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Aa iatarestlag aatMatat lor lb* iaat»c»at bystaaiar^-wbea tha Utoaplk* WtjMttf MaacharU.—Chicago1 *ROMI8 NQ OUTLOOK FOR CROPS Xepairto Cora aad VkMt ia Ha* Coaditioa. Tto weakly bulletin of tki watte bureau aammarteat crop follows: To*as tad Mhtnai npKtatid rmj warm weather, while ft «u too cm! orer the northern portion of tU lake region ft* California «om( Munrln *be temperature coaditiona ware gener ally favorable. Too mock rain proved 4etrimeBta) hi portion* of Mabraaka. Kanaaa tad Missouri, sad alao ia Flor ida and portions of Mississippi. bat in northern Alabama, Georgia and the Car «iiaaa, aad aoaaiderable part of the middle Atlantic fltatoa, Ohio Tail*/ «ad Tmumwm rain ia muck aaadad, tka offocu of droaflit WeoB^nf Mrtooa ovar th% croatar part Georgia. Bala it «!a» naadod oa tko nortk Padftc aoaat Or«t tha eaatral aad waatara poetioaa «f tta eora boh aad tka graator part of -the afaidla Atlaotle Stataa em eoHkw to axccllaot eondiUon, and, whOo aeodiac rain ta tha Ob So TaOey, tk« coaditioa of «ha crop ia that dUtrict ia gesarally l^romlaiac. Thraahia* of winter wbaat is iargaly cotspleted ia tha priadpai wboat BUtaa. This work baa, however, boon interrupt «d by ralaa ia Xaoaaa, aad eompUlnta of lajary from moiatare coatiaaa from por toaa of Tanaaaaoa aad tha middle At lantic Bute*. Flowing for fail aeading ia ia progreea ia tha aoathera porti«H of the caotral raDeya. While Mat ia apriag wheat ia aaeaa or Ma proralent ia tha Dakotaa aad to a -•light axtant ia Nebraaka, Iowa aad Min nesota, tha *«port« geoeraQy iadieate that «rop has aot snatalaed aarlooa injury. Harreat is anarly Snlahed la Iowa, aad 3s la prograaa ia Nebraaka aad tha south ern portioas of BobUi Dakota aad Min «aaota, bat hae not yet began ia North Oahata, where tha crop la gaoeraJly ia axcelleot ooaditloii, with long heads -which ara filling welL la Oregon har -vaatiag ia Ktive, with yields below ex «attatioaa to Washington spring wheat ia ripaalag rapidly aad is beyond farther iajary from hot winda. Nearly all rapwta indieate that a good atop of oats has ham aaeared. Harrost- cmp EsraiAiis rot ims 8TATM. "~5»™ ttOS. laSSaaa Jflrhlgaa .... annaeeota ... «M0t,an 75,000,000 Kluotiii Mebraeka Morth Oakata Ohio South jbakoto .. a as.uBt*u Mtottoo ,* la now fiaiabed, axcapt to axtoma ^aaKthafly dlMrict^ whara it It waB ad ^'waacad. Gottoa Aawa aaat improrassaat to jg^Tsnaasses, waatara North Oarotiaa, ^jpoithara Alabaam, MiaaiasippI, Aritta aaa, Oktehoasa aad porttoaa of Loalaiaaa, bat elsewhere afar the cotton halt fta crop has deteriorated. Picking is geaeral to aoathera Taut aad to aoma eaatral af that Stat*, aad hat com- I orer tha toathara partieaa of the i •dottM 1* haa a rolcaao la acttoa diaa aad with a crater TO feet ia dteaw tor. which to dafly pvatec lugat. *hte Talrtaiib la ftt Oadda dlatcict, aear «uwreport. etartad wmrty ftra* moctiu from a bsvatec efl waffl. wMA waa toosght to a* a fafttt aad a*leh^toak •Sf* wlftto a law days «f (to apaaing lia annasr dtf ll ataaaaaea