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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
f' :r-j v-,%Vv- /8* ti ts &M £W '.: Ftut SUM Bank coifcpsnies, Toot, tool. ThiaUcorn Weather, It's the steam thresher. $PS° inthe«hadeWedi HarvestlThen it*# tbreahlng. Found, ft coat. Inquire at tiki* CO- Fbr pood machine oil eedMiil.. PM 'l^k-: These ere the day* that the T£5gM last Armour flour ttHw^wety seek warranted. tf If yon are not aetag Armour flour you ought to be. Mr*. f*H. tfaataew ft visitor to Avoa lest Friday. 1 G. L. Ohesley was down from Armour Monday letting con nects Sor his new elevator. The New Bra office has some tmrnt Jpather souvenir cards for' sale. Call and aee the* they are* well. Hie weather report: Cloudy A and colder. Probably and cold waive tomorrow, ry 1,1906, Mesdames J. W. lindsay aid M. Hoaglin were down from last Tuesday, tfait went SO huehels aad onto timtwent 80 hushes to the aece, Mrs. B.G. Wilson wftir ft pfts- seager to Avon bet Monday, where ahe went for ft week's visit with relatives and friends. Jaa» Barney and wife return ed to ttiefr home at Lennox Fri day after a short visit it the witr yd?' %f.'-: «wM: icsHrfive suhatniitlst J*^ Freak ftsnri was passenger ft Saturday. W|f to Ww JtiHflr-sei wife,* flue baby boy. Frank Strohbehn want to Son City Monday morning. Mrs. Frank Denoma la visiting rdatives Davis this weak. Sohre?ber, tha Jeweler, sella ad kinds of sewing machine needlee. Byer Rovaart visited withhis brother $ dajy/^ (fgl' Ton will need ttuffa: in amoath ubmip. '^^^ilnii^rfolhee. J. F. Kennedy, tether of W. R., ia tore visiting with hie 9011 v and G. 0. Blegen, of 911a, Minn., is visiting at the home of H. Sorem. Dont forget the day or date, Monday, J^temb^ 190k »t Wagner. 3* J. F. Lynch is building a couple of bouses for Xinkhart Brothers south ol tofjp. fi^f 9Xh W* Jw%etem iaafitaalifrV sey that Mr.Mtnow was not np from immlaat Sunday. r's brotiber. hone of the T.J.» Miss Anna Maywald of Scot land, a sister of Mrs. Tony Diehl a posttem 14 the store of H. G. Barid The temuy Ss woridng in Smith's arrived last wedc from and will make thoh mm Agedt Kennedy informa tis he aold ooij far gb on time of the yea Lost, on July ft, im, JUoed the B«w firs office. Fnwk atockwhito Wv -*r" Wagner 'tfatertain the teachers 4# 6harlee Mix conn' from the I4t(t td the SRHh «ho county Institute. jgg The intent child of Mr. and Mrs. F. Si Strohbehn died last Wednesday morning, after along Sines*. 1%«| funeral will, take. place today. v Several new houses Just near* iogcomptetioa in town and sev eral morte are being started. Wagner is getting aone of the ~ood thii» j*irayhow. If the fallow who says itheve* gete hot here had been preset this week he would have load mil that it sometimes "warms up ft ttttte" in South Dakota. j*r Frank Patton has received &e boxes lor the new rural route. It will start next Tuesday, and you must have your box up he fore the carrier will deliver mail All partiee on route Ha l, who have not already purchased mail boxen, can proper® them of me. Sample may he seen at Grimes & Absher's office. Frank Button John Keeler of Greenwood and Mis* Alice Conger were married last Sundey at the home of the bride. Oongratulaiioes are in order firom their many friends and acquaintances. ,Jg| Mj Several land'buyers Save Been in town during the week. This is certainly an opportune time tar them toinveet as land that can raise sank crops will not be bought for the present prioes The lady liMmpi an too cream next Wednesday from 7 to 0 o'clock. Thay will serve kse cream and cake to all who care to come and take of their hospitality. The benefits to go to the L, O. T. M. The dutside work on tbe U. & church Is by this time nearly completed, end the new bell Is hung. Work on the Interior will go rapidly, forward, *0 that before long the n«w church wftt keu'saOy jpi*'""* Of the young people who visit ed the oitiy by the lake last Sun day we note the following: M. A. Barney sad Jdiae MiSnie Kline, H. G. Barkland Miss ©or* Amnndson, and Gus Niedermeter and Miss Minnie Absher. XSK May! £9&d- twwaty flve the Sioux CXty excur iterday. The people are busy to 4 1 sad ty ,.