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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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iSKSfsi ym rreat with. n(s t*«' MaMtafCvaat FiwMMi «s* uil b«**3Ss}« While the p*op«» of thb 1 ting their share of "fr^nslod W*« Is not whetfy neglected, tboagb It la ra eomewbat dlf' lfiflQt There in noa»ne- t' #apnl*r '.Idol iM ftllM irttfe a Mmt MItiti.throughmodi echoed tha BMrmr, there to little con demnation, bat ijmpathy. A dot Of Jl MptMl' Me for the wwat «. #, wua. financial shake ap Kaotaa has experienced in a dom years, accompanied by a political upheaval. of Minnie force. It waa upon the brain of Charles J. Berlin that the dot formed, Jtttt before Ma enormous monthly JM7* •oil vu dno, «4 no other mu is Kn» *ai cotid have wought on ao much trou ble by failing ill aa Devlin did. la the tost place he was rated the eicheat man ia the State np to the hoar that the bit ratine of a Hay blood la bis brain, caused aa apoplectic Ilk fort ape being estimated at $3,000, 000 to 94,000,uuO. ware so diversiBed and geographically ocattered that crowding Mm Into invol untary bankruptcy affected an nncom tjr large number of people. Bat the cans of bia pre wot troubles, and of thousands af ©there, was bin of relying on bia memory. Ha •owned or OOD trolled foar banks—two In Kansas and two in XHInois—and 38 otkar corporations, among then two railroad*. The affairs of tbaaa $0 corporations be «OcU in bis bead.. He bad no knowl edge of bookkeeping, bat pqpsessed the mat Implicit faith In bis ability to keep his financial bearings by the compass w And, Mora ia tba wonder, in that way. eooeeeafaHy an accident happened to eooa 90 ona ate Snandal bark could tnaka tional gnest as to where tb*y mm tm a few days (key strttck tba Nigrum,-* ••'"'iJwrthi la a aaigae igure ia finance, fie ia St Loulaan hy With* 54 years of awe. Aa a young manhe waa cierk ta a •coal ottce and eventually ha -age* of a email coal company in •era Illinois. In 1886 he waa nude man ager of the fuel properties of tin Santa W* syoteat, and when that waa—ay wast into a receivership Devlin leased ita coal C*opertiea. He acquired mince la Htt aoia, Missouri and Kansaa. Whan the sninera and the big eoal companies had trouble ia 1887 Devlin aided with the miners and kspt hia mines going, with tbe result that he a»de money fait and fortune did not breed snobbery. Ha spoke «S pleasantly to a laborer In tbe whoa ha knew aa to the Governor of the lifting his hat to an old aegro ef hia aoanaintance. Bvarybody «Ulce to Devlin. Another marked trait •wis bis desire to aea yonng man sne Med. He gave tbeaa a cbanc be conld. He Bvnd la a pretty with splendid torm «f good taste, but no ezdaslireanse. Bs •enjoyed aitting on 'tbe pordk aad having he children yocnp on the lawn. Work was. his recreation and ha waa veritable engine. He waa tbe busiest aaan in the West. But ha had ao faith la bookkeepers aad aterad aU the detaila «f hia4 baafaiesa I* his head. Xeat of Ala concerna ware ntaking wo nay, bait all were relying npoa him aa tbe aotiva (poarer to keep them In operation. His •credit waa large. Stale Treasurer Kriiy