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^A'-L-".^ ..**,• WP bwihsi ,-r •*,?: "*&< /'J HpHK 'r (••'si*1: :*1 .'?• 1 A 1 1 IT-*' 1 -I- writ «m. Bat f* wiB be eeeUW1*1 mmmmv-j* i" v -.- aSSte*""'"' i 'i-ii-' r4* r.-V jf. ..".• s A .'V5lV m.z i SLfBtiS J«4^S i'V: K- r" V1 4 2•••fWjD.JIUACKITOJI•£! |i teter**4,w«*A l«»* ^^-.^L.L.,— It* vat i yea. m& UBK tamttr boms* of it. id i. to tw tUaft. Fw the what* «ffi k trying (M KK }N ate too gnod-nataKd, aad gnwd is r*« WW**! Toa awst try to he a Httle l'.«tftikc, with Hurt latat of «w«tr. "Hast II tet tqtaw Mil W«t tew itr bdtow im ftWtt ,•• -. hmmhim* i bt«w iw think a aaan jf!te£gte£v*tr fk peorote rter Sastfcae. Siw aeweir .-" ea*t Hlmtm eeaa, Btej mtae by .^SfTlv- ^battaut* aad Jaatfce: at fcaat a yMt aad tud jonke at teste Now I tai* tttt |on as* to Mr proper light." "WeB, I H/Ite'k* «U a BUI* tars rf «dUi«k: Mtf W oftea got »bn fM|it ewddaet teaataud Mm "awthar, yen *01 nBew. r'M* to (art my eptalte M. yen taw* Tt Iter have at tte wortd Am in have. tw mm M«* of light ul durir only Mr* tarter wt You win break rm heart dear Kit, If jwa d* didnsteMMteoMtetlMte at half-peat es». aViixfc ZSr a7Si A *-r it*/ wH» wD ki*oott v* p^"-, mt totMUat. i aw «M iMfflr, kwt iMft' klB CM «w L.mml 9k»«M«tiM«(kto 't» Vttf I*i tadca«: tat tkMr wa*. to Mm fbcMby W eegleet lfc» i «f H* ili(p»«(iawit Ht ha *, «MT «lMM ikt oolr HM«i II, ud ., |bar kait* a*I fork wara tcMtMfe JJrtv. '.«m Opawi, tun Mi ijif JMlllr, «t::: 01 iiw»i iftr tMti tM wftMifi tm v •":.ttkJ $ V' jpU wfc mam tmjkmiM* liiilil ,*www*tl»«, iStli' Wm VMfhr Hn4iriVit mm tmt*. mitim »«yy jR «MHI fek In tiBil— If AM IK tfet: DM. kfW Ul 13 flp: wm tm. "n Kkts 1 I -tbriHk I iNft p# ft* l«feiMMr1tMt lNii: .. tet tt* AIM W 4Ml «M MM iw 4M» lMmr sTssi.'r^" II* A- 'MM MM MY *M» UTMF s jt» hm mm sm **&?>. -«ii=£-" s Hi «Wl 4M Msd» *1 4m* *mr «k -m** «*k f' Utoi 1 V .fittka^a^ Mtaaiatte. Umiiliil tt Mt,* tall 4ShMtga to ktafK, i* ^S^sf *5?1&iTS2^ Ihi# 4MMM ^*SSw..%Mir Kit. «i Ik* otk«t taai aw tl«« tut irM imulalm tmr asri keatr «trUe. He Made up Ui t« IM wrttirt SMT lih if Oe taut taMeb W* haA mk Us «wa ak««M t* tknk mtmuiniij. But vtatmr Mi ttt» aai^t be. k« tread the liifr pul imiiiltf) Altibr MmA «m* tkejr met ia a t«Mi». MMIM witk.- Inawai and dlOi «C th* carU vaa tout by MM)to Cnttea, ul tha power tk» akr MM bariS, actla «*trfy «m^ «a4 gtaetfnl t«C «a4 im depth" of tangled pridt liaaaa—ererytkiag having PM life fa it—wa» «prMHag it* greea. aad ptooA et b. C»dt» tfcfc root aad la «Mm halta of Itight rorag vwdwta, the jwath aad th» maid came face to face befilttojrty. Gta«a aa bright a* a reaa, aad ilaahlag with traa tiat of «0d wae» draw hack aad bowed, ant then pwcahriag artai hart of Chriatophar. kliwUr «ff«Md a dctkioua tooeh for a&r oaa, Kit laid hold of thte aad kept it, thoagh with eoMtant fear of doteg BMM tbaa was aatabtbfcad. aad trying to look ftna nod nwftwiift ted tha Wr mm# »MNI ta a twak of fsllen oak. tt«f* th*y hath aat dowa aad Oraca MM Mt fa* as aha wU wish from rtsUtng to a Bttle kind of tremUto* wUeh INH la her. ftb* glaaeed at Kit «M*waya vtaww sha fait that ha twH .im l» Mktac at hsr aad Ma Iwpt h«t iris# «9M tMfair dowawatd whaaarcr thai •«»—md to ha wasted—oot that she aot took n aad apaak. eair flat sha waald ratlMr wait ontii than was no aMar Up far its aad, as for that, aha Mt tear, twist w tkat ht waa afeall aC Im, Kit, aa tha otter haad, waa fall al im, «a« #1 *8 k« eo«M la A* emfUMt aMaaar ta naka itte Ion ieai twathiak H« eooU aot tali ho%r 'M# u^kt tika kto tab b«t ht tosw ayMimdi halite id tast If iast^wt that hla wfcara hl» "Wa, "XlMMKsBMMfe'fcS giiiijji j. .