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I %vt. I 5 I [-ff w •r I* I«.i» .*•' jvt 1 IK r: f".": /.^rx- sSMf* XB ^7 5' JS?* %. 31P' ."• ?v ..-. V n 1 0 1 «i *,k k.- u "fS'/ Fi i t- ^mBM ttftb VBWnSi' Wi |^PUi Hi 4Mfc 1|§® UttHt 7- sr. i tel a •gGmHHHHIE 'Wrffc^v®! mmi af V t" JT! 1 v», fat'*?? -.flUMfc g||^ i Mb, *te* sMb Ml toMJfc. Vm t'm&a. «r Cm jnnm- wi I' MKB ^^^SSLMP AM* Ami ViMMM wPvtk BaM® w 'VHBHWK W W» Sa B*®* A VMS tM* la to Ml tt* '9MT' disfB' Im a gait .mb MM Car tb* SaBa* «C Mm mm. =t ft. ii mm* mm r'. V f. rata i tftf, «T imt Vl-V '*,".* a%r.ittitt!£«MM* Bar i- '.' V' ., toV aatf to* gMMS SMlM v *-7' t4 ,. i ."• v i- *•,/».: •vsa -1 -••*. 't I I P- i' T. $ v t* i i(*tyrVt' 5 a ntM to BM"ftt$- to Ml (MSsI, war iTcnn. TOWTK^#**. 1 l» Hal aai wfcw 1%S '$'• -T'^.'js 1 »,:^-SS V ,v*r Sf* i\: -zs% i'V' z- .^'*? ''^s S&\' -«r --J?'." Sjs '«r «. *.* Mf* traaft&ji: GRIN'S, THE CARRIER i imP-^Beti6we»Ji odn* to*. itb 9mm tkto IMI *. MR kwwl «. Hi ll—W «f WltaW IMW« P»y «tlL Wnwrtium •till tk* XdMrihHMi Av «W« «to wr «t dMlwa fcr *M. MMl i mm to ln«toto «t nm »wiw4 mrIcv «t Hot, I pmw mMq t». w» to*, ttar iWwwfi Dta* tlwy u»l «m» i» I «fcto 3**r awrtip, Hl» DttwiiwiltowmanfiwiiKT«MI tout r** to® jww mm to««i •jrr •. toat It jm «ha I u Mac. 1 tfcew *Um« M«r wj» to wmM ter* (Imw at «mc aMdMC. BIm* mjt Iwm«! #MV «wfc. ««A «IA MNtar at^ tatted afl to caCtaa »Wjr |a( aa da**' to W«% wia« tt*T toM,' tai II «mw a Aar 1 lawi yoar wsrAin, to aa* fcow ImI (jhMWK. aai tt»if la An «Mto at to* 4rif|. aat O* IWtoa aKaM eototat «T to«a! 1ft abaa» twa IvMia «B toa ww «4mp. aad tlw trena pM •ara#. to* 'towte^-awr* «al ara «mM aoa Mat hai .ItaMMMMl aataetlf. ani wtm tW atafk tW |4ricaxc«. Bv «I«m4 aff toat *W «aa iww«4 to a Uttla. 1 Mtrat fc«aH Stwr a'rWtM*. W# mtd ha4 Imw at anark, Mrfl tlM atoafea a« ttHHT toafei BaarMbaaS Hgt*. 8cM Ua Let aa CeaL OH, fea fta JHA -ftaaiAfr AgMMBitaa M*#Mak WSm gmtm PRC* PVf #Wr WW* B« trill ftaaar aa aS to Ha N|ht to turn ka4 a 4aal 1 9099f. #MM Ibi*® Mpidii 1 aataatM a( ararrtklaf aa atetty K knaaladr— "DM yaa. lalaijl I fcava kaart avaty aaM Wiiaar f&aakkaai ateraly **Taa lacM tfe* 4mm. «r 1 awaM haw fMI 9t&$ te |M| ioitff 4w! 'What la a aew tta yaat iftif alt, «tet km w» to« Jafca •Mtor CHAPTBRIX. Oa toa way wnt 4ajr link tb* mami* at t»* Oai- n •ffHi railways *f awl Aaatmlta dcr I ISM* Bl Ml* tb* wm ip» ik* gwi tttog 2*5^ aaab* wa* *Wto aat «ato» toa*.* te'«aJi#r laST* l*11""^ Mr kmtt vftto I? «Mf« MMMll 1 (iMi't MM i»*r to Vr, OtfMf T— aifkt fM to fe« feaWI U jrw«*« 'imwtlM *W$tm .f1**'1*' Tvcnraf fwy PioinMMi cap «wfta4 to Ma imtm tm than, Daath to MlaaitaMara af *mm My, Mataww*." ahjaet waa to aMMr da B«a|M aa4 thah- taaawliaaai aarf toar fatoai II wtaa aat to ba toa pattica tor. Aai tha mmm mm tha laat to Matoa aar tm* ahaat aaythiag. "Ara y«a aatlaial iwar, Mr. Ovaa^ llMtof aakai Utwym Wkmrp, aa BaMal Mat Mat to toa paaaaca «f tha Qaarry Anaa. what* tha toiaaat had baas tafta*. •*h» tmr hara 4aw their haat, at i# WWt OH f^f4 tha liiBa— af tha faMS#,* "totlaM! Bmt aaa ha? fcataa naa 1 mmr tamm. It la aat for •a to totarlara, wfctta tMap Ma to thla arn