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jis"'v-»« *c|t 1 Si •'"T-^V?kfl5 ^-m --—J' ^(r|•'•v i-'- IMW MM ,...^"K-"VA- W wafMi Hr IWB''^*. MMl vj5»» &• ?*l k ,4 .f !K :-'.'rS in w. *r 08mu y Hm aftha «nl' ymjwwu -4Mb' 'Mn$tii= WK*» a KM* AMtof %MM. ^uat ataafe. atfHMgt ffjH* dall* TT". •5rW®JS^'S •tWMp, --sm Cf IF' I exhibition* to attract u/^* th* these Mir be nadjttoaed Dtwuitto Nesfmea, ta ditto MM,] great aavefcy dot. Ae tfampkaiMlto for aa* titoy Ae prutarifea «f which is said to fern coat 18,000 Madame da Y«n, la»ber woaderfal a&le for Me the Okabe Rojral A«BWtMM competing et «s*t MM*, w|B Ml* their tat A«»eri«u» ta fasts «t jnggttog, balanc ing and acrobatic acta Lmim Brob from Uata, i» eomedjr cycttng bag patching A* Bad* B«wu,-?»*a acrobats, IBH( tlM best iwiWl«K tdttn ea tkf iwrfntD* ttSif MM! Prnf. Morpby. the AM wit* the big .buftaui nid, who «MiDr Aw beat the baai." and ka tHfoxar kt»rt ifeM* II IMK band at sent*. TU» makos AM eotertainmanv —prscttaally a «M (k« w to all Mlaa KMt OMt, «f Birittti, Qdo, (httpta e»w giri of her state, wlH be MH daily in the tW»t-tB«« f*lay Intew*#ta lifi -Stock -ftiir. 9H tcewtir gav» th» tow* of C^ewM. Wjnu, QuOllic HkftittM «f JHTT 4ar* hm iMfMMAiuriUyj vSth t,:ttateNByNI ".•, 'T. CNM *rf tb« mat auu-iitful fataww tifktMviJwttt fmr Miti taiiiM vrnrn «xk far |1.000 paiaa, On Wtimmtaff wifi he At SAT ^1| atil:* on TUmday ih* %i3tt trattin« ataftc: w frtday tfea i:» WMtec aUlu. ftad «i 2:tT tiottia« ateki. 1fi» JblttH 'VHP ifi| d«Md lift/ 1» at wMd| tira Hm tun mnrtw rf kot*t* wtawad. flM aiUto vfi) a«a!it op«M ftogmpfcar fmt aa^MeMi tiNt Jp^l ••Am .• $t00u&p4k0i$. Imwis wDt wii^ata fwr t)HMa lilc -{mttKft* Aswa^f tlMw almuSy li» tkua 'wfiwtii Mt R* nt*«M. Malar Daaf. tbatf C|i)iit«K. SM SEtttdiykMlft' '.Via.- ttM JMAay: ^I.JWBI prababijp a eaaa wridd^ tot (M [l 4» aot Mhw tt»«hat»e| a*aiaat Mi wklcft t|t 0MHr«l pttM« ku sof liaini in |MS IHW jUmw* I PWwKW# JpWfWpfMI 1«W wp®p» Vabt CrinMI ni TV* tmr m&W&m V mmm- iS- wiwlMW T«* UMaartur «M«r Sb W* A» ((M.fii»|««i CHMMHT WH*|M im I Iwr tfcrtw* tiamR I® ftwrt WntB., 1pii, J.IIIIIl»,-ill-«• 1« Ml"'-•• UTOM TMt TSAIMfc tiaa«W fiHil Q»itW All ttoflte A* hmmM «#. A wiMliXUi tito1"'®*' ajjfcnrtfto It Ihru tef! ktai''m Dm wifrf Am ':.: j^,HMiMtNii fMiB tltiuMi Mfs tiha |^|j|lj|0g£ fTtf MM^NM UNA tlwi liUp tils^ wiMU 'AM'Sttadfr' ''-MhMBl- HanittMil tStMift -i 11 fa-n..«.. iii. i .animia tliat liar MUM va# jB^ig^aVlSt, niftllDlfflt' WaMNKII liMB Mipd af 0aa S|4IMM^ S^idsy Mnt' VlMKat aWMiMt (MA UM|.3MI jpiM^-.- 0«aaiala m4, ai^Nstad fv Im*' Dkw 'Nafeiai mbI ^aatjr .. ...... ,, MM v 91$ «Mafc Af W Irtt dil* t» *#*r ftKvVMpMftMB} ft®W* ®PBf: ilHBMBi #^^T the MWWat «««MI IWM) to Htm Daring A* 9M«NM At' Wted trig* :J^~-fthsai^ihuMMa ^^AimJ^RilL Hlft ItiVftl :^Hf«|WWi ftE On w« gt** ewhlhitioaa to Aft «p*» «& Six b—?