to ban Sma the iOtoah bate throagh which ft* ban tog *a aad cat t^c towaa^to Tba dacriA aad amehlaary Ma la ftt hato aad tha wort af BIO SPREAD OF PCVER. hlafaslagf Sc—«na la Imrts»aaa. At Now Orleaaa slxvy aaw earn «£, yellow ferer and foar aaw deaths war*, reported Wedaeeday, briagiag tha raapec- S tire totals ap to ACS aad 134. Tha iatgs aambor ot new caaaa aad sahfoel ia s«r prislag, hat ao tttsavt la Msg auda to! aoooant for it. Of the aaw aahfoci thiaa are aptowu, aad flta balance dawatowa. Two dead mea warn (oaad to a shanty to tha woods, aad it was oaad that tfcay had died af yailow ferar. They w«a Itallaaa, who IMS Aad from lack of M-, tentioa. Tha aMMt ahwalag feats** Is tho rapid spraad 1 ft* apldaaie oatside at latarfeAtoea With the passage tm»mn Wheat ba.). Imt* hata twal-, lowed ap by ft* «*ity. wMch eeamt ta «m bottomtem. GNM trasa growiag aaat 1* her* beea apwtod aad ttMppwrad. la tha saeaatbaa ftt toaatof aB aad fat tehaaeraf «fttot|tft»- le* aa aa atter aw ai*«a a tarttoaa at gflt Majeatya theater, Loadoa. ft* tthar d», totoih Srat haw aaariy aavaaty Tears ag«. Brfore taraiag arter he was «a»pisptd la ft* paMtohlat ©ailf VIIL. tha if tlNI IMifiS «f Bia aasat ptaWathto. Owaa Tadar, waa SMT-Si -99 "Wr- -Sub®!': j-v Maw' Orleans to districts aot praviaaair iafeet ad. Am hava boea twaaty-two aaw ffypy^) hi p^ldW teilff the laat tw*atyf««r hoars. Hto#eea at thaaa are ia tho towa at Patteraoa, aad ara aMattr ItaUaoa. Tha three «Oar eaaas reportod are ia 8t ChaHea pariah, aaaaf them being a aom la spita aI tha graat iacraaas of ft* seoarga both ia Maw Orlaaas aad la St oataide pariahea, tha Btoto board «i health IM decided to damaad that Oor. BlaadUttd call oat the mBMa to prata^ traral ttoongh the periebee Which ban impoaad draatie «aaraatia« agaiaat Maw Orlaaaa. Tba prsaaat chaotic eoadltloa thraataas aot oaly to rata ft* baainsas of tha city, bat is a aaastaat aaaaysnoa to tnTdin. prociamatloa haa baea Issued by ft* board ptohMtiaf aay towa. pariah at •Ulago from rof aaiag sdmiastoa to a paf soa from aoa-tataetod locality holdiag hMlth aartiicate aat saoee thaa twaatr-, foor hoata old ar to persoa from aa infected locality who haa spent elx days ia a deteatioa camp, aad haa boea dlt» charged with a marlaa hoapital cartii- ot wtmm- boata or trains ia focMddaa aalaai they rioUte legal qaaraat^a regalatlotta. Ma mil. freight ar e*prees matter shaB. aa dar the proctaamtioa, be rsfaaad frosa ia factad territorias, prorlded it la carried la can whteh hava beea tmaigatad hp fta aiartaa haepttal aarriea. AS psi'aaaa who disregard ftaaa raga- mm last yiats yioa 1IT.941 00* lations ar* waratd that they arnha them.dafaatod selves liable to answer ta fta eaaito. It to aaaoancad that aa aiara iBagal rattric tiona n traral or com—area will b* tol* ara tad. It to aadtrstoad that fta acriaa takaa by ftt haatd af health lm* fta fall sympathy af Oo». Bteachard aad that as a taaalt, at toaat ta latohat, thara wiU b* a asodllaatiea af fta ptta» aat eaaroas taaraatines. Qjtooi. /nsi Ftof. fBadsra. fta