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/i*- W***'« »£r.its-' g|^^., 4 Ml sto#*. *M* llllftff' :%£$ r»he*d«arai0O»a taNaa. -Mt'flMil mm it»b«*itf. mm #wn i. ||iWlillTlll'i WS* «lf ^^seaS"8^ .tottoe"* tradw W« *«»i ..«*. w 1*|W» *Mto MM) A:ttiiriWwi,«a* *KMt btoltlf tftoa -toy»-: j# at to* emam •MtlllptM ••Ver* kt at* mo. ni ^c topi Miin»«i# fe£I to» jhtoa wdMy, aad breath of toe Koiwrln* priawww, sMa^^'tott ash ler kf fragrance and parity sad W«»s f*r it* tfe, Wlt&ttit «A iwii «ad, la *«4 ••«. «4 irtklad llw« •». tto cw A «*aa we» *Wl toawd iM^jii'MMi --Ml '111 •iihi at 'Tfc jfcW stMSMab* flMBf.fPlfl, fMMU .liVigKl.' -«p? v^» w*, wva.asiahit **b .&C*t «srs*w*, fan laita** eMI toeswe le «ff w8b awea. 3,1a a «f tote blod. far 1st* «pr jartV «jn|'to»detly wHMtoww jiat mtitptA anftfcafr a»d bflto* to ifcjak, W«a* «*&•** A* #aar •tasdajrwrwid afeMAwad'sMtotolMbl' t# berf to* to*»bS» Js» of to* ama#» amar:, tuns» eteaot'fcartr d«flr agist «W »l5. «rt* 0ttti. U __.i" ««*aWtAfir abators. toy G**cm tito-a tew aw bow, ottos aohtwi £«. •«i mi* th* lamw lwi*-«fi««" of «u toft tjata^HUhewlas-tl* )Mm(» stitobwtoi,. and tb» Hm H» tsallifc b*M l»iyiiiiiiiji»^ ti fhm imm Iaibk1 'ttfluA' MMBB A«J tt» ib '.*#»# 'nhttdl of /mWfw-, IIP* :iiiv'ifli"iW'' 4mP. 4 A •kjiiift *». if 'ttir' lihf" ,*PP.: '*WF\-'*i,'',jW*i •f lifi ni ilsi Ml «M -r- mm *m *i^. f«•* pm+0*iirn' •n^.* «M «i»jwB»g*y. «at «aa. •Wip W-I** '*Smm *gJ8!B9lil Jg "l nK^PPlr||pRP i —«tla» cat l^nSm Ika«* «M «m»M* mmmi* t-.mtm mkMtjMm%»+*» PMI. KWM) .,N»aa i»M'* aBK 1 wts.'ssst 'mm&mm b'V- W ftw- fcsssA, wtB%*hm fe* totta" «|^W.Thi« «Mwr i# tte wi*k yl^llk *iik H* •ifc^. .. !S!^ :rn, *.1 In, IMtf 19B Mktf AmmmJ *JMI %!B && AM mm, •«SttblMPaii«nd«ti OxfiuC Mwivtw, «4f DMT akeat fr *i In HMil an# he ww Mid it *ftpe that, «m «eo »«lw Uwyer «wM acly W» wxrif«d ft pairtbt* fttt a^kt c» «a »U Uw iMM«r «Mb «ot M»i it to Ktwir «hmn^ that Ut W&m. MMK9 .., JBK i*» fltaw ka tttttr «MM bw M»*«r|| bi -«arcd iutl* hMte Us taus« eoatM«]ii for iMdiNt «f CMutAw, or tte #rter MM vUA k* Ilni* bit—«t Mas tin fatter of a Aeakftjr. ailH,«tta«t tttte pwhttfan «r pMn wit llfcia -(UnaUMIUHllM W oHIKn AMI IRUPMMIi% Mart«w foonf KM tettt. atMlM^a ch»r«a, taHB^, to fct MMkpi If ha k«4 WPt Kit b«t __ tnr IMi Mtkat U tattkMi ararytMsc, aad iMmi tb« earn**, mi mootk tta tenia, •«4 wrap It all ap la Midw taiMUwa, da «Mail f, with «Mr paww aoar mU Ui *&taa i«4 «a««tc. ud pi»f»^ll otttiaok airf A-^T 'jAuCiaMfc." II—y MMr Iimf Mn w» MMW VP WW^: Dm?AI wrti^wrtl^ cftoM, ber mm ka4 taM» M| b«r -%S2^kai, •fca «jJC^E: A" urn*-.** 'timflkM* ilM W^W- a Mfe w N I O a e a O "MpZZ'l ^.a^^saM-IO. Wf0H9mn .•*PPflPw,s '•^•Wp., .pBB- tbtlbr If b* kal —wWad no rat tbttMflly 49- lw la^ittttwl Ifcat hum *11 I slmM l*tw»t» 1 'iMtt^' iMMHtfid Ittlii-flWttiiaE' Mi'lAlAt Uft. bcw*l' «ll IdMM^ Httt i« «».«M rtfaaan tw anili«- MtHda-to'b*' ite«a_h^'.