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82 newspapers from South Dakota are available for viewing on this site.

State Newspaper Browse Issues No. of Issues Earliest Issue Latest Issue More Info
South Dakota The Aberdeen Democrat.
Aberdeen, South Dakota, 1???-1909
calendar 424 1902-10-24 1909-04-09 Yes
South Dakota The advance.
Milbank, Grant County, S.D., 188?-1890
calendar 3 1890-03-21 1890-04-04 Yes
South Dakota The Bad River news. [volume]
Philip, Stanley County, S.D., 19??-1912
calendar 287 1906-11-15 1912-06-27 Yes
South Dakota The Black Hills union and western stock review. [volume]
Rapid City, S.D., 1904-19??
calendar 398 1904-02-26 1911-06-30 Yes
South Dakota The Black Hills union. [volume]
Rapid City, Pennington County, Dakota [S.D.], 1889-1904
calendar 540 1889-08-02 1904-02-12 Yes
South Dakota The Bon Homme County independent. [volume]
Tabor, S.D., 1904-1913
calendar 432 1904-10-06 1913-01-30 Yes
South Dakota Brookings County sentinel.
Brookings, Dakota [S.D.], 1882-1890
calendar 184 1882-03-30 1890-12-26 Yes
South Dakota Brookings register.
Brookings, S.D., 1890-1894
calendar 228 1890-06-13 1894-10-19 Yes
South Dakota The Brookings register. [volume]
Brookings, Brookings County, S.D., 1903-1971
calendar 1010 1903-09-10 1923-02-08 Yes
South Dakota Brookings weekly register.
Brookings, Brookings County, S.D., 1898-1903
calendar 265 1898-12-15 1903-09-03 Yes
South Dakota The Canton advocate. [volume]
Canton, D.T. [S.D.], 1877-1897
calendar 443 1877-05-23 1888-04-05 Yes
South Dakota Canton daily leader. [volume]
Canton, South Dakota, 1896-1896
calendar 2 1896-10-31 1896-11-02 Yes
South Dakota The Charles Mix new era.
Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D., 1???-1911
calendar 302 1905-03-03 1911-02-24 Yes
South Dakota The citizen-Republican.
Scotland, Bon Homme County, S.D., 1???-19??
calendar 926 1903-10-08 1921-06-30 Yes
South Dakota Custer chronicle. [volume]
Custer City, Black Hills, D.T. [S.D.], 1880-1890
calendar 487 1880-09-11 1890-01-25 Yes
South Dakota Custer weekly chronicle. [volume]
Custer City, S.D., 1890-1931
calendar 1761 1890-02-01 1922-03-04 Yes
South Dakota The daily courier. [volume]
Elk Point, South Dakota, 1890-1890
calendar 2 1890-09-25 1890-09-26 Yes
South Dakota The daily Dakota farmers' leader. [volume]
Canton, South Dakota, 1890-1890
calendar 5 1890-09-10 1890-09-13 Yes
South Dakota Daily press and Dakotaian. [volume]
Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.], 1875-1880
calendar 1309 1875-11-05 1880-04-24 Yes
South Dakota The Dakota chief.
Gann Valley, Buffalo County, S.D., 18??-1913
calendar 954 1893-12-21 1913-04-29 Yes
South Dakota Dakota farmers' advocate.
Canton, S.D., 18??-1890
calendar 6 1890-07-11 1890-08-15 Yes
South Dakota Dakota farmers' leader.
Canton, S.D., 1890-19??
calendar 1279 1890-08-29 1916-06-30 Yes
South Dakota The DeSmet leader.
DeSmet, Kingsbury Co., Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1891
calendar 287 1883-01-27 1890-11-22 Yes
South Dakota Deutscher herold. [volume]
Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota, 1907-1918
calendar 564 1907-09-05 1918-06-27 Yes
South Dakota Dewey County advocate. [volume]
Timber Lake, S.D., 1910-1913
calendar 145 1910-10-14 1913-09-26 Yes
South Dakota Eureka post.
Eureka, McPherson Co., S.D., 18??-19??
calendar 231 1902-05-23 1907-04-05 Yes
South Dakota Die Eureka post.