tthai atata. Kmyhedy haawa what to, Ba iiaht yaa haw doaa CMtf If Mr. BrnM aat leak fMlto a* If k* a jtivato lotarflear. Wawewr, to* /aaat aaaa, trh Mafli Maator. n mm Ha» fpartglto Wty*a •»x«t to* A K O E «4U€tt IU(MI(|*CRhIRs i»II *9«r toat Tawae ale. I vaaj»« ywM- toiWata. ai mmt mk ya*. aft* th»t» wka^to* I* T,. Bl^fc AMhktodtoft VtoW VW NPI VB ^NNNV Wl •t th* §mt»t AmI toaa% la swwtWat MWM« 'iM ataa toat «t «toh» nr. Ya« teanr tow paar ««^h*^a aiMtoa, Ha yaar aH taatliMa* hi aeaN baalcaa 4aara laaft. 1 fin* Wto* «aeli we aaapeet at Itoat Aad to* dtaetor M« datar had htwatht Na jUaadaa aaya that to tola»a»»adlM? ttawad «f to#«k ThatMwa, at* MBac htoi aad atotlea, or rath*, I naaht to aay. ha^py Mriw awd tboagh ht la toa aAMtf* to aa^w to«Mv«B, they »htoi wm*. rtr—h»y da hi» "I em qai» aalaiMaal h. Bat hair im tbat tmr—I mmm yaa otatl taw about tka rwalt ot "By a» aawaaa. R# waaii kata laaUt rd aai aaato* a ea«r af At Harald. ta fact, tf toe lory cmM ant tew kaaa aa«Ma««i. 1 had aeraa«ed with tk cAter to prht a ajweial catr |Mat Ae wnOet aa «a waaui B. .A vteaar (wad. ot K aad aa It la bettor to with It ahaaU «aa W# *w«lai away aB fba fall- «9dt» «MI awaU. aati 1 im|Wi awl at laat. wa cuaa to the Mr, aa Cm* aa toe "I eaa feaar m**l tm kava laat HUM U tm fcam paiMva roa coald afjaw It. Ml aaa »atotoe~-welWa« Bat pm Ho* «raa avchHdr r, raa ata oalr ft to m* to W! B«*a^ Hurt Maty! Matkav Hflafcfcua! Cww tl«a taP .1 ham Mwa It! Taw .ia fiMwa aai^r ^piaaa* taali alW#« awMiaa! Wr yem 'aempa! A pat af «atar a*4 HaaMito! Oaa*t afl it «aa ksawa tka paiUi aid to# Batchbac On Mm aaetaat 8«alra had Mm at Iwt, wmtm toa wl|l» af aaaia KotoJy Maav4 bta wash tut thla, Ml vww BnHM JIB«a fMtoifi mM that ha aaght to faHh aad naitaatlea i*»to«ai that aB bia tbraana nt hy tola wtapUttty. hat paapav tofalry ^as^M ha haML to m«i« the ifltettoa «C a ali mm! ICr. Barito araa right. Aa laqaaat tmly ha Ml awa toa hady. vMtk had lewd m* fM tiw 59f fciing MM! iumI I4I1IW at tha OglaalnW, tmnrtrwd tot tha aut toa- ahnaU ha a aaata faraa, aa4 tha var- Met mi hmm anMtty. Mr. Laka Wktmtp np|MH*it mm! to n 4tgftMte4 fiofv# wm Hftfr to w»w* «k» teMr. Bt nld 9 Sw hi tti# VWJP ImmK' tMti to Itoat at ttdMn paiaM to arcrybady farft attva '(m ftdrik 4Mf toMI frf mpMNtslid IOMI* fM tha hair ha* aC »aa &aa>a «r*a raaBy aathlag exer^t a |atr af diavaaa* It VbU wrdlrt will aat Mm ih» aiakaitaUifaaraMloiilbfa. Bt to dWMl th« had Wat aa, aad a a a i o* o a a a U i a a a a Mto 4raMwV naiae. I aMrdy why be aa baft aa la, Mr. OwcahMa." •WeaWikk BwnafBifcabt kl Hew eaa k. be atkrrta. Ail I aacati to aay la that r™" ac«d aa aaora •x|daia jmnriL 1 metm to ha alwaya and It al*ay« abvini whet A toot IA I.4* Xaar ta1! My that," Mr. lake Taa flharp a 8aa aad amila. at* wtaewMiri to be tba Moat Ma* aaaatocr of the Cooaty Brack. Bat atiM, tha* ladb a tola* aa gotat taa arBh awWM. Tea may apt per a It y«t: bat wh«a yua cap* to My a«e. yaa will awa (t* "Traly. Bat who can be toe aoepl aath thinc« ar* dana aa thaae? IMm Bliarp. that 1 wooM giw av head off My ahoaMeia, taMtaat, to laa* this wry who ha* da«* thhi taiay. Tkia Inferaal—oauataral wraac, to