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'.V.3' Wm m-m mm*- &r» i vB-iSr ••flL MB •SStSJ&ffSi' z \i THE TOWN IK v% rj •. «. JjMttd,«ead. Inqs Fbr*OOd •Bill 7.» tfyoaareaot ftouryoaoagfattob*. K Attorney Cbalor of Lain An 4tt* vaa in town Monday. ASK IMP *Ar«©or Whit# float the** is aoue better. If jSm 8tedr6n*ky Brother# for Hoosit* 000-how driM* t-18 JofcnSeiiol of Geddeft in town jtbe latter pert of last week. thojeweier, aetle *H UHG4M* l&m*o Monty trip Jail .- .,a.V.4if# :V. W O, Harbeo ttt a pa#seti|rer 4? $%#.., ftfjrtfi ji tl lati %iii Jjwi»gr«n**t»«»t! ft a W IMI tJiJvttgll W*f« wiww*!^ F, D. N* I atarted »«roii»#r, *iu* i: aamrrior to her* rf&itmg with B»d frtonda. MllvlWc IIIlL lggt toil* corn orop. €1 Smith, who baa bean felt tfeopast week, 1* tan* v %a«Mb«Mi pN*Mf &wph fKayjfer*ia»«t Ml Mltetl totMa ptet* pfc.-W high freetnalL Unnirii ai feetan la Bagttsh or HM Ottr of JeeMt"foSw OalbaK« ms«* km ttkntMlk* t»gt«nk'.lrt«Dd» bM. 4K3C^TO£ra3XIV0 W* v» Jk INH^ W^BMP Ifcat a NOMUyr mm%mfPpiRs MWPi wppaplllMfe JPVPjyW IM^Jr» fnritob 4MlMNiNL: J^S#: pilk,vppr vMRMM- •Bw- ./pBa*. -'^WerSM^IWs «Ma «pm keA^M* |dp AH yrita Strohbefan, PbknoM i0hi*lii i8ir #6wHr inraa jba rosr Mta «A Ifcr-1 1 ." Sood^y Aaftasfe )(^«I8o'dock. frou August TObsr* IMl MOO dbjr. Be hrooght as in saufde of ftno ftu whlcfe bo raised on his pba» oul of i»«* »»d in formed tfm be had aboot oo« hnodred acre# sown yiay«wr. fitrtyed %wm mf plae© at Greenwood about the first of April, b«y ftjiotiod pony, iron gray m»r«ooit, ly«ftr old, and a bold ftuttA bay horML Finder te«vt *o*4 at poal office «r notify m« at Oreenwwd. D. Simmtms, A nomber of the friends of L. B. Oorey and wife tendered tbexn s littl© aurpriw kat Satcrday evofiiny, honor of ttioir mar ria«e. »l«® ppftpfttilft w®fe. them, one a rocktos: chair vrarwwited Stocarfjr^OllMo, Uio otiM» beitMf aoifta very usefal arti^a»«ofiet MfW&mmtj t» «very ow|A^ onairere givoo, ita4 the party dteperaed with tkm oilers for the bride and groom*: fVftok Stedroaaky and Ml#* ^sS.' |4Rwwi wero paaeagew to Y«ak* Monday naoroing, at which wd iwitj-iaumy the ne*t day The news of «ti« w« quite a enough to rawing w«loo»a wheals arrived ta Wagaer with M* brida Wodoeaday aveatef. The groom l» tha'Janior member oi Stadronalgr Sroa. Co., to charge of their braach hoaaa tA, forttJM |o be aqoatetdd with «»e brida, bat bar frienda and if wclfttaaftaa Miy li ft vary aatlitftbia fmsm Here's laelcte ttia ttawly aarried, W*r'.-^WP', Tp Ins tfc» akotoA v |T^WPwWPil|. apptfj^ PraaMteBt and Ifiroa- ataai W 4? t\oi»ftii' I* t. Staohkaim, fi«e F. ft, ftMibaiiB, f%raaft «»w Stim StaAroaaky, Ui Mad 1LA. %teaaMa«is wi^an Wm WkiOfti 'IMW .A%NA4 TIFEWCOOAT^ITLO®. With the aroapilMi the wwhara thu inttintifm fbea win bell. ttilSu ^9n tba tiihrd' Tuaad^r of aach month. tfc aa UM ftarital tlte feet la watt knows to droitglstaeverywhere, ««t of give OHIO WBVO. -jHwpaMd6oft aMkttrt k«M i». lfr«l^ba Wltmer, a promiaeai druggist of Mo., Ift ft oaatom^Nmi, aaya: tog «w the market ia the way of tela# whkih oqaala *a Ooik, rhmlaia mil ^M-rhoaa Bossody for kew*ri eomplftiBta. Waa«Uaad noon aiaod thia praparattge.** fbr aftla by V^gawr drag 0». 9«oaa oan ofTT TAaucTs 1 -J-'-'. «^-v" 4oiukn£sC' i^e%J! W"^ X/v Drive in Under the Door ^HPP^ vit«(4 u»» nweeBTBeilei*. Dtiw Automatic Tfe© •nr- Strip Wttll Keep It Out It will k«p oat dast We ha*a mm^ak u* am Mmbl Prices on all of our goods are as low as can be. Come and see us when hardware PH. 1. J. IWNOVAiir »S8IDIB2rr DKKTI8T* ©ttioa over poat-offlew WAGJCKH, -8. DAKOTA. R. H. TOWH0MSY, X.». C.X. fi^aSHSSS^ &hm at Hotel Vera. IS Office amy axul night. WAONEE, SOUTH DAKOTA DB. RAYMOND FBIKK, PHYSICIAN AND 8UBOBOJI Ottto* i& roema ovav new Poatotiloa. Phona No. 13 WAONCH, ft. DAKOTA. .S!"k J17»DAS, CESICSNX m:NTtsT, Ml wNMte an*** "rmmi. Otttoe o*« ri»t Jfatw, Baak. waoitkb. S. *rassa=5^ U. O. JAJMLJfiS FTOBM1Y A* 3LAW^ osa door aortib ci Worn (Mtoa kfaa« BftOdiag. /. W, LINDSAY mmammmmmmmmmmmmmi D. Loag that UvMttMM. Wan. PMNtCwUM1. yor young uti oM beat pl»«oM taDr. 0*4e'«UW»UTOPllll. NerM*rtpe,iwrej tall to tteutm toe «T«MB**toe* «W Uwr. «WI bjr W««»»r 0tu* Oa JJ» Wagaar Hlv« No.», t.. O. T. M. H*Utfae jJJrs OBDDBS, 0* DjABI* 8ABLI BB08.f 9MAL anrAvm a&AV' AKI oouBonon 1 3% waovm^i msssmmm C. Sclrelta- Jewelery and Watches .. fcfe *w* 'f,t A ,. '-in ,Iv- rt W -. f'l" jf »*. i^iV _rrJ.V* CAr V -fn ill?