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h&l s V sf i *V y- w, a, TOWN mmm 5" warn "if s.uiViViVi*! w.*r.*2 rnmmmmmmmmmmmmtmtm grarytotrtetaajr. Was tracer/or Aaeke. Bmli) MM! Iverybodf toaSd Wfemtf Uttda1f«laiaa*flb flp&ottf MAR is BO# the piiN iw fcrnfere. As* (b. Mlb «p|»r MB •MtlnM. 4Lt, JMMM «M b» Lake Aa This will be a record binilir forahayerop. If yoa are MI tsfaBf Amottr fkmr yoa oaght to be. tf V. J. Ptak qeotiag soil* Ls week's adv. W: ww prioeeia Kesdtbem Mrs. H. Thompson left TOM day morning lor Chicago, lor a visit wtthrelatlveB. The .Baptist ladies aidwill meet* igi^aae 80th, at Mrs. Chat. MfcFarland's. Born, to Mr. sod Mrs. P. M. .Tinker. a boy, Wednesday morn ing. The father survives the shock. Mrs. W. H. McDonald, of Grand Junction, Cok., is here visiting her -on, W. G., and family. Quite & number of the Wagner people were attending the fire men's tournament at Armour Thursday. Rev. John P. Williamson left Tuesday morning for Poplar, Montana, to attend a local con vention of the 'Presbyterian church. Victor Sweneoa and Misses *Ruby Grimes. Grace Wicks, Ora Swenson and Minnie Grimes came .down from Ward Academy Saturday morning for the sum mer vacation. jp Wm. McMahn. of Delmont, came over to Wagner with his family Tuesday to visit with relatives and friends. He says he has a claim over in Lyman county to which he will move in the fall. Last Thursday evening the house of Ed Lager,'just west of »«wn, was struck by»lightni*g during the storm. Part of the roof was knocked off and the chimney split to pieces no other .. Mrs. Alb«rt Boyoion and daughter of Mitchell came to Wagner last Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. John Schulte. They returned home Monday, ac companied by Mrs. Abraham Boynton. The $ Tbe doctor was called last £ri day evening to attend the seven i year-old soirof L, B. Barkley, who had fete right leg broken 1 from belngTun over by a wagon, i The fractured limb is now get ting along as well as could ba qpcpected. Reed & Reich have received their opening itock of furniture and have itplaced in the Burrell building where they will be pleased to have yon call and in spect their stock. They are call ing special attention to it in this week s issue. Better lode it up. Reports up-to-date indicate that the Wagner ball team, which is attending the tournament at Armour, has broken even on games so far. Thursday they tjriayed Ar&Our for the Irving IB. Welch, late of this County but now a resident of Jacksonville, Florida, was here lsst Saturday and Sunday visit ing with the different Pease families, to whom be is relet#. Be was also interested in the cattle sale In which Welch A Weldi had some offerings His sr" Ralph Welch, was also at Mr Welch said that JS very w«U satisfied with his new home in the south, but that he could not help coming back to old CharlM Mix county when he wanted to take a vaca tion. 1 n second time but the report of the game has not reached as np to the time of going to press. -, 'i 'Mr. Alex Mitchell, of PJerson, la., an uncle of lr. Frink, unex pectedly dropped off at Wagner for a visit, ana to look over the country with ft view of locating, fie is very weB pleased with our county Mid we hope he may con clude to locate with us. He left Tuesday morning tor Chamber lain. PHf A*d w WWP MP OflfMMMpS SAjWBfflW ¥m moot**, I mm Itfc, In ohiM/so were bora, tvwef Wweneet»i__ oe wtth her baafcaod la Sllft In ISW she wtt jMBteftetf Mi afrit* ed with the OffMalMMW charch at Wartflrilt, wC WBtCB MMnl siaoe been ai as she had •t the home one mile sooth of Wagner, conducted by Rev. J. 8, Schroder, who preached from the text: Thou shalt come te thy grave la a fall age, like as a shock of con warth la hie of ottr wife and mother aadsas ask our Hesvenljr fM^ier to Usee all our neighbors and friends who so kindly and gradonaiy as sisted as daring Ifee sickness ami at her bnriaL Join 0. SchultB, Mr, and Milk Abraham Boynton, August Schults, Mrs. A. Siaman, Mr. and Mrs- Albert Boynton. Word, by *phone from Frank Strohbehn, last evening, from Sioux City, says that Mrs. Stroh behn's condition is somewhat improved from tiie day before, but that she is not yet ont of danger. It hi to be hoped that she will continue to improve and soon be able to leave the hospital for home. .. •. I*.« .1 I «v .%• »•.•» Lstta, Lime, Brick, BtAdief Psper V' v' W. o. MCOONAL^^ 4 .i :•.»