aay darthw—to My darling." "Mr. Own*ate. hoar eaa we tefl that M»y mat haa haea d«ae to harr "So wroag to take her life! No wrooc to cat at hw lar^y hair, ah, daa't thiak that aaat ha ^hfaawd, that ar« to eawrtr, aRatf tka whlaaa aa a® aw^aai Ini to BlwhV. Mr. aaatM aay aa aaa**: aad tha Jary fatethait la aanr aaaat aaMa, ar, fall mm, K* Shatv, lata to* IffftjBffflL af •"l*!a«t-wtoa (^•rattaaa." aatoriar, aad MaM to apawaaB tabat wmi, totogtr »t T«b to.. aad MtWy yvaMalff Tb* aad to aead to her father! Ka wroag to ieaw aa wa are. with aatoh« now to eaw far! Taa apoka like a acaaibie aun jaM now ta excitable^ "Well, how can I think otherwiae? •t 4a mm toe Jaatk* to raaMMber that 1 ia aat fee aaa aMaaaat mmm* what arybady takM tm ftaatad. It mmm too pahaUa, aad eaaaat for the prweat at haa* we aad flaate af to* pwr haw the yoMig lady. Bat It Mart he home ia ariad that, aa tV ether haad, thahady—* "Tha tkiag eaald be aettlad ia two I haw aa patieaca with appears aad aukiag doe allow I im aat vexed wtth you. Tea af oaarae, the totarler ganaeato. the aether etothiag, aad ao oo. There la a*t a daa aBerdad there. We hate faaad oa anything- The featorae aad fona. aa 1 aeed aat toll *1 eaaaat hear to hear of that. Haa aay old aarmat af th* featfly haa the fBTpitf dactar- All thm* laaaaawa were takM ef We had the two atdeat aarraata. Bat tlM mm wa* dttrried ont of her wit*, ead to* ether tkree^aartan trtmm. Aad yaa kaow what a fellow old Spliatan la, the craaOaat of the craaty. He took it la kitter dadgaoa that Sir Anthony bad kaaa aeot far to aaa th* poor old ftjulre. ail b* aroald aay aw, Tea. yea, yaa. Toa had bettto aead for Sir Aa tboay. Parka pa he coold briag oh. of he eoald briag—My peer little pat to Nfe again.* Tbea we tried nmm. Mr*. Feraaltaga. aae of the teat wba bad mm her liriag. Bat Meee you. aqr dear air, a taaM af heraM weald aot haw taiCMd bar lata the raeoa. a cried, aad ahrieked, aad faiated away, 'Batbareoa cwatawar aatd aaM, *yoa vffl bare to bold aaM her iaqaaat, if yoo ae aaaaaaiy. I coaM aot ewa aea aay 4«ar baabaad.* aad tbeo atie fell iato kyatoriM. Now, air. haw we anythiag wit to Mlaawtoc to do? Shall wa aead a litter or a far toe Stake htaaaeUr «Th aw lacllaed to be MivaaBe. Bat rmt Imw takaa gaaat datl upoa your iPttf, T*a aeeaa to haw eidared erery jog, Mr. Lake Skarp *wywh«*r "WIB yoa teB aae wbo ate* there wa* to d* B? It low aot bees a aat taek. aad eertataly aat a predubte ebaH reap to* aeaai reward—io ha oBed a hoaybody by ewry mm. Bat that la a trMe. Now. if toew |a anythiag yaa eha eaggiat. Mr. Orerahato, it ahali bedeaeataato. Taha tfcae ta tldak. faal a Itttla tftrad aad hi need ef n Tkew haa bwa a* Mack to thiak of. Toa akeaM haw mmm to kaip a* aooaer. Bat. t, yaa faK a aaet af dalleaey a boat B. Th* worthy Jaryaaeala feat at laat haw eaaaad to nttfe ia to* paaaage. My Imtm will aot b* hew jaat yet. Toa w» aot tola* aM rafte, if I aaateh Bttl* aaat. while yoa coaafdrr. Far ... 1 haw h*d a* afcwp. Haw year good pmriaiaa. air? Hew ia the key af that reel*. MeaawkOa.