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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
*r u* ck ay I* m*" Ceartety «ht BhiImm Wmmm When you wi&e Into tho build ing in Ibo ntoruiug, My "good morning" to the elevator man. When you psaa tho ofliee boy „jwho take* tho rccaVil of yoor at- rival and dofiartare (ho la yoar timekeeper, it he is small, red haired and freckled), repeat tliut morning greeting, asking his iiamo clearly and dhViuct'y, as if Ins Was rwilly worth- noticing. And a "third "good morning" i* ready for yciuf fellow- workers alien yon reach tins iiiside office^ The surliest man will yield to tha right sort of a "good mortiin#"*4' uttered day after day ru uatupU, cheerful tones. Whe tbo bookkeeper's wife la HI, don't wait until she dies to pay your share of an elaborate and utterly useless ttorol tribute,^ but ask hilu »very morning how. hi# wife is feeling. If XV" ca«" Tillotson has said, "A good word is an easy obligation." Good words are certain ly easyto say of tiiia institute, of the «n periuteudcut of schools, and ot all the instructors. t* Ui 13 dime for a buaeh of pa»$ies or violets, send them tii her by tho -tirwl, worried man as b« starts lioiuc after his day's VfM'k, If the now stenographer, fresh from business school, In-, cars the- auger of her chief and brings dowu on Iter frigtitenwl Imad one of those caustic speech ca which relieve the speaker aurf i cause a titter among unfeeling fellow-workers, do not turn your bock on hcrilly repressed tears, sod with i shrttg of your ishoutder say tliat she wiM know bettor the iwJtt time. Instead, make a point of leveling her is tins dressing room of the cloak room iJut 't$c« buort, and ex plain t«bef,Yo far you know, how thL« wip **44?- her work dkgae* ^he'~wi11 Wm sm for Mrs. l&«Uards^su H'uiaan's Iloaws Companion for In order to gain some light as to what the teachers thought of tho work accomplished at the in stitute, and for the benefit of llie onus who a repaying their money to have teachers that are up to date, we asked each one the fol lowing noefction, the imswn« to which need no ourompnt from a* Not ou'y the tax payer*,.but the county wpprintcudertt and all tneinbera of |he faculty are%* be congratulated upou tho evi dent g«*Xl filing which prevails auioug the teachers, and their appwefationa of the work aooni piUhed: Kindly express hereon, in one or ~wo sentences, your beat tbot in relation to litis institute. Johu W. Weaverling, riatu, WAONKb if. Mary P. Eifes, Platte, 8. D. Having attended eleven teach era* institutes in loffa, and two In SoatSi Dakota, 1 feet tlwt the 1 1006 Charles Mix County teach era" institute, held at Wagner, & O., Angus! J4lh t©85»h, isooe of tha ttuisl pleasant and prottt «bk» tbat I have attended. A D. Tlus institate !t«i been exeep tiimally helpful to both eaperi cnood and inexperienced teacli Mrs K!i«a Tltis county iostitute is cer tainly vory helpful to teachers a# it helps Ibem to rcn iew up wliat tl»ey have forgolU-n, aud also get orw bkw, A. II. Murray The benefits io bj derwed from institute, utuUr sikIi able and ^|^experk«c«l faitlciiclorsMRtiMMMi irUow n^' ,ln«i ton fawr- VOL." VI CIIAELKS COUXTY* SOU VKOTA, FRIDAY, wmmmammam As fine a line carried I# mmm •ullJU PfA K Dress and Work Suits IjoLs of tl»'!(U Fancy Dress Shirts Plain Work Shirts JJi£ Ijjio ol lUl^UI Collars, Cuffs, Ties, U nderwear,. oslery, Suspenders, Hats and Cap& for f- BOYS' SUIfTS dAF UNDERWEAR could wish to choose from. "mm Ladies' Wearing Apparel Shirt Waists, Skirts ShirtWaist Suits Jackets Rainy Day Coats .