Eureka, McPherson Co., Süd=Dakota, 18??-19??
calendar 410 1904-04-13 1912-06-06 Yes
South Dakota Forest City press.
Forest City, Potter County, D.T. [S.D.], 1883-19??
calendar 676 1903-10-01 1919-06-26 Yes
South Dakota The Grant County herald.
Big Stone City, Grant County, Dakota [S.D.], 1879-1883
calendar 169 1879-08-23 1883-03-30 Yes
South Dakota Hand County press.
Miller, Dakota [S.D.], 1882-1893
calendar 613 1882-01-04 1893-11-02 Yes
South Dakota The herald-advance.
Milbank, S.D., 1890-1922
calendar 1670 1890-04-11 1922-05-10 Yes
South Dakota The herald.
Big Stone City, Dak. [S.D.], 1883-1890
calendar 356 1883-04-06 1890-04-01 Yes
South Dakota The Hot Springs star.
Hot Spings [Hot Springs], Dakota [Dakota Territory, i.e. S.D.], 1886-189?
calendar 243 1887-05-13 1892-02-19 Yes
South Dakota Hot Springs weekly star.
Hot Springs, S.D., 1892-1917
calendar 1194 1892-02-26 1917-11-09 Yes
South Dakota The Kadoka press and Kadoka reporter. [volume]
Kadoka, S.D., 1910-1923
calendar 663 1910-11-25 1923-11-02 Yes
South Dakota The Kadoka press. [volume]
Kadoka, S.D., 1908-1910
calendar 131 1908-05-08 1910-11-11 Yes
South Dakota The Kadoka press. [volume]
Kadoka, S.D., 1923-current
calendar 27 1923-11-09 1924-05-23 Yes
South Dakota Kimball enterprise.
Kimball, Brule County, Dakota [S.D.], 188?-1883
calendar 18 1883-04-13 1883-08-10 Yes
South Dakota The Kimball graphic.
Kimball, Brule County, Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1905
calendar 917 1883-08-17 1905-08-04 Yes
South Dakota Kingsbury County independent.
DeSmet, Kingsbury County, S.D., 1894-1929
calendar 379 1904-05-20 1911-10-06 Yes
South Dakota The Lemmon herald.
Lemmon, Perkins County, S.D., 1912-1917
calendar 256 1912-01-12 1917-04-04 Yes
South Dakota Lincoln County advocate.
Canton, Dakota Territory, [S.D.], 1876-1877
calendar 49 1876-04-26 1877-05-16 Yes
South Dakota The Madison daily leader. [volume]
Madison, S.D., 1890-current
calendar 9825 1890-04-07 1922-09-30 Yes
South Dakota The Mellette County pioneer. [volume]
Wood, Mellette County, S.D., 19??-1971
calendar 565 1912-02-16 1924-03-28 Yes
South Dakota The Miller press. [volume]
Miller, S.D., 190?-current
calendar 845 1906-12-06 1924-04-17 Yes
South Dakota The Miller sun.
Miller, Hand County, S.D., 190?-19??
calendar 188 1904-04-13 1908-02-01 Yes
South Dakota The Mitchell capital.
Mitchell, Dakota [S.D.], 1879-1918
calendar 1667 1885-11-27 1918-06-20 Yes
South Dakota The Mobridge news. [volume]
Mobridge, Walworth Co., S.D., 190?-1917
calendar 398 1909-01-01 1917-05-17 Yes
South Dakota Nachrichten=herold.
Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota, 1901-1907
calendar 314 1901-08-29 1907-08-29 Yes
South Dakota The New era-leader.
Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D., 1911-1912
calendar 45 1911-03-10 1912-01-26 Yes
South Dakota Newell reclamation news. [volume]
Newell, Butte County, S.D., 1910-19??
calendar 71 1915-06-17 1917-12-13 Yes
South Dakota The Oglala light. [volume]
[Pine Ridge, S.D.], 190?-19??
calendar 129 1905-02-01 1920-04-15 Yes
South Dakota Philip weekly review and Bad River news. [volume]
Philip, Stanley County, S.D., 1912-1918
calendar 301 1912-07-25 1918-04-18 Yes
South Dakota Philip weekly review. [volume]
Philip, Haakon County, S.D., 1918-1920
calendar 47 1918-04-25 1920-03-25 Yes
South Dakota Philip weekly review. [volume]
Philip, Stanley County, S.D., 1907-1912
calendar 261 1907-06-14 1912-07-18 Yes
South Dakota Pierre weekly free press.