* Baaael OwnBato Mirpriard to aee Mr. Shaft draw forth a hug* a» head kerchief aad apiead eawfaBr *w* the rwwa ef M* loag. deep head, aad araaad bB teMpiM dowa to the Aae gray eye hrowa. Thra ilftiag gaitrwd heela apea the Sat wide bar af tke km faadM, to baa tka* a Mlaat* Mr. fcek* Skarp wa* aalaap kef ad aB Mauadhrtlaa H* 4rpt the aluep af toe Jai If Mr. Sharp had atrirea haad to pa» Bam a poweefal aCaet, yaaag Oreeahata aaight ka«a aaaaaOai Mm hat tola eaiaa, gnad aleep aad Mar* aaawa af reel tali Mm apaa far all tka warif I* hurpar Hew af Mm. X* had mmm caaM •Ihv Ok* that. Ka oeald ka a* wide to aatare'* ar. Oaiy a Mae Mai- «aab awaatly tow waiga, IMeM. Tke aaft teat af well earned rapaw apeke aaaM ia calM aUaac*. Hanwaeafaad bUB MMytBlUttlk yi^V|^'-.T ., .V- mm M*to kv'.t*i W Mto mb t» ba MM bt ha iMmtm t*mt, ik*t thaw at* Imm Btotoa if *to«w toaa kf wrtw «b*Mk, aad W Htki «pa»a rt^vaaV trk hahaa, to* *al wtaywta, a*i Ba4» k^A *Jk MIMM W( WB "tof toy. Me batod MaiMtoM ta PMdaadt aay bady, aadMt ww |«M{ at Ma «k««M b*. la thla eandfctMt at aMad ka IMlitii *kB» toe hoaaax Bwyar «d*pk Aal be «eaM aat totok at aaytklac aa«. ImM MtoMtaaiad awk, la tha fra aaato at tktoga. s' CttAFT&B X. WMt lt laat tha «Nat ba«k* a^. raaaa bacaa to ««a to* aad again, aad awry aatth araa ahaaWI glad aa* that mm bar face aaea awara aad fttrtat ROM, aad ixtUardi*, aad baahM to* eaMawa hadgaww. atralghtoaad their aabwdatMd badn, aad atoad far to loak at toaM a beaatlful yauag MaMaa «aa»e aa far a* ahe eaaM eeate. aad atohad aa it toe heaaty af the laad awakiag an* a trial to ker. Thim pmty laay, ia the raaag awaa bad aad atewdor aacked c^aUce of iaao eoaca, wa* ladea with dew* of wis*, ta Xatato. ia bar ovter daattaga with the bmw material world, defet* on- tit aatnmaat aight, aad raaaet hour* art waktog. Bcsatwly ta fall Moon af yeath, bat ripe for Wtwh or dwaniaeaa, toWn hope awaad h«r. a I to b# toe felt th* power at early epttag, aad a priaooer alaraya, *w* a priaoacrF* ake Mid. a* ahe toach ed a willow eatkia. toe «arUest of all, tka aiiwr oaa. 8be atroked tbe delicate tcilkta tMd, doubtful of Ita prodenea yet aad she looked for ieawa, bat uont theaa were, aad Dothiug to hold com At faehl* awa Metud well content W kaw a gtoapw af the earth again, Aad tpread kit glaace* ditodeatly, a* if be cxpected ahadow. Xewrtheiaaa. there he wa* at hut aad toa. world Mm traderiy. received "It haa beaa aaeh a Ion*, long time. It Mtme to grew kmy^r, aa The girl drew back, for a fine yooag in a grand mew wlwt ahootiag coat, wcarina alao a ioag ahawl watet coat aad rood buckskin breeches, which IroeabiBed with calfskin gaitera) set ofi his lejcs to the uttermoet—in all aktnremae apparel, thia aad awiagiag a gun riebt gallantly, there be waa, and Be mistake! He wa* quietly trying throagii the eowtt, without aay beatera, but with brace of clever apeniela, for woodcock. «nlpe. oi- rabbit perhapa, the aeaaMi few gaaae being owr. A tall, well made, and ratter nice yooag man (so far aa a bash ful cirl aaight gnaa*} he seemed at this third view of him and of course it would be aa exceedingly rude aad pointed thing to run away. Needless, alao. and indeed absurd: because ahe waa awe that when they met he waa frightened much nore