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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
K•„ 1M &k mmUn s- r* r. U $S6*-1" fc'i y"1 I 4, 'j\ •MMMMhwl V: v' Ms fifStfp! togoHl H»mt twwfefe*. As rale it is only iogteetbecfcad a doao ,vV-' «r eMloraB to correct any dta order of tbebowris. lonot use any aubatiujfee, tat |N the «W castor efi, iad 4CMT w *--v~ jyrfiStin r• i sab y?" •.' & jatrasb, as rancid oil naasi **-, gfwOiambertaia^Cto^aMtar* asd Diarrhoea Betaedyaod then i^kdow of oastor Mi, and tl» &• «JUK wey be checked in its in •''«^pfaocy &U danger avoided. t* that HftfaaisttBdfla^tBfriptb II tuts dues w* cSiac* the bcrarels The castor oil tod thia remedy shoot* to procured at oaoe and i kept Greedy for instant use a* soon *4 the first tadkatkm of any bawd trouble appears. This is 'Ibe kaMfttod with Implicit pry«tN*«rf tthob** aaleby Wi even in T-TTT.-'1 iHtMSANl* BWM4IK «MM» -FT- .:-:- ,, '. Mmwitown QiMimtf wo wg* m,. 9a4 SNseaWi wmm* obmniw »i *t*ianiet»a»i* if, 'i TUlMiH*4mIHB»Miw« 'sv »pK5 '"4la»M#iHn *4t4i. «... )Ml9i IWhe1Nw«*e«W'4*iAlllk p555B^wi,fiii* MH r*«W« *4 .a JJv -.4..' a t:!' '4pj| 0 .* •», W w V. •V. Mm llfcp, '5»222!Vl£^iy«*iii V'-''-^ «flf 4hle4»»4wii3WlHHlL.,... H91H 1 9 $K0)Sr ass «i 'iS s m. iisM- ^fr^pufnywiy W^-"ri 1 u Bark! Photographic Studio w«A ,3 jU| '"'r ••if awS -WiW J9{ *. 'irfSI WAGNER, & DAKOTA. i'y f« w _(.:ji#, a& a««t of UfS&S Stgs, tarttMi kte to 1 Mwi ta«b?#«MHi!Urn MI (MMN tor Um Mb)t we^ tiwt»*»yei^i Order to Shew «o«Mjra( CkMto" pwrilM- tin: F*SwnT4 mt Urnmmwmtm —mm rnm Bwl* •*fc« MN Mw wl»b- MrOnatOa JJ* Order to .. on AppB* 1 for Order Estate «M*Vf OwrtM ob JuMMfelSLl ^.•a. 1 thxm Am MM on Appti- oatlan of Onrdiu for Order of Site of Real Est*te^r A Foerrte, OtWBtyOMTt. N&iee of Perition for Final Dis tribation .^a^Btarsfas su£a%si£r.'iss&*'^ss mmf came. '-"•^•^"ssxrissst „„„#iMUwo*jS^ii»d tMUdeeiM town 0«&^»^yo* 'KtlEV mmtm «n mv— AppB- sBsssSsfKssHS's?1!: &. UU.3UI A»f a*A«- i Modoe of Probate. L^ggsjg suita 3& Kottoe pi i«i» MB -imtiMRttM' mmSW* S W v i i MGhMite 'bttAttm MoctttfiA. HHi wlf Is ,11' -a :'x G. w. winiMtw-'j. Pf«S. G. W. WlllUmsan, C%w. HcVkrUnd, T. 4. Kenwy, W, M.HWI, O. Rtedmnwr »-i a.ti' MIMI rUC m Tim Mh cares »U Unttre LtinCmwii .Jk no»rorjr Oa Order to Show Cause on Appli cation of Guardian for Order of Sateof RealE.t»te Oomrty Ooon. dMMtlukMtlt IwmtUi 5' WW. 9R7R wmtmmm li tti In mt v.#"**1 ilAi/ •. ^v|N •'....• WW low Maw «ad CoifoniitMi StlitlM WW —.'.'5 m* Heariag Petitton foe a» We .'! W VRMW flMry A a A „r-« '•.+»» ,* ''gJf '.Vi1cv^ v-v *r V •.•iiv.iSrfcitifj 1 wOi iXt Ai-S rtVE TOOHO riJX.»OAJ»rtijjM|M«,,y^S S:*jg.fS£ ttttlMd biydata.SLh^T^n wumm mterestadmtt** •took The COMMERCIAL STATE BANK (Incorporated) Capital, $7000.00 Don ttoaenii fiHnlatveaMiaNwMBMUM CmjiMs*. TNr nkiai twiNis Wagner, S. D. .• Joa. Jand*. Pw». c.SOESBE ron'i In trnna Uui Hi Crtflt Piper. Real Estate, Loau, luoraoc* oetiMparffM* IsrlMI wtatltt tc IuMHt«d Indlm The First State Bank. INCORPORATED A General Banking Business Transacted, Buy and sell exchange on the principa cities of foi* and foreign countries. Will loan money, pay taxes and sell real estate (or non-residents on favorable terms Wagner, S. D. Immmtnmmm mttirnmmmmmmmmnte ,v e?«i -SSm Always Sfands for QUALITY the best QUANTITY the most Wlxen you buy troxn Um» QUEAL LUMBER CO. J. BROWN, Mgr. vap^S.D. uitiiiiHtiitiimmmtitutu llOIOlQIQkKKKKftXjfc AVIV«VIVIVIVIVIVfVfVIVI\J rimes & Absher Collections Real Estate All busineas entrusted to oar care will •*.» «'.•! «*.*! **.- «*.* »*.•.• *•.•* •*.•» «*.? i «Floete Lumber Cof Carrtos a full line of LUMBER w :.i» W'Smft: zx v., .y *,"» .'! t.Vq3,'.#f 1 *v CasL be conTinted that ours jC gfceapwt ywd in town. 2