• i» ^S» &ta 4 «M tw at*, •iidh, Wbi»» It te mar 4tt' 9isa» w*» litmM 4flK «ii Hit «i A* ttCNi W «eft '•jfajl w4 Mil «t Mr «a«* tttdMtr. nt Mwllr ud daariy, tint k* If any la a fKHffftt wfc&t *b* Im fox tiiai 'gttr, Mi t»Ht «*d Uktec Mi of tMurt k« wt MM Hn 1 feaMT WfcM |M IMMM," k» hai* la IM sach a .tml- Oair a»_Mar l» &M* ai «tf *«aw ta» 1 toB wfcat ps* Oraca: bat bar •i •SP*1* i3ty*s MM -tt4f *riN ''*w ftittp t*t Ml 'flhtM MW|nM#lM mm Mr lw Aaag* la ftM to MlW HWlK to a iMiat, «Hl ta«* t» Mr •"•IM M-M)r* la few Mrtfc M, I* I tka vaQc «4f th—« mn Mt t* H» Wn, I a .MM IMimtrt dri. gee* wfll «wwa**i Cfc«6»ef*«* II }M Hwa, W*t*Mr aat to ba mum with «af .ah. i-M" to ha awa," OMaa "whjr ahoaM ba aagry I M«1 It—4 ^ra y«a I hava trisd Ya^r hu4, tat «0kM1» «U(T «M yon, fSf* it «km mawtklag vary wtdwdl" "tttaMl «tf it r*rr f»od M» fleai iw «M. I Mr that Mt ask who «HMA.# that ted MM ga. Oaiy, -afat iaast ?aa aaj W»totoiaattMtto MX f«R «St bm J«a ^Btvarv aooaail y^f |5M tkh tTito titfr ifffnitfrrtiit apatjatd wr daar i*th«4 MaoMiaaw* MM to •agiaad-'far «raat ga ta *0mm "ti, iNMHff *Ch*es' .. .IM «r uriM. It «MTI MTT«r teto ia iha Mii^s af Aa awed—«kac*. mm e^UMI «r fltth aqraslt M# MS af air MLMNM* MLR* *WWH/AF *SARI« I Mast Mt atovto ksu aar Mant. Vbasa Is ««r fcaad—rss, af My Mja-Ah Imm 4m &£•'!& ^jStJSSSS "TTtir tiia •llUftlli kill lug.. JBWW®yP SBfc" •M I'ar f«M mIw S aai «Mm ta ta iMaiAmpaMMr mm late, ttis Ja«» -. WliWMM M/tik Ml' itifc Mt bth« ftod aad pr^#.r- UMlilif* rai^MMa%tM toatMaCto «fM atast rawto .«| Mt. w«k a m« t, terdM, OH at tei. ftMM «fli 4a av bsst ta M«a f»u ftta *|r .mK. I| la irag hard it k WMiU await gasa at tel adaaat^s A mtmta am thaak ass.** •His tot*** ftaa UoaMratar wted hariag aeai«^- tuaard awl ba 9MT MMI» teaa ITRTWSS •*«a *ast be wwag." ih tmsta I tet» MNT hawd. .. thofwaat kav« baaafor»t»rt«*. I &** 0m mr was* tfcat »aw fatbar tea 1MM «fce «M» til ttaa «t Mr,' mI jmat-dM! Ma fit to as irap 0^1 ha HWW *rttSate« Jftt u»i& to HMr Mil T« of oM». rrald liTbrty twrttig "m' h* tMM« I aw d«a4: ttet 1 tea a Rctls.H dtwftt «h tufa an KtRMnliiur lite am* a htstsm aa^ MiawtMMt teaw ito-tet htart wa* wlarMMll Jt «K Mt tMg dwwkttoa, aad wa* a»Wa» a taw a« sist5s»» «l Mtk la Jnywtaat trbala« testa gMat^tga«• tt* Aat tm erw a asm atast tak* tl» toad at hat. at bar* swteair l»ot. aM arihathsr raa wiA to aw jr«a tether, arts ha canted away (Mi U» Grace la taaftotea aad htr looked ap. AU a boa* hmctf aha ted forgotten aha had ana fatgettaa that Kit aM Mt waa aat* poeAerta* tiawljr aow—M a adad at aiMt triticai aamab doaa ataM straw cf a trtfta that btew aeraas, "Do jroa care to bar* jraar Catha^s liter asked Kit. rather at«mljr, Mt ssa« iag la the least th* coaWtk* sf hw sated, bat nadMiag at It ^tjwjlMiW tba bta, down the kill, as tarn aa *r«r yoa I know place whara ouj ted M. Wa aiast hid* there tSI darks, MlttMfatt tate-jaMl* Badtr Bat *i»* jroaag Ud/'i nei tas vtsii not set at cwnadwd. Th* sho«k aad sarprisa had been too severe. Ail Ma »rid do waa ta gsaa at Kit. *dtb soft, toplortsg that triad to beg pardoa-SR hsr b«l|le«ao«*s. "If we