than ahe waa. It araa nothing leaa than a duty now to find out whether he had recovered hiraaelf. If he had done ao. it would be aa well to frighten him erea more thia tine. And if he had aot. It would only be fair to aee what could be done for hint. One of Ma dog#—a "cocking apaaael," aa toe great Mr. Looker warranted—a goad youag bitch, with liver-colored spots aad drop ear* torn by bramble*, aad eyea fall of brownish yellow light, ran up to the girl confidentially aad waned a brief tail, and sniffed a little, aad with aouad discretion gaaed. Each black nos tril wa* like a mark of panting interro gation. and one ear waa tucked u? Uke a small tunnel, and toe eye that belonged to it Miaked with acumen. (To be continued.) TATTOOING NOT UNCOMMON Faahlaaaable Baattab People Haw the la the annual report of the director general of tbe medical department of the Britlab navy appear* a paper by Staff Surgeon Finch, of the Theala, ia which reference ta made to the caa* of a atoker wbo waa tattooed at Wel Ualwei aad wbo aubaequentiy Buttered from a raab over Ma body. •Tattooing," aaya tbe report "ia now not uncommon la many widely aepa rated daaaee of aoclety and it would repay any one deairing thia form of decoration to see that the aeedlea need are ateriiiaed." laqoiriea made ahow that the i port aa to the popularity of tattooing to quite correct. Alfred Smith, who baa tattooed over 15.000 peraoae—among them over 1,000 uMdicai mea—Mid that with antiaeptic treatment then waa ao fear of aay dlaeaae being apwad and ali hie aeedlea were »ter Uixed. He preparw every arm ia th* Mm* way aa a nura* would before aa operation. Asked aa to whether faab innable people liked to be tattooed. Mr. Builtk mM that a great many of hia ctienta were aoclety folk—"from dakea dowaward." Tbe average time for an operation la mm aad a half how* and aometimea, when aa elaborate picture la being made, a man will call twice a week for all month*. Womea and chlldron aw alio tattooed. Some women. It aeema, like to barn a little iaacriptioa on tbe third finger of the left band, whet* It la covered by the wedding ring. Thelnatdeof the apper arm aad tbe ankle an alao farorite placea for pletarca. Men and women often com* to have initiate tattooed oa their am* and aomctlmea. after a reapectabl* tiote, tb*y want tbe Initials altered. Oae yooag tody catu»—at dlff aa tunea—with eievaa different nan. At meb vMt aba aignad bar aaM* aad tba aigaatar* waa tattooed oa her com IMaton'a araa. Tbe yooag woman to married now, Nit her bwtoaad I not Ma wlf**a naldm mtoe on Ma am, a Ml* af tba atov*B yawag na*n wB ana mum a* adorned atx bar* baaa taw* ta Mr. SMltb to hiiv* lb* ahlltoraled,' -flow fgv to a Sabbath «afi JM* •jr. papJ" -It laiwB wh*tb*r II I* being Mrito by a tibaaffaar ar a af, ar ao*."