** Vtailii have bain imm*d mil ras wiltlr af a Mgfr A* 'tlx fc|« 4( A* fsfc. t« j*if^ «f'^' ifc, «nw «uM4 to jggtog^atad ,«aMMMl ,twwlt* BIHI FA* fit DitMtaf wkatt Ilia alMHiff iMIM te foM|l llwl 'fntfr a foa Mi itMfcaa hpl. bma mt* StmuOMh ^2 fyfrnrnmi kimmi n» ^tmkw«ir -.mmm w*N|^VPt iRBPB -pP MMMT/ IVT I#»EA*IOR WIPTOMALIJR |RFJTBIT. Mia n^RlilMi M» .. Mij£t 4ag^^:'#ignM| .jMlii fifg MI *Mm Itoatla iil-i*- KBIW*^b^ .. w fHWRPP?. far ftoao fiiia -flaifiwl «A»o| at ^Ttttnn)' in alHWt.vlMifc^. -ill' i .- 'V {.*- 'r.^'3«'ism4r l:kz^ibt* •*. i im..-' .jf. ,£* •ar *»'«««»'«t hmm vUelklMMIi i* Th* «n«Mt tlww tht kor tW comtiM »wt total «r ftlWRW only ftOQ.0110 |MW than tfca Icwrn tM wm Mi bgr tk* *x*M Un* •f «h* MMI «B0U«4iI?2E!t•**»« HamUn Baaaoit v-**,V"-- UpHM'IMiM »H Mii.VB A Mfroaai w« HMn «t «w» «A» tor ttd'-iMwl wnsnni DEATH "ig 'Vpi9 P9f tk* tt««ie d«^ «t .-Wm. mtwWr :-*_jWMTp foHtvrfetg M- tfflUffttfff 9*p», IjkmJMtm!*»'» PMM' t$4Mi teffllviw. Oao^raawttan (if (Mq«n, Xs„ tOm Aii| Bfwrt6, ,hLSS }»a4a Taluattoo im «ia4.T»\M. tb« bataoce of IWJ54M40 wt«n ta town lata att *U #Maw fl* p*r»ona) «ywiUlw «W«M cetmtlaa am tV_ A s v Bm4IC Bs&bomnc" Jftr«tklittp Brawn »,#•'» Brvda »-m v ftafkla Bfttl QinpMI CtMWI MtK »*»*, 'Clark Clair .v..»..'...»tf»«#»' OmiftM a.406.002 4.80UT7 5,638,181 4HW.4M SJ57S.800 1,814,487 488,474 IWH 1.701.779 8,488,Q14 •I ,080,008 4 4.4W.817 897.331 Owter »....»". T»., -_ Darfinft .•'.••'•••••'• Mwi4w Par D*wl •r. j•*»*•,', 4®W,1W Dottftag UMMA Fall WTfr Fa** Oravt •«an»*v'i 2,433,187 2.401^12 1,206.380 2SSM0S ajm,m MucUomr t'Sit'fS fW* **•»". jgKSL™":::::::::::::?" Llkf Tn!r»T Lawrmea J.... SSI'Sl Lineal) ).•.••••«••••••** «yyjS UfCoek im^wm 2551'S JSSir,:: ::::::::^::iK' SSS Mi*m & lOmkik* ,.,.,.v»»^' lifted? fMWhtfW SHAtar... »*#t»•• •'•^i iMlltl ,»«»*»«•*••'•»•»*»!! 4 *:•+.•» a if aMIsf S?** *iM* Vtd$H WMwwth' TaakloB .. £rm&tvmt *.**•* Pnitt ..*•* frgabo W» 10.771 jEft2 4J04.22« 2,078,447 i,eaM» 8,415.701 1.7S1.71A um&o a^we.480 l.TWLflOi 6,741,445 78.975 i&O |*^l f* *j£ wtJ' s» IM?? *w^i'jWi*WpB BtAMOIIO 1N OAM Ht^ A atofH. r«Mi^ lateHUHM b« e*parf«K* »f lit* A. J. Kaith, Wifa.^ tha »«o 5 SX«rJ-- wrprl»fiJ« If «w dM Mlaa «t Hen Fall* oceapr of tfaatr Mnn ttai* to hoatln* tor __ ob« i» oum PWP«r««l tlOl .'.•** Mi*. KM powfcaaai oa» of ttw «un at local «««*. aad apoo opaaiiv k at fear IMH was aarpriaad to Bad hi tke can a «naH atoae «f t«MiftaUa briaia«sr. TW "tad" waa takca to mm of the |aartia« !