South Dakota |
The Aberdeen Democrat. Aberdeen, South Dakota, 1???-1909 |
424 |
1902-10-24 |
1909-04-09 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The advance. Milbank, Grant County, S.D., 188?-1890 |
3 |
1890-03-21 |
1890-04-04 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Bad River news. [volume] Philip, Stanley County, S.D., 19??-1912 |
287 |
1906-11-15 |
1912-06-27 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Black Hills union and western stock review. [volume] Rapid City, S.D., 1904-19?? |
398 |
1904-02-26 |
1911-06-30 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Black Hills union. [volume] Rapid City, Pennington County, Dakota [S.D.], 1889-1904 |
540 |
1889-08-02 |
1904-02-12 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Bon Homme County independent. [volume] Tabor, S.D., 1904-1913 |
432 |
1904-10-06 |
1913-01-30 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Brookings County sentinel. Brookings, Dakota [S.D.], 1882-1890 |
184 |
1882-03-30 |
1890-12-26 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Brookings register. Brookings, S.D., 1890-1894 |
228 |
1890-06-13 |
1894-10-19 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Brookings register. [volume] Brookings, Brookings County, S.D., 1903-1971 |
1010 |
1903-09-10 |
1923-02-08 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Brookings weekly register. Brookings, Brookings County, S.D., 1898-1903 |
265 |
1898-12-15 |
1903-09-03 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Canton advocate. [volume] Canton, D.T. [S.D.], 1877-1897 |
443 |
1877-05-23 |
1888-04-05 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Canton daily leader. [volume] Canton, South Dakota, 1896-1896 |
2 |
1896-10-31 |
1896-11-02 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Charles Mix new era. Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D., 1???-1911 |
302 |
1905-03-03 |
1911-02-24 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The citizen-Republican. Scotland, Bon Homme County, S.D., 1???-19?? |
926 |
1903-10-08 |
1921-06-30 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Custer chronicle. [volume] Custer City, Black Hills, D.T. [S.D.], 1880-1890 |
487 |
1880-09-11 |
1890-01-25 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Custer weekly chronicle. [volume] Custer City, S.D., 1890-1931 |
1761 |
1890-02-01 |
1922-03-04 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The daily courier. [volume] Elk Point, South Dakota, 1890-1890 |
2 |
1890-09-25 |
1890-09-26 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The daily Dakota farmers' leader. [volume] Canton, South Dakota, 1890-1890 |
5 |
1890-09-10 |
1890-09-13 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Daily press and Dakotaian. [volume] Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.], 1875-1880 |
1309 |
1875-11-05 |
1880-04-24 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Dakota chief. Gann Valley, Buffalo County, S.D., 18??-1913 |
954 |
1893-12-21 |
1913-04-29 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Dakota farmers' advocate. Canton, S.D., 18??-1890 |
6 |
1890-07-11 |
1890-08-15 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Dakota farmers' leader. Canton, S.D., 1890-19?? |
1279 |
1890-08-29 |
1916-06-30 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The DeSmet leader. DeSmet, Kingsbury Co., Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1891 |
287 |
1883-01-27 |
1890-11-22 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Deutscher herold. [volume] Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota, 1907-1918 |
564 |
1907-09-05 |
1918-06-27 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Dewey County advocate. [volume] Timber Lake, S.D., 1910-1913 |
145 |
1910-10-14 |
1913-09-26 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Eureka post. Eureka, McPherson Co., S.D., 18??-19?? |
231 |
1902-05-23 |
1907-04-05 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Die Eureka post. Eureka, McPherson Co., Süd=Dakota, 18??-19?? |
410 |
1904-04-13 |
1912-06-06 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Forest City press. Forest City, Potter County, D.T. [S.D.], 1883-19?? |
676 |
1903-10-01 |
1919-06-26 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Grant County herald. Big Stone City, Grant County, Dakota [S.D.], 1879-1883 |
169 |
1879-08-23 |
1883-03-30 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Hand County press. Miller, Dakota [S.D.], 1882-1893 |
613 |
1882-01-04 |
1893-11-02 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The herald-advance. Milbank, S.D., 1890-1922 |
1670 |
1890-04-11 |
1922-05-10 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The herald. Big Stone City, Dak. [S.D.], 1883-1890 |
356 |
1883-04-06 |
1890-04-01 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Hot Springs star. Hot Spings [Hot Springs], Dakota [Dakota Territory, i.e. S.D.], 1886-189? |
243 |
1887-05-13 |
1892-02-19 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Hot Springs weekly star. Hot Springs, S.D., 1892-1917 |
1194 |
1892-02-26 |
1917-11-09 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Kadoka press and Kadoka reporter. [volume] Kadoka, S.D., 1910-1923 |
663 |
1910-11-25 |
1923-11-02 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Kadoka press. [volume] Kadoka, S.D., 1908-1910 |
131 |
1908-05-08 |
1910-11-11 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Kadoka press. [volume] Kadoka, S.D., 1923-current |
27 |
1923-11-09 |
1924-05-23 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Kimball enterprise. Kimball, Brule County, Dakota [S.D.], 188?-1883 |
18 |
1883-04-13 |
1883-08-10 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Kimball graphic. Kimball, Brule County, Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1905 |
917 |
1883-08-17 |
1905-08-04 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Kingsbury County independent. DeSmet, Kingsbury County, S.D., 1894-1929 |
379 |
1904-05-20 |
1911-10-06 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Lemmon herald. Lemmon, Perkins County, S.D., 1912-1917 |
256 |
1912-01-12 |