«aT,: ^g|| :^||mp.jfegffi" WiMH fWf iMk#, baut ray. ^ftvi mwa w j^lSPWte-' -8i isiW '-tiyi1 wlito6.SwilwilE al riBS i^lfaii naii aU tla «taM» iraa ««t «C k, 8a twwi wlliilii n liinl fill •fltjt MiMwtf' aldB^asfllSe iph* raa-d»attl*c aM Mka adtar liaini *w 1yi^w^ btttatMaa $ Ihab taitMir vac# tiiYfffalr t^tla"ilndi vUA rtixM* ka KtlM^tta way, aad apa»fc. **Mi «a»aa af Ma« a lawfar'a aa®! s« -MM. tMraiac iMBrit far «M ka4 «l Ma wattwr, "Ska aaU' 0m Kiga4 tka law. **& 1UWi, H.* kaaaMtMtU '&.*• 1*»- «Mil «f«wi «t tH :i liM tTa tht» rtla^rilitr aiMiniif nf (SAl ,- :«lt*Mt *^»4PS. a^VfWW A* BfliwEi 4lsttk!li«f bad ltd fVit 441# vw 'iijPOTv. SiMr dftwBiSs^tost 4|y|N|pE"" :W0Mi g||| flttUk apucipppik: watMtolAls iiiBrtlaw^ ttiix stviiic A Nitla 8K ta^ 10. ^Clbt .iMovd .^M tkaa-- ItMtf M(jr#liwt '*«ttaat •l-Ufca Mtoth tt V1HM^ :'il Stomaasaa, ttt- AMrtntts. aa- Mt^tofyyl, nd IQi^hda^ tta Lsai toaa. ihs ^iswrsl avsn«o«ftt»«hsitto wawsttiJapdhr 4HUv.. SA»:- WaHjapppif.ItotM •. -.W."<p></p>"WnHi t/r, M^iflL .•pppBM|WM%. 'PPf ..p^PPP 1 V^KsaSsAMtto -'. .liN^PPlMPli. TtapuKMi SMMl Vstt "MlMhi ttL dt gftpltrsai Vtogtols sad VImMs. MB lift lu't:-._-.-awiu w ^p i -, TrW*W. Ptoli -pa*sapi Tppsas» Ssst CArottnif Sstttototy MM iCwaw |i boor, ^1# Ml *W» ^PI -iMi \|A|m 4k JlhtoiitoJhwt. javHHRw 4lto ^^^MFtoto' 4u^aSM|m-H-i-'k .,•'.:£* ,#,r !•:•*'. ^jtl.fllifttf -M)V tot frwa yaar kWrbto wlatoawt aad I "•SiIWPUPP®"® wPs»|^ W |yyM|f Mjr iNriNyfelfr ^iRfeB •'"S'PWSfl^w -_u^.-.:•' T7w ^'W^'^ppa^ Mi aad «M«t MMT toto totoatug wltoow UMftH «t «M hswa Jaaft toktobat IW fitoto'Mt «toi m-'A» .ip.^% ftt fp* HP* m&m**** tad atetoi «rs to'totot litop 1to*t qt tot mm* ttor* INT# itossr itfl in •uijfrr miji |j !nSli)iM^j!i( mNK MtoMMr 'liMS l-tS MY sj^trcs or xaa railroad aad tial^t ata aaaay rttfafl lii Is laaraod to Cbtoaoo pttloaopby sad Htewtora. ha Is a toaroagh adiatar to toa totrkata Bteratara of bla ows oooabry* sad spasks sad wtttas ,|a ^towtol *wj?«» Nr. nktMni^to AM tt tlto tttlsd s rissa &om tbo raaks. hspaclar dJptouatlc sarv Iss to 1M^ attar a thanrnth adaea- "to Itottad «atos (toOOlu vlalstar Is a'torn af tolttd •atttaoach ft«toi Of tot.irti /tos.has tor toa taalttlss of ha aat-'-USk to too 'issr totiro. bai aaya It fRMs' taadgr mU tooootfllet -at aamay bo aaMMary.Aa to tt*|» ampJf Whfceb has ba«a sattMtod of a ssiii Upisaii sIHtti icbt Th« *«t of nUraadlas whkii iffMhi to tk* public nlad, tyrMMoa of Ma teite and iar tta aav pteblama whkA tt oftto praaaat» to the enftnecr, la ttat tfiraogta moaataln n&xm, bwt tt haa maalned tar Heary M. Fla«ier, wh- Jua bam tsrmad -Jfca Wlaard of Floriaa," to taka to tand »n» rall way caMtmettw wbich is not flaljf ualqae, Iwt dartn* to too Uat d^prea. Tkto la t&* extatMrioa of fala Florida Bast CJoaat Eaflway, which bu for jt*n baan la oporaUoB botwwo St ArguattM sad UiMtol 1M nllos lufiwid asd BorOwostwsnl from tho lattas polat to tl|a Important W satoiriEcr Wast Hwi oooatroetkm 9t too e*ta«ah» U proeoadln# i»p»aiy. Dm load wLU traroiw for a coosldarable dWaaco a rid*# or «llsht rt«Ta Om of aalttte ttaasstona. sad pMUnt