—I*ah*w iiQcm^uo mm rBAMVtlWl* «rBlM* NkRBLVm •UBINIM Uf CITYv a tot & •aadwdaalPaUwand Araaad B*pa%» •baaMh Aewaiaaar Ball wry Wasaaa Bwaagbaai tba dty Blalaaa Bto* lai baaaaa Baaalt la mwm Baatoa. Mm» tea lacwfttly baaa puwiat Ibraagb *onka of |be worat lattor trau* tMea ta tta htatory. Not alnc* th* great rallraad attik* at IBM. whaa l»rwld*ut Olewland aeat Fadaml traopa to th* city to preeenra order, btv* auch aceae* of turbulaace and rioting baan ae*u aa thoae which now are dally tak ing plac* ta Chleago'a atreett. Shoot ing. atobbiag, Mndbagglng and a gen eral reign of lawleaaneM and diaordar hare marked the progtaM of tha teum ater*' atrlke, which now la affecting nearly every bual»e*» In the city. Sev eral peraona have died aa tha reault of Injuriea auatalned in atreet riota aa acorea haw been badir injured. The nou-union mea employed aa drivera by tha Employer*' Teaming Company, which ia fighting the teamsters on atrlke, form large proportion of the victim*. Many of the strikers, or their sympathisers, have also been injured. Innocent persona, too, have suffered, many of them having been mistaken for strike breakers. The non-union driver* are armed and freely use their revolver*. With city police and deputy sheriffs riding on wagons by union strike ssme the daya draw oat. and nobody coaaee to talk t« My place it ia to obey, of course— bat atM. bat «till—there be U again!" the side of non driven, the business of th* big merchant* was facilitated Tuesday to sack an extent that they declared the waa virtually broken. At the time there were no signs of weakening on the part af the strikers. Judge Kohlsaat decided that the la bor men named in the Federal injunc tion should be subpoenaed' and re quired to testify before Master In Chancery Sherman. Charlea Doid, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor, said that it had been agreed upon by the labor men that they should not testify, aa they had been adrlaed by their attorney* that they could not be compelled to do ao. President Doid and a committee went before State's Attorney Healy and asked him to call a special grand Jury to investigate the charge* of con spiracy which the labor men have made against members of the Employ era' Teaming Company in regard to Intimidating certain transfer compan ies who refused to lock out thqlr men. Mayor Dunne appointed a commis sion to arbitrate the differences be tween the contestants, but the employ era were not inclined to pay much at tention to the commission. In Its statement the commission asks for the co-operation of all good dtlsena to aid it In investigating the causes of tbe atrlke and tbe continued disturbed conditions" prevailing in the city. It ssys tbe first and supreme duty of the Mayor and the police is to •uppresa violence and punish all of fenders. Origin of the Trouble. Tbe trouble had a peculiar origin. Last November the garment workers demanded a renewal of the scale and a closed shop. caaes side th* a man aits be- driver with a rifle The battle, according to the temper of both aides, will be waged to a fin ish. Charle* Dold, president of the local Federation of Labor, aaya tbe straggle will be made tbe auprem* test between capital and labor in thla country and tbat he Is prepared to call out if necessary, every union man, woman and child in Chicago—or mooo to a». The terrorism prevailing has broken, to a large extent, the moral* of t.ezroes Imported to act aa drivers, and several hundred of th»m who reached Chicago