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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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C*OMM Mamma 'mmmomw v atuaMMmert-au-ft* JS fc 13r at the United Statea lajterno® 1®7 Washington, "FOKf fttiw tw moo* by 00 anay ot ocqootoamcoo *a a ottro core tor ca tmrrb that eovvtocatf 0/fta mm tip* aaiWto aaf I 4 tt to all Oar imr aad oar nary at* tto natnral protection of aw coaatry, Parana i« tto natural pretecftoa ._ the inn/ and aavy te tto vfetodtadee ef climate and monn W« have «a iW thonaarte t( aaoniaia from inataat *M|)I ia tha ara^ aad mtj. can w mfcn a# a atight gUmiwo of tiM tut amy ar aaanilelwi •afcraaana Dr. Birtau ia con •Uatty Mortal fat Ma wUMr toowa awl oacioBt mail, Poraoa. If yoa do aot Mvi taaai|t aad aatto IhImt laaolta Arm tto aao 01 Parma, wHt* at oaea to Df. ft B. Hartmaa. PraaidaBt of Tito Bttaaa taaiuriaaa, Oohuabaa, Ohio. TtoW ara aoaio Aranso lawa la tto Oook Iataad% to tto oastora Paetfte. Tto popalatloB la Uaort aad oaeb lal aad logialataa for itM^r. Tto lalaad cameil of IfaBlttikl, one of tte m«A toa la torea aa ontlnaBec to regniau Tlllaca Ufo wHhta tbe lalaad. It Haa bar ro-eaactia* "tto aadaat law of Maulrlkl aa to doga' aad atataaeta^ to death aajr doga on tl« Maad. Pig* ar» not to wander at large, aad amy perma gotag aboat after 8 p. a. mar to arreated aad taken to tto coart toiu» to explain Ma reeaoa tar being abroad. No debt lneuired by a aattvc tababttant la to to recovorabto la any coart Selling or giving lntoxieating Hgoar to any aatire inbabltaat to pua tabahla with a Axk of tSO. AMCRICA'8 BR1QHTC8T WOMAN, ttarjrS* T«aaoa Feel* It Bar Daty to SteMMMMhA Dou1* If III—1 pull* Mary B. Lmk, fonaerly political leader aad orator of Kaaaaa, now aa tto aad laataaar tti only won ever voted oa tor it tar Cmm 1 WlM*iP««ll I afcaB tm mr mm mm) Afi£ ttff (Witty tajfhft llttit ^nBPPW^^*W ppa^aiW 9».fM Nf^Mlv Om aa) parple to «to~ SSeaayef ffyyff gaafca tkUtt Itod to a wstmt aafitod* Garden plaen S etoO toady far a WMI to ft AM Mate ferUa naaay Mt By tta toe aad fcriwt aweet, Aad aer Onv im into aa mm aad vd^' ©hre aw bloatoma fa tto aprtog gathering iacUHtlia4 a When tte pigeoae ly aad toatgy Aad a wall ao mm and din Wton the Mtth ftfiaa auto. Hlvaa ef htoey I atoll ewa. Ban with tooway —aotoae Ton aS day to Mac a*e toi Heather toaey at tto gloam. "Twfxt the awoataiaa and tto an There mr little farm will be. Ia a heart wmmbarrt spot I ate£ ton *7 happy lot .- la tto heart remembered place, Where the mountain* lift their fac% ahaU tend my cheep aad Una, •ad thankful toart to aitoa. R-.uL-i'&Ti atog atop the Uppiewt alee* to ay tdmyio auala larito a Invito Thaakaglviag aad appetite. Ia toart raaa«*ar»d place I atoll wear a afciatag face, Sto drat United 8tataa8«» wrttea: Dear 81ra: |n_« n y of my nda km aaed oan'a Kldaey iPlila aad tora earad of Ibteddar aad kld |aey troobiea. It my doty ta 'lanaMal the BMdidot ta tfeoae who aosar f» •aeh dlaaaaaa. Wtom paraooal eaparl aoca 1 thorongiily aadoraa yoar rem «ad am glad of tto opportaaitir. far aaylag ao. :. Xovitnly, ABT *UZABrre LSASS Poater-Mllbwn Oa, BaCUa If. t. bf aB daatera. Prtea eeata box. *S*«r aotlca Mr* qaartai af pco^a aad tkinga. IHi I iw aotlca wkatf «aar(a baaM Waad. "mt a 1 man bef*a faee alwaya laato if to- tod Vita -taftag aaaetkiac2M tka attor. Wtotor w*h the tetr SwRwa tta pnfaaa Sto wadfa at» eap la Mt iw.ngg a aaa laat alght aaaat Bakli Tae -hat .tea ta 4 Aad my «alat nlgku be prati* Aad a ptayar ay iaaocaat daya, —Tka Bpactatar. Ill'" immmi 1 tt tifctrawdtaary tow tdaaa cat atoat Soma pao^a actaally call ma 1 tbi Ttora la aot the •Ugbtaat foandittoa to aacb aa «i •ton axeagt ttot I kappaaed la «a| a« mad to flra or alx fellowa aaa aMafe. (ladlgnanOy.) I do tfalak pao^la to mora caiafol what Qmy —J' (Coa MmVottfi Jaat tall yoa tow it toj^eaad, aad jrotill aaa ttot I waa tot ta ttuaa at all. I Mi*4 tew*. Laod'a fault It waaat aa at an, really. Wa wara taWng mm Monday afternoon, wtoa I waa atay tag at Aaat Aaae'a, aad aha k^t toU iag me tow toadaataa aad good aad elerer Frad Thomaa waa. I got aa tired of toaftag tar ttat I aim tad to do aMMthte* (Scorafolly^ Ton loom wfcat a Bttla ailly ato la. "Mr dear gW," I aaM at do yoa think it mcaawiy ta toil me hla perfactloaaF the became exdtad dlractly. "2 thought yoa acarcaly fcaaw him," ato aald. I believe I tad apokaa to alai twice, aa a Blatter of fact "JW know Iter I cried. "Do yea laaaa to eay that yea hanst toaid ttiattoaadl—f I pa wad aad ktotod aiyalorlaaa. "Wfcttr Aa glared at aa "Ha- "Ifa a aecret," I aald. "Too are eagagadr "I did aot eay ao." I •ky. Ilka thla. (La^a ArJ I am aot very ahy, really. Too would aot beliara it to* tto atapM girl tomad qalta wtth aa. She told tor Frad Tbomaa and I wara mother toM everybody. waa amyr aa a rlalt aa to eaold aot enttUM tto taped thoaght tt waa gmt faa. 8a did ay aaaaln—tto iMBealoaa boya. that and B*r, Adolphoa SarpUca did aot think tt tea at all. Ha to Aaat Aaaa'a taa» earata, (MeaalagiyJ Be tad gtawa tamar while I waa atariag tton. Ha called at 9 JO da ttoaday BMnteg to tt tt waa trae. Of cooraa I aald-Ko." Ha toeaaa aa awttoaattt that I wlatod I tod aald "faa." Be aot treaMa ta nnatiadlrt tta i» (Reflectively.) I ftacy to toa^ttttirariltM|«itor|M|ii«C, Vaaat It aaaat He nailed agate ta tto aftarMoa at* aa ia the evealng. Of gat atoat ttat to aad I 1 dldat aUad tto apart, but 1 Urn. ta told OatMla Tton that no to pvoteet aw. Ha aaM that to waaia. sa la vav to I aa ifindl at la sat afwaya atstoQ? tratbfaL Ha tod a Mttia aaaaanattoa wftb tto ptetod to att "Why, yaa »aat atopMf* 1 toil, "I ttat I hanly Mr. 1 dltoit aay to Prad "Wtatf* Wh»r I gaapat •Ma.* «»a Tta aateahad. I •anap ^*a*ne» •waa^p aaaiaaaea^^age "Sag deat da yaar.I aUd, wttt "Xv fear." aald ha. nm •Oh, aB right, 1 wfll tote *f rn* to tog**, "Vvmmtyt n dart ated r*ar fe* to* Hrmi Wo grirtoady. Sr toa fw—at— aaaif a a ••Ml to ycaf Jatopaft a a to ate feet odd. til yaa doalwyr I crfed. 