**, kit 'jS Monday evening the S^wilfh Le^oe of Wagner gave a reoep tion to the teaehera and othera who are attending the institute which Is fan eewrion bare. About two hundred people were in at Umdanoe. Tba reception was antin^r inft»rmal, little booklets being provided thoae present, In whksh waa printed the vary sug gestive title: "My name to-— What'a yours?" and they created considerable fan, and everybody was thereby introdnoed to every body else^ Only vary abort progrsa was ^vea, two or three tcitatiooa, a qtaartatta, two in MuBemtaia, etc. By reqaea% Mtoc Braa of Mitdtollaang a fine •olo which waa very moch ap pelated, aad tor which the hmttty thanks of the entire audience* tba membera of the League eepedaUy. Some light refreahmenta were aerved, and aboot IOJO Imt Hie l»alth and happiness of Nottca draymen, teamsters and To Yon are'lmreby i^ltod nt^ to poait any manure or garbage at any place within a diataaoe of one-lMlf mlie from Ifaa corpora tion limits of the Town of Wag Mr, exoept in owes whera man* ore is healed sad apread on land for fertUMng* pftrpoaea. A vto lation of thia order wiU be pn By ord«r of the Board at Health of Chariee Mix Ooaaty, *'.: 8-184 i, v Hake-Wheat Gurafodt qf Geneml Hankoart, Paint*, Oils, Gum, Sporting GMK&, sk_ Optical Department Mondamin Comer w IMNMI yo*t ylaUi SO par oeot by towion wiatar wh«a in tha oor«fi«M with a Hoosier Horn Drill ire ara agttiWtla Hb6akf. W«%v«lfio poatod ours^vea on the subject of ralalug winter wheat. It has paid others it will pay you, Information free. Harness, Windmills, Pumps and fVcjl Supplies k as large as tem Qualty as good as ever. Prices as low as ever. Stedronsky Brothers Com Will H. Beck Company The Sioux City Jewelers VISITORS TO THE INTERSTATE FAIR an cordially bioticd to vkit our ikm, whkh k \l *taaeU*» tf fa dly. and htn yew wiU find the Largest Stock, of Jewelry in the Northwest Consisting of atches, Diamonds, Rings, SActnOare, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Etc. £MI article charge. {f yon need spectacles we will sell them to you at a reasonable price. f«r fimfc itett Ymm Imm't Ltmhnt fmuha nuj,-.' -*1*1 i»j"s j'' '-',***• :k BI Absolutely puenmfced, and you will Jmd our siore the Horn 9$ Lots Prices™ EE'S LAXATIVE HONEY*!TAR The Origins! Laxative Coofh Syrup and die Geauine Honey sad Ttr. An im provement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to die taste and food alike for vounf and old. Prepared by Pineule Medk'ne Co.. Chicago, U S. A. SOLD BY THE WAGNER DRUG COMPANY. A GOOD WIFE Qiven Away Free and Sufries That weiare selling at greatly reduced prlCGS. Our Sulky and Walking Plows Are going to be sold the same way. Yonr eyas may be examined by our Graduated Optician without See our new Sioux City Souvenir Spoons Will H. Beck Company Apprttoiates nice furniture, pretty and artistic wall paper, fine carpets, ourtaina, etc. in fact, she laighly appreciates a nicely torniahed bouse ttxroufflxout, but not with too fcttm that is For sellina f«w ons of baking powder or a fow bare of soap. Op*furniture wears welLalways looks nioe and is not hiah pitood. Our line of Wall Paper is oomplete enouah and nioe enough to satisfy anybody. We are agents for LOWE BROS. HXQH STANDARD PAINTO, the beat oat the market. With Every Job of Repairing We fll-v® our guarantee for the beet work at the lowest prioe, and our cabinet shop is fitted to do all of repairing in short order. Bring us your broken and battered furniture it you want it fixed right. Read & Raich Fmitnl Company Fnneral Directors and Embalmers am prepared to do all kinds of PiifltiBg, ftpf HMgHig ntf tocaratHig & at short notice WMiiriiMiiiiii MI i„ If you want a first-class job of either, drop me a postal and I will call and see you.V Agent for the finest line of WAIAJ VINCENT BROTHERS, Painters. Charles Mix New Era PER YEAR one Stoax City, loua Wataar, Seath Dakota PAPER II V I qflhe :f Si!