liad (MT,000 stored in one of bki banks —the First National of Topeka. A few weeks ago he gave oat and waa Jorcbd to hia bad. Hia^ mind becaaM a snaat and he conld.not plan a law days ahead. When Devlin's brain «M«»ed working, his entaaprlasa had to osaae o|* •oration, far thw was an «e In tike har aaaa who knew whW» way to tm. Tbsee •of hia tow banks are in the handa of raeMms, 1R of his 30 ccvpocatSoaa are te bankrnptn, handredi of bank depoelt ra are Bearing rstnra vi tbrtr aavlnga, kandreda ef coal aiiaan am IwM last «be Devlin mtaaa ahaS ,-throw tfcfaa aad thalr ftwaBtaa ia*o the •datchea of want, aad the paepls of Hia o4kate am la a fever of excitement ea ^aeanaat of the proMUa.. t%e total Ha- It t» have a lafca. shore fait sonth ef ftil, whirhi It la dadtrat Ay h, wfil wrrnt aaytMac af InthewerhL I» addtelaa to a fa 4a he a W tflMi' Irts «lw*% iHyMbi tBtm WHUm. The tract, coaapneea what fcaowa aa WiUard tract, and TO seres. It Park ta the eatnre ta he paid Car K»by At is tkaaaaaf aad. YWt aala has W 1:-"1* •Hubdcacb lalw Than, Us Interest* has ratMsd •l^a' emtMt' mmt by ItaMF Madassw for the ewtnh* |ta Kational ittk of Vea wai MtBtki Mi th* Mflfaiiii T®1 NATION TO nOHT PCftT. Tha faitral govanuaant w® take full control of the yellow fever situation. Oov Blancbard of Loaisiana Friday afternoon tent a reqaest to that effect to President Booaavelt, and the latter Immediately directed Burgeon General Wjrmnn to take every step in Ma power ta meet $e situation. Oov. BtoaehamTa appeal to tha Preaident waa the rasttK «f the action at a taaas meotteg ef citi in Jit* (Manna, at which tha pin ion waa expreased that federal control wonld reanlt In an immediate raatoratlon at eonftdence thronghont the South, and would do away wtth all dangOr of conflict betweesr the Btataa war qnarantiae While waa declared there was no Intention of adadttia* that the aitnatiea had fat beyond tfte Control of the local authorities. It waa tbe beUef «f those preeeat that Surgeon Oenml Wyman would be able to aead a force af phyal clana to New Orieana thoroughly equip ped tor handling tha fever aitnatlen, be cause of their ercpartaars ia Cuba. Mei ice and at illBeraat polaU ia tba United States, aad thnt tbe government weald have th* facilities 1st enforcing n selea tUa cnmpalgn not paasaasad hy tha loeai aatbedties. Presideet A. Brtttin of A# cotton ex change presided at the meeting. The announcement of tike aotioa taken at •tat created some alarm te the city, which araa qntekly allayed when it be- action now In tnrning ow the direction of aibdia to the marine bosffital service would almaat cartaWty a«art an epl degalc. friday morning tba laawh torn of the Loaisiana teat, wtth Lieut. Ivy In com mand and Sheriff A'ones of St Bernard Pariah ea beard, captured ilka Miasis rinpi beet lipay, te coauaaad af Cap tain BngiiA. The eapata and «raw wara placed aader irwat by MketIS Sa naa and sent with their boat ta St tm nard Parish, where the oflksers aad wara taken to tha pariah nrieoa. Tbe Tom^ waa raaaiag ttvoagh bake I when the Tipay attempted ta bead It off. «ba Kavri Bsaeme aa the Tom «m* cealed thamsshas aad allowed (ha Mie eiaaippiana to