£^. _JS _=i:,5. -ar#. r®1. J** .•-• I w v .4»«. u y *. II them, no wpndsr It Is a hard job IU mere 18,000cabinet places. Oliyjs Herron eftorts to make lbs coming teachers' ins&tnte the best ever held in the county. Our citizens should endeavor to help, even to details. ner will give a reception in the hsU tiext Monday night for the teachers of ChaSfes Mix county wbowill he here toatteud thei institute. It iiu-to^ stroply an informal affair. i 6tcayed From my place at Greenwood about the first of April, ft hay spotted pony, iron gray i*are oolt, 1 year old, and a bald faced bay horse. Ftader keme word at poet offlee «r notify me at Greenwood. 0. Simmons. Miss Minnie Grimes gave a party last Tueeday evening to her yoeng School. A jolly had by have nothtng but praise tor the young ladies, as to their a a e e a o e s for the town. G- U Chesl^r of Arswur will put it in? in time to handle his share of oounty's hcmpoiF cropi We are very much plsoeed to weieooto tills addttton to tite Gate City, end we can aesure the farmera that they can tad no better msr ket then Wagner for tbdr gndn. Mise Maude Hoolton left Mea day for Sioux City where she will spend ft eoupieof Weeks with ut old school friend.....Rnfl Misterek drove over ner Satutdsy evening the guest of hit sis**, Mrs. J. a Weotsel SmU himself a nerandeayeit isnotforeeleor rentkf~Dehnont Record. And »HU another lndastry ls to be started in Wagner to a week or so. ffinataan Bros, heee rented the reem lately oeeupted fay J. & Turner .# Oo., is- the mmmim&rmmtMUm put in a uaio store. They will handle and oigaos, and 1 ments. The wy sheet atustowill also bs to stock. Miss 'Jtaerl v tf: ,*r I? It stock of papers In an endlees variety efpstterne aad efftu, r, both wants, sad they wfll pleaae the beyer, both in i Al^ogier bid R. P. Frfok, from Cu$kdng, la. -Something happens eve*r in a whik^ and yon never toll whoa It is going to happen, is the marriage of E. Corey and Miss Minnie Heb««r, which occurred yesterday We most coupje, aad their many friends tfkii' tiMMD k tow mfl bftpbNr journey upon the tempeeteoae sea of mntjrloMMQr, Comm^aam tnid Pnbtte iJtod S. Bach, add Salesman 3. G. iMm^ wsre here last wesk to sell the standing Umber on the school section up in the extrsae western pert of ttw oonnty. Tfctfs eec^oa Is mMed tl»«e mm- s«A e^ Ls 91V WBIW W ftfterne«K|'%-There wwe How bidders, tie too* ted Mr, Taxweon. uiteeiS the 'seeri tile timber at Ms bid el tt,I& Ss will move his saw mis up linre end sew wft tha Mr. IIrMMmi-trii-" for ftvu raiiofhtn I l«9 I M|«t w 1 *M waB PaintsfOils and Varnishes -V aid Per otfUideand imkfa dacoration iffS soason/such as insect powders, disinfectants, etc. ,W If have what yo« want, let us know i w«will SMU .for WVAtSNERi DRUGICO. to# 1 --mt. Witoasr.i 0£ i s i dUrfni «w ln»1iiilirtil -A'i'-k HALL* Rdf Pfisr, Msn^er^ v? .* v We sen pisnssdl to1 .hsnd-ft feed sseeclment -ef,, the Umtm MAY MAKTOH PATTESSCS and FASHION ALOGUSS, tUeh tM easts ?.• Jl mi. im. Wm 'v Hi v:. 5. s^j| li." V- -iK v-.^ cfif' EAP 'f •X'-SS/I 1 v?' t. J-: 5 *«3.iu^"".K-,•it,JVx..tri%«r •'x*M Rnob i fT, 7i 7 V -c.- -j.- 's -'TOr ,w TV S-/* f»d »mtk tommw yea ptaaew^ raaotnntymeM/u mmer V htyta* feMft av rt'MiiWM M-jp I- s O 6i. W. MtSL W ii s£, 1 i .= .. r~ '".v 1 v -A- -i I, a BnHaek "1 s IH9I|9VR|, .«.#?.•- v.*.- Zv-""^ V" -'n"* f|•1 a^s W CL is 4-" .sllil T..'v v-' 4-^ "f '"3 'v I*" ft r,'-V«#/4 "i -r. y, J.»* r-t** tv?