taraod «MS wlB mch sssd. the »an tca«% ttat atrsoca trao wbleh nadws Its coots downward Into the water (Ml tbo Bn»ba a»«ro boia ft* a k«t dMaaea tta principal rr««Utk»n. ffeM tt* wad wta atrlto ehwddsndMa atnrtdMs of '«rstor, mora or Mas low, bat always tbo fwmdatMa wffi |s oes of |b* wwrr. fln*t StBatlal lowiMMst saaMljr, eorsl rock. •Xbo Mistmetlsii wQI bo of tbo «tost wtp«alto aad darsbte Aaiortw, sad orarrti^as win nafco for sbaointo safatjr. Tbk flrat «uray. waa for a lino to Capo labia, bat wbaa this was mada Mr. Flatter found tost Us was stxtf Klin from Kegr Wart sad twtiro atH«a from wbst is knowc as the tbm totboa 11m at too «oll Ba tberofeva daeMad to aadaitolw^ tba (raster pttp ostasw. sad so cbaagad Ifca Baa from HcawaloBd sad Is IpBttig mn aaarly float wbat taay bo caOsd ths feasml Has of tbs eoaau It seaale wsjr this road will bo astobla. tbo rlowa it wffl tl»o of tbosa issatlfld sontNca watai* with «& their tendoreas* of tint, wtth too soons of -fesyr or trisads sad tslata, frost sad assail. wiH sasks Itlflco t'voys«» la wsadsrfsad. Tba lino will paaa from ttgr to kar. sad tba flrat daop wstar ft wm stitos will bast what Is tafva as Katgnrs Xsr. whs* Opt* wit! bo s a a s a o o s a a a Mrtnl dmwbrldtM win bo dmtractad. aoew tor too vM «t too am&U **sss!a whkh tss «l«t*4 tojfcs apoo*» fisharis^ too saat of tha «om» WaS7gf :f,,, TACTFUk. am. TAKAHIRA. IiwaitooSaa4Hk Tbaearaar sad «parisac« of. W OMat tbo «*ttd jtosa*s: ia otodssa Japasaaa Bavlow of^ite vtowa. la UsaatlT jroatb b« f«lt taaalf aad ldaaplir tbo sadttt fondod Uftof aamaraiaad tbo old ward too aaw* bs swaat Into sad dl vakvsd wtth tos 'We. Tshabirs to a tAKasia yaara. tha taotb had boas prmar»ad la a macb b^tar ooadltlon. Taatb wara act part of boass, bat pa*t of tbe sfclB^-tbar «««. ftict, danaal sppMdscaa. Old .poopla wan •atprtssd to dad tost whoa too taott of tbo lowor jaw dapartod toaro wto W7 tttOo of tW Jaw laft Thla pro daeod whst was c&Usd tbo aatxrsekai ptg^sifttaomjr. Ratorrtet^to tba tact rsmorad foiaita matter, too lecturer topad .too laasoa- of too paeaairttr ol sarafaOjr to tha 4i*sa*tot & toato sat racommmflad sttsato* thsai st algSit as belot mora ls» portsat tosa ia tiw morsiat-g| Mf ':-*«a Row* to tpaafc flit?"': A eoaa t«r oarrawoadsot or tba Adams RBtarprkw ssada la tossa to- rehsm is as tolMU TWO |p#'Mr ototo-fcatoRtor of ohsxt* d'OBalraa la Oaroa'aWD. •«m0, »«toal at Wow lit* (t«tD, fli«Blstor laatoaafc to MR. aUtoator to Italy (UMk to AaoMa (UM). vioa tot tor totalta attsttt QflMl si bow* tl m.«h|ift-*|to" & to spoilt of la toto hara satlloaMbi Bad tparlla was btt by oao rsttlaanaka sad two SMeea» das yostacdsy sad u toollat anwtfl tt this wrtttof. •Tba stqtpor tor too bsasflt of too aow ehwrcb boll was isrtsly attoadod. (That It too feaagHsfft boB la toU ooithbotbood) "M*i. Joooa bsppoaad to tbo sedr dsat of bsvto' his bssd blowad off Taasdsy. Doot kaow bow bitb It i^t blowad, ss tt htsat asm down fit' -.'