1 wwkla't dnaa ef ft," "Ketttor woaU V to taa^y. Tea liaiiai llmiil. tolafal 'mWm don't waal—^ to caagto aqr ay* to ttaa to atop, tt inty far Mbal Tto ktoaJ **Wtotav«r aade yoa aay aadi a thiBgr i to Ika to "OUstl warayaar MThafa wtorc It waa. Oa talk oort of thlag, yaa fcaaw, aad ta lock at aa, aad-ar--(tot eort of kaew aad aa 1 aild ar "Mora af that aaat ef in tmt A nan. it Ha la a let older toi I ia, wad toa been appropriated tor yeara. Of oaai told him all atoat It Ha laaghad at tot thea to waa ao croea flat 1 ettod. Naturally to aald, "Haver mtod." aad klaaad aa 1 dldat oaiy—Mra. Adaa caaae ta at tta aa aaat nnarmoaaced. She pat ap .»ai eyeglaaaea aad aland. Aad Oaty aald: "IPa all rtght Mra. Jackaon We're eagagadr* Sa ato toaaaC tor toaf aad waat aat. gaiwaNrj She la tto Mgfaat acaadataoavar la tto piafra. aad |toar fatly) I kaaw ahe'd wrtto aad toll bar *m a fWhHH# Iw$ iter* At faaM, I ttfat toj tot la aaa, aad 1-4 I waa It 1rla~4e yw§£. afce aoa' en—Oaedclagiy) that aact««tMa«. yaa k»wr "Toa alwaya aato gaaea of a iH» Luav Wa WW 1 Ov SIWMt -Not wtoa l*a engaged to htaa," 1 aald, awaatly. "By tto way.deyoakaow to* -aaagr paevia ra aagagad to at tta preaa moment faekf Be ^ook hla toad. -Foarr Ha whtoOad aad «p«wd hte 1 aay, May, yatfto qaito a awt af AaManaoar Ttoe to waat aat— qolckly. Tto ant aaacah^i ^waa bad aevau lattera af rnagrat^attoa, aad togaa to feel tattor aaaaay. to tto «wh| I had flaw aata. On hi day aornteg 1 had alght Twaaatod aa wtot I waaM ttsa Mr a waOdtag priaaat aad three tofatoad wto It waa, aa tto heard aaeh aaaftettag raa» Aa tt happaaad, Oaaaia Oay came over ttot memlag ffathaalaatieally.) Oay it a dear! Ky vary, vary toa Mead. Ma, aa! I mfr mom tihal. Oaptola Arawtreag. 1-4 dldat waat tor to. Ha -ha daWaWir} ah, bother! Oaiy toi tto aaaaa to toap aat at my way for tta net af tto day. I waa ao aagfy that I woaldat evaa aay goodly to hte wtoa to waat Meat I tad a aato Dear May Oaaa v*m ta aettor*a aaaa. Toa aaat It la im Taara aver, OUT." -Okr I cried, "eanty to ««Mat aaaii ttot ha—" Of aapaa I kagw to didax h«t I aaaldat hdp worrylag. (Vary aattoaaCyJ I woaldat dirt wHh aid Oar tor aaythlag la tto Ba mat aa at Ito atotlaa aa e aH tto way to the hoaee. He tod a wadding piaaaat far aa, to aald, la tta drawing rooea. bat wtoa I waat ta there tt laaat, oaly "Alatw to Oay, 1—ra.aat,* -Ta yoar Ooaata Jack, aay haad. "Ta Me ttaar "to aar ataaped mr toat^ "I hatohtoar "Aad Mr. "Saa fcaaw ra dUQMIW WaVPli fliV Yea aaaa toja A "toi yaw -Ttop wtB SI aaaa Ha taatei aa aay haw fata a pMM'toat n iWfep Jia« MPly IPw tofnif •Ato t**I "I Haw a war," to *0a yaaf •wu "1 toaft a «rt, PftQUO THAT w A af tto aaariSje, aaya tt* Itaw Tartt teg waa toM by tto Mn €f uM Xatfl M010QU AaaactoOaa af ttli city, aad aaaly V 00 ware pnaaaf, Ppea tto aaarty IW ar aa apaator^ afltoan aad atogato. Mpp Oi «W IPMSPCI PW^PSMN 9m wM anttog araa .la nlaa UfUac a 9mm datet aa tta pwpetty of the braadi at »3 aad Weat 4M atreat Tto aaonMary aaaaaaead at tta dlaaa of tta aatottoi ttot -tta Of Oto I. Ptorpaal twt. Tto gaaaial aaaaatottaa ton aato^l a itimllfte avanr datter that the toaaeh ralaaa