hoard their boat diadaalng Mr MsMity. Tha Misslisippt qaarantina boat Grace waa also (nfetiltbul down its qoamn tlaa Sag while la Loaisiana waters. Four other Jaaachsa Joined &» Ma jestic and Hwfe and nearly at of tb* lstf available maa of the Naval Baaervea are on the aeana, only enough being b«W i the vaited Statea ifch le aaebte to anvigate Laha Borgna, bnt tt held to mdlsees to praaeed to la case she la needed. ia Mew Orieens to I Hnndreda of paapla act tampamriy uwrlng oat o^T Naw Orleans lata St Talamaay pur**, whieh Is practically the tKfff W&TmBr the dty nan ga. Tha parMh te pat a taawtiaa, aad haa opened its «M*a ta aB rafngaaa. Ha caaa af yal- daring thai have been tahea to Oai er the patieat died or there. 1%f haii- aad ware it a kffiad ia auaar vatea «p, haaidaa Tbe eterm coveted an aad« half, Hntrl llMdaasaga ««M have 1 m. Nearly aS the wladown wars 1 sea la Jt» path. H» •Ml piWMI OTHMs 19IS 1 teal they wara buried te tha a aaal by the wtMlrt ndaa. '•i..iiiii»^aiiiia»i ii utemwteawi'jja,^ .. ara aaUdpated ta ltew iMc wMlda a abort Uasa aa tbe iseult af a fipattad hr RUSSIAN ROUT COMPWCTf. MAa tndapeodeit cavalry tha aftarnnap ef Mr 28 attacked the enemy eouth of hb» gad routed 4riving bim aouUiward. capturing Said gwts, bdkidea a nnmber «f rliaa and a qnantitr af aamnaitioa. "On Jely 20, the earatry, ta enforced, rtgaromAy permed tha •oath of Taytan. Which Ues twantHH* mllee sonth of Rytoff. Tha aa «d at Oaat twe«ty-*v» aiUea aaaith of Taylan, and at S o'clock aa tha of July aent a latter aadar a tag of trace t» the Jatmsase commanding 4Mr from Oe^AiapaoC, the Baislaa Uovemor, nsyiag that tha lack of band age material am! awdicinee, aad tha •wqnent imtbUity t» aaceer the wounded, rssSaSThSsSttar*1*' *The coofmandst of tha lA| replied, demanding Aa delivery of aft war aappBte an| checked under priwure *t tha Buaaitaa nd«»«ea datm^awhta. "'Tim »aaala« Imaa, tha dispatches eay, srere lmigafr m&Mtf Japaneae wnnblpa ara reported ta ha crnialag off the month et PetW tha O«eat bay, ea which Vladiroetok ia situated, their Ntfkta oitea Maf trjafMe tsem I •V fapaaaai are moat':aetit»a la tabHahteg trade relations la southern imahoaeasba^^^oea'emaWWMd** toi' K. aad Mtfi Japaneae aatiara (NT tt# 'yjf*-, «f the railway i trlet Tbe com i.«f"tea Pnai&at MltclHA at aaMt "XUa taper ad that fad |te di fWa «a After lag ni(kt A report firing details af the flaal pursnlt aad anrrendar af tha majerltr of tha Boasian garriaoa on Sakhalin lah aad on July n haa beau received at Ta kio aa follovm: property a slaa government, the naiajwred, and the delivery of aU maps^ records and pa pare relating to the Basema dvll aad adminiatrntloa. and reqvtiring their dc livery In rvply at ISo'eiaalt «a tlw in* of July St, otherwise aa aft moVenMMt araoM ImmwUetaiy be 0) *Sm* Oo««raar Uapaoff, mat Coi. Kolanmi, rMef of trtaff, oa tha aaoraing ef. eMlw^ WM|» Af VNkillL ff teg, paj^ and mlkary at^MM, are AJmoet tropirai raiae are fatUaf la Manchuria, aad the hilly regioae are t» pasaable far tralna af artillery. Ev mountnla path hi a torrent, aad a« valley a faagmira, Importaat apparoatiy will ha knpoasible far a long time t» cease. Tha aluwnatien