1917-04-04 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Lincoln County advocate. Canton, Dakota Territory, [S.D.], 1876-1877 |
49 |
1876-04-26 |
1877-05-16 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Madison daily leader. [volume] Madison, S.D., 1890-current |
9825 |
1890-04-07 |
1922-09-30 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Mellette County pioneer. [volume] Wood, Mellette County, S.D., 19??-1971 |
565 |
1912-02-16 |
1924-03-28 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Miller press. [volume] Miller, S.D., 190?-current |
845 |
1906-12-06 |
1924-04-17 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Miller sun. Miller, Hand County, S.D., 190?-19?? |
188 |
1904-04-13 |
1908-02-01 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Mitchell capital. Mitchell, Dakota [S.D.], 1879-1918 |
1667 |
1885-11-27 |
1918-06-20 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Mobridge news. [volume] Mobridge, Walworth Co., S.D., 190?-1917 |
398 |
1909-01-01 |
1917-05-17 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Nachrichten=herold. Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota, 1901-1907 |
314 |
1901-08-29 |
1907-08-29 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The New era-leader. Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D., 1911-1912 |
45 |
1911-03-10 |
1912-01-26 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Newell reclamation news. [volume] Newell, Butte County, S.D., 1910-19?? |
71 |
1915-06-17 |
1917-12-13 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Oglala light. [volume] [Pine Ridge, S.D.], 190?-19?? |
129 |
1905-02-01 |
1920-04-15 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Philip weekly review and Bad River news. [volume] Philip, Stanley County, S.D., 1912-1918 |
301 |
1912-07-25 |
1918-04-18 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Philip weekly review. [volume] Philip, Haakon County, S.D., 1918-1920 |
47 |
1918-04-25 |
1920-03-25 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Philip weekly review. [volume] Philip, Stanley County, S.D., 1907-1912 |
261 |
1907-06-14 |
1912-07-18 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Pierre weekly free press. Pierre, S.D., 1889-19?? |
929 |
1890-01-02 |
1918-06-27 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The pioneer press. Miller, Hand County, S.D., 1893-190? |
498 |
1893-11-09 |
1904-02-18 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The pioneer-review. [volume] Philip, Haakon County, S.D., 1920-current |
129 |
1920-07-01 |
1922-12-28 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The pioneer. [volume] Philip, Haakon County, S.D., 1???-19?? |
104 |
1917-04-12 |
1919-06-26 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Press and daily Dakotaian. Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.], 1880-1889 |
2699 |
1880-04-26 |
1889-04-25 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Reporter and farmer. [volume] Webster, Day County, Dakota [S.D.], 188?-1946 |
1463 |
1884-01-17 |
1913-01-09 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Saturday news. Watertown, S.D., 19??-19?? |
567 |
1908-02-14 |
1919-06-26 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Semi-weekly register. Brookings, Brookings Co., S.D., 1894-1898 |
429 |
1894-10-24 |
1898-12-09 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Sisseton Posten. [volume] Effington, Sud Dakota [S.D.], 1902-19?? |
487 |
1902-11-07 |
1912-06-06 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Sisseton weekly standard. Sisseton, Roberts County, S.D., 1892-1929 |
758 |
1904-12-23 |
1921-11-11 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The star. Aberdeen, S.D., 1891-1898 |
1 |
1894-01-18 |
1894-01-18 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The state Democrat. [volume] Aberdeen, South Dakota, 1890-190? |
105 |
1898-08-19 |
1900-08-17 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The state-line herald. North Lemmon, Adams County, N.D., 1907-1912 |
174 |
1908-04-03 |
1912-01-05 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Sturgis advertiser. Sturgis, Dakota [S.D.], 1887-1??? |
221 |
1887-07-19 |
1896-06-04 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Sully County watchman. Clifton, Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1894 |
451 |
1883-07-07 |
1894-07-13 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Süd Dakota nachrichten. Sioux Falls, Süd=Dakota, 18??-1900 |
200 |
1896-01-23 |
1900-04-26 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Süd Dakota Nachrichten. Mitchell, Süd=Dakota, 1890-1899 |
252 |
1891-07-30 |
1896-05-07 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Süd=Dakota Nachrichten und Herold. Sioux Falls, Süd=Dakota, 1900-1901 |
70 |
1900-05-03 |
1901-08-22 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Tabor independent. [volume] Tabor, S.D., 1913-19?? |
468 |
1913-02-06 |
1922-01-19 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Turner County herald. Hurley, Dakota [S.D.], 1883-19?? |
1818 |
1883-05-10 |
1918-06-27 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Union County courier. [volume] Elk Point, Union County, D.T. [S.D.], 187?-1913 |
1447 |
1877-11-21 |
1913-03-20 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Wagner leader. Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D., 1912-1912 |
9 |
1912-02-02 |
1912-03-29 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Wagner post. Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D., 1912-current |
13 |
1912-04-05 |
1912-06-28 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Warner sun. Warner, Brown Co., Dakota [S.D.], 1885-1??? |
149 |
1885-09-25 |
1888-08-24 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
The Warner weekly sun. Warner, Brown Co., Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1885 |
106 |
1883-08-18 |
1885-09-18 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Wessington Springs herald. Wessington Springs, Aurora County, Dakota [S.D.], 1883-1891 |
460 |
1883-03-24 |
1891-12-18 |
Yes |
South Dakota |
Yankton daily press and Dakotaian. Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.], 1875-1875 |
165 |
1875-04-26 |
1875-11-04 |
Yes |