. -. .. -Tho Jat-trato wltb atosty taUoaa of sfiHte aboard, waa wiackod by aa erasats Sstatdsr sad la aoaiaqqtsiw taadsy la towa wsa w ooosab to bank -J wlH cloao at thorp Is as asws It spoafc of, so I ssld bafore, wishing saeoass to tba ptfisr sad all fitto aoos.«,'--Atlsato Ooaatltatloa., atstdtof tfiw »aa«® tea booa eiailutol:** Tthsbft* da alsraa ttto cw imtot 'isi^lito**^ aao paapla, ho patots o«t, l*« .btto mssvC poiltk^. SIom At«Mtot' UsaAndttw^d bo wit to'iaiNi»^-ipi»''«t-*to^,: eo4tasa«sa aiQtoaeo ad^t bo s irlft fll ^toWny/ yatdek pat oa bis Saaisy bast aad wslfcsd tosr mllas to the doctor's boaas ta tot btm thsat bar. -Mow,- ssld tha doetot, whsa hs had board tn Patrick hod to say, sad/hsd Vrapfaiad toato modictaa, "koto is aoaooiblat tor yoar wito rra wrtt taa toa dlfoettoaa oa too boMa. aad wsat bar ta try tottbtoMy for a MItbt tJfsa. If It daaaat toHava hor, eatoa to too tj§to ssd I wiH ttos ,^Jtow!1dSctoOf. rich, sao bsto,'* i^ atrslght atoAA Wby dost sad looktof trtaaly at tha pbystotaa. yoar dotbtt o' this ctofo' Hary. (Ta iTidoat jmh I*** sa hjr too wsy yoa yoa gtf P&T -v,(p'i i •l*"» 'itotoai maun, Jf ma trat iteTyoaro trfn" tm tostr' If baa totiMMO 0M )Co* Oaaafe Mamm*—Hare SW .SMWO aatar, wimet Wlllto-W19» Y** alwqrs me toataM«ths»«ilis»ooatolls bad for lay bosltbi Maswf Ttiir» tt boto*. St Ooratoad Laads^ la tlw St tba Ba^«^- 1 -, aT««t* toth*- istoa to iaseb •boot Ma -smisiibtntr ttelt tba ^tel dma kaow ta*m toota. HU -%mma+ m«rm»*££•• "''"J r^fsr-•• •SSTtMl I t#Rjfa»totot^l tot^ baa! t'ti Ml btot dtfttad' ^Qnelwtol M* wa yoa latrt tay sttd t*fe» h«id t'ttttm^ of stowed prtBM »«i tbo lites sal lotto toa& family sowots,n .--.-•• to«adaa»9»Uo*. Montkolto. Mla|k4 Att« W. Uoora of toto plaoo »tsnd« s tot proof ol tha fact that Brttbt a aaaaT ovaa^ to too laat stsfOS, «asy at nortoetty and parmaooaUy ourod h% b«wrs Kidasr wm. Mr. Moora asysi! "la MM. »toj W* atabla phyalciaaa aftor s oaraftf tmlnattan told »t that I wookl with Brlfht's OUwaas inaWo of My tm Sad aaklea and lots waff beK y^ ly iwotl«n I could hardly rtsnd oa «r v toot aad bad glvon op I dolls*,*''" ***& »ob- *11 bopas a* Cotttiit cared, wbbn a trsarttot.sslos* . sua told mo that bo hlmsaif had ba« curad of BrtfhtM Dtoeaaa two jra*** bafOrOi y: I "Bo ssld b* bsd taken to Ms bad «td mtpoctod to die wltb It. bat that ho had boon cured by s csmsdy esUad Xtodd's KldBey Pills, .., "I oommoaood taklat tham ,st o«a sad am thaakfal to asy that tooy oavad my life. After a short treaty aont I was cxxoplotoiy baalto chUMifM* Caaaa bas jost traatad lta tost psi» sot It is tor aa electric ismp, tba lavoator of which la aa labsbltsat of Ksakta, the old cspital of the Chlaeoo empire, who calls bis lamp too "bright mooalltbt," tad sasetto tost it is tor. aapotfor to forelsB glow Dghta that blttwrta hs*o booa sold at Shanghai sad- othw CMaoso cJtlaa. f- I eaaaet praiae Ptao'a Can oaoMh. y*. tt Betdei, rit^re st^at, Loola. Me^ April It All Dopewta] "Omit yoa fcoowT* aaM tbe boay ooa. "that bard work la beoeficialT* r*-r "Of eeono 1 kaow It'a beaaflclal," rmi plied tbe laar mao, "that is. provWUat tba other CeUow doaaa't oharta Mmji i« doiBt if 'ipplir•, «a^^^^^»o«M»aor toakafct taw jr«ir abow. It i a*S la^ovtac m*» sew ««$*_• I restored sod I to |M am aow as sduad ss a m-i- iTSe. at WQGCST WIHOMIU. OF AL.I. raaapia Wator tot* Uoidaa 6a«o Mb la .tow Vrooeiece. Tbo isrtoat windmill to tho United Stotos. If, indeed, not the largest 1a tba wfcels world, tsa recently beoa ooo stractsd aosr San rranelaco. This gigantic mill Is locstod directly 'oa tba taceatt b*scb, aer thtf tostoas aosl rockA It is ased for pwnpixxf water sp toto GohSm Gate Park. Tbe hage, strant woodoa tow«r aap» poftlnt tba wind arms rlaea 180 foot It Is 40 foot aetata at tbo bass, ao» earety putored aad gainllr tapers spward, aaaamlng a round ahape. There ara foar immeaae woodaa arms, or tmass. Kach arm measurea 90 feot (torn tho center or hub—tha* mating a diameter of Id# feet to de scribing too circle. Tbo wind vanes sra 8 fast wide sad extend nearly tot56, satlro laagto of too hago swba I ym- "4k1 -tor. abpet. 3 Thla wladmill Is loeslad «p«a d" promtnont stevattoa, sa that tt «asy eskb atrory svollsbla wtod trlstog to tost section. nils coioasal wtoda^l Is sspablo «f davtlofrtag BO-borao power, its lag cspadty la 900^00 gaBoat of wtr4 tar every twenty-fosr boars. Tha wstar la taken from tha W«tHr aad foread through a large Iron mala atotaaa incbea la dlaafets*, tot aeariy four ml lea as lata aa tsutteasa tosar T0tr several baadftdktoat higher tbaa toa ecssa beach. From tola reservoir too arstar to diatribatod l$ tU dlf^ tioas tomagk toa park. Oaring tbo dry. hotoeasot tbo sftsT tt toto giant windmill are kept wblrt tof day tad algst to a*ppty toa thirsty orsr, tv to of wtod to toet. tot winds ocaitoaauy blow with aach Tto teaeo that toe tolll Is eompeHsd to bo -iliti down, ss tt wottld bo staky to sft smat to ran tt darfac a dares gala. mm* "i'i .. •ARY'R IMRTINCt* FbrwardlBt photo of a Madsstto swft hsalttly yaaag boy, a bippf ssetoar writes ftam aa Ohto jpwtoi AaHHto^k. I, i Aa i* WVT,^ Aa toa tola atsads aa tha k baocb, thaca la moly» If a tolhA^mM tom« i. ^SWm MMNvBiw pWfWv WV| TR# IP .. yasr-oU Oaapo-Nats boy. ."1^ :aaMabs »lt yow bars -ha. waa 8 yearn old be bit tttoa aothtof bat Orapa-Mato Hoda maada'aad gats this tobd toaat tossa sitey- Ttosmay mm estoar aaaaasj, . htk ha dato aet caro ler saytotog alto tllto be has eatea hla Orapo-Wnts. Wtocb ba aaM with aUlfc or oream, sad tkaa he is tbroath with his meal. R*aa oa ^aftkagiriag Da ho lotoaed to» bay aad all tbe «sed things that toska *1 1 ip that groat dinner, sad ate toa dhto of Orapo-Nsts sad croam with tbe boat of tot ovllt tost that fthsts of tot totWss^ ecbar foottto toptotostMi'' "Oa ls aavsr slsi& las -a has iMtfiili I 'WIS tad Is saastdsred a Tery i^ hoy.' May the Pastam Oov. ^1 pany proapar aad long oonttoaa to l» v-, -.91 atoh toatr wbolaaoma CoodT Hum)'. ^*p| t*e« by Psstaai Oo. Battlo Croatw -*ii r\ kj V Wit A