at ralaa aad iarvld' ammblne turn a diprssa ln« effect aa the health* at tha arm* Dispatches received trom Korea re part that the Japanese have began aatap* altanseea advrwe from fcuaacboderi aeilaMk the Muaariet aad Piata^aag i of tha graft Immllasik ttea Wgrirtr defalcation, i has stirred tha asotn»al aa did the -tha that it he the wajr fmadtee grant- af a i wis1*(2r of 4nm*w^MA«i to hi* H*t» tqtmm. Wlotvr wheat l* luffvaatad ia «te aortlwra recioa, tha beta* Jmsvj, aa* fata otbar eMpa to ba naktng a adnata, cam catrrlac ta IWWMA AU Ia iitidil to the flfcrtsty atoeagth mTwHt* retail Sa^ tap aatendod ta necasnartea, aad tfca JaSMSg Itraaebea #alaaA ia tha af anleca for SlU attptea, aspacfiU^r t» MfU(i tsocweai fo*A testDa wane, SaUafactcry praoaada la aerebaadiae atoefca wHtnlwt bagrtag Kpptm fa. farm pHaa. Tba wHoleaala StUS gafl KtftBy, pwrsansl aataettaM ghawtag w»ft rarlatr Ck tpatS altjr aad toSa and tbe boakiaga ImMM fer aarfy daavary. Diaeoaat tafctag aotad more fruQaentiy, wUl* dai ttefaalts are aMght hiyi cattaetlooa •aflMWully to«iwvlag topwwptr te. tenM bat the la Om grata Jita aad towar aa«| waa aataMtehad. Tha total tttjr of earaaJa handlad rjim of afctpmaats UK^ u adhy MM ggg wanhoaae w SSI par cast FaUaraa ia tiw CUeaga ttlaat aff^rrDaa'a laviaw *f mm «l My fTc rye, No, •iw tt ftidoi pS&! of the atalwaft ita wtth that Saw who aaaad tha i eaaght-te Ste I. McQovera*a if th^oalr In the „%iggast wMank w^'Miyaw* fitmMi laMI hMHMTt aettvtty te Soar mlBlag ia tto trada atewa aatea SM Jatr tr at, Lsnts-Onttln, $U6 te f*19t! vios te 99*9 atma*. «MS te J. rl! wheat No. 1, S0e to 81c aara. Ma 9«te* I f*f -Infra^w ."Ho. te«r. wheat, SA.^wTta site te Ha ftai ita. ahipging, 9tSSte chotee heavy, lAtfte MJS| ma to prteHu lUS te ISSte' wb«rt No. «g* te We} ea»% Ma, »c «a wm tSTi J? SOe to file: oa«% No, X, tiff la tdas i jfft Ik'fOe I^^Na"' Cnnrfaaati-Oattla. 94JBO te fMfe, W tew te 9A00 sheep, nm ta asixad*' S* to Mc rye, Ma. I Ste te #Mrfw^5Sr&Ptefl|. wheat, Jfft Ha to Nn aan. No. S feOaar, gSa to flgei «at% Ma, S wtft* Me to Wcj,rpe, New $, Iff te Idllwnakee Wheat, Ma."S MCthlM, to »1.0Ss aara, Ma, S, Via ta- 9«a: Ko. S white, Slota Stes flp*. Ma. I, Wei beifey* Ma a Sla to «te{ •mea^ Toledo—Wheat, No. tetafl. Ma ta t«e cank JMk'i utitfed. dSt ta flOe eats. Mfc SaaixaA, flfe'fe »c» rye. No. *, fdc te fie dom aesd, gtenb IU|k TSe Mfc. -X'iaMr Bnffato" "Catafc (Mea shtpptag, a 14W te 9M0-. tef% i*4r te tealat,: f4JS iMndWa^ «r a« u^i si i mm h* ^*inSiMB4h eaperted tepl %JSM 'iiiiy1 af IP lff}J is rrtttrfet a o a s t|tl«S yraTlaaa as aa te una partmeota. a .MHEyi'. MfQi JW Pi «P 'jH Wittl Ik af 'ttsl apotaat ft MeOovam. II a* y liflll tawnr N. Stum «mb pabMkad any sum* anther with tee OatejWIs 9 to'' fjBMliMtt .... k af Ihn te tha y H' )g aad ^f.[T| fM.} ta feat aa lk» to' jhMM. te# mmvm/MPW Wk ft «W» I 4 St?'# MNf" pMH^ teg ^#1 a Ifca 88w|i6l5-SW ViSftfVfiSp' id after -'thMli ia' ssihhMP: Attn#' Md wMi hia tiig Hg-HHll fail fl* gy, Hp "3**^ «»tea «Mlr l«teP sliiilr# shs. .. SdSffe^dd^l. iSp AteM^aA aA akA esUL WIIMMI W9 vp W* *FFSs,J igateMteteggfcttftd*^^ •. s i n a a w u a i a a a a e k e i e i N a i e a i