dtoearand la tha Blwal paatotalt fta- aa ateat temple af Seabtt si Khsdam. Prof. OavH fta dtottogalahad arar af raAma, haa baaa elarataf ta fta dlgaBp of jaamhsr af ft* icaftajr af Bcteacee af ffnutea. Dr. A. V. T. Bayastaf. prsaifiat ai Uaioa dhp at gchaaactady. It. 1, rafasad aa aiar af 9HOOO to baaoms fta paatar af fta fteat PiaahitailtB chart* af Psf*1* Bto aateiy as patridsM to PNf. N. A. Osbb at to to paah antoattic Cutotac to fta Ha vvtfm IA bitatt Ussl# Ba waa firmerty ta fta saiplaimiai ad fta tastrsllaa garsramsat la Maw Swath Waisa. Prof. Paary a Darto, msmlsr af fta yhilnspphy toeatty s« Tale, haa baaa ^aaaa aa piMdsaast af pMftiaaplMF **^f MMtri Utarstaaa to Wtaiibtfa oaBss^ Tbpaka, Wf«^ Praf. Albert ML Baeaa af fta Byxacaa* Bat ataa to Florida aadar ft* „itf. i, MRiCBWl «f«l atlcaa to w vtew af IftMMft fhNMMPftftlt ilt-401 X* Mf«f ^ladaaisi Mi tfm i»t*my wfft Cbleapl padicr* h*d tht aorpwratfaia prctos «t tenth. aad derated wwiHintli iltaBw to At Momm inlilift H* tat iartb tha Ualtad Stated ataad ytoltly tM The pwattoaa ma *ai twmlli lli f«r«saas*Bt «f ft* iMHiait tew Igr •ray terlca. tagal sad ffltsaf ttotaf to tha fcigb sate of hto lw declared tor Cedent of an compaatot tiigtgtd to eoaomcKw, nrtsi Um acttaaa af ft* oorpantfaM wwt drivta* A» to dnitic himm fs "I batttr*" taM. Mr. Itadtr. "towty aad dtatluctiy, tad homa miy watd—^I britaa all eorpevatiowi angattd la commarc* ahoald be aadatr tba Tttten of tb* aattond tmnmm*. ft amy be that w% ahaB ted tha M^r «fftc|taa way *f «xerdata« thl* *iskm is to reqaira aQ to lntaratala wwmiatca to t'daea proof that tbay ara aot pnOat to aay contract or to any mooopoly la latawrtato erada la vMathm *f ft* law." Mr. Boaatralt to fate addraaa to gfaat aaamnblad crowd waa appteoted wh« ha said **lt uaat b* aadar atood that uiat a* drcoautaacaa will tba Catted Stataa ata tha Ham «w Mm as i cloak tor tenttorta] agpaa* atea." aad awe* vleeeaa^r attt wba« h* aald of Aawrtraa carpontloaa to tat tototstoto Unlaeaa "What la Mtd* ad la aot at aiaeh ft* offact to vc«t emMmUom aa a rtgOaat tOtothr* coatral of tha ftrtotd ao aa toateomlaM aad tobla daaOas VMr part atika to ward ft* pftMlc VHtaraOy. toward their smaller tMpOton aad toward tba wage-wotfcani to tbatr rallowing at* aoma of ft* oltofaaeaa la ft* ftaWmn «««aeS: Tha lfoa»«:jte«ta*ae Is fta faadassaL tol feature of oar isra^a poBey aa ft* waatara haiaiaphara haaaaaa wa h«*a aot allowad it to haeaaw fnasfflasil. The Valted Sutaa will aot aaa tha Msarea doctriaa as a cloak far totritaaial Tha coaatry waalj aat pa to war to ptaraat a foralga a jaet debt. Baato DosOapi to bmi from tha dB par ©eat that w» orar to it thaa ft pat formariy whaa tt Ml the entire reraaae. If thb acvaap** ataat la tormteatad, ftto ptrsramiat amy be tavohrad hi aarioaa dMkaltiea with Oaa ot mate faataraa af oar at* flMMu^ ftofley dkavtl |i Ami affii ta aaeata aCsattva aaparriaory aad tapetototy fTtH orar a8 great *np# rattHks doiag aa laterrtata haste ssa. If aeh af fta lactate tiaa aim ad to pf* •aat corporate atfls haa baaa