refnaed to go to work Non-union men on the way to tbe city have beea attacked at wrioaa cities along tbe route, add af 215 who left St. Louie in one batch only reached Chicago. The other* deserted. Mean time basineM of aB kind* la deatoral- Th* report of the towrtigatiea «f tbe charge* tbat Prof. Hilprecht wa* guilty ef wMclaattfie eeadact will esoaerate the prsfsaaor aad aaMala his ceatoattea that b* to* iiecowaar of Tempi* Library at Jtippam. The npovt will eaaaar* HU yawabt far baiag to* mantle. A. 1 1 1 laa PaSeaik, who waa captored by toa MuadB Bahmli ta Morocco aai b*M far laaaNM, wa* a apaakar at to* Ka*r Teak Uheaar CM dhaa*r weaatly dadawi he aaaaliarai BatamU a pa trie* wh* 1* MiaavariM to Im4 Ma faltawaw PtIIFOL SCIlTICi tm M*BaaawatMaba to*B*Mti»Saad bfP Wm with kaah BaawrbaM* iaaaaaa »«f tta Beat- Cared by ve B*a*a» Mea wh* haw la do dlAonll aaii M«*ro*awork oa •totMUgayal any I wtvA day or Oifbl, mmS5*i& kaw aaythinf &• Matoar with to*lt haalth," aaM Mr, Donovan. Yoa eaa Imagine, iterator*, bow tottoh waa alarmed on* winter*a day ta IBM, whan waa aeiaed by a paia lual behind wf right hip thai* mad* li dlmcult for ma to walk noma, tl was ao bad by th* time I reached tb* bouM tbal was obliged to go straight to bad." I Did that rellaw yon T" No, tb* pain grew more Mtare and kepi extondiug downward aloug my lag. I aeat for a pbysiolau, aad be aoon de cided that I had eoiatiaa. In a few day* the who!* nerv* waa aff*oted, and tb* mowmaut brought oa terrible agony." Did your condition improw aadar th* doctor s treatment?" Quito the contrary. At th« end of two months I wasn't a bit better, aud afc times I feared that I would never be able to leave my bed." How did you get out again T" When I waa lying iu bed, uuable to now and wasting away in flesh, a friend viaited me aad told me about the won derful cures brought about by a grea* blood and nerve remedy, Dr. Williams' Pink Pill*. He strongly urged me to try them, and I luckily had aenM enough to take his advice." Did you mend quickly f" Yes, that waa the astonishing thing. I noticed a slight improvement before I bad quite finished the first box of tb* pills, I could get out of bed while I waa on the third box, and I wa* entirely cured by the time 1 bad taken fiw boxes.** Mr, Joseph A. Donovan ia living at Flalatow, New Hampshire, aud is line inspector for the Haverhill, Newton and Plaistow Electric Street Railway. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the remedy to oae when tbe blood ia thin,as in aumnidt or impure, as in rheumatism or when tbe nerves are weak, aa In neuralgia or lifeless, aa iu partial paralysis or when the body as a whole is Ul-uonrisbed, aa in general debility. They ar* sold by all druggist*. University Men la Politics. In the recent Italian elections no fewer than thlrty-nlae university were elected five crats, The proprietors refused to grant tbe latter and a strike waa or dered. It made poor progress and the garment workers appealed to the Fed eration of Labor for assistance. To save the Federation, the Teamsters' Union waa ordered to help, which they did, although they had contracts run ning three