- -J:~ •J-.'. Underwear Hosiery YOU CAN'T BEAT OUR STOCK. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Grimes & Absher Clothing Company the little folks as anyone I Ara. 25,1005. ed, are of such importance tbat «wry teacher sbonid avail bin seifof tho opportunities offered The citheeo* of Wagner hare kept Uieir doors open and left their best apartment* at, the disposal uf tbe teachers, so tiint llie tine sjHHrt has b»*a both instmctivr ^nd pleasant. pat* O. U fC}r»tad i )i»c of ilte chief fcataros of (lie Institvti is that the instructors are v.-ry kind and stHMit to be '1'he InhtiLiite Itas been mirsi helpful to me in tlicse two way»? As an incentivu by jtruttaing dtsir«»f»r further kltnwktlge ai»l MrlHtalB. Mabel It Italia# One tliieg that lo«pira the ienHiers tills ye«r anl m*ktm iliein desire t*» w»rk, la tl»e |Hf* fnee of unr iioblo ins true tor*. Tho uusHlfUhnesia with which M«*y labor for Un? k*ocbers inspiring arid \wy ttelpfal Tliey wake th0 tuach«r feel that there is soaic«hin«r swble in the leach er'* prof»«i(.1tHi sud makes hira want U give tins be,t thero i« in hint for ht« pnjMla, fiftt* & Vdtaiaaaai"''' •B4WB fr* Is Um» kindly Chrisitia inMit «W© of th«» mstr actors. thing that has la*pir«id me w at is, tho living en«}4« of Aobh* UhrlstliMi itistractors and tlie beaaty and M*biUty of labor A fThe Charlmi Mix tifinty loati *»f \m has been liarw t«r tomnM and fsithfal wwk $*' part of b»4fs iufttruciirt-s tMK*l»r*rs 1*4 aMtMBhltK9«i, It th# ymt'n w«Hr wiiie*H* l»»fmv ns, with a beil^r uader*!anUi»|z «f Hn« tlo'i«Ni of onr mUle |wt f«aakn, and sgremb rt^athashuiai ia wr work, bi«o«»c- of the two *«*ks we Iwvn spoilt so iwott |aMy Uigt'lltef, I Iwiv Iiwii iw im.'ssod n-ore deeply Uam cttr before with tho thoaght that '0r» in indiHii a noble calling and it hold* |«M»ibilifUM for worthy w»»rk in tin* wntrai a* wt»B aa tht* wrntai Iraitthtg of the bfa ianJ girh of oar tand, Anuk Oui ton f^w Selte, lJi'gi»Wr«l l*(4aml ati»fr w«U« lings, any age aU) hav« a few t#C*«d aowa doo to farrow month. Come, or writ* we at frace sad have yoar cIkho^ a 11 Ra'ph Wek'h, Academy. B. U. If for any masoa y»»a iatmMi to havo %«ah% siv nt« before jtm engage yonr aoctkmver. half bills |irl«e. 41m 0*0 tl Angast Talberg, 12 IS Wanner, H. D. W later WlMr«( I will havt* a ear of iia« wiatev wheat for «»le, for seed, in a few days. Place your ord.*r now. 8 4 r. a strnhbebti BI«4Wof Frotota, itUMMUttlrf Tlw oMI' S»«lli at fcfe ,h»HI U(W jaswags^g^ i«l* nim tHiHnw u ut iiUtrt im-mm •Mat rmmut ui ulil «l«». la if aaowuMjir t% 0w«WMi IHUMi. Hihw tow. 1N0.40 City Dray Line §mt and al! ktatfa 91 drsjrtag a short notios. anvMUaOywlMML Wagner, S O. RIX)NY immn ^XSOKtAU«% K *411 Wwk Cttnraitff, &T£ fibe»iad in S iweUm INiol Hall. Will at a part of yoar miiroteago WAONCIf, 50UTH IIAKOTA INSURANCE IN8URANCE lte*l coapsuic« aad k«we«t po*' Klbfe rates. L. E. COREY ^tLM. •sCawsiMl Wagnar, 8. D. IMMIi i. tV» bay Isattor for thai hoaao, barn orexteaskiit w* a bard Job, if y«o bay tl from •a. For yoa trtt tm t« ralsa less than al any ottter Hal «ltho«fh aell LUMBER? CHEAP Wedkmliaellcheafi taaibar. Yoa will tea II cimii awl aocetaleiycnt. Thera will be liHIe or ao waate If yoa pian fatly, SMMMgr hy baying as, yoa gel baUor pmMUMMI ilRipBBf Ti & 4 w i 1 i' 5'.- i '3 k mm-Mi-•'.ijki* MB A 0® •r«. .**. 1 II I1 4 rlil -SI. 9 4' •v-x'V $h 'A v