tlfflf Deposits Ytir Basliess aid CorrespeidsBce Solicited W. C. MCDONALD Manager The COMMERCIAL'STATE BANKS ...- (Incorporated) Capital, $7000.00 Capital, $7000.00 Capital, $7000.00 Capital, $7000.00 Capital, $7000.00 Dees aOaaeral V. I'ma. Dees aOaaeral Dees aOaaeral Dees aOaaeral Dees aOaaeral Bimiors Bimiors O. W. \VUllam#o«, Cbu. Mf^rland, T. J. Uai m»y. O. W. \VUllam#o«, Cbu. Mf^rland, T. J. Uai m»y. W. M. PeaiMs G. Kledemxtler W. M. PeaiMs G. Kledemxtler DIlHVIf WJM680 DIlHVIf WJM680 DIlHVIf WJM680 DIlHVIf WJM680 DIlHVIf WJM680 ft"5 Write lasarasotia he MMUm ft"5 Write lasarasotia he MMU ft"5 Write lasarasotia he MMU ft"5 Write lasarasotia he MMU ft"5 Write lasarasotia he MMU UtM. UtM. UtM. UtM. UtM. Wagner, S. D. Wagner, S. D. Wagner, S. D. Wagner, S. D. Wagner, S. D. iniMSMimggniNNKiiiwmmsmgsmm ^Shannon & iVLott Go, Dealers in Grain, Live Stock and Hay FlourExchange' Wagner, South Dakoty, ^7|\/IXZI\^XZI\5I\^SZI\5|\?|SZR^N zRzRylviyi\5l\5l9Kylx5l\^y^ti rimes & Absher Si Deals la Vana baas aad OaMle Paper, Rasi Estate, Leans, Rasi Estate, Leans, Oomspoadsaes invited relative tc Inaerited Iadtea Laads. Oomspoadsaes invited relative tc Inaerited Iadtea Laads. Law Collections Real Estate All business entrusted to our care wijl receive prompt and careful attention. Warner, 5. D. I* at I* .f •t i* .# j* .t .t .» .» .» .» Job. Jarnda, Proa. Jos. Kappel, Vice Pres.! F. S. Strohbebn, Caatiier*' The First State Bank. INCORPORATED A General Banking Business Transacted, Buy and sell exchange on the principa cities of (his and foreign countries. Will loan money, pay taxes and sell real estate for non-residents on favorable terms Wagner, S. D. Floete Lumber Co. Carries a full line of Lath, Lime,Shingles, I 1 IM RPD Saab, Doors, BltadS Rricii.Buflifia*Panor. t-iVi'lMMIV Cement, and Coal. Bricfc, Dulltfag Paper, Call before buying elsewhere nnd be convinced that ours .is the cheapest yard in town. ,1 ,t i' ,1 .1 I- .1 I .1 ,! I .1 I- .» J* .1 .« I* ,t l' HE DEPOT HOTEL W1 1 WMeWIS Staaa Located in the Turner Building, one block north of depot RatesConsigtont with First Cteat Service Mr la respootfuflj #jMMfeK tt A- .v.. WAGNER, S. D, Li V .• .• •a West Side v. j,f- Livery Comfortable Rigs Careful Driver^ Live V .» I* .1 e •i'r (^VtAMw^PvaivWar# ..j» pt- 5 ii'UMUJWllil