laaltiitlra bacaase aimiag to da tea aaaft. What la aaadad It aat aa tMih to ptt* •eat aaasbtoatleat aa to taatotl tha ha oat erery effort to Bach aoadact fta aMha. baBara a8 iatarstata af fta waatthy, aa- dafsat fta tea* cimstMO cowmimrioH. I Tha Oaaaaatleat Btoto Legiaistare which has fast adjoaraed hat placed apoa the atototo books aaa af fta auwt swsapiag political raferm bffia ta ft* history af aay hmsrtrsa coauaoawaalth. The aaw corrupt praaticaa aat. a* It to called, vffl have aa taimsaaa laSaaaaa aa fttara poBtieai paaMtteaa ta Ooaaaa tleat Hereafter any samsaafal aaad^ data far oftet who to fbaad gaOty af aa* rapt pracdeaa to to fsafsit hto aaat to Ua riraL Aay etttaea who l^* proof that M' atectloa haa baaa aaaacad by toad «aa take Ma tetonaattoa to a State's Atteraay. who to ftaa to aak a Sapartsr Caart ladg* tot a hisitot "If," aays ftt tow, "saeh Jadpa sh«S la af the aplatoa that tha later aat af paHIt jaattoa rawatoaa aaeh pneaadtogk" ha ta to aatlfir ft* chief laaoea af ftaSaprima Coast, who ahaB ftaa amaa a aaaaad Jadga to prmids with tha toat oa fta aaa* fta trial to ha wMmn* laty. ia aaaa fta daCstklaat oaadidato to 'fnrtd to ba g«Uty ha ftaB ftaa forfeit hia oftaa to hto defeated rirai, aad ba taaB^bla tot n§ aflca far tmm ymm afterward.1* Ik earn a State b^lslsflrs to ftaad oaly dtddt aa to tha faato af ftt tttai aad to ftta to pat ftt ttm hatosa fta hat pawar to dadato fta -fsh MUM ft UtlMMk} in toaad gaSty. each at a Valtod Statos geastor, fta atari to to aaad Ma dadteg to :ftt Oaaaraar. who to ftaa to ptoaa ll baflssa fta $mdlciary ad by ft* If ftt aimed aaanalMaa af Ota gresa. la thla way ftara aaa ho ao dia pats aa to the wftad of paatoUap efr ia asaa to to ftM a trial haa af to. asaviat, fta to to hmw fta posraa to aadrap aaat* af ftt trial, which wfli haw fta •fM af lamr Wi latfea haa towitsad SMM i Mr Ms yaaatoi fta tot af Liafaa PmMdb. has Jast: ISOOl Daaid Tarbat JbwatC aSilly fta aldaat lawyer to fta. P»»ad Stated tvOI H1HQA yish. ar iiltiat of aato Coatral taBttad, to aa tfpl -Ail tral waald aeaflaa* to WmV^W CSUOT ffe* III Meiaatl aaaal mwith tor Btoto caaresttona. both partlaa to Ohte atada lhato to iaaa. Tha praaaot Ohla IMaraar, to a. BepaMlcan. aad tha Oorarnors Bbode lailad aat Wya baloap to ftt atttoa party. fa tha atbar toar StMt*. Pametato hold tha chtof oStoa. Coauddarabla tototttl wffl attach to tla* coataat to Maaaa chatattSk ^ata ft* attempt to *lm ftttr aMtot Btott tlrtoi F^aat y*ar ft*. Demacrsts aa- •Ittaatith arwry atbaf Stota tad Hat l^riatwa ansa Ba- pafeiieaa. MWt yaar will It «d aiaali'i teuMrtoaca. aa tra*af* Mto- to ha *riht*aa to tawa^pdw* States aad a aaw aattaaal Baaaa af ll^|iraaatotlr*a ta to ta» stectad. Tha tha pallet** af ft* aattaaal thai aad afna whatever polltlcai to aa* atar at that laqaUy smon» iSrtih «f fta «f ft* Mtota ftt tM thai aaaitr *f fta IMM^BOS appraprt atad tqr Ototvatt la SUM torftatsltto tloa af ft* auitfl woafc haa hwn tpaat i It aooa ad at naeatttif tor ft* S*t» I frtary of ft* Traataty to State ths tatatat* af bti