star here another ateate, roa are kwtr cried Kit. as ha teard tha sound of carriage wheels aaat tha cot tage, on the rise, ahar* tea "OM ia his sttody anas aad bar* ter dowa tha hill aa flat as fca eouW ga withoat scratcbiBg bar viMnrwfalta fa«, or tcar iag th* arm which haag 00 his atealdar. CllAPTRB JOtltl. Ml MeaawhOc Mr. Sharp ted Ms Israa idy, aad WM waitiag ftHr Ocaaa aad ChrMopbar. Ciaaaadata's goad Cods Kentea (who spaat half of Ma Mafal ttes ia atosliag horsa*, sad ^a other half in tetnUat aa# dUpoalng of them), afcboagh be slight aot ter* dssind ta •bow hteaeif so long ttfoi th* aaootf light, yet, tree to honor, hara te waa, blinking raasatfc a thiaa-cswxrfad hat, lika a gnodlr r*spaetabia caaateuin. The carriage wsa stopped ia a shady place, qoite *«t of Sight fossa Aa windows, la ptrtipesqae attKadss of tobaacoaWag three ta* fMlowa atight now be seaa. It wit. Black 3*otg^ Joe Smith aad that •obatantial h«mditdd»r, Tiekaa* Oripp*. Ia (te ebaiM Mt a lady of comfortsbls aspect, tiMWgh fidgeting now wttfa fat, arelHHored teads. Mr*. MUM ted bag ^cd aot to ter* to step at heme aad ar what might te doiag with hsr Kit and tb* raw teiag aow CM of seek or nothing, tee haatead had 1st bee eoaa, foreseeing that ate aiight te atM w«h Oraea Oglaadar, Sir. Sksrp sad* back ta tte Mate wall ba teaw whaa a »te. .. take to pat theft ekrtbss «usa tlwm and the aau* grear th* ysara rf thair practica la tte art, te* lsi«M grow tha hoars iMtdfal. IWH be tkoagat Miss PatA had iuag saoagh. But what oonid an ha a« tea at hsr wiadow, with the loetQag ateai ataraly sst back tte dintwet* liftiag ter haada ia •hurt pra r«r, a* gMaia* a «My*r WM •car tried. Ste was prayiB( for a Maw lag this naw adrsatats^ aad ttet aB might lead ap to the glory «f the Kiag do» ate besought to ba tatersd ad last froa her wsarytag h»stras«s*tality, Mr, Sharp still ted son* Uttie faith left, aad te did act sco® at hla sister** pray*r. as a aiaa of low aatato aright hare dMifc Marsrthdwai te strack ar with hia whip at the try roaad bar tedrooM wis daw, to te»r*aa O* aasd-af brerit$ aad tte l*dr, tboagb sh*cked at tte stegsa ttsai of cartaiteMt, dM cattail iaMMdi stoly. ta tea tbaa Aa* asioatss ate was teay at tte daarway, sasing t» ths exit af ereejrthiag aad prtomtly, with mrr-#»M rtaeteaa. Ainn Mi%l(af' gery D«w half a eaowa, aad a bract whldh some frtead ahoald r«ad to ter, al mm ter tfates with a ttef «f and a'arMMMt poctet «Wsfe.*„ Maw Way t* Mate Batter. A ranttea af tte Vtmaklia lost} tote of PbUadeiphia has Jast Mate V*me its report oa tte Tkyiw PTOCM far buttar-aiakias. It is rseomassadad ttet Mr. Taylor ramtra tb* Joha Soott owdti aad pMtti ta reooiBitl«a a tte raio* of Ma hMte. la Ma twtr »tsoM awasd emai It •ttrad into Alter paaa tte vt arWck am «or«n4 arith IteM tear? arfetta 00 TurktM MtvU aad ateacb tea tea aeazly ail of its fat YtecmatettoMaiaitt* MI tte Mttea of tte rated 4 la ii^M ITTSACEADPLAATOFITATTAWMMATO tea atabis all tha frsah air po«db»* aad MM stable* at* arraag*d «»at a vtater Is ta front at tea hoiMb. Thia It aa axcaUaat plaa, far by arra aging ancb a wtedow th* boras -MT teva piMty af fraah air day and night. Har* la tha way to do tt Haw a slhltag sash aad also a slidiog actaan, wtaMk Mf ba pot in piaea »l« daaldsd. Bat* tela acraaa of tea aaaah wir* of tea racalattoa ahw oaed for windows WORKRW na THC Boaac STAZX. af booses. Tbeo.' oa tha oataide eon strvct a aiopiag not om tte held ia place by comer poati an a board shelf, which, ia torn. Is held ia place by braces IteM its bottom to tha sid* «f the barn. Oil ail suitable occasions hare the window opea so that the horse taay gat ita head wt Tte root wiii abada its teed from tte eaa, yet tte v*ntov will te large aaoa^i so that tt will setpteafeof air. Doriag tte aigte tte aerean May te placed orar tte opening to aha* out te aacta and in tte event of a teary atom tte glass Mali may te palled ta place wboily or ta part—Iadlanapoils News. Ceat Fralt Fruit should aot te arara day aad pat teiediately cold stoniga or tato cam for It ahoald te pot into aoaw place wbere It will teva a diaaM to cool off aad tte latest teat to fruit into dose refrigerattoa la provided ia a aotfWa & tfodtte ia tiba sb^iptog of' fruit Tte teat ia tea fruit rapid spotting, especially with ttet la of sbort kseplng quality, tike MM* of tte apptoi ttet ripen ta &a summer. If the night* are cool, fruit aaa te aoslad«off by simply leaving tt te tte air, bat not are to tte circulatM It MKf^.1* «te»MMteaa«f4N^tt If, however, tte tar fat te worked aad salted ta tte way tte It a am pits hare »n* tteM IfTJf Basketo holding oae bushel o» w* aaed to eoaaldemM* extent aB farm wter* there ta aMte ta tte my of teary vegetables or pah* to ban die. As tte otdJaary bnahal basket ta mate tte teadtaa eaaliy pall oat with tte weight af tte etetoats and than one la obliged to tente tha bates* ta ny amy poaathie oaten some I^M IS anraa«ad tar taaerting teafte Tte a plan for bat lit tle ant which wis mate tte teatet aerrtoaaMe Mittt tte body poftloa ia plH| 4$ )n|||f a BIM am mate at teMgtete^iteea tte pads aasy te mrMdatente laatiag, it te foratat a»eat*ia^daily tea, Ttetater of dntei ta iteM and, aa of tte tee of fraafe cream InstMd at a^lr «Ui tea stood te (fete ter ter* ecai i^ya,lte taMtti pmdMt tetter ttea bMtor aaada ta tte asiy way." Tte proeM tea' tte United SMteMg, 9mme4ud i-.**» of «r MteS .piM «f M-lrT |b* Ma. PM tea ta tea tawar part af dnwtac. Tte pMjeetta* eate af ml Jpa ia u-aatee far tte tawtth tmy be aaed. te srtteiw aad water, boHc acWktelpteto. ttactaie of dorida, ar Ira*. Twa drasaa ta a «tert *f water abated to used ter any af tteM In conaidering tiUs operation ta It ahaald be bane ta mtel ttet tte objcct of adMvatlea ta to keep «ia 1 tte moat daairabls physical con by controtttag, aa far as poatfMa, tte tenant of motator* ted sir ta tt and to de^roy the waste that Under the growth of the com ta various way a. Tim yields of thia crop depend mack the ddtttataM *oA tteroo^BMs which this operation ia pa* Tte beet method to fotlow in #1 cuitlratloa ot a com crop arlll da* pond upon the character of tike scdl tba any ta which the aeed ted tea been prepared tte weather conditions during the season th« cumber ami kinds of weeds the aoQ ta inftetad with, and tte stage of tbelr deveh^ meat at tte time the corn to cultivat ed tte aga of the com plant when any particular method Is to be used, and the conditions that follow My cultivation. Tte fundamental truth la, in order to obtain the beat reealts ta cultivating corn, fee method most be varied to meet the conditions Mimed above. IMMTaaka for Belay Dart. Bainy day joba for tte former and bis boys at* as necessary aa the plow tag of the tend. The farm is no place for the Iasy man, says