•••»««. who proMoacod tko atoaa a naalao dtaMoad, wwtk about ^MO Mian. How tba diaBK»d *ot lB»o «M «tt ,4f bwf la a avaMnr. fan la tboogbt It wr bav» bt«i arttioc ta ibf mid MHP0d o* tbo haod of tha jama wbo pacbad tba can of baof. infm Wmrn^imA P»afv Tbe naaatoa of Howanl Fbraaaa. W wfca &**•, tt Wi^wla cotpt? te iAa«aac ttSk bwlw axbnatod Ml mm U Cldea«D for aa analyala of tb* MMKtMk la abtlad that aaraml iw Ma w« pfoAt by ba bor'a daotb, wbo «Mr hd» to eaMdwoWe pnywty, and tihrn^Uukm «aa ataiM BY (MHSOM wbo foaiol foal Pter ta opaMkm wftb tba boy'a daatb. VMM ««Ut|r. ftaAbnrt^O. MummjO.U Hai^ —fjfc llaaiy Hatear -i»d%obatt l«a«, tbrao OMS wbo WM rteaatiy Mftd la H* Rrowa eowaty. |«0 at Aborfoeo «w Mbbte* »Mat «Mwtot aad mmm at Boda, ba*o a» a»i»atad aa oMMrttmlty *jy.iw», -J?rim Cipaipraiy. AMto4db Owy dMy b«te« .far' Mf of tha tbnw inpaadlaii' frao tbat bin MMdL la Tonafflh* i tbo paat •ta woafca. two la# of tbat dty lift coafaaaed tb b»«tat oafawd toto a om -tmmtf to naaora aooio of tba turn dh dci^daead baldlaca ttmaaft towa by a^ l4ytel' ft inMI Vftmiaai wf ramittM M4w fWb bowla* tiatbati la tbo coMtroo tiaa of iftd«a MKT Boron, tbo. a* bain* tmd «»V, H. »tiUw««, a. «ar k, «Mffi aad «H wttb MB dm lit cWbt a*ktfc aaaortnv-^it Mm* ,p^wL ,jjnk Mv' Hk* ^^h^rEsn^*: -#4 ^MBiw ya^pr pna w Wm Tbo' 'JBMPpft iA| Bual aWw aRMPI fr JHtttt L. ." i ii. JI* if? O *v^ r"i c« \C UnH*a ^WESVm-fJ» 2» l^r to Th* yoong tbft cftttp w«*t owj prevented frcya dealing out anpmatg jboHeo by the of their "boaa, who' interceded for Meyern and alio wad him to go with iuatraetiona to get oat of tbe (oontry. Tbe girl waa tboa. s|or^OSITION tO OlTOHtSL ml draMt auT^rff^rbfleTB0tOx^tnS i wttk of tbo plalattg »ra ww.«v.v tbon. whoa thai hara b«M 'rtf tba «c«alt of lying in AO towa eaJabooafc thay are tafcaa boiora a lu«ti«a and to* tba aame at wsMta oifandwra rATHtW8 TtWHWItt OHlMfc PbM«o« witJt OrtoiHial 1M»«IOM W wttb Mta Own Oonabtor. 'A warrant waa aw«(a out *t Pttalflw »Nit WWrtBK, ot* tbo ytfttb Jtowlt. baa Inaftad down a dt? aetkta to tba &•»«* ^3 olwait omurt br L. H. I«otar« aad otbot Mttb owtim iwl oteftnauw mn»at, bf tba onfrr of ab ofdor nwaatl* pMAnliratcd bf •two board fur tba dtepwr wbothfr affwtad hjr acabtaa or nut. W«h» anatatua tba yosuntb* of 9t'« burdoa. ...»._ Tb* antbortHM of MM a« the boi*W towwi bavo adoptad iAat to ba tba ptanar method of d«aM»y wftb drM^brWwee*5iv tbatr °iM«r Hxbta ot atoAmae aad «l««aa fiaiunctloaal oi*t SX^4iM bo«o«a dlawdaHy ««^wt «at« boaid «ml tbo M7 a^MtMBdt to Intimidate tha mMoata apartor to bo ooaHaaad dttriw tha ot ui S bortw toww. Thto pl« wcy of tbla actioa or "awl! irtcb Ua.o»» to iSSt aStlndlawf who bocoma apoa a«t«al hMpaetloa tt la found that t»o W alKW *".'u*'"Dr„ ntiU nf llu niiilnMW ••. tft b* tn(grtf!