stenctiflflk chaaad ta Uamaaaa ^paaatttla* dtortag fta laat pm. Urn pare!aaat af tmt •hips aloaa catI fUMVOdS, Thato li sat sneb avprtot bam at ft* raparti fta* wack hat baaa atappad to ftt Caiatora ««t aad that AwUstont a» Stottr Daaefaar hat dnpartod fraaa ftt tathmns as ladtdatto tea*a Tha atrat aftr tor aaaHaqr watt aad mom tapM etotpiattta af taatttia tor ft* toh**« trt and ttsplsyat to tiff ftM *tat) bia ect. Mr. Daarhay an** a float friaad *f Cantar Chtaf Blwitnin Wal teat, Mai II I* dasaatd aat ftit ha atof aaw rattoa to auiha way for aoaw «a* dtMrtd by ft* bmt Atof ragtoaar, Mr. Storeaa. Baport fhat Wpl M9 9V0K QfWDil VftCWftftft (AW M* fotttwad by ftt JMNflTS ll*.0e«Maat* *f ft* teat year. TMe ywar cwnai a*» ta b* dcctad la aa!* atwaa aad Si two «t ttcn the? atoet ar ataaiar haa y«t aa^rad ta eoarlaaa tha paasto that tha floresw ahtald iMd aftc*. tor two ar. years taatsU *f aalf €hRN%. Masaasbw. ta twaoty-tww Statoa tha (hwiaw law-a. fowr-yaar tona. I» Kerada. Oncoa. Vlr^ata aad Wy» ttiag. fo«r-y«ar Stotot. MS to Ohkv a tw^iraar State. Oaaaiaasa mm alt* to IflB liWiflBr Mr af ft* aaaal ajaa ta dattostd ato •asa» uw new pogtt that Hi* aad af graft at Wa«fe It Ml ftt. Tbt pwliSci ft* pabtte laad fraada. fta to totfeal Samy, to* toaaa af VMatfk learaad fta Bwaaa Ifrrtf'j. ttaal cd aAHala appaar to bar* attd tofir mattoa tecwrad tbroagh thatr porittoa* tn ^araaaal tdvaataat httora dtUy**' ingtt to ft* fswnant. aad toaa tiapa. to ft* dlaadraatapa af ft* gt^ cnantat Whaa Maehaa aad tta gMg wara fpaaad It waa ftpavfet thai If aad gtoft *totod la oftar dtgtttmaato ef fta -g* I'tawaa ft* w«|«tog ttppBsd bp ftt panlahmsai of dm poatadka fttoaa* sraald St aaf Mtort to dttor wroagnlolad. Whaa ofBrlala af fta Matorttr Dapaitowat raltod SUtas Baaatow aad Caagraas matt aad Padarai tapraaaatotlvaa to tha Watt wara aaaght atoatoag paMto Iradt It inw agate feapad ftat iaa af ftsat raaaals arairtd atnMa othara taMttttd to faaealftr* hm IMNMI' MIMMNNI* AMP UM} aiaroraaeala at*, to watraat to tovwr af OArltf L. Staart af fnttoa, .-II.. HU to fta *a*» af I crat Ttoa It Staartt pay tor aauny tom fta aatfta tor toar yaara. batwsaa Ja|y-1, jggf, aad Sm» SB, BMS. fnm Patodtti to a niiraad atoftea ttraa and Cw* qaarter* asltea away. Ba trartia thla dtotoaet af iftoaa aad a half tafiaa atx ftaaa a waafc. fff pay It.#, itaitor tf a otat a two ar aaa thrta baodrad aad twalfft part af a mat far «au trip. TWa ta fta aiaaB aat traaaary warm at *t*r teamtS aad Mhi via hara K fraaaad laataatf af etllMl.. -Ba Md thia liar' S«ara ba a# Alssi wib^Ak VIIVI H9 fWUpP wBd saHs -c. S. Mair aa Wa wagaa giraa Maa la hte.jiasiiiigtr carrying Mary pepauttiiaai aBietola har*"iaatl Mtcd aaarch far fta raadate wha ma tiiatad a Idatorlr atik battto da^ teat to «mli Biastiya tor tha par^ paat af draffa? ftt eatlut atatotolag tha hadt at Mfea f^al ^oaaa aa tba iTt *tnt" 'fryiff A vlrtp A toot teag aad twa tachaa wlda waa tm froaa dia dag. wWeh waa toatd to as* «f'Um fattttos af ft* Mvatoites aad to t»* pnaparty «f fta Paaghtoa* at is* HMZ11MM. tft' C&lftft