Pierre, S.D., 1889-19??
calendar 929 1890-01-02 1918-06-27 Yes
South Dakota The pioneer press.
Miller, Hand County, S.D., 1893-190?
calendar 498 1893-11-09 1904-02-18 Yes
South Dakota The pioneer-review. [volume]
Philip, Haakon County, S.D., 1920-current
calendar 129 1920-07-01 1922-12-28 Yes
South Dakota The pioneer. [volume]
Philip, Haakon County, S.D., 1???-19??
calendar 104 1917-04-12 1919-06-26 Yes
South Dakota Press and daily Dakotaian.
Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.], 1880-1889
calendar 2699 1880-04-26 1889-04-25 Yes
South Dakota Reporter and farmer. [volume]
Webster, Day County, Dakota [S.D.], 188?-1946
calendar 1463 1884-01-17 1913-01-09 Yes
South Dakota Saturday news.
Watertown, S.D., 19??-19??
calendar 567 1908-02-14 1919-06-26 Yes
South Dakota Semi-weekly register.
Brookings, Brookings Co., S.D., 1894-1898
calendar 429 1894-10-24 1898-12-09 Yes
South Dakota Sisseton Posten. [volume]
Effington, Sud Dakota [S.D.], 1902-19??
calendar 487 1902-11-07 1912-06-06 Yes
South Dakota The Sisseton weekly standard.
Sisseton, Roberts County, S.D., 1892-1929
calendar 758 1904-12-23 1921-11-11 Yes
South Dakota The star.
Aberdeen, S.D., 1891-1898
calendar 1 1894-01-18 1894-01-18 Yes
South Dakota The state Democrat. [volume]
Aberdeen, South Dakota, 1890-190?
calendar 105 1898-08-19 1900-08-17 Yes
South Dakota The state-line herald.
North Lemmon, Adams County, N.D., 1907-1912
calendar 174 1908-04-03 1912-01-05 Yes
South Dakota Sturgis advertiser.
Sturgis, Dakota [S.D.], 1887-1???
calendar 221 1887-07-19 1896-06-04 Yes
South Dakota The Sully County watchman.
Clifton, Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1894
calendar 451 1883-07-07 1894-07-13 Yes
South Dakota Süd Dakota nachrichten.
Sioux Falls, Süd=Dakota, 18??-1900
calendar 200 1896-01-23 1900-04-26 Yes
South Dakota Süd Dakota Nachrichten.
Mitchell, Süd=Dakota, 1890-1899
calendar 252 1891-07-30 1896-05-07 Yes
South Dakota Süd=Dakota Nachrichten und Herold.
Sioux Falls, Süd=Dakota, 1900-1901
calendar 70 1900-05-03 1901-08-22 Yes
South Dakota The Tabor independent. [volume]
Tabor, S.D., 1913-19??
calendar 468 1913-02-06 1922-01-19 Yes
South Dakota Turner County herald.
Hurley, Dakota [S.D.], 1883-19??
calendar 1818 1883-05-10 1918-06-27 Yes
South Dakota Union County courier. [volume]
Elk Point, Union County, D.T. [S.D.], 187?-1913
calendar 1447 1877-11-21 1913-03-20 Yes
South Dakota The Wagner leader.
Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D., 1912-1912
calendar 9 1912-02-02 1912-03-29 Yes
South Dakota The Wagner post.
Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D., 1912-current
calendar 13 1912-04-05 1912-06-28 Yes
South Dakota The Warner sun.
Warner, Brown Co., Dakota [S.D.], 1885-1???
calendar 149 1885-09-25 1888-08-24 Yes
South Dakota The Warner weekly sun.
Warner, Brown Co., Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1885
calendar 106 1883-08-18 1885-09-18 Yes
South Dakota Wessington Springs herald.
Wessington Springs, Aurora County, Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1891
calendar 460 1883-03-24 1891-12-18 Yes
South Dakota Yankton daily press and Dakotaian.
Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.], 1875-1875
calendar 165 1875-04-26 1875-11-04 Yes