^ or ^L. nnoW- t!ffl^ fcU man eaaaa they attonpt to work with ej ^1*25 rrnir*T At JSr^H?fab?SS! «P work for tbo pre™«e«t: •TltU8Lft*S mPOBX rALSt Htat* Baakiag b*« UpfceM by I# proa»0 Oaart la the caar of tke *tate of BoaSb Da kota, plalntttf la error, ra. fl. U Rtroble, MM^Ut error, which baa Jflj* taw decided Or A* aopreme eottet at Pferra. tho iraUBty of the atate banking law to upheld to awwy partieabir whet* ia attacked. fltrobla, aa c«abler *bf thaWgan Wtata Baah, ou detnand of A* pobSc wamioer fnrekbed that o«cial wlA a nrorn *tat» aaeat of tbe conditioa of the bank at the eloae of buadneaa 8«ttmtber 9, MM. The atatanwt waa found to be falae aa to Ae trar oondltkMM aad aoit waa broogbt againat Htrnble noder Ae backing law. wblek piofeidea a penalty of a pmlttMh tiary amtenee of aot haa than one year. Attorney a fox Strable deatorred to Ae eoaiptaiat Ob A* gTonod of tbe Bocoaatl tuttooaUty of A* atatnte. and Ae de mnrtcr waa amtaiutd by the titai judge. Tbe p*bBc examiatr broqgbt the ease edpHMI ''taa^tt: Midf iip^iUBjit rated the trial* coort. 5 metom wom** roitNQ, U bar* fxeu asr SA 553. S B. Mwa with the crisw of p^of, B. C. Chlkott. fonaert/ bf tho eowg^nt witwaa bat e y a s a e a i i u i i a o e e n o w o e o v (Unihtw, Meyer* b« been wotklBf^Oij a^^uituMil buroati, awl tlf. L» ftt$lnww railroad axtenrioO ia that loDsty, urbei* he also aecorod empioy ment for tbo girl aa cook for a aiaall gradtec oat St. Bojne of tbo own wo* ing «b tbe sffljM gtado bocamo aoapidoaa that UI waa not right b«weoa fath« aad daogfctwr, aad after, watebtag for a tinto eanght thorn la crtmipal Kelatiooo. 4an ?si*kota OawMy fteratbr Wd ttot OoMMit •«t«»Me. The niyatery eunooiidiag tbe dlaap pea ranee from Mnux Falla of Mae. Bertha Qakket), the yoong and attrae-1 ... tire wife ef farmer Krtag near Baltic, &>«»art^Ber»- Aaaodat^n. wUicb wiif twolre mltea north of Hoax Falia, baa be h«U to D«d wood and to Lead oa been aotred by tbe finding of Ae wmwb Aagaat IT and 18, will be the i&oot i*a MdTwSby at tbebon** ofa farmer P«Unt lu tke hhrtory of Ae aaaosiatioa. Sd ttHSTaSTcotoaa. Or W. O Rjith. ooe of ,h^ «tate tires that the home Hfe of Mra. Bakkeu waa eery vnbappy. It waa feared by then that ahe bad aoogbt a watenr grave Cor beraolf and baby to the (Hoax river. Wbea the dlaappearmoce of tbe womaa and child fropt ttoas Falla waa drat reported, no trace ef her leMtog Ae city ce*M be fotnad, bat it la now bettered that Ae weat -to Colniau by train aad from tbore walked to tbe plae* where ahe has now been discovered. Mway FWMWWW tv Cley trad *a#fc. tea OmiHiM A«**k flaa Mentber* of Ae coonty boards ad Yankton aad Clay ooantles pat la a day at Yetadllioa hearing tw aad againat Ae eaastrae tk» of drainage ditebaa on tbe lOasoari bottofn to earry etf aaiflas water that My from orerdow or heavy raiaa. Maajr fbraaera frota both side* of. the eoaaty Una wen present, and