im to He* hctt It fta It Ml ftto 0MI tMM ftf ffcft -W taraya I* air lw 'gMfc raadtos ft* ata^api patritoa. whtoh has* acearatotj taatoS ttm gpaMwal tos* af ^S* tad wltH* fta. Ctoarti ftt f—ntaB—thia af lha pact it MMto^itoaa dtomaaamk^ a*dP WHswB' lUte hf may aiaafttr af tNhtf ftp aatlM at Itptastt aMaa. bat ar* attd ptoa^ *a whlth hart by thsai to to at Th* tott* btpsM tUtgk It fta tottaaa td tepaa to sum My «n fttatot to Aw way tf It to aa ftt payaiaat at With ft*t toft tpto «ar ftara to teft a way bp whtoh Stay bt prstsB1 Sar a Saal I* 'fta ww ssd ftt t( ft* Mas# af flilftaito ft* taate fagtotat af ft* ttMto. Th* ward (t'sftifly afoidjid. 4to atW aa^layad f*r eaaaMt* aftar fta fcy*s**t asp aaa av ft* at*t *f ft* mmf to la ft* Battla aafB bsP'lt batb td.a Basalt wffl pay sa bat wm gHft saaagh far ft* Maad I* ptrarit Japaa to nsttd It ia ta 'totty. Thtaa twa ftSapi W#l Kips* ftp It to «yd to Unit .bar aaa sowar to .ft* JnuM*. AmII ft tfelft£ ftCWftM lw iNWrfttlllft^ Iftpfta wfiB fciritljr Mat sft ft* T*#» Imu ftkftfttfr Huftirl fftiWWC1 it WftAMP Whaa it mgsaadtd ta*t ft* ts» chaag* tor afttr ytaat caatataMaa bp ft* ft* -rrff *aMtat to rrimbaraiaasat,'' waa gtoas aal at Takia ftat ft* tor Baaels af ta bpaawt to daaaaity to Xtpttt wM fMM' wy ftt tltt to b* a which 'ia (toft ttattog to ft* rlawa af ^ftlftfUft'^ftf t^ft "^hi* •CPMr ^MBrwBP a* fta dlsaaatfw It to Slit WW. Par ftt ft* -to aaw dtto# to ad toipwtoaat to Oiaat feto ata. ft* «Mtta« Stotot aad ftaaa a* w*B at to Satste.. aak*..that Batata paa*t BNpatrtsrattof tadaaata to Keraa. WMto a*y» to Kama*: "Vary gaad. Batata to wffltag Bat ba frsak. Say wltot yaa mtaa. Adtrit ftat Ja paa totaad* to taaafeft Itaraa Jtapaaaaaw to abaarb K ftat ftto to a diaadfal af ft* baatSaaat dttiga* Wltte at (Tatla ttt *aaa fta^ ft*** tap* wttftta* i*f ftto ItHMMMntr Mr.C. X* It waa ll tft ftat tolgM mm* a toltota af fta SMsavaHPi af bar altaa af Maacharta aad af ft* IXky paScy af ft* apts Star, fta aa^ ttwrit j^ma^^Saatik ti tmm 2.'- mm a tMt»«HlW Wto tad I Altar S hid all* Tha ftat I «*ald ftaaa paM tary *t*aj npw ftp ftftft mpft* ftft .ftiv to ft* watM to ftat tf tfe* amaba af. MyaadahyHwft. at liaaalbal by to *Ta Optaltg p% ta thtasdM It aa* it aaah aad. Tha abbtt wa* tttoadad iff aa gatiptt wbtk by Ms to ft* MB* ftat wMhI arttb 1 tbtok. ss ft* Aftor halt s tr firiad to itos bat s Jri i ara Mfattd by ftt A haad. swftii* Is a ashtty wsUp Hitl* cCftt^ Mlf' tfcft ftvfM tftmt wfo wmMbt Ik altaa ft* Aft. Aftor a aad b* aaay toba If to* Bia dM to mm ag aift* bto Tha Thto to a gat b* anglrad *sd to I* attoitod by Ift tw tXttHMt MM« Wttll ftfft tft ttt Ikft fcftft feMK ft*t jMddtoHjy Wtt lapaa. Af wha to fta MM salt It & vni:? LflE-'•• -V r-.- I v., MB to stoatd Bar ftat tot Ibr ftt day. *a« to ftt^ *f Ma Ma, 4ftH^ tA| MSANTmOHT *C fta SaSB BM S ftat to af ft* ass waa all. aqr b**«t Tt»a«* •Ci •U '«SAr •mdgp '^:r« SiS ftto I waa «m mil ftiftftK IHT nftiMftl @ftaa «ta*tto, Mi' It to'tM^MSafr to tha Slttlt l»ah,-Tha ®art It Waft^ noar Is ssft ftf !SW i l. •-S"