«• WM/ mm OIlMtBukntki Inwntloi Wrtti !u«n»M ii to WsiS -i JfUff UicfWt fiMiiTlaf Ttw iattw ui CiHWiiitoti ef* uai/ ilfe W3K delivered W CL R. Floete drove Armour last Sunday and retnraed hotae with Irviaf Welch in the afternoon. H. G. Barkl, J. V. Janda, Walt Rmaeton, and eaversl othy nerttes went to Armour to root for the Gate team. Miss BElandbe Wilson, who haa been socket, returned to Tuesday evening to spend the summer vacation. •MINII I teckacbe Just to Let You Know that We are on Deck And nadr to* business With an •lsgant Mock of HIGH GRADE FORHITOMLwl Bon coming. Tbe best stock of Furniture in tbe County. We handle Lowe Brothers' "High Standard" Paint Spreads tertbe*. ooTers better, looks Handsome*, weauw longer than any other paint. Try iV You should oome In and see cu» fine line of Wall Paper When you need some, remember we handle It,' and oan please you We are here to stay, and therefore our interests are to give you the best values for your money. We *111 use our utmost endeavors to please, and ell we ask is that you give us a Mai order. Read & Rsieli Firaitin Coapnif Funeral Directors and Embalmers WatHTi Floete Lumber Co. Carries a full line of l» LUMBER £1* Call before buying elsewhere and be convinced that ours is the cheapest yard in town, .? N 1 me f-* WAGNER, 8. D. ,e ft•' 00 90 *e «*".»»•*»•• •'J* Jos. Jsnda, Pres. W Jos. The First State Bank. INCORPORATED •-j- Csapaatoi, A General Banking Business Transacted, Buy and seU exchange oa the princins cities of tills and foreign countries. Will loan money, pay taxes and sell real estate for non-residents MI favorable terms Wagner, 3. D. I am prepared to do alt kinds of PaifltM, Pwr Hinging ai Doflrilat i at short notice If you want a first-claw job of either, drop a portal and I will call and M« you* Agent for the finest line of WALL PAPER VINCENT BROTHERS, Or. J.J Seam* at the Itirwsfcla BlpHi i. 5 n «e 1-3* V in Cesl. •.*» i «.n XapptfLVloe SrM. F.srstrohbehn, Cashier Psinters. 3, MWm mm •d IVHHiTf §A fwWBwmfr ClrtOMp^ OOCMM S dwtiat aad haa Wm. SoathweO el visiters in Wheeler night. The latter for in a parte anny nan ap to about 1806,... .Irvtag H. Welsh, who ie up from Florida atteadtag to aoaia basinses tateream her%, shipped tea full blood Darfceaaa to Wagner this week. Tfeey are aae •nimala aad we very aae animals aad we have been inA»r«ed that they will he offered far eaie at Wa«Mr 8atarda^, the ITlh.—Whaelar Ooarier. town oear night Thareda/. He retafaed home ta Wagner Fri Welch had day time. Rvery- reglatmred. Tbe yearlinga wtt average 860 poouda each, and there to very little dif ference in their rise. If thoae we saw Monday are a flair sample Mr. Welch certainly haa some fine stock op on his ranch. Platte Epitome. Dr. J. Doaovan has located in Wagner. The doctor was some weeka la Oeddes and so our people are pretty well ae uaistea with the yoang aiaa. te shoald receive a cordial wet oome at Wagner. Mathew Uawley, a young man from Wag ner, waa brot oefore the board of tnaaalty here Friday aad ad judged inaaaa and will be taken to Yankton aad placed In the asylum. He aeemed to he mildly insane and not at all yicious.— Charles Mix News. Mr. Adam Grimes of Wagner op to Platte Taeeday night and waa the guest of Mrs. D. G. Hsrron... .Lawrence Utley came up from Wagner Monday oight, where he is in charge of a cloth ing atore for V. J. Ptak, and will have charge of Utley Bros', store here while his brother Arthur fills his position at Wsgner.— Platte Enterprise. Mr. aad Mrs. John Thompson, who reside hi Wagner, sod Miss Emily Meade, formerly superin tendent of schools of Chark» Mix county, drove Into this city last Tuesday aad remaiaed over night, tbe gaeets of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cole.—Herrick Press. 'sOey The Children's Day Exercises which were held at the Cong re ohareh by the M. E. School last Sunday even- iog were all that oould be expect ed from children anywhere. The little foQta all took their parts well, showing ttw results of the oareful training they had reeef* ed, aad the work of the older memheara of the eehoolwae all thatoould bedeaired. We wish that tUrn aad space allowed a carefal review of tbe eatira j»o gram, aa we think there were nambers that aierit hearty After the exer- cisee were completed s collection to go Into theedaca tloaal faad of ttie church, aad a ake sum of aoaajr waa raiaed. -is ROVAART e.w. waaaejNk wm,rn.9mm. wm,rn.9mm. ySa ySa MmhIMIM MmhIMIM Shorthorn balls 8naka ahipped to WagMr to be sold at the sale there toascrrow. One of four jeere old, oae two and the othera ysarlinga. Ti»ey were a* preihr a have seso in a loog one of flm la reel FANCY COTJLAU, T00B8 MJMMUWmliT eMrfiv ^r*spaiw«a 1 Hi GNKKMt ST1BI e.w. waaaejNk 1 :V 5| 1 V 5| 1 V 5| 1 V 5| Wigur, S. D, Wigur, S. D, Wigur, S. D, Wigur, S. D, Louise Wepking's MILLINERY PARLORS Bate Me to order, feme the kwrssrt toOwhlgheat prloe, by an expert trimaMr, Maw ALMA MBVOBLSB. lata of St PtaL We invite the ladlea to call, ia* apectoar irtock, iaveetigateoar prioaa, aad beooaui ooaviaoed that wa have aa UP-TO-DATE MQilnery Store Hinzman Wagner teeJ08BPH(8M.oo U •n- mm ii •4 SEr .ir r-5" v Mm 5 V iV a j.i fV? Vv- I •ie* i d' vf-r 1J -'4 i 4$ !r &> A *. *2 '4 I il _£ V" *1 V 4 $ 'T Jb a S 1 1 -4-! A i V- i a v -•4'^ 2' la 3( .M vt V a JTS'* ri i 7* ti* 4 'ff ser -%—3 -X J!".- *.« v i i" U. 1 sj*: $ —'"T ?ji