the jority reglstwad a *no«k" agatoac the prepossd dltcbaa ae Mtlined by the Awe petitiocM algnad by F. H. Wbittaher aad float* of Aeae againat A* pnftoeitloa aren of Aa opteloa tbat Ae coat of a» atractlon woald greatly ecre*d A* bene 8ta to be derived, wkOe ethers tbn light Ae y)n not feMlble for Ae reasoa that the «tdMs eaald aot be bailt ao as to draia the bottow property. Maet Oww*/ MeveoMi Stam|w. HermM BUsnaaa, collector of Inter na) teveane, la Napeose ta nameraas la 4dflaa. IMS lasaed a notice that eigar dealers are reqtdrad to deatroy tbe stsmp, tbe cantioa natlee aad tbe factory ntw ber whoa they ghre away cigar bona. Whea the dealer .keepe A* box kg Is laiftilrtdl only todastroy Ae «CMqk. tJnwiprasasd Aid ait is coarfag t* W %t seMor fietor with the Hme 0N#aw af lad. The tramway inglsa cad two efhera ogerattog the 009 a«l lJ0®-foot level* «i* operated Mai* CaSaSTS* The- npovt _gowea fvoai Plaaktobia ta mat* CtM. 'f'sanc. Owl. Taw* ftuift •"I'VL- rv.4 •-u lvT Ti T- V-i-« .. $ I'dffc/.' tXi poetdiu: axpoanro a of *uch raceiit 4ft« rLr«, can not bo detorattnad w&athor tbvy cootMctod tbo dltoaae or n^t." S Th«tf.-, atatotMOt of bi» fladibfa and ••'...s-j. ia aa exhanstiv ons and roan tboroagh J* into tbo dotal!* of cattle camHttnii*. theaarer* of tbo dlaaaao and tbo boaeML of diptiiag. Tbo daetidon ia otip of gTeav lm(M)ttBnca «ad htw boan awaited with interest and anxiety by «tociupe» J. Briieg*, of tbat dopartapnt: accow panled by. Frof. W. A. W»oIen ftf tbo aftricoRoral coilege torco^ wero lo PSerto recently oa matttra coniwrted with Ibo worit oi the goreremeBt in to expert k dronth MsaHMto* jratna Xha partlcular woA lo wbl^ tb«gr are ensagcd at the ptoa^ftt ia that Of ^-MhHtny atatioiw in a ct«ln acrOw-1 tbe conatry f»m Toxaa t# tbo Uritirtk potnomlosa, for tha niakiflf of teota. Wbero it i« jw««(lc9l the Rovernaeat boroan worka with tba atate atatioaa, lo tbe eon* of CUa atate, the Highawre' wha w'Rtn« tbia oan pot bo done atathp tinder chanre of a government agent at*, eotabliahed. The work ia Sontb Da- will be confined to tbo Hisrbrooro «atlM, and auotbor to bo oatabMahtn aomowber* batweeo Pia^o tpd. tbe ®Urtt HiUa. sVJgP, -jtl Bportmaoo throogboot tba atata are bit creating thamaHm la tba prairlo chicken qaaation, laaamncb aa it win be only a fow woaka antU tbe Aootiog oC thaae bird* cowiseuceo. la many b» ealftiea It la atated tbe prairie cblekewr are aa oaMMweaa aa uaaal, bnt ia ft* atate te gaaaral It i» probable there will bo a diortage la tho crop. !