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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
E*«p! stlSSl mmsm- u«mw iMiM iw' FSOo Mock jQqptfft Ift this p»Jm 1 law of 1906, rights aad ««R K*«air j,- 'I ls mm* k^UMHP UmI |mi ail a* H- facte really erfat f&iMl'flf Oalltl wppara same «p- C«MWrdW 9ttt» k wi J. i» wwovAf PBfflMT, J- Jgpffe'' .W W11!!1 F'^^^SjSiJr PC otfioeowposMmioe 2i® m&Axwm' icn»y«ifc JBtttfteiBMa, tTfctSI tum 'a ojucota. flMMPiW B.1. DtTNDAS, WS#M8|* v, OIL, i every poiMt I e^elwe had the ~^r «e the Iwr tteall. h»h* ifatt min. artSe mmM^aHnr ^B4E 4iK^k vftkbtfei IMdlirct^ii th«tw«h Mm y|wj| ten dM9*m eolioe to lite eMfnef and ltyMrff ft IriMh MiAittMl aX4l laudjw^. ttSBmaawm ^Mtr4e» Son*' da to iMmte e«re. II ta^ |Mt ewtel— «etttef k«t 49M^l 0^ cn4* dk MBMRi nf lk| flBMly butt jnyB'-wpRP '•^Hd w** lr: $* w*f 54 1 »l'# iMtnrf. M**T'. V- 1 V i SWHfiSS UPOKTOOL8, VEHICLES, FARM W'V* *VVW^(| irnfi-rmrr-| i1- SHt-HSKS to theeivcuit Judge for the dis trict Iq which Huron is located. The«ase Involved la wh*f* 1» farmer* secured a temporary In juncttoh, restraining the county cattle inspector and the State Mpe Stock Commission from forcibly dipping, their cattle until the/ had b*en Inspected and found to be diseased. The State live Stock Oommiaaion til of tbe inspector, and at the hearing: for a permanent tajn&otton, though It* attorneys insisted that it be not granted. The order was, so far as this oonaty la eonoeroed, a drastic neasnre, wholly oncaUed lor by the actual eonaMloita, and the men who fought for their rights nevl net Vlaw hrealwra.'t Bight draft horaes there will be, every one trorth $8,000,-each teen worth 16,000, and the eotire IfiOOOC pounds of h&raea»gooil aeffcO.OOO in gold. There will be no more striking fsature at the Mr than this die play, whid^ will consist of the eight fittest draft boreeeolrttfd by Swift a Co., beeidee tea more, picked from thousands, the poa sepskHt of «e Stoua City Brew lag company, the Stoux City Steek Yards oompanj and th* Sehlousaa flwnrimt'Hi ,«wf* F.'''Swat».^ the Wg packing Irm, haa written i Secretary If. UWirick, of the room be reaetred for hia famous eight Ptareheroit drall horaea. ftMi»oBe#Mkliaprta» wto Mteek welghsr l,800 to i,0Q& pounds, etob wUl wear harnesa worth IBOOaad t|»y w«l make tlwlr^datff parade is aU the in the shows all oter ttue world. The draft horaes that wffl he ehown by the tiiree Sioux City Sraate teve heea atiet^ed alter Ihewttre weitlmd been scoured and t^rbettered only by Swift's. These horaea will parade In etngfc riga, two, Arep, four and eli-horae teams,and e%ht foa 4 tttile foretlne^t iter aave i no end el trouble. Anyme who' makes It a rote to keep fflrtwifawtl^1* Tlhnlflji m4 kwowe this to be a fact. For sale Wagner Drug $*, v -igr^. gmiMuea 11 nw|«i i«wi' .,1^ lflr tap Avm&*f White- i money, why wastiyour tolls forlhe sake of a slight saving in cost. Kowhere QUALITY receiv* moreednslderatlon than in the sei the tools work with/ Your existence depends on your wdrk and your *©rk. to a great extent, depends on thej .. :fody%U eave you TIME W Remember we sell the BE8T GOODS at the LOWEST take no chances whatever when you bay Mil WIMWH RinbBHHrari v'-. MMMkStti mmm &' a N«/M/ oar tod old. Prepared ,by SOLD BY THE WAGNBJR DRUG COMPANY. A GOOD WIpE Oiven Away Free i* LUMBER .. w atisfactlon. high grade 00?kE8|« OinBAb BOTtMRS e all strictly gua~~" the largest and the Genuine Honeywd Tar. A* Remedies* Plewww the mw Pteeule Medicine Chicuao. bouse tfcrotttftiottt, but not with the.kind tbat For aelltoff a Jew oa»a of 1*1^#.. Our forolture wean Trail, always looks nic« and is not high. prtcod. Ou* lin« of Wall Pap«r is oomplat® enough and nice OEMsa^miBa^£^ With Every Job of Repairing la tke Barren 80 will be seen at the IntersUte live feteck IWr aasodatkm, at Sloax City, September 11-40. We give owe guarantee tor ttie beat work at ttte lowest X"rtce, and otir cabinet chop Is fitted to do all ktnda of repairing itt abort order. Bring us your taoken and battered furniture it 3u want It fixed right. iebFariitin JHrneteif wiiil Skahatoeee*' ^m :»«-.«9»f* I?.* »•.»•*.. «j «•.•» «*.• 1 »V! •*..' **f .ef v Floete Lumber Co. •v-. .- ?j» ft*., wr Ii ..•.. •.' WAGNER, S. D. ''4 Jos.. c. The First State Bank^ ». fa®'::. nerai Banking Business Transacted^ cittes of tWs and forSgn countriU. Will kxes and sedi real on favorable .'i WaghS^: I am prepared to do alt kinds of ^tfa ivt $ r«Kwayfc!.».'•Tr^U^i'.w'»i'Hi'(linn'i.InVHaiglngimnannmii•»11"iiiiiWf11•hWhfcnpir I at short notice if you wajot a first-lass job of either, drop me a postal and I wJl! call and see tig Agenf for the finest line' of1 WAIjL PA VINCENT BROTHERS Painters tl" U.S. :**&'&& t* w. S6ull| (M^tt tssssssaasaaf"'v #0( Th Ifl JOS Ha Fo wif I cats ii ,r«U e IklH ]'?1 hw |da lYo lal [fai BRf iff lie ISO I of lac |ti *t, -5 *n „mam 1 -.r' OaU befcHre bnying elsewhere and be convinced tb»t oir» v, ia tito rtt»apeat yard ia towni WW* •.. .•* v- *.7* i!gy»"n^"..|»t y^'f1"*"" Me'pwkclpa M'rf*V: r%®§l .h*:'