years. Their grievance was tbat they were being compelled to handle nou-union goods. The strike was particularly directed against th* firm of Montgomery Ward k. Co. Oth er firm* came to their relief and there waa formed the Employers' Teaming Conipany. incorporated in West Vir ginia, with 11.000.000 capital. Every prominent merchant is a member. The determined stand of the employers awed the strike leaders and the team sters decided to call tbe strike off. When they applied for their positions they were Informed tbat no man wbo had struck would be taken back. Then came the general strike of the team ster*. The wagons of the Employers' Teaming Company have for two weak* been driven by non-union men obtain ed from other citiea, most of whom ar* aegroe* in many •k mea to the parliament—name ly, eighteen ordinary and four extra ordinary professors and seventeen pri vatdocents or, according to another arrangement, twenty-two jurists, tea medical men, five from the philosoph ical faculties, and two representing po litical economy. The University of Naples heads the list, with fourteen representatives, followed by Rom* with eleven. Padua has two, Bologna two, Parma two, Ferrara one, Messina one, Modena two, Catania one, and Pa via one. Politically, these academic parliamentarians are distributed aa follows: Twenty-two are constitution alists, nine radlcala, social demo and three republicans. Judgment. V The Bee—You ought to be a ball play er. Tha Spider—Becauae why? The Bee—Becauae you are an expert at catching fiiea. The Spider—Yea but tba fowla would soon put ma out of business. "IT SAVED MY LIFE" HU1SE FOS I PUBIS MECICISE Brs. WllladM* Tell* Mow fib* Tried Lyfla E. Pi*Uuun'a VqptaM* C**M**ad last la Tim. i Mrs. T. A Willadaen, of Manning, Iowa, write* to Mrs. Pinkham: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— I can truly say that you haw saved my Ufa, and I cannot azprcaa you in worda. my gratitude to TCWilhdstn «Befow I wrote to you, telling you how I felt, I had doctored for over two years steady and spsat lota «f|noa«y on mjdicinee basldaa, but It all failed to beto roa, rioda had oeaaad aK| with fainting apalijhta'torhn. bachacbt benring-down toe pains, and I waa ao weak I eooldaardly heap around, ^alartraaarl 1 decided to writs you and try Lydia E. Piak kam** Vegetable Compound, aad 1 am ao thankful mat I did, for afUr following your luBiracttona, wMeh you aant aw free of ali ebarge, my monthly periods started 1 am raguftr and ia par/adt health. Had not baaa for yoa I would be in mr grave today. I sinmrely trust that thia letter aa*y bad awry Buffering woman ta to* eauatiy to write yoa forfelpfca I did." Wh*a women are troubled with lr-, wgular or painful menetruatioa. weak ae**, leuoorrhcaa. dlaplaeemeat or ul oeration of th* weak that bearing down feeling, inflammation of the ova-: riea, baokaob*. flatulence, general d*»/ Mlity, hadlgwtkm and nervoa* prostra Boa. tb«y sboaM retnembar ther* oa* triad aad tra* rwaady. Lydli Plakbam'* VagetableCoaapoaad at« HofltiWNr SMNtifllBB I# I3w 1 .aad i all i MtaLPtokbaM harito*aU MB t* arrlto bar for ad vie*. ta S My monthly f- nAarad much