*rior to tfce beary raioa of Jooe aad tba oarly part of Jaly yoaag cbickena were plentiful aad tbe eoreya wore large, bat they had aot reached aaeb a growth aa to bo able to witbatand tho deluge of rata to which they were aabjoctod during a period of aererai weoka, aud tboaaanda of the lit tle birda wore killed. Ia aoaw iocaOtiae it la tMatM that folly W per cent of the birda were drowa*d.thecoveysiiow cootaining only flfoai oao to ae»eu eight *t tbo OkMbena. TMo oatimate appHoa to low, fiat land. Where tbe. conutry ia rolHag more ebickeaa are im port ad aad tka w»j» mm larger. Aad yet, BOtwlthatandfag theoe aofaroroble conditiona, prairie cbi«koin ahootiag will be aa Mmatbig k» aanal tkia fail, aa there will be oaoogb birda to go awundd. ^', Tbe meotiog of tbe Kadooal Railway A. k .« taHr. b, MM. ~J, •y^JtSS0,kS &JZ5jt that AiB attendaaes Ala year will exceed that of the last meeting, when it nam bered afaooat I90i The members of the brteratate commerce commission will be preaeat aad paitMpate la the pro. eeedlttg*. and .all states iu the anion will be repreaented br oae or more com miesioaeta. The PaciM coast membei* Win come to Dead wood to attend the meetlbg and then accompany A* mem~ bera on their jMat to A* coast t%« state land defwutateat has to Ae trst six months of the present year placed UBiXI of the'permanent school fund, the greater part of it——being on farm Inane, and the remainder on school and municipal bond*. School die. trfctar *f tbe state took 125.730, and tbo manidpal corporation* fU^QOO. The coenty aodttoi* ever Ae state who are looked to by Ae department to keep the opporttmhiee of tbeir count lea beattor (aterest am ke*plng Ae aataeeated per maaeat fakd down' to bed roek dader the proaist laws, Inn have beam made to alt A* eoaattae of tbe *tsw for Aa IM 4x montha in Ae year with tt* exception of Caster, Hngbes, Me Cook aad Stanley. s i Frgi Xtorfcek of the Northweatern road baa Jaat rrtaraed from a trip over tbo coaati? west of Pierre looking over the situation to regard to the dama which had bean pat to by the mllroad companr to fmaMk water to etoek which was be lag driven In tor shipment He report* every dam aave oae gone, at aaany place* not a veatige of Ae embankmeat beiu* left. The eompaur wtll at oaee p|»^» at-w*A leeammactlng Ae ... dor. Sired has selected aa deMMta*':t» Ae 'Rmns Mimiiiippl Coagreea wbit-h meets ia Portland, Aagaat IS to MS, *. W. Htottttw, Aberd^ea: G. A. MaAewa, Bwslrlnda W. H. Brown, Wooosorttet Frank ltok. HBIM: H.G.Tftlea. W aMMtoa C9kna, 1+ Hyde, Pierre A, N. Waters, Detest J«b« Wdsem»th» HpmiHah H. T. Cooper, Whitewood 'lanM Itea*», Akerdiea. e i gats* ta |W| gMMfn id Perttosd, to W«»J* B. T*Mfc.ltoa «st to Oipt, Mm J1-. 1 HA-X a -W55I Mabli 9i*m mm •gsfigr... iVM a*i? Kmo acco aeUi 3h« Just coll au bl« I MM- irtel ibi la lik XX w« 1 I ta CUkr Ose, Aagaat 8|. Fbartche Ai W. Qmdea Atwater, »toMSon*»a** i^iSf^Tw'TTU: ttargto *..M, Wrtunsiak. MBtoi. -11. T. mmmM O. Ftodar, Ariao«r&