a writer in Michigan Fanner. It la the successful, active man who is watchful for a loose plank, a leaning poet, a broken a fallen panel of taooe^ who is sharpening hoes, catting oat bushes, mending grinding tte putting new liandtes ta tte place of broken oae% tightening nuts, replacing old, wont-oat bolts, seeing ttet the hay rigging ia in order, bunt In# out the torn V*ln bags, etc., ta un favorable weather for field work. Don't grumble at tte rain there la plenty to do. Tte active man tea hla planter reedy, the tools are all ta shape to use at a moment's notice. Thia ac tive man doeen't wait open tte weath er. Each day brings Ita wort, te tt wet or dry. with It ta*ft teas tt* arrangement! tte plctare will te much appreciated. It ta a tela for elevating shocXs or tewUto of fodder from tte ground di rectly tc the wagon. ipright atantard, a, taay te te to wagon frame to tte center or at tha front or oa the hind end and braced la sate a manner aa wifl bold tt rigid. The boom, b, ia attached to a by SB iron band or collar shown at d, eo arranged that tte boost stay swing upright, which may to tte ted of wagon by aai or by setting into block as at c. The cable, a, ta need to sdjast the height at boon* elevating it to highest point ta finishing out tte tte Oetutans take a "irttfli It ta Tte oaa aray awM ir the local antterltiea of Mate to te paid bar the tnm and aot tte Mala. Cattle taira arbleb aa tte «ate af tte fca ttn* aad tea ana Ctetna. A pooa aMitat wm te far ttate if aat to* tter aa pored tMs way. taridtagit laa pood walk ap aH Mte. md TMa wta Km ad fowlg at ha*y awasr ss^Ssf!£&r£ueteia ^iJtal^phy^araMl iS« bow A Whorfc Cera laad*r..'.' an who tea loaded com the field to the waposi all day ontil hia back tetoMwi Iwi vise aad reoaivada' «)te» itetea te adta as whieh ao ia order to hw* —rm ».• i and t^| ----, wa why ao m*ny i^yatelana fatt te! ^X^fai aJwfu^'^aeon why BwaaaadJ noa teateda of Mate are corra witii Mrs. Wokbam. at Mass. Toter they eaa oonflde ever f. detail of their illaaaa, aad from' pbyaiciaB. aetped Mra. T.d WUladaen, of Manning, IaT She as aay gretttads ta wrote to yaa tslllag yen I fcit, I had doctored for ovw two uw)iBSBtlotaof moaer taassdl SS&H bMttafifsfled totems any good, MdSMtetr«Matewsiteda^lHivstab%: gss^sag^^g BO*baa far YEN totate that no sse«ioH»e ta the world eqaate Lydla B. PtakteaV Vegetable CoaM pomsd for restoring Tteabtaa, Train yonraelf to keep your troobiea to youreelf. Don't poor them out upon acqaslntances or atrangMV. It Inl titer fault If yon teva trooblee, and they dont waat to tear of yoars, bo cauu they teva taaay at their owa. Aad bartdea—here la a point to consid er—if you Insist on tolling other peo ple of your grievanoee they will a« com* to dislike and abaft yon, yon i i fcatet I telling tbeir troubles. Repeatlag ia Mrs. Jaggwra—Henry, 1 was deHgbfr ad at what Mra. Hooper told to-day. •bate what yoa said ta her hatband.®.. Mr. Jaggera—What was thatf |f ncate—Tte said ttet yoa Juat as mock enjoyment out te Ufa as yoa used to aat af dob Ufa. Mr. Jaggara Tte tte know never uad to ga to tte dab 1 once a waat Is tte siattar wua Itas la A I Wbat To Do If Constipated te tto cau starts aB athsca. tadigssttWL' aunbta, leas sf teap S* mtf&f&SZtfrSSSSSt *5 CMMOMHMMHMI SM lOWiWi' t# |ft ***^^2fiasl' tt& it is th* 1, ,-i 1 •ear ttw £*£a It ha eafMt WM to MBTVUC eoiiNN ne swftfel