totera Jaly I. H. C, Bettor aad Baator T. are. Mr. ekaan aad waatag af Sa toM Ant af tto hopeful af tti colored face to Hew Tarfe. aad aaftt ttot to had never atoed toCan a Caar laaklng lot af iwagia ta to" Mto. "I have alaraya toaa ywad af m§. raea, aad I aa praadar »f tt thla aftoa^ thaa avar toCapa, Be toaaptattaa, It phyakally pi alb la caatid aato aa toeoaa a Jap, a drtaaaaa. aa nahaaa, or aay oae to« aa Aaarlcan mia.. I aa Mi If Mr. Jaraaa^ tta tNtoM Attorney af jmm any, ttot tta ealarad peapla ton an a aaat np ataMa deoMat I aa gat to .aaa ttot Mf argaatuaWB" 'top' tto tta aympathy, aad tta aetlva ot tto CSMattaa atatatry af tto afQr. "tto toat ttlag a beat thla orgaalaa tot la ttat tt eoacaraa Itaatf wtth tta aegro'a tody to wait aa Ma anS. Aad aouahow I Mian ttot If yaa tote ean of iptr toty tta Lard wilt atftaad to tte aOW. The great tnaMe to with tto M«aa*a body. Bverytody h^avaa ttat tto Mpa wfll to aaead aad ttot hla amri toe aa etornal hldlag ptooa, bat the traaMa to wttt toa tody. Thla erganlaatton aatoa a yaaag aaa keep ta geoi'Ma. Aad aalaaa tta ae«n yaang aaa to«a a etnag aat nim* 000 body to *—hpe to aaaipate with tto net af tta paapia to thto ar aay ottor atty. Tea aaat att ap at a eard gatoa ta a aalaaa all alght aad yotolto gtuioan ta far to aacb aitooked for wtotor aa to tttraat aaaa thaa tta aaaal aaioanl ot attoattaa to tto tor vogae. ftot tta peat papalaitti aaat wtotor la a Tto aaaity af tto pM have imiiighl (toa Mia aw ua, tnd tte to far ovatoaato waa aa gnat ttat tta aafcara wa taxed to kaap ap toa gap* lia*t Mtoai fhara toatod to «i aa» pla ommtm, far than aw tor ^Ttoajgka wtoeh wm peeeaft ta far^ balUea. totag aaed far Mtop Aa eftor fatond tor Ik aatok, which aaaa ptoaa tha Jtotag af all aapaaaive g— aaaato, a^ectod atoah af dtofc toiaa totog tta aaat ooatly. Per evaatag dnaa tto aatntom to ito laag Mack, atlky rari a stili Itatwg Tha aaBara an latpa carl PeMtoa leak la aad aatont aad The totta an •tMad tta fpaaat to at gia intoly to% a wary targe weight eaparter gaality detto tor the aheHa -Mea'a Wear. lawyera Caa't yep take tt tor gtatoad ttto aa erdtoaiy patot af lawt Lawyer (really~Year hater, palp woald yoa do If yaa had HgfiyAMf n*« mim. ytffiti jrMftt* Maay 1 aanrtag aac a aat te ahia to tena a to aa tktog," leptod tte eld tor* 1 attended toe patoat ealy two eftor wtoto the- adalatoiaia af btota ML" •War head wee aaaaaaaaf aeaha, aad ay ^ST tedy ma aaawapad a^Bh aaraa^ ^W^aada I KM TIm CoovkfloD FoDows Trial tlO ypH fcfMMf lakara to If fgpp ^aaarato^abeateoiteltetlaaoidto toll, if tta aaaato wha taadBa ii laenMaak.- aai te lioo Coffee, 8019 nr 6S0CEKS EVERYimc vooukni ancB oa, I trial to gat Catkaa. afrtoad MM haft tog with ptotov Catteapa Otatoaaat day* aay teal waa aa toar aa «*ar, aad to aay aaaprtw aad ley, TrS!«H Ito* Jto yea mp, toy By to A HP. '-s A Yn i= Ahntolouk WwBwwwmWWr Bean tb 1 aai^^ wwiaa ^^aaa^^ar or \j$&m For Over '.-Vf.-r fan J# as *.• V •h ^Vi"* 1S-"•^ i?!4 1 r§w A "i I"' i 'it V t. ,t •I- .] -v Wmk'